I have a big sailing game

Chapter 193 The Strait of Atonement (two in one, please subscribe!)

The steep and vertical cliffs on both sides are towering, with no end in sight, and a dim scarlet light shines through the mist above.

Different from the almost boiling sea water in the five sea areas, the water in the strait is dark and deep.

It's even so calm that it feels a little scary, not knowing how deep it is underneath.

As the Green gradually penetrated deeper, the scene behind them began to be shrouded in fog.

[You have entered a dark fog on the sea, and the save point has been automatically saved. 】

[Occultism·Secret Peeping provides you with additional information. 】

[The history of the Atonement Strait is much longer than that of the five sea areas. It is the only door for the five sea areas to enter the outside world during normal periods. 】

[However, no one knows where exactly it will lead. Within the strait, it is upside down and left and right. 】

Rogge stood on the deck and put down the sound-transmitting conch.

Sure enough, the sound-transmitting conch lost its use here.

He had no choice but to focus on this information.

It seems that the Strait of Atonement should also be classified as a [Extraordinary Characteristic Expression]?

Then it should also have its own [Black Mist Rules].

The sentence "No one knows where it will lead specifically" given in the message is also very thought-provoking.

Does the Atonement Strait randomly send passing ships to other places?

Rogge raised his head and glanced ahead while frowning.

Although there is fog all around, the cliffs on both sides can still be seen.

This shows that for now, there are no other forks in the Strait of Atonement.

"The pointer is broken."

Yas frowned as he looked at the jumping pointer in his hand.

It seems that the power of the Atonement Strait may be influencing it.

"The road is getting narrower and narrower. How can a fire boat with such width come in?"

Lina asked this question.

After hearing her words, Rogge suddenly realized this.

I just looked at the information prompts and didn't notice this.

Thinking about it now, they could see the cliffs on both sides just by sight from the deck, which indeed meant that the road was getting narrower.

The current width of the strait is much smaller than the width of the entrance!

This kind of width is simply not enough to accommodate the advancement of the fire boat.

"Then shall we go back and take a look now?"

Mira asked.

"Okay, try turning."

Roger nodded.

The Green began to turn around and return to its original place.

However, after traveling for a long time, they still did not return to the entrance of the Strait of Atonement.

At this time, everyone realized that they could no longer leave the Strait of Atonement.

"Oops, we can't go back!"

Nomi said worriedly.


Rogge was not surprised. This situation was expected by him.

If the Strait of Atonement were so simple, it wouldn't be so unknown and dangerous.

At this moment, the perception coming from Heisatan once again made him feel strange.

On the Heissatan side.

Rogge looked up, but couldn't feel any light!

You know, he swam all the way but stayed not far below the Green.

But just now, the looming hull of the Green above suddenly became dark.

When he ascended again, the Green had disappeared.

What’s even weirder is that Heissatan can’t find the water at all now!

Roger took a deep breath.

Heisatan's tentacles began to dance, and his entire body swam directly upward at high speed.

One minute, two minutes...

Ten minutes...half an hour...

Above...it's still a terrifying darkness!

Heisatan seems to be trapped in a body of water with no depth and no surface!

At the same time, a solemn voice came from Nomi beside Rogge.

"Brother Rogge...look at the cliff next to you!"

Rogge followed the sound.

I saw unknown pale white hyphae spreading on the originally ordinary rock cliff.

These hyphae seem to be spreading as the follower Glynn advances.

Eventually, they covered the entire wall.

"Watch the front!"

Along with Yas's shouting, the Green's forward momentum was suddenly blocked.


The hull made a slight twisting sound, and everyone felt that their center of gravity was unstable.

Fortunately, most of the people on the boat are extraordinary people, so they won't fall down even if they brake hard at this level.

But everyone could no longer care about this at this time, and they didn't even bother to ask about other people's conditions.

Their eyes were attracted by the things around the Green.


Densely packed white hyphae like spider webs.

They emerged from the fog, firmly blocking the forward momentum of the Green, and stuck to the hull of the Green.

Rogge took out the brocade wood and chopped it on the white mycelium, but he felt a strong resilience.

This made him frown, and he increased his strength. It took a lot of effort to cut off the hyphae with difficulty.

