I have a big sailing game

Chapter 221 The Forbidden Daughter, Hei (Two in one, please subscribe!)

Knowing secrets beyond the current level will be contaminated?

Rogge's mood suddenly became solemn.

It seems that whether it is the [prison] that just appeared or the current prompt, the game is protecting him all the time.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been eroded unknowingly.

The danger of the mysterious world is so hard to guard against.

Rogge exhaled and then chose [Yes].

[The secrets you know have been temporarily sealed and can be automatically recalled when needed. ]

After seeing this message, Rogge also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he tried to recall it and found that the memory just now became a little fuzzy, especially the memory of the real name of [Eternal Burning Furnace], which became blank.

But if he tried hard to recall, he should be able to open that vague switch.

It seems that the danger comes from the real name of [Eternal Burning Furnace].

The real name of the god should be a taboo existence.

The imprisoned mysterious figure knew his real name because of its own specialness.

And [Game] can not only imprison this invisible gaze, but also shield his dangerous memory, so that he is not polluted.

Then if it is divided by the power, then [Game] should be an existence higher than the power of God.

In this way, he can develop at ease for now.

After solving this series of emergencies, Rogge felt relieved and finally turned his attention back to the lava prison.

Now he has explored this road almost.

After a moment of silence, he recalled a route that he almost forgot.

That is the stairs leading to the bottom of the prison.

When Rogge first entered it, he took that road, and then he was disgusted many times.

There are not only lantern patrols and guards, but also some extremely hidden traps.

However, Rogge, who has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, does not intend to leave it for future exploration.

He plans to go now.

Thinking of this, he spread his dragon wings and flew downward, preparing to circle around and re-enter the prison like before.

There was no way, the ban on the stairs that could only go up but not down still existed.

To save trouble, he still used automatic exploration.

However, before he flew far, something unexpected happened.

[You were affected by an invisible shock wave during the flight, and along with it came several extremely fast water arrows. ]

[You activated the mist dodge to avoid these attacks and looked at the source of the aftermath of the battle. ]

Encountering such an unexpected event, Rogge naturally withdrew from the automatic exploration.

Then, he saw an acquaintance in the water curtain through the limited visual range.

The Udona noblewoman before, Weiweinan.

Behind her and in front of her, a large extraordinary creature with an elegant figure and a blurred face was blocking her.

Due to the black smoke, Rogge could only barely see that the large creature seemed to be fighting.

From Weiweinan's perspective, several Lord believers on the opposite side were constantly praying to attack her.

Under the attack of several Udonas, she seemed a little powerless, and at the same time she was chanting spells to deal with the attack.

She didn't know why these Lord believers had the ability to threaten her, and she couldn't use her own rank power.

The black fog characteristics were something she had never expected. If it weren't for this reason, the Lord believers on the opposite side would not be able to threaten her sea beasts at all.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so confident to enter this dangerous area in the first place.

And she also noticed Rogge in the sky, and her eyes suddenly condensed.

The situation at this time was very special.

Rogge was in the sky, and his sight could only see Weiwennan.

The Lord believers were far away, and they could only see Weiwennan.

But Weiwennan could see both sides at the same time.

Although he didn't know who she was fighting with, Rogge didn't intend to get involved.

It seemed that they were the group of Udonas that Lina said made unusual noises.

He didn't like Udona, and there was no need to get involved.

So he flapped his dragon wings and planned to leave.

But Weiwennan called him at this time and said something that made Rogge stop his action.

[The life favored by Hei, Grosye, help me and I will reward you. ]

Weiwennan's voice was clearly heard by Rogge.

At this time, her situation was not optimistic.

Rogge could see the water coming from not far away, and there were unknown attacks among them.

This made him frown slightly and look at her subconsciously.

The life favored by Hei!

And she called herself Grosye!

Rogge now appeared in front of her, the human body, not the previous Udona clone.

That clone might be smelly now, and Rogge might be able to pick up some dropped items when he went back...

Then how did she recognize herself?


Rogge opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to ask something, but still closed his mouth.

Forget it, ask later.

He really didn't expect that Weiwennan in front of him could actually tell such secret information.

Information about [Hei]... This bargaining chip is enough for Rogge to help her.

If you really can't beat her, reload the game and leave.

Rogge flew to Weiweinan's side and also saw the enemy in front of her clearly.

It was also a group of Udonas, but the clothes they wore had a strong religious color.

[Daughter of Taboo, the sea beast you have is an impolite blasphemy to Udona Lord. You'd better give up resistance now and apologize to Udona Lord by committing suicide. This may also allow your soul to be forgiven...]

The Udona on the opposite side said with cold eyes.

[Lord Dashouya! ]

The sharp-eyed Lord of Lord next to him reminded him. He saw Rogge suddenly appearing next to Vivinan.

But it was too late.

Rogge never said unnecessary trash talk during the battle. If he could sneak attack, he would never fight head-on.

So, when this Lord of Lord saw Rogge, he had already activated [Nuduri's Prison Chain] without hesitation.

[You consumed half of the current upper limit of spiritual value to use "Nuduri's Prison Chain". ]


Two main chains instantly emerged from the ground and instantly wrapped around the bodies of the two Lord of Lords at an extremely fast speed.

In the lava prison, Rogge activated this special item and was able to manipulate an extra chain.

Buy one get one free!

[Damn it! ]

Before the leader of the Lord Cult, Da Shougu, could react, he felt dizzy and was directly hung upside down, with two bound light balls around him.

He did not even notice the reminders of the cultists next to him.

Although Rogge controlled two people in an instant, there were still a lot of Lord Cultists, four of them.

So they still had two people who were not bound.

When the two Lord Cultists saw the leader being bound, they subconsciously wanted to pray to help them out.

Viviennan was not idle at this time either.

