I have a big sailing game

Chapter 229 Twilight Baises (two in one, please subscribe!)

[Underworld whale (seriously injured)]

[Type: Biological]

[Quality: Elite]

【Level: 57】

[Rank: Actor]

[Explanation: Whales travel through underground fish caves, which allows them to avoid numerous enemies and unknown dangers, and move quickly between major sea areas. 】

Rogge's attention fell directly on the state of the underworld whale.

The shock just now caused this underworld whale to fall directly into a [seriously injured] state!

Who, or rather what creature, is attacking the Nether Whale?

Roger had no way of knowing.

Even if he understood the current situation, he could only be anxious and unable to make any effective response.

The Youdi Fish Cave is not a safe place. If you rashly escape from the Underworld Whale, you will most likely encounter greater danger.

They can only take one step at a time and observe what might happen next.

In order to protect the Green from possible dangers, Rogge could only temporarily give up the cave exploration plan and guard the Green.

The rest of the people also became vigilant.

A long time passed.

No one heard any other movement.

I don’t know if the underwhale broke away from the enemy, or if the creature that attacked it gave up.

Time passed slowly, and the surrounding environment slowly became calm.

Everyone's anxious hearts were finally relieved.

"It seems like there shouldn't be any big problem."

Lina breathed a sigh of relief.

"You still have to be careful," Rogge said.

Then, he told everyone to be as vigilant as possible to deal with possible dangers.

Rogge also gave up the idea of ​​exploring the cave at this time.

At least we have to wait until the Underwhale arrives at its destination.

"This underworld whale is so easy to bribe. A small pill can send people to distant seas thousands of miles away."

Nomi said at this time.

The underworld fish food that Rogge dropped was only as big as a palm. For the underworld whale's huge size, it is not enough to fit between its teeth. It is not an exaggeration at all.

"Youdi fish food is made of very expensive extraordinary ingredients. Although it is small, it contains a lot of energy." Mira looked at Nomi with a smile and teased: "Maybe it tastes good, Nomi, do you want to try one? Try it?”

Nomi's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her tail waggled involuntarily: "Is that okay?"

"It's okay for you!"

Rogge flicked her head mercilessly.

Nomi groaned and covered her head.

"You are also greedy for fish food. You are such a foodie." Rogge said speechlessly.

When Mira saw this, she couldn't help but snickered from the side.

After glancing around, Rogge took out the chart of the Sea of ​​Repentance.

This was their destination and a known human habitation, so it was certainly necessary to check the situation in advance.

However, this chart seems to be something special.

As Rogge unfolded the chart, a shimmering blue light bloomed, forming a virtual shadow in the sky, with the distribution of oceans and islands arranged in great detail.

There is no doubt that this is an extraordinary object, a special chart that contains mysterious power.

Rogge closed his eyes and felt it while injecting spiritual power, and then realized the hidden usage of this chart.

After thinking about Youdi Fish Cave silently in my heart.

In the shadow in the sky, a dazzling red light point lit up somewhere.

There is no doubt that that is one of the exits of the Underworld Fish Cave in the Sea of ​​Repentance.

Then looking down, Rogge saw islands of various sizes scattered about.

"Old battlefield ruins...Storm Islands..."

Rogge said to himself while observing the labeled names of these areas.

"This doesn't seem to be the main area of ​​the Sea of ​​Repentance." Lina said with a frown.

"It should be the southeast corner of the Sea of ​​Repentance. There is a large amount of fog below."

Yas crossed his arms over his chest.

It seems that this chart is not a complete chart of the Sea of ​​Penance.

However, Rogge did not dislike it. It was good to have a chart. It would not be too late to look for charts of other areas when the island was resting.

After searching for a moment, Rogge's eyes locked on one of the corners, which was the human settlement closest to the exit of the Youdi Fish Cave.

"Let's go here first."

"Twilight Baises."

Rogge pointed his finger at the string of islands.

The sea of ​​repentance, the exit of the bottomless fish cave.