The rest of the crew also used their abilities to break free from the shackles of the mycelium, but with little success.

"Damn it, what is this thing? It's so sticky!"

Nomi struggled to pull the hyphae on her ears, but she grimaced in pain from the strong adhesive force.

After Rogge thought for a moment, he made a gesture with his left hand, and blue-purple flames instantly rose above his right hand.

When the flame of the Spirit Flame Curse touched the mycelium, the mycelium shrank back a little bit in pain as if it had life.

I didn't even know where a faint and sharp scream came from.

The reaction of these mycelium after contacting the flame showed that they were alive.

The spiritual flame of the Spirit Flame Curse itself has the characteristics of flame, which is effective against these mycelium.

But the level of the Spirit Flame Curse is obviously not enough, and the lethality to these mycelium is very small.


Mira also tried to use fire, but the lethality was limited, and only burned off the mycelium on her body.

But this was nothing to Rogge.

He took out a pile of residual spirits that he had stored before, and quickly upgraded the level of the Spirit Flame Curse.

[Spirit Flame Curse lv1 → Spirit Flame Curse (Extraordinary) lv1. 】

After the skill level was upgraded, Rogge made a gesture, and a large piece of deep blue-purple flame instantly rose from his body.


The surrounding mycelium instantly made countless weak screams and quickly shrank back.

Nomi was still tearing the mycelium with a grin.

"Don't move."

Rogge's steady voice came.

With a bang, the huge flame consciously spread towards the mycelium. The moment the flames burst out, the mycelium screamed and shrank back in large pieces.

Everyone was finally freed from the bondage of these mycelium.

Rogge retracted his hand, looked at the mycelium retreating around him, and extinguished the flames.

At this time, the Green was calm again.

"Huh... Brother Rogge is still reliable..."

Nomi breathed a sigh of relief and fanned her cheeks with her little hands.

Then she frowned.

No, there is a problem.

She sniffed and smelled a slight burnt smell, as if something was burnt.

Originally, she thought it was the smell of burnt mycelium.

But Mira next to her looked at her head in a daze.

"Nomi, you..."

"Huh? Me? What's wrong?"

Nomi was a little surprised. She stretched out her hand to scratch her head, but suddenly felt a burst of burning heat.

She slowly moved her eyes upwards...

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts! It's on fire! I'm on fire!"

Like a puppy whose tail was stepped on, Nomi screamed and slapped the flames on her head and ears.

Oops, the fire is a bit fierce!

Rogge next to him felt a jolt in his heart.

The Spiritual Flame Curse had just been upgraded, and the control strength was not so fine.

"Water! Get water, get water!"

Lina hurriedly ran to the cabin to fetch water.

Rogge tried to take back the flame, but found that this thing was a secondary product, an ordinary flame after the spiritual flame burned Nomi's hair, and he couldn't control it.


Mira next to him was a little flustered and tried to blow air with her mouth to extinguish the flame.

But, the fire was even bigger.


Fortunately, Lina was very fast and poured a bucket of water quickly.


Nomi's head was covered with black smoke, and he finally lay on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while.

Nomi stared at Rogge with resentment, with a charred patch on his head.

Lina and others looked serious, but the twitching corners of their mouths betrayed them.

"This... I'm sorry, Nomi..."

Rogge was a little embarrassed.

Nomi could only droop his ears after hearing this: "Forget it, Captain, you didn't mean it..."

"But you have to make pork rib soup for me! I want to eat pork ribs!"

"Okay, okay..."

Rogge naturally agreed.


Through such a small episode, the solemn atmosphere on the ship was finally relieved a little.

However, the heaviness brought by the Strait of Atonement did not stop there.

After Rogge and others broke free from the shackles of the mycelium, they used spiritual flames to burn the mycelium in front to open the way and slowly moved forward.

Fortunately, there were not too many hyphae. After burning two or three times, the route became smooth again.

While observing the situation ahead, Rogge was also paying attention to Heisatan's feelings.

At this time, Heisatan had risen for nearly an hour, but still had no intention of reaching the surface of the water.

Even, there was no light at all.

