I have a big sailing game

Chapter 198 Udona Sea (two in one, please subscribe!)

Seeing the sudden acceleration of this big fish, Rogge couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Why does this fish boat look so excited?

The one who comes is not good.

Rogge touched his chin and let Heisatan slowly lean over under the water.

Under the influence of Heisatan's hidden skill, the Judonas on the big fish did not notice a huge creature approaching at all.

They are also immersed in the dream of getting rich soon.

[Boss, isn’t there a coral noble in Hualeijiao who is paying a high price to purchase human slaves recently? If we sell it to him, then...hehe! 】

A Judona rubbed his hands excitedly.

His words were immediately echoed by most of the crew.

The captain interrupted their banter and gave an order.

[Okay, I don’t know if there are humans up there yet, stop talking nonsense, the distance is enough, prepare to penetrate the harpoon! 】

【yes! 】

After the crew took the order, Judona, who was traveling on the bow of the big fish boat, quickly took action.

They took out several harpoon sections from the wall of the traveling large fish bladder and began to assemble them. The tail end was connected with a transparent tendon-like tissue. After completing the assembly, they placed it in a groove.

Outside, the big moving fish faced the Green and slowly opened its square mouth.

【emission! 】

The captain gave the order.

A large bone harpoon instantly ejected from the mouth of the moving fish, cut through the sea water, and flew towards the bottom of the Green.


After a muffled sound, a huge black shadow appeared in front of them, its giant claws firmly holding the bone harpoon.

"Just entertaining guests like this?"

Rogge frowned and sneered.

Then, as he thought, Heisatan's huge body suddenly swam towards the moving fish at great speed.

At this time, everyone on the big fish noticed the sudden appearance of the behemoth.

[Damn, what the hell kind of monster is this? 】

[Could it be those noble sea beasts? 】

【captain! It's coming towards us! 】

[Jodonald is on top, get the hell out of here! 】

Seeing such a behemoth suddenly attacking, the Udonas on the big fish suddenly exploded in panic.

However, before they could react, Heisatan had already arrived in front of the moving fish.

Through the fish eyes, the captain could clearly see Heissatan's scarlet, narrow, cold eyes, as well as the dark tentacles spreading around him.

His pupils were constricted.

The next second!


The huge moving fish was completely vulnerable to Heissatan's offensive. It was squeezed and exploded in an instant, with blood splattering and fish bones shattering.

【Run away! 】

They screamed in horror.

Some Udonas ejected a large amount of dark smoke from their abdomens, filling the surrounding sea area, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

However, amidst the terrified shouts of Judona, the cold tentacles still wrapped around their bodies, not missing one.

Aboard the Green.

At Rogge's signal, the Green stopped.

[What, are there any new discoveries? 】

Lina looked at him curiously.

Roger smiled mysteriously.

[Yes, I found some new friends. 】

After saying this, Mira next to him suddenly became interested.

【New friends? What new friend? 】

Roger didn't reply.

The strange sea water next to the Green responded to her.

With a splash, Heissatan broke out of the water, surrounded by dozens of black mist tentacles, with some strange creatures tightly wrapped around them.

They were struggling fiercely, their expressions showing fear and panic.

Some Udona were even frightened to see black ink flowing out from under their bodies, flowing down their tentacles.

Rogge's memory scales still have two chances to use.

Therefore, after some friendly exchanges, he roughly obtained the information that these strange fish knew.

The sea area they are currently in is ruled by a group of marine races named [Udona], and they call their sea area [Udona Sea].

Udona is undoubtedly an extraordinary species, and they have their own extraordinary bloodline.

However, it is worth mentioning that their extraordinary bloodline seems to be inseparable from faith.

Every Udona whose bloodline meets the requirements can perform a [Calling Ceremony] when he reaches adulthood.

[Calling Ritual] allows Udona to have a sea beast of his own.

However, the requirements for bloodline are of course very high, and even the Udona in Rogge's hands cannot meet the requirements.

They were at the bottom of Judona society. They could only save money to buy big fish and wander around the streets trying to make money.

The reason why they launched an attack on the Green is because humans are rare in the Udona Sea, and some Udona nobles will buy them at high prices.

However, they were obviously overly excited and had no idea that the Green was carrying a lot of trouble.

