I have a big sailing game

Chapter 232 Giant Tree Island, Big Bear Tuotuo (two in one, please subscribe!)

"Welcome to the Giant Tree Island."

The man guarding the dock of the Giant Tree Island was a middle-aged man wearing a headscarf, who was warm and hospitable.

After arriving at the Giant Tree Island, Ted said goodbye to Rogge and others, and eagerly found a boat and left.

He was probably anxious to go back to see his "son given by God".

Looking at Ted's back, Lina thought: "From what he said, the goddess Metega seems to be a kind god."

"It's hard to say."

Rogge shook his head with deep eyes.

In his opinion, the gods of this mysterious world could never be the selfless gods in traditional culture. They were more like a group of "people" who held powerful power and had their own selfish desires.

As long as there are selfish desires, there will be competition for interests.

It is true that this goddess Metega will sprinkle "harvest golden light" for the farmers of Barahavi.

But it seems that no one has ever thought about where the gloomy weather in Barahavi came from.

Of course, this is just Rogge's own guess and there is no way to confirm it.


Just when Rogge and the others were about to enter the island, the elf suddenly came out of its nest and flew in front of him.

Rogge had used the communication potion many times before, and now even without drinking the potion, he could roughly understand some of her daily expressions.

"You want to go in with us?"

Rogge was a little surprised. In the past, Iya was keen on staying in the wooden house and didn't like going out. Why did she suddenly change her behavior today?




Take me with you, take me with you...

Iya nodded her head affirmatively and looked at him coquettishly.


Rogge nodded. It was okay to take her with him, but he was a little curious about why Iya did this.

"Why did you suddenly think of going with us?"

After hearing Rogge's words, Iya scratched her head, thought hard for a while, and shook her head.


I don't know, I just want to go in...

Sixth sense...

Roger was thoughtful. In this mysterious world, the sixth sense cannot be ignored.

After Yas stayed to watch the boat, the others followed Roger into the Giant Tree Island.

After entering the Giant Tree Island.

Nomi's ears trembled, and a fallen leaf bounced off.

"This tree is so big..."

Nomi raised his head and couldn't help but admire.

Roger also felt the specialness of the Giant Tree Island at this moment.

At this time, there was warm sunshine in the sky.

The big tree in the center of the Giant Tree Island was lush and leafy, with countless lush green leaves interlaced, and the golden warm sun penetrated through the gaps. The atmosphere of the entire Giant Tree Island was extremely cool.

As for the lush giant tree in the center of the Giant Tree Island, it gave people a feeling of spring breeze, warm and soft.

Roger stretched out his hand and pinched the leaf with two fingers together.

This leaf is very large, much larger than Rogge's palm, with clear veins and full of vitality.

Although it looks like there is nothing special except that it is larger than ordinary leaves.

But Rogge felt a warm and jade-like vitality from this leaf.

This feeling is very wonderful.

Look at the residents of the Giant Tree Island.

Although the islanders here are dressed very simply, they are all in good spirits, the old people are energetic, and the children are rosy-cheeked.

What makes Rogge even more curious is that there are all kinds of trees growing around the giant tree.

Moreover, there are many kinds, and each tree is lush and leafy, and rarely withered.

Logically speaking, there is such a giant tree on the top of the head, which almost robs all the sunlight. Then there is no room for other trees to grow under it.

But the closer to the giant tree, the better the trees grow.

This makes Rogge feel a little confused.

Could it be that there is something special on the Giant Tree Island?

With such doubts, Rogge and others continued to move forward and came to the town center of Giant Tree Island.

"Wow! So many fruits!"

Nomi exclaimed, and happily came to a fruit stand, picked up a tender and red fruit, and looked at it curiously.

"Old man, what kind of fruit is this?"

The appearance of this fruit is very unique.

It looks a bit like a cat's head, but there are only two protruding small ears, and there is a fruit stalk on the top of the head, which is very beautiful.

"This is called cat head fruit. Its fruit is divided into two parts. Once you pull the fruit stalk, you can drink the soft and rotten flesh inside. As for the fruit outside, it is crispy. Sister, you can try it."

The old man with a headscarf smiled, and the little grandson next to him explained to Nomi in a childish voice.

"Really! So magical! I'll try one!"

Nomi immediately planned to try a cat head fruit.

Then she was pulled aside by Rogge and snatched the cat head fruit from her hand.

"Old man, what currency do you usually use for transactions? Take a look at my gold coins. Do you want to accept them?"