Moreover, judging from the pressure from the body, the depth of the sea water around Heisatan has almost never changed.

This means that Heisatan is likely to be circling in place!

Maybe many marine creatures that enter the strait are trapped to death in this way.

"Forget it, teleport back first."

Rogge directly used the teleportation function of the cave.

He wanted to see what would happen, but so much time had passed, and the only situation was the dark deep sea.

So he teleported Heisatan to the cave, and then teleported to the body.

However, when Heisatan was teleported under the Green, Rogge's pupils suddenly shrank.


In Heisatan's sight, the sea water below still had no bottom, but he could finally see the Green and the water surface above.

Not far in front of them, a large sailing ship was heading towards them.

What shocked Rogge was not the large sailing ship itself.

But the strange posture of the large sailing ship!

It was completely opposite to the sailing posture of ordinary ships, it sailed under the water!

The bottom of the large sailing ship floated on the water surface in Rogge's eyes.

If "一" represents the water surface, then the structure of the word "上" can perfectly explain the sailing status of the Green.

Then the sailing ship is the corresponding "下".

The scene in front of him was extremely weird.

Then, something even more outrageous happened.

On the deck of the sailing ship, a man appeared. He was also upside down, and his gravity direction was exactly the same as the sailing ship.

After seeing Heisatan in front of him, this man was terrified and sat down on the ground, and then rolled and crawled back to the cabin.


Rogge was shocked by this scene.

But only he could see this scene through Heisatan's perspective, and Lina and the others could not find that there was a sailing ship under the dark sea.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that part of the hull of the ship itself would be submerged in the water.

In other words, under normal circumstances, the bottom of the sailing ship would definitely appear in front of Rogge and others.

But he did not see any corresponding existence.

The Green and the sailing ship formed an absolute dividing line with the water surface.

"Captain! Captain! There's a monster ahead!"

"There's a monster ahead!"

Amid the panicked voices of the crew, a group of people hurriedly came to the deck with guns in hand.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them, their scalps suddenly numbed.

What the hell is this?

In their eyes, the upside-down Heisatan was suspended in the air, like a blooming tentacle flower, and the scarlet eyes at the bottom were staring at them.


The captain swallowed his saliva and quickly ordered the crew to attack.

However, a series of dark barriers emerged around the monster's body, blocking all the bullets.

This made the captain feel cold in his heart.

The gun was useless, and they were probably going to be finished.

But they gradually discovered that the monster seemed to have no hostility towards them.

When the ship sailed past, it even made a detour, as if to make way for them.


Everyone on the ship was dumbfounded and looked at each other, not understanding why.

On the Green.

Rogge frowned.

This ship... seemed to be one of the Fire Seed Fleet.

He felt familiar.

Then he manipulated Heisatan to swim and rise to the surface of the water.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone on the sailing ship, it was sinking to the surface of the water.

However, the moment Heisatan surfaced, something strange happened.

Because after it surfaced, the Green disappeared!

When Heisatan sank to the bottom of the sea again, the bottom of the Green was seen again.

...? ? ?

Rogge manipulated Heisatan to touch the bottom of the Green in disbelief.

Then he found that the bottom of the Green was still divided by the water surface. There was a bottom under the water, but there was nothing after it surfaced.

"Damn, illusion?"

Everything that happened in front of him made Rogge dare not believe his eyes at all.

He really couldn't believe his eyes.

Because these scenes made people unable to distinguish between true and false, it was too weird.


Rogge exhaled and calmed down.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had an idea and took out an object from his pocket.

Heisatan also took out a pointer of an underwater cave.

Cave pointer.

Different from the ordinary pointers for distinguishing directions, cave pointers can also be regarded as extraordinary items, and the direction they point to is always where the cave is.

Soon, the pointer in Rogge's hand gave a direction.

It was a completely different direction from when he was in the five seas.

This surprised Rogge a little.

But the next moment, the change appeared again.

The pointer suddenly jumped and pointed to another direction.

After waiting for a while, the pointer jumped again.

Heisatan's side also encountered the same situation as before, trapped in the sea and unable to find the surface.

However, the direction of its pointer has not changed.


This made Rogge feel like he had grasped something, and his thoughts were like an electric shock.

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