I have a big sailing game

Chapter 208 Embers, Flames (two in one, please subscribe!)

After bidding farewell to the mermaids.

The Green began to head towards the sea of ​​lava.

Not long after, they arrived in front of the sea of ​​lava.

The hot and scorching sea of ​​magma in front seemed to have sensed the arrival of guests, and instantly set off a wave of scorching hot air to welcome everyone.

"It's actually an ocean made of magma..."

"Where does this much magma come from?"

Nomi was a little surprised when she saw the sea of ​​lava for the first time.

"How can the Glynn enter such a wide rocky belt?"

Linna looked around and found that the black rock belt was not low in width and very long.

"There should be an entrance to the sea of ​​lava, but it's not near here."

"Leave it to me."

Rogge said, then took out the illusory black stone and injected spiritual power into it.

Not long after, the Green slowly appeared in the sea of ​​lava.

A searing wave of air swept across the entire deck in an instant.

However, everyone had thermostatic stones on their bodies, so they didn't feel too uncomfortable.

The heat insulation layer on the Green also played its role. Even in this hot magma, it was still not ignited and remained intact.

Rogge looked at his mental energy and found that more than half of it had been consumed.

Carrying an entire ship into the sea of ​​lava is still very expensive.

Then, he took out the lava treasure map (3) and the cave pointer. After observing the pointing, he chose a relatively middle direction.

He was ready to head in this direction.


At this time, an elf came out and found Rogge.

She was sweating profusely and kept fanning herself with her little hands, but her little face was still red from the heat.

"Sorry, I almost forgot about you."

Rogge was a little embarrassed, then he took out a small thermostat and handed it to her.

By the way, I also put a piece for the big orange next to it.


Holding the thermostatic stone, Eya finally felt less hot and returned to her hut contentedly.

Then, Rogge looked at Heisatan outside the partition.

"In the sea of ​​lava, Heissatan can't function at all, so we can only let it go back to the cave first..."

Rogge had no choice but to teleport Heisatan to the underwater cave first.

"We must be more careful." After listening, Linna said seriously: "The creatures in the sea of ​​lava are quite violent."

Everyone nodded, took out their weapons, and became alert.

Rogge found an opportunity to control a magma manta ray again as a clone, keeping watch under the Green.

The Green began to sail slowly forward.

But they soon discovered a problem.

It seems that because the magma is too viscous, the Green's sailing speed has become very slow.

In desperation, everyone could only take turns to go into battle, using the unaffected secret pattern rudder to move forward.

It didn't take long for everyone to encounter their first trouble.


There was a loud noise, and magma exploded in the direction of the Green. The hot lava spattered in all directions, and some magma was thrown towards the Green.


Yas raised the large shield of dead bones and blocked most of the magma.

Seeing that the others were okay, Rogge felt relieved, and then looked ahead to the source of the sound.


A huge, octopus-like monster, covered in red and wrapped in lava, stared at them eagerly and roared.

【Lava Octopus】

[Type: extraordinary creature]

[Quality: Boss]

[Level: 21]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Explanation: The lava octopus living in the sea of ​​lava has a violent temper and will attack enemies who invade its territory without hesitation. 】

There is no doubt that because the Glynn invaded its "territory" during the voyage, it attacked everyone.

Rogge was not used to this kind of guy, and was about to activate his secret magic hand.

But there was someone faster than him, and more accurate.

A swish sound.

A red light flashed in Lina's hand, turning into a red thread that penetrated the entire lava octopus's head.

The lava octopus lost its life and slowly sank into the magma.

The dagger drew an arc and returned to Linna's hand.

Rogge was a little surprised and clicked on Lina's message.

【Lina (partner)】

[Level: 21]

【Body: 29】

【Spirit: 29】

【Belief: 1】

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Special skills: Blood-draining thorn (extraordinary) lv5, stabbing (extraordinary) lv5, whirling blade (extraordinary) lv3, meditation (extraordinary) lv1, visualization (extraordinary) lv1. 】

[Life Skills: Medical (Extraordinary) lv3, Planting lv8, Sewing lv4, Navigation lv4, Occultism lv7...]

