I have a big sailing game

Chapter 195 New Sea Area (Two in One, please subscribe!)

"Tell me, who is the person you hate the most on this ship?"

"No." Yas replied quickly and shook his head.

Hearing his decisive reply, the trickster water demon was a little stunned.

Then it felt it and found that he was indeed telling the truth.

This made the trickster water demon feel a little angry.

I originally planned to sow discord between him and other people, but I didn't expect that this guy didn't have anyone he disliked.

"What is it that embarrasses you?"

The scheming water demon asked again, definitely trying to embarrass him.

Regarding this question, Yas thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "...I haven't killed the person who planted the curse on Mira yet."


The deceitful water demon's expression looked a bit off.

Damn it, how come this person seems to have no flaws?

The questions that had always worked well before were of no use to him!

It subconsciously wanted to ask another question, but found that due to rules, it could no longer ask.

This made it very angry.

Damn it, everyone on this ship must go the wrong way!

"Now that you've asked your three questions, you should fulfill your agreement."

Rogge said.

Hearing this, the trickster water demon snorted coldly at Yas, then returned to his position, first pointing to the road to the left.

"This road leads to heat and burning, but it also contains a lot of gold and diamonds. There is a guy who doesn't like strangers waiting for you."

"I don't recommend you go."

Then it pointed to the other side.

"This road leads to vastness and coolness. There are fewer treasures, but it is very suitable for novices like you. The people there are very welcoming. They should welcome you very much."

"I highly recommend this road."

The scheming water demon had a smile on his face, but he smiled sinisterly in his heart.

You are designated to be taken to the ditch!

However, Rogge's next words made him stunned.

"So, what about the road behind?"

When the trickster water demon heard this, his expression froze.


How did this guy know there was a road ahead?

The trickster water demon really didn't want to tell Rogge, but due to the rules, as long as Rogge asked, it had to answer.

So, it spoke very reluctantly.

"The road behind you leads to weakness and poverty, with few opportunities. The people there are very indifferent and they will not welcome you."

The trickster water demon tried his best to use bad words to describe the road behind them, trying to dispel the ideas of Rogge and others.

"I'm telling you..."

The trickster water demon wanted to say something else.

But Rogge said directly: "Turn the helm, let's take the back road!"

After saying that, he smiled at the trick water demon and said, "Thank you for the information."

"..." The corners of the trickster water demon's mouth twitched, and his heart became angry, but he could only wear a forced smile on his face: "No...you're welcome."

Damn it! If it weren't for this abominable rule restriction, it would definitely kill everyone on this ship!

I'm so angry!

"Goodbye, little guiding angel!"


The deceitful water demon was so angry that he kept twisting his body in the water, feeling extremely frustrated.

It actually didn't fool these guys and led them to the safest road!

I'm so angry!

It rolled like crazy.

After Heissatan stayed in the water for a while, he actually returned to his previous state of being unable to surface.

Rogge didn't bother to pay attention to this, since there was no danger anyway.

"Almost there."

Uvie Muze's voice sounded.

"We're almost here?" Rogge felt a little surprised and touched his chin: "There doesn't seem to be any danger along the way."

Apart from being affected by the strange rules of the Atonement Strait itself, they didn't encounter any monsters or anything like that.

I feel like the Strait of Atonement is a bit over-the-top.

"It's caused by the rules of the Atonement Straits."

Uviye Muze responded.

"The sins in your body are not enough to trigger atonement."

"Atonement? How does it define whether sin requires atonement?" Rogge was a little surprised.

Uvier Muze did not respond directly: "Close your eyes."

When Rogge heard this, he closed his eyes.

Then, a familiar person appeared in front of him.


At this time, his face was covered with blood, and he looked like a madman, waving the butcher knife incessantly.

However, every blow he struck fell on his own crew.

Uncle Jack and Waverly were extremely anxious and tried to stop him, but there was no way.