[It seems that this sea area is not very friendly to us...]

After listening to Rogge's narration, Mira was thoughtful.

[Do they know the location of the human kingdom? 】

Lina asked.

Rogge was of course asking this question as well.

But after Captain Udona heard Rogge's question, he looked at him cautiously and hesitated for a moment.

[There are no human settlements near the Judona Sea...]

Seeing his appearance, Rogge narrowed his eyes.

[Don’t be careless with me, tell me everything you know about human beings. 】

After that, Heisatan on the side directly put the huge and sharp sawtooth bone blade on his neck.

[Master! Calm down! Calm down! Don't be impulsive! I'll tell you right now! ]

Feeling the cold blade, Captain Udona was frightened and begged for mercy.

Then, he began to tell the information about humans like pouring beans.

Because of his low social status, he didn't know much.

However, according to some fragmentary information he knew, the human race was not living well.

Anyway, some rich seas are not for humans.

Captain Udona talked and even forgot his situation, and couldn't help but sigh.

[I heard that humans were also glorious in the past, but I don't know why they fell into decline and can only be slaves now...]

[Boss! ]

Seeing that what he said was a bit inappropriate, a Udona next to him quickly kicked his tentacle.

He suddenly realized that the person standing in front of him was a human being. He immediately felt guilty and broke out in a cold sweat, of course, if he had sweat glands.

[That... that... I have no intention of offending you, a powerful human master like you...]

Before he finished speaking, Rogge raised his hand to interrupt him.

Then, he touched his chin and thought.

It seems that the situation of humans in this world is indeed not very good. Some rich seas are not controlled by humans.

The reason for this situation must be the lack of overall combat power.

After all, the range of the cannon determines the territory, and the fist is strong enough to have confidence.

So, the reason for the lack of combat power is the fault of the extraordinary sequence... or other factors?

"If you want to find out the origin of the game character and the whereabouts of Doyle, or even find a way to return to the Five Seas, etc., improving your strength and increasing your own means are necessary options."

"Then finding the whereabouts of the cave is the top priority."

"However, the sea area of ​​this world should be unimaginably large, so you should try to replenish as much as possible."

"Maybe I can learn the Udona language from these guys? I don't know if the remaining two chances to remember the fish scales are enough..."

"Let them write down some trading communication methods first, I can write them down and then read the file, so that maybe I can save the number of times to use the memory fish scales..."

Rogge's thoughts turned around and he made a decision soon.

Don't kill these unlucky guys for the time being, they are still useful.

They are of low status and easy to control, and can better help Rogge understand the situation in the Udona Sea.

[I can spare your life for the time being. ]

[However, there are too many of you. ]

Rogge spoke slowly.

After that, he did not give these Udonas a chance to argue or beg for mercy.

Heisatan exerted his strength suddenly, and except for Captain Udona and the crew member who had just reminded him, everyone else was dragged into the water by Heisatan.

Soon, a burst of blue liquid rose from the sea surface, which was the blood of the Udonas.

[Ah! ]

[Oh my God! Oh my God! Udona Lord...]

Seeing this tragic scene, the two Udonas were immediately frightened out of their wits, and their fear was beyond words.

The little thoughts that had not yet arisen in their hearts were completely extinguished with this scene.

The man in front of them was simply a devil!

At the same time, they couldn't help but feel fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they had performed well just now, otherwise they would probably be the ones broken in half now.

[Master! Human master! I listen to you! Whatever you say is what it is! ]

After being stunned for a moment, the captain reacted instantly and quickly spoke up, fearing that Rogge would be dissatisfied.

Rogge nodded slightly.

It is necessary to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. Some guys will never be honest unless they see their companions die in front of them.

In an unknown sea, kindness will only cause inconvenience to yourself.

[Under the effect of the Scholar's Wheel (Apostle) lv10, you have learned a new life skill - Udonna language lv1. ]

The effect of the Scholar's Wheel is amazing.

Even the simple terms that Rogge wrote down on paper can be counted as learning progress.

Therefore, Rogge learned the language in a very short time and successfully used the rollback to retain the number of times the memory scales were used.

Captain Udonna and his crew were dumbfounded when they saw this.