A strong current surged out of the hole, and the Green ship was caught in it, rising toward the sea at an extremely fast speed.


Not long after, the Green broke through the sea, and the sea water spilled everywhere. Amidst violent swaying, it came to the surface of the sea.

"Ugh... I'm about to puke..." Nomi grabbed the fence weakly, feeling nauseous.

There were also skeletons scattered all over the deck.


A bone spirit lying on the ground reached out and groped around, but couldn't find where its skull had fallen.

Roger picked up the skull and pressed it on, then came to the edge of the deck.


Thunder exploded and rain fell, flowing freely along the fish shell jacket outside the Green.

"Unexpectedly, the first thing that greeted us was a heavy rain."

Rogge looked up at the gloomy sky.

Buzz, buzz.

At this time, a sound-transmitting conch in the inventory suddenly received a message.

Rogge quickly took it out and scooped up the sea water.

Others also saw Rogge's actions and came to his side.

However, the news he heard later made him feel heavy.

[Captain Rogge, this is Howet. ]

[Although the Fire Seed Ship encountered a large number of monsters in the Strait of Atonement, we still successfully crossed and arrived at a new sea area. I wonder how the situation is on your side. ]

[There is still a thick fog around us, and we can't tell the direction at all. ]

[The pointer is invalid. We can't tell the direction and can only sail blindly...]

[The food reserves on the ship are about to run out, and there are strange sounds in the fog. Some strange things have also happened on the Fire Seed Ship...]

At this point, the message stopped abruptly.

There is no doubt that the Fire Seed Ship where Howet is located has encountered unknown dangers.

The sudden interruption of the message is enough to explain everything.

The conch that is in contact with another Fire Seed Ship still has not received any message.

As for Etar's conch, it has been damaged.

At present, Rogge cannot get any information about any other members of the Fire Seed Fleet. They may all be in trouble.

After hearing these messages.

The rest of the people on the Greene fell into silence.

"Maybe it's just the conch that's broken."

Nomi whispered, but she herself didn't believe it.

Rogge exhaled and put the conch away.

"Keep going, we're in big trouble."

The rain from the gloomy sky was getting heavier.


Boom --

The thunder was accompanied by heavy rain, and the strong wind raised huge waves.

The sea surface seemed to be held in the palm of a big hand, shaking violently, and huge waves came one after another.

With a bang, a huge tsunami directly swept the Greene in.

The entire Greene was submerged in it and disappeared.

But soon, the Greene, which seemed insignificant in the sea, floated up again and appeared on the sea.

Under the protection of the fish shell boat cover.

The Greene was no longer afraid of being swallowed by the sea.

But this violent shaking still made everyone on the ship feel a little overwhelmed.


The elf sleeping in the wooden house was thrown off the bed, dizzy and dazed.

"Meow!" Daju grabbed a pillar and held on tightly.

With a snap.

An empty bottle of potion at the head of Rogge's bed hit the dragon cub's head under the bed and shattered all over the floor.


Then, the dragon cub slid down with the bumps and hit the wall, making a muffled sound.


However, the little dragon cub was still immersed in a sweet dream, not affected at all, and even snored a little louder.

"Damn, this wave is really painful!"

Yas couldn't help but swear.

Under the raging rain and strong winds, the Green seemed very inconspicuous and could only drift with the waves and struggle hard.

Rogge was about to take out the sea chart to identify the direction.

But he suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

A giant marine creature with several layers of sticky membranes on its neck was seen coming with the huge waves, opening its mouth towards the Green, with its sharp and dense teeth shining coldly.

An apostle-level sea monster!

"You really know how to pick the time!"

Rogge snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and the veins on the back of his hand suddenly bulged, showing the mysterious purple power spreading out.

The sea monster, which was still threatening, was controlled by this power and could not move immediately.

Rogge clenched his hands and was about to kill it.

But, unexpectedly, the sea monster actually shattered its body in an instant during the violent struggle, and was divided into countless pieces of meat.