Rogge took out several gold, silver and copper coins from the five seas and handed one to each of them.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then took Rogge's gold coins and looked at them. He scratched his head in surprise: "Your money is a little different from what I usually use... But the difference is not big, it's just a little smaller, so it can be used."

"That's good."

Rogge nodded and stuffed the cat-head fruit in his hand back into Nomi's hand.

"Thank you, Captain." Nomi smiled happily and couldn't wait to open the cat head fruit on hand.

Rogge took out more gold coins and handed them to the old man.

"Old man, I want all your fruits. Please help me pack these fruits."

"By the way, old man, I also want to ask you a question."

"Do we, the people of Giant Tree Island, believe in any gods?"

Roger asked.

The old man is already busy packing fruits.

His seemingly smart little grandson quickly responded to Rogge: "We don't believe in gods, but we will pray and supplicate to the giant tree spirit, and perform leaf sacrifices on special days."

Giant tree spirit, leaf sacrifice.

Rogge quickly captured these two key words.

He was about to ask something about these two words, but before he could speak, the old man's grandson spoke again.

“Brother, are you a believer’s server in the church?”

"If something happens, you can go to the tree house at the foot of the giant tree spirit to find Granny Sangla."

The child blinked, his eyes clear and intelligent.

Granny Sang La from Tree House?

When Rogge heard this, he was thoughtful.

After buying the fruits, Rogge and others continued to move forward, with some more strange fruits in their hands.

【Cat head fruit】

[Type: Food]

[Quality: Purple]

[Explanation: The fruit of the cat's head tree, the cat's head tree species is more common in the Sea of ​​Repentance, but it takes a long time to bear fruit and has high requirements for climate and soil. Its fruit, the cat's head, has a sweet and unique taste and a strange shape. It is Rarely delicious. 】

Rogge also took out a cat head fruit and pulled off the stem.

With a popping sound, the fruit stem broke with some external pulp, and some yellow-white sticky pulp spilled out.

It has the taste of yogurt and coconut, but the taste is indeed very sweet.

After drinking the pulp inside, Roger ate the pulp outside.

After one bite, the crispy pulp of the fruit bursts into pieces, which is very relaxing.

It also has a sweet taste, but the fruit is a little sour, giving a special stimulation to the taste buds.

“So delicious!”

Nomi made a satisfied sound from the side.

Rogge also felt that the fruit tasted very good, and it was indeed a rare delicacy.

Moreover, in addition to the cat head fruit, there are other types of fruits on the Giant Tree Island, including some common fruits and some special fruits that Rogge has never seen before.

But they all taste good and are very fresh and satisfying.


The stupid elf actually plunged into the cat head fruit and kept flopping around.

Rogge couldn't laugh or cry and pulled it out.

"Hey!" It's so sweet.

"It would be great if Eya could take care of the saplings. We can buy some cat-head saplings."

Lina said, but this idea is unlikely to be realized. The conditions on the ship are not suitable and Eya has not yet developed such extraordinary abilities.

"Are you going to find that tree house that kid was talking about?"

Lina looked at Rogge.

"I have this idea." Rogge nodded. Giant Tree Island gave him a very good feeling. He wanted to know how all this came about.

Eya seemed to feel the same way.

"Don't you always stay away from gods and things like that?"

Lina smiled and said.

"Keeping a respectful distance will lead to points."

Roger also smiled.

Just as everyone was heading towards the foot of the giant tree, a barefoot girl wearing a white gauze robe and a wooden mask came to Rogge and nodded slightly towards him.

"Hello, Captain Rogge."

"Grandma Sangla asked me to lead the way for you, please follow me."

The girl bowed slightly towards Rogge.

Rog was surprised and looked at Lina.

He didn't tell anyone clearly on Giant Tree Island that he wanted to go to the foot of the giant tree.

But Granny Sang La seemed to know what he was thinking and sent someone to guide him in advance.

This also confirmed some of Rogge's suspicions.

Giant Tree Island indeed has a special existence.

"Sorry to trouble you."

After thinking for a moment, Rogge nodded slightly towards the girl.

The girl smiled slightly and stepped forward to lead the way for Rogge and others.

"Sister, what's your name?"

Linna stepped forward and asked curiously.

She went up, and Rogge stopped going, standing aside and listening silently.

"My name is Diya, I am the tree spirit priestess of Giant Tree Island."

Diya responded very politely, with a slightly ethereal tone in her voice.

Um? Tree spirit what?

Rogge, who was standing aside and listening, almost lost his temper.