It seems that in the recent period, Linna has not fallen behind in practice, and the improvement rate is only slightly smaller than Bias.

Rogge was about to take this opportunity to check the information of other crew members, but suddenly he heard more noises.

"Be careful, something is approaching!"

Lina spoke with a solemn expression.

Her perception is higher than others, and she is more sensitive to danger.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, there was movement in the sea of ​​lava below again.


A huge snake-shaped extraordinary creature emerged from the magma, its mouth opened wide, and it swallowed the lava octopus's body in one mouthful.

After a while, a huge smuggler looked coldly at the Green and left.

Apparently, it is more intelligent.

Regarding the huge thing like the Green, I decisively chose to give up.

Puff, puff...

Finally, the sea of ​​lava seemed to have returned to calm, leaving only the sound of hot magma bubbles exploding.

Roger exhaled: "Just keep going."

If necessary, he might have to change his clone.

The magma manta's perception range is too low.

In the next journey, no one dared to slack off.

Even if there are bone spirits controlling the ship, they try to take turns keeping watch.

However, the sea of ​​lava is a very dangerous place.

Hardly had they gone far before everyone ran into trouble again.

This time, it was a group of red souls wandering in the sea of ​​lava.

Their clothes were in tatters and their faces were ragged and hideous.

Among them, there is a leader-level existence, calling on the ghosts to attack the Green.

【Ember Ghost】

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Boss]

【Level: 31】

[Rank: Apostle]

[Explanation: After being burned out by the high temperature, the unwilling soul became an ember ghost. 】

This group of ember ghosts can not only ignore physical attacks to a certain extent, but can even summon magma bombs to emit unsettling wails.

The most troublesome thing is that they can freely shuttle between magma and air, making them very difficult to capture.

They clung to the Green!

At this time, the only ones who can cause harm to them are Rogge and Mira.

As for Yas, he could only run around with his large shield of corpses, resisting the fire bullets of these ember ghosts.

In an instant, chaos arose on the Green.

However, Rogge soon found a way to deal with it.

He found the right moment, and with the help of the power of the illusory black stone, he came to the apostle-level Ember Ghost leader and blew the death horn at close range.


A heavy horn sounded, and the Ember Ghost leader and the other monsters howled in agony.

Taking this opportunity, purple light emerged between Rogge's brows.

[You used your talent Hey's Soul to control the body of the Ember Ghost. 】

【You got a new body! 】

[Ember Ghost Skills: Magma Bomb, Ghost Body, Painful Howl. 】

Seeing this, Rogge breathed a sigh of relief.

He has never used the spirit of Hei to control undead-like creatures in the past.

Logically speaking, these guys should have no bodies.

But now it seems that they exist, but they are not souls in the true sense.

After taking control of the Ember Ghost leader, the surrounding Ember Ghosts also woke up from the influence of the Death Abandoned Horn, and then attacked Rogge.

Rogge's heart moved, and the leader of the ember ghosts behind them issued a warning to all the ember ghosts.

A group of ember ghosts hesitated momentarily.

Seeing this, Rogge raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This is easy to handle.

Not long after...

A group of ember ghosts silently walked through the magma below the Green, guarding the Green.

This made Rogge happy.

Unexpectedly, controlling an Ember Ghost leader would actually bring along a group of Ember Ghosts.

Now with their escort, the Green's safety should be guaranteed.

Roger thought.

However, he soon learned a lesson about the dangers of the lava sea.

In a situation where everyone was caught off guard.

A huge tsunami of magma came towards us, and all objects that were not in the sea of ​​lava were burned away.

If it hadn't been for Uviye Muze's timely action, the Rogge and Green would have avoided this giant wave of lava.

I'm afraid they are in dire straits at this time.

"Be careful, this sea area is very dangerous. The magma wave just now was caused by an extraordinary creature."

Uviye Muze reminded seriously.


Rogge also felt a little frightened at this time.

He also understood that although he was accompanied by the game, the rules of this world were not like those of a real game. Enemies would be lined up from low to high for him to kill.