Before Rogge could speak, the scene changed again.

This time it was on the fire boat.

A group of strange ghosts are haunting the ship.

Because of their troubles, many people are dying, and some people are possessed and begin to harm others.

Everyone on the ship is in danger, and fear lingers among everyone.

Then came the conditions in countless ships.

Some of them were attacked by monsters, some were bewitched by the cunning water demon, and they encountered different difficulties.

Of course, like the Green, there were no major difficulties.

Ouvier Muze took back these visions.

"I don't know how it defines sin, but you are in the minority."

"I can only vaguely feel some of its rules."

Roger opened his eyes.

Among the many ships, the situation on board Aittar was the worst.

I don't know if he can hold on.

"Do you have any way..."


Uweyemuzer responded without hesitation.

"The power of the rules of this strait is very strong. It is not an ordinary manifestation of extraordinary characteristics. I can't interfere."

Hearing this, Rogge also retracted his thoughts. He just asked casually.

Since they don't have this ability, they can only pray for the best.

"Captain Rogge! There seems to be an exit in front!"

An excited voice pulled Rogge's thoughts back.


In a gray fog.

The Green slowly sailed out of the strait behind.

As the Green moved forward, the fog behind gradually dissipated.

Strangely, when the fog dissipated, everyone looked back and the towering cliffs on both sides disappeared strangely, turning into an endless sea.

"It seems that the Strait of Atonement has teleported us to a random area..."

Rogge retracted his gaze.

Lina came to the bow and looked around.

This is an extremely calm sea, with a clear blue sky and sparkling sea.

[Congratulations, you have come to a new sea. ]

[There are new challenges and unknown opportunities waiting for you here, keep exploring! ]

The game prompt appears again.

"Where is this? Where should we go now?"

Nomi looked around curiously and found that there was an endless sea in every direction.

After thinking for a moment, Rogge first teleported Heisatan to the bottom of the Green.

According to the perception feedback from the clone, this seems to be in a deep sea area.

Then he took out the cave pointer.

The pointer directions of the land cave and the underwater cave are both on the left, but there is still a slight deviation.

"Uweyemuzer, do you know where we are now?"

Rogge asked.

After hearing Rogge's question, Uweyemuzer was silent for a while, as if he was sensing something, and then gave a negative answer.

"I don't know, but there is no danger around here, just go in any direction."

After hearing Uweyemuzai's answer, Rogge could only shrug.

"Go west."

The directions of the two cave pointers are both in the west.

The crew had no objection after hearing this, and the bone spirits faithfully carried out Rogge's orders after hearing Rogge's orders.

Heyisatan escorted underwater.

The Green headed for the western sea.

"Uweyemuzai, what was your world like before entering the Starry Sky Dragon City? Can you tell me about it?"

Uweyemuzai must know a lot of knowledge and information.

But it had been in a sleeping state before, and Rogge could never find a chance to ask.

Now it seems that its condition is better, so Rogge took this opportunity to ask.

After hearing Rogge's question, Uweyemuzai thought about it and understood his thoughts.

After considering for a while, it spoke.

"Although I don't know how long I have been in the Starry Sky Dragon City, it seems that the ocean is still the main component of this world, and it was the same in my time."

"Where I lived, the tribe was the undisputed ruler."

"The place where the tribe is located is called the Holy Scale Sea. There are many other seas ruled by other powerful tribes around it, but they are generally very weak and the places they occupy are relatively barren."

"Some compatriots of the tribe said that the sea in this world has no end."

"For this reason, I once left the Holy Scale Sea and traveled, trying to explore how big this world is."

"But I failed. After encountering a terrible existence, I returned to the vicinity of the Holy Scale Sea alive by chance."

"Although I don't know which sea you are in now, I have to remind you of one thing."

Uweyemuzze's voice became serious.

"If you encounter fog at sea, don't rush into it. They are likely to lead you to an unknown dangerous area."