These pieces of meat did not bleed, but instead quickly changed into small sea monsters, and then scattered without looking back and fled quickly.

It seems that after realizing the gap in strength between the two sides, it fled without hesitation.

Only a fish skeleton controlled by Rogge was left.

"What a cunning guy."

Mira couldn't help but marvel at this.

Rogge threw the skeleton aside and picked up the chart.

This chart has rich functions. It can not only show the places the user wants to see, but also show their location on the map.

From the current point of view, Rogge and others are not far from [Twilight Baises].


The storm has finally weakened a little.

Such a situation made Rogge dare not relax at all.

He can only guard on the Green to prevent various possible situations from happening.

However, they are about to arrive at the archipelago, Twilight Baises, and they must be able to get some breathing time here.

The Green has been sailing for two and a half days at this time.

But from the map, the exit of the deep fish cave is very short from Twilight Baises.

Originally, Rogge thought that this sea area was not large.

Now it seems that they have sailed for such a small distance for so long, so the complete Sea of ​​​​Repentance should be extremely huge.

"This storm has lasted for several days and has never stopped. Could it be that all the dark clouds in the world have gathered here..."

Nomi complained tiredly.

The storm had weakened a lot at this time, and they finally found a chance to pack up.

Although protected by the fish shell boat cover, the Green was not as afraid of tsunamis as other ships.

But whether on the sea surface or underwater, the shaking currents were unavoidable.

This caused a lot of material losses on the Green, and they had to repack and take care of it.

Rogge felt a little sorry.

Of course, he didn't feel it was a pity that the storm was gone.

Unfortunately for him, only the storm appeared just now.

Some waves cannot be called tsunamis.

If other disasters occur, Rogge can be promoted by taking the magic potion again.

Of course, he has not yet refined the agent promotion potion.

"Stop complaining, we should be there soon."

Rogge looked at the chart and said.

"The rain has become lighter." Linna said at this time: "It seems that it is coming to an end."

"Finally we have to get rid of these..."

Nomi felt too tired to speak.

I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past two days. Every time I wake up halfway through my sleep, it's really torture.

"I saw the island!"

After several days of sailing in the storm, everyone on the Green finally saw the shadow of their destination.

Everyone came to the deck excitedly and looked at the friendly island in the distance.

The Green slowly moved towards the docking port of the Baises Islands.

When everyone is looking forward to the island.

Mira looked up at the sky as if feeling something.

Although the storm has disappeared and it is no longer raining.

But...the situation here...

Something doesn't seem right.

The sky was extremely gloomy, and it was not the usual gloomy kind, but as gloomy as the night was approaching.

The sea was also eerily calm.

Not only was there no marine life to be seen, not even a single wave appeared.

It was as gloomy as death.

"Captain, is there any other relevant information about Dusk Baises on the map?"

Mira asked Rogge.

Hearing her question, Roger took out the chart, closed his eyes, and put it away after a moment.

"No, why do you ask that?"

Rogge also felt something strange.

"It just feels like this place is a little weird... maybe it's just my imagination."

Mira said that she thought it might be caused by not sleeping well in the past few days.

"Do you think this place is dangerous?"

Rogge smiled and then said.

"I actually feel the same way." Rogge said, "However, even if there is danger, we have to go and take a look before talking about it."

Mira nodded.

Maybe she was just overthinking.

"Get ready to dock."

Rogge said.

The Green soon arrived at the docking port.

Strangely, there seems to be no guardian of the lighthouse here.

Don't know where he went.

What's even more weird is that there isn't any ship at the berth here, which is really strange.

Logically speaking, even if there are no big boats at the mooring, there should be local islanders' fishing boats or other small boats.

But now there is only one ship, the Green, at the berth, and the entire berth is empty.

No one saw any people, which was really strange.

Rogge controlled the fish shell boat jacket to open a hole, and then lowered the gangway.

Everyone went down the gangway.

After many days, everyone finally stepped on the land that felt safe again.

"No one..."

Rogge's brows were already frowning at this time.

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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