After reciting a string of strange and obscure syllables, the sea beast in front of her stretched out her hand, raised a sword of water flow, and killed towards the opposite side.

Originally, the Lord Cultists were about to defeat Viviennan without Rogge's participation.

But now, the situation has completely reversed.

The Lord believers, who were strong in cooperation, suddenly lost two combat forces, and naturally they were no longer the opponent of Weiwennan, and Rogge was not punished to stand still after using the prison lock.

With the cooperation of the two, the battle ended quickly.

After the situation stabilized, Rogge's eyes fell directly on Weiwennan.

Weiwennan naturally saw his eyes and nodded to him.

[Thank you. ]

[No need to say more polite words, you just need to answer my questions. ]

Rogge raised his hand and signaled her not to be polite.

He just wanted to know the information of He Yi and what kind of connection existed between He Yi and her.

[I will tell you as promised. ]

[But this is not a good place for conversation. ]

While Weiwennan was talking, the sea beast behind her floated up from the ground, waved his hand to slap the two troublesome prison statues away, and lifted her up.

Then, some water appeared in the palm of the sea beast's hand, covering half of her body.

At this time, Rogge discovered that as several Lorde believers lost their resistance, the water curtain extending from the outside of the lava prison gradually disappeared.

Although Udona had the ability to survive on the shore, their mobility would be greatly reduced and their physical strength would be consumed very quickly.

At the same time, several lantern patrols seemed to have heard the movement and rushed over here.

The light of the prison searchlight was already faintly coming.

It was estimated that the Lorde believers must have used some special method to isolate the lantern patrols before.

Rogge did not hesitate and soon came to a relatively safe place with her, which was the cell he had explored before.

[Let's talk about what you know about "Hei" first, and how did you recognize me? ]

After the situation stabilized, Rogge asked Weiwenan.

The first question he asked was naturally what he cared about most, [Hei].

[I have the ability to distinguish souls. ]

Weiwenan's words were concise and to the point.

[I recognized your soul, and there is the breath of Hei in your soul. 】

【I thought you were a Udona, but I didn't expect you to be a human. 】

Weiwennan sighed slightly in her heart.

No wonder she didn't find Grosye after she left. He was originally a human, so it would be strange if she could find him.

【What does Hei's breath mean? What kind of existence is Hei? 】

Rogge stared at her.

Before this, the only information he had about Hei was from Mira.

Mira had seen a description of Hei in a book, and it seemed that he was a deep-sea god with power.

Of course, the authenticity of this information needs to be verified.

And now, Weiwennan has given relevant information again.

This makes Rogge eager to know all the information about [Hei].

Of course, he just wants to know.

After all, since this thing is added to him as a [talent] by the game, there must be no problem.

[Hei was a powerful god in the Abyssal Sea Era, dominating mystery and fear, possessing countless abilities... but he eventually fell for some unknown reason. ]

[His authority, power, and even every part of his body are scattered in every corner of the world. ]

[Your soul carries his breath. ]

Weiweinan answered with certainty.

[Hei... is his real name? ]

[Of course not, this is just a nickname for Him, no one knows His real name. 】

[What is the Abyssal Sea Era? 】

[A period of dark ancient times is a buried history, and I don’t know much more about it. 】

It can be seen that Weiweinan is a Yudona who keeps her promises.

She didn't hesitate at all when it came to Rogge's inquiries. As long as she knew something, she basically told Rogge without reservation.

After listening, Rogge was silent for a moment.

[How do you know this? 】

There are too many doubts about this noble girl from Udona.

[She told me. 】

Weiweinan pointed at the sea beast behind her.

Following her words, Rogge took a serious look at Weiweinan's sea beast.

Different from ordinary sea beasts, Weiwei Nan's sea beast looks more like a refined large Udona, but some of its structures are even more peculiar.

For example, the blurred face is actually a translucent film.

The shoulder blades not only have a fin-like part, but also have slender tentacles like whiskers that dance with the sea currents.

But the overall look does not feel uncomfortable, but instead has an inexplicable elegance and nobility.

Roger tried to check her messages.

But as expected, I saw a string of question marks, indicating that his occult skill level was insufficient.

But her rank is shown as...[Angel]!

Rogge's pupils suddenly shrank.

This is actually a creature of angelic rank!

【Is this your sea beast? 】

Rogge couldn't help but ask.

【I don't know either. 】

Surprisingly, Weiweinan didn't know either.

[She is different from the ordinary sea beasts of Yudona, she does not have much of herself. 】

[Maybe this has something to do with the taboo appearance that those people said...]

When she said this, Rogge couldn't help but remember that she was fighting a group of Udona just now, and she almost got killed.

An angel-level being couldn't defeat a group of Lord cultists on the opposite side?

Could it be that there is only empty rank but no real strength, so there is no advantage when the black mist's characteristics suppress the strength of the rank?

Rogge felt a little unbelievable. It seemed that Weiweinan's "sea beast" was really special.

[Why are they chasing you? 】

Rogge asked doubtfully.

After Weiweinan heard Rogge's inquiry, she did not reply immediately.

After staring at Roger for a while, she smiled and sounded serious.

[I think the questions just answered should be enough to fulfill our previous agreement. 】

The implication is that the following conversation does not fall within the scope of the agreement, and she is no longer obliged to answer him without any concealment.

【All right. 】

She didn't want to say that she had to forget it, and Rogge could only let it go.

Speaking of which, Rogge actually didn't get much news about [Hei].

The only useful thing is that His body is scattered all over the world like its parts.

And He is indeed a powerful deep sea god.

[Now that the deal has been reached, let’s just say goodbye. 】

Rogge waved his hand and prepared to continue his exploration.

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Sorry, sorry, I was drunk and slept for a long time yesterday, so I forgot to update (﹏)

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