Is this man a monster? Or is the language of our tribe so simple?

They were a little skeptical about life.

Later, Rogge also learned from them the nearest Udonna city - Hualei Reef.

After leaving the two Udonnas aside, everyone on the ship began to discuss and communicate.

[Since Udonna is not friendly to humans, our actions should be difficult. 】

【And... their supplies... can we use them? 】

Linna pointed to the two Udonas beside her and asked a very crucial question.

【Yes! They might eat mud or something. 】

Nomi said.

【Fish usually eat seaweed and insects...】

Mira couldn't help but hold her forehead and felt a little funny when she heard it.

【Oh... I don't eat anyway! 】

Nomi shook her head vigorously.

【Maybe it's worth going. There should be navigation charts for sale in their town. 】

Yas, who was silent on the side, spoke.

【Their town should be in the deep sea. How do we get down? 】

Mira asked the question.

【This is simple. 】

Rogge spoke.

He still had a bottle of underwater breathing potion in his hand. Now that he had the Scholar's Wheel, he would be able to quickly reverse the potion formula.

Even if he couldn't reverse it, he could use the stonefish alveoli to temporarily solve the problem.

[Under the effects of the Scholar's Wheel (Apostle) lv10 and the Alchemy (Extraordinary) lv5, you reversed the potion formula: underwater breathing. ]

[Refined successfully, you got 1 underwater breathing potion. ]

[Refined successfully, you got 1 communication potion. ]


The Scholar's Wheel lived up to expectations and allowed Rogge to successfully reverse the potion formula.

The formula of the underwater breathing potion is also relatively simple, and it can be found in the medicinal materials given by the old medicine man, so it can be refined.

So, Rogge refined a lot of underwater breathing potions.

The improved version of the communication potion has not yet found the materials, but the two Yudonas can provide the materials, so Rogge also refined a lot of original communication potions for the crew to use.

After making preparations, Rogge planned to return to the Green and set off for the Flower Thunder Reef City.

At this time, his voice-transmitting conch made new movements.

This surprised Rogge, and he quickly took out the corresponding voice-transmitting conch.

However, something unexpected happened.

[The other half of the voice-transmitting conch was damaged. ]

[Your voice-transmitting conch is damaged. ]

It was Etar's voice-transmitting conch that was damaged.

Although the voice-transmitting conch that contacted Howet and the others was not damaged, it had not responded for a long time.

It seems that their situation is not optimistic...

Rogge sighed and put the voice-transmitting conch back.


[After planning, you led the Green towards the Flower Thunder Reef in the Udona Sea. ]

[Life was as peaceful as usual, the Udona Sea was very wide, and there were no special situations in the several days of sailing. ]

[Your fishing level was as superb as always, and you never returned empty-handed. 】

【After catching fat seafood several times, a premonition tells you that the next fishing result may be extraordinary. 】

【You caught: Imprisoned young mermaid x 1. 】


Seeing this, Rogge, who was eating potato chips with automatic exploration turned on, subconsciously sat up from the bed and turned off automatic exploration.

At this time, on Rogge's mobile phone screen, his game character was struggling to carry a heavy cage.

In this cage, a young mermaid was huddled in the corner timidly.

【! 】

The pixel wolf girl who was watching him fishing next to him almost dropped her jaw when she saw this, and an exclamation mark appeared on her head.

【Oh my God, Captain, what did you catch? 】

Mira, who was reading a book on the side, was also shocked and stood up.

【What the hell! 】


Rogge was also a little dumbfounded. How could he catch an imprisoned mermaid?


At this moment, several splashes of water suddenly exploded on the side, and several Udonas holding harpoons looked angry.

[Damn it! Who took our spoils away! ]

However, when they saw the Rogue above clearly, they were immediately ecstatic.

[Fuck! It's a human! A living human! ]

[It's a fortune! Catch them all and send them to the Flower Thunder Reef together! ]

At this time, the two Udonas who were captured next to the Green could not help but sigh and shake their heads.

[Captain, this looting team is probably finished. ]

The Udona crew said.

[It's best if they're finished! ]

Captain Udona said faintly.

[If they're not finished, we might be the ones to die...]

If that human suddenly thinks that these guys are more valuable than them, then their lives will be in danger...

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