More natural disasters and dangers may come unexpectedly at any time, leaving people with no time to react.

The Green continued to move forward in this dangerous sea.

After a while.

In the sight of Rogge and others, a... volcanic island standing on the sea of ​​lava appeared.

This volcanic island towers into the clouds, with billowing black smoke that dyes the clouds in the sky. The crater is constantly flowing with hot magma.

The guidance of the lava treasure map also pointed to this volcano at this time.

It seems that the lava treasure in the third stage is among them.

Just at this time, Uvie Muze also spoke: "This volcano has extraordinary power and can be used to hatch dragon eggs."

From this point of view, it was necessary for them to climb the volcano.

"Prepare to land."

Under Rogge's control, the Bone Spirits became busy again.

Mira also urged the secret pattern ship's rudder to continue moving forward.

After a while, they came to the bottom of the volcanic island.

Rogge and Yas landed inside, while the rest stayed on the Green.

He took the leader of the Ember Ghost with him, and as for its men, Rogge gave him a death order to protect the Green.

After all, even with the insulation layer, the creatures in the lava sea are still extremely manic. If they cause damage to the Green, it will be troublesome.

As soon as the two of them got off the boat, the hot air waves hit their faces carrying some impurities.

Fortunately, the energy emitted by the thermostatic stone blocks out most of the temperature.

But despite this, the two of them still felt extremely hot.

Naturally, this volcanic island is not safe.


Some slug-like creatures covered in magma were slowly squirming on the ground.

However, they seemed to have no interest in Rogge and the two of them, and were just wandering aimlessly.

Some creatures in the sky are not so friendly.


A fiery red bird creature swooped towards the two men fiercely.

However, Rogge raised his hand to control him.

He glanced at it and found that it was an extraordinary creature called the [Insectivorous Firebird], which happened to be the bird that fed on these magma slugs.

After squeezing them to death, Rogge and others encountered these birds again during their search.

But this time, it was a whole group.

But they were still no match for Rogge and Yas. They were easily solved and dropped items all over the place.

[You found: Insect-eating Firebird Beak × 3. 】

[You found: Firebird Feather×17. 】


These insect-eating firebirds didn't give much, so Rogge accepted everything he came and put them in his inventory.

After walking a few steps, the two discovered a bird's nest made of cooled black magma, with several eggs and other debris inside.

"No wonder these birds are so crazy."

Yas said.

Their nest is here, and they will naturally show no mercy to intruders.

Rogge came to the nest and checked the items inside.

[You found: Insect-eating Firebird Egg × 3. 】

[You found: Lava Crystal × 1. 】

[You found: hot feces x 1. 】


There are some sundries from insect-eating firebirds, the most valuable of which is only a lava crystal.

Lava crystal is an extraordinary material that can be used to cast extraordinary equipment.

Then he silently threw the shit away.

Why would such a thing be set up as a light group...

"Roger, look."

Yas reminded him at this time.

After hearing this, Rogge stood up and looked for fame.

I saw that on the hillside ahead, clusters of fiery red flowers were blooming, exuding bright pollen like sparks.

It gives people a dangerous yet beautiful feeling.

Seeing this situation, Rogge couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

You know, what they are on now is a volcanic island on a sea of ​​lava.

All the "land" on this island is formed by the condensation of cooling magma.

The high temperature is enough to wipe out most of the life.

If we put it in reality, there would definitely be no grass growing.

But here, you can see beautiful flowers in bloom.

Perhaps only in this mysterious and fantastic world can we see such an absurd and beautiful scene.

After thinking for a moment, Roger decided to take a closer look at some of these flowers.

【Fire Flower】

[Type: Extraordinary Plants]

[Quality: Purple]

[Effect: The petals have unique extraordinary properties, which can continuously provide heat and are full of vitality. The flowers and fruits contain unique flame poison, which can make people die from the heat and struggle. 】

[Explanation: An extraordinary plant that grows in extremely hot areas. Even if life here is extinct, it still blooms. 】

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