What are you thinking about? It must be a priest’s offering!

Then he came to his senses, coughed slightly and adjusted himself, then cursed himself secretly.

"The tree spirit sacrifices the girl?"

Lina also repeated it, but she was purely curious, unlike Rogge.

"Yes, my duty is to assist Lord Sang La."

Diya's voice was still gentle and ethereal.

During the conversation between Linna and Diya.

Roger was also admiring the surrounding scenery.

As they moved forward, the surrounding trees became obviously more and more lush and grew extremely well.

There are many strange fruit trees among them, with plump and plump fruits. The elf Eya is already flapping her wings happily and flying around.

After a while, Rogge seemed to have something.

After turning around, they suddenly found that they were at the foot of a giant tree.

The huge tree reaches straight into the sky, and its branches are like a big umbrella.

The thick and winding tree roots are twisted and tangled, and the branches of the giant tree are also hung with verdant vines, and even some small flowers are produced on them.

The leaves are blown and collided by the wind, and the rustling sound is mixed with the chirping of birds and insects.

The fragrance of the soil mixed with the fragrance of some small flowers on the ground makes people feel an indescribable sense of ease and pleasure from the visual, auditory and even olfactory senses.

On the giant tree, the small tree house that is several meters high is set off very small.

"Captain, there is a bear!"

Nomi shouted and quickly bent his bow and put an arrow.

Rogge looked and saw that it was just as Nomi said. At the foot of the giant tree, a big brown bear at least two stories high was lying on the ground and sleeping quietly.

It wore a wooden shoulder armor on its neck and a green gem on its chest.

"Don't be afraid, it's called Tuo Tuo, it won't hurt anyone."

Diya put her hand on Nomi's bow and said softly.

"Tuotuo? It's really big..."

Nomi put the bow back and scratched his head.

[Spirit-loving Koala]

[Type: Creature]

[Quality: Lord]

[Level: 60]

[Rank: Agent]

[Description: A brown bear favored by the tree spirit, powerful, with strong defense and vitality, and is also good at magic attacks. If you have to say it has any shortcomings, it may be that it is docile. ]


Diya just finished speaking.

The big guy suddenly woke up and sniffed.

After rubbing his eyes, he turned his eyes to Nomi.

With a whoosh.

Rogge and others only felt a green gust of wind, and then they were covered by a shadow.

When they came back to their senses, this spirit-loving Koala named "Tuotuo" actually came in front of Rogge and others in the blink of an eye, and its body was as huge as a small mountain.

At this time, it was burying its head and looking down at Nomi.

Nomi swallowed his saliva, subconsciously took a few steps back, touched the bow and arrow, and looked at the spiritual koala in front of him vigilantly.

No way, didn't it just mutter to you?

I would believe it if you said it would eat it in one bite!

It said it would not hurt people!

The huge body of the spiritual koala was really oppressive.

Rogge noticed at a glance that the big guy was looking at the unfinished cat-head fruit in Nomi's hand with an expectant and pleading look.

"Tuotuo, don't scare the guests."

Diya's soft voice was a little harsh.


Hearing this, the spiritual koala stood up and took two steps back, and cried a little aggrievedly.

Seeing this, Rogge shook his head and smiled, and shouted at it: "Hey! Big guy, take it."

He took out a bunch of fruits from the inventory like a magic trick and threw it at it.


The spiritual koala shouted happily, sat down with a plop, and raised a gust of wind.

It took the fruit and stuffed it into its mouth to chew, its two little eyes narrowed into slits, and its expression looked very satisfied.

"Tuotuo, you are so rude, I taught you."

At this time, Diya spoke softly again.

Diya's voice was really soft, to be honest, there was no harshness or reprimand at all.

But for some reason, Tuotuo, this giant, seemed to be in awe of her.

Even if Diya's voice was very soft, it could hear it clearly and responded quickly.


Look, after hearing Diya's reprimand, the big guy immediately came back to his senses and came to Rogge.

The green light bloomed in its palm, and soon, a bunch of delicate flowers were gently pinched by it and handed to Rogge.

The fragrance of the flowers was fragrant.

Rogge didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It was the first time he received flowers, but he didn't expect it to be a big bear.

Diya on the side couldn't help but hold her forehead: "Tuotuo!"


Tuotuo stretched out her other paw and scratched her head. I don't know why she was dissatisfied again.

Rogge smiled and took the flower in his hand.

"It's okay, it's a beautiful flower, thank you, Tuotuo."


The big guy blinked, and then squinted happily.

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