Hearing this, Rogge couldn't help but think of the fog around the five seas and the Strait of Atonement.

"Just like the fog in the Strait of Atonement?"

"Maybe." Wuweiyemuze did not deny: "In short, don't enter rashly."

Roger nodded.

Of course, even if you encounter ordinary smog on weekdays, normal people will try to avoid it.

"This world is very big, maybe you can encounter the sea area where the human race is located, but this possibility is very small. Anyway, I didn't encounter it when I went out to travel."

Wuweiyemuze said.

Roger nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the five seas are indeed just a small corner, and what they are in now may be the main world of this game world.

An ultimate sea so vast that even the dragons have never explored the border!

"Well...I remember that I encountered a lot of interesting things when I was traveling..."

Wuweiyemuze suddenly spoke again.

"For example?" Roger asked curiously.


Wuweiyemuze was silent.

"I can't remember."

"..."Roger was also silent.

Why did you bring it up if you can't remember?

"...You continue sailing, I am going to fall asleep again."

"...Search for my memory while you are at it."

Uweyemuzer said.

This time, its voice was not tired, and it seemed to have recovered a lot, but it still wanted to sleep, as if it was addicted to sleep, and there was no response after it finished speaking.

Rogge was speechless.

After thinking about it, he took out the sound transmission conch and began to contact one by one.

I don’t know if the function of the sound transmission conch will be restored after leaving the Strait of Atonement.

However, he didn’t respond for a long time.

It seems that there is a high probability that it can’t be used.

This made Rogge sigh.

He couldn’t learn about the situation of the five seas from the sound transmission conch.


Just as he was fiddling with the sound transmission conch, Heisatan’s perception suddenly made a new discovery.

[You found a sunken wreck. ]

Sunken wreck!

Seeing this, Rogge’s eyes suddenly lit up and focused his attention on Heisatan.

Heisatan had already come to the vicinity of the [sunken wreck] and saw the whole picture of this thing clearly.

This seems to be a giant fish, with a very complete skeleton structure, and some flesh on it, but it has been soaked into residue by sea water.

Many plants such as algae and barnacles hang on it, blocking some things.

However, what is surprising is that the remains of this giant fish actually have some other structures similar to the hull?

For example, the bone structure in the abdominal cavity that is like the floor of the cabin.

Is this... a fishing boat?

Rogge couldn't help but think of a possibility in his mind.

In this vast and boundless sea, some biological groups different from humans may also give birth to civilizations. They may have their own means of transportation at sea?

For example, this... big fish in front of him?

Heisatan swam a little and came to the front.

As expected, the skull structure of this big fish is also very magical.

Its skull is square as a whole, and its mouth has a huge door-like opening.

Rogge also saw two bone plates below, which seemed to have fallen from its mouth.

This may be its upper and lower jaws, and also the door to the interior.

After observing for a while, Rogge let the main body throw a pearl lamp down from above.

Then he excitedly controlled Heisatan to drill into its mouth.

As expected, there was a different world inside!

The structure inside this "fish boat" was very much like a series of small rooms, but they were made of alveolar-like tissues.

These alveolar rooms have not rotted until now, but they just look a bit smelly.

But Heisatan couldn't smell it, so Rogge didn't care.

Then, he saw sacs on the walls of these alveolar rooms, which contained something.

On the ground, there was a skeleton. The skeleton had a strange shape, somewhat similar to a fish, with the tailbone growing on the back and nothing on the lower body, perhaps a soft structure.

This directly confirmed Rogge's conjecture.

This is indeed an underwater vehicle for a biological race!

It is not difficult to imagine that they should have entered from the mouth of this fish boat, and then each "person" lived in a small alveolar room.

"It's really interesting."

Rogge was amazed and excited.

I didn't expect that I would encounter such a surprise just after entering this new sea area.

New world, new sea area, new treasure, new atmosphere, new pit!

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