I have a big sailing game

Chapter 188 You are so insidious (two in one, please subscribe!)

"The new king, the eighteenth descendant of God, Radi Ozurik, will give a speech in the Grand Square of the Royal City tomorrow afternoon."

"I don't know what he is going to say..."

"In my opinion, he is probably going to explain the accident that happened during the sword ceremony..."

"It shouldn't be. The sword ceremony has been over for a while. If he was going to talk about this, he would have said it long ago."

"Didn't you read the announcement? It is about how to deal with the big crisis next. It is said that there is a way to take everyone away from the five seas!"

"Leave the five seas? The outer fog is so dangerous, where else can we go? Are we going to live under the sea?"

"Who cares? I can't even afford to eat now, so I don't have time to care about these things..."

"Let's go and have a look..."

The garrison and ministers of the kingdom have begun to prepare for the next speech, posting notices everywhere in the royal city, and sending people to notify them, trying to let most people know the news.

Because what Kadi is going to say next is very important.

Because of this, many people on Ozurik Island also learned the news.

They gathered on Ozurik Island because of the crisis, and naturally wanted to know how the kingdom would deal with the next crisis.

So, on this day, nearly 10,000 people gathered in the Royal City Square of Ozurik Island and its vicinity, and the entire preaching platform was surrounded by people.

This is just a small number of people.

Most people did not come because they were busy with their livelihoods and the journey was long.

Under such a high-profile situation, behind the large terrace in front of the Royal City Square, Kadi was talking with Rogge and others.



Kadi nodded seriously.

"They have the right to know the truth."

"I hope you are right." The prophet Theoride sighed.

The etiquette officer arranged Kadi's royal robe, and he couldn't help but look at Rogge.

"Captain Rogge, what do you think?"

Before this, the kingdom had always notified of the crisis of the big wave.

As for the Fire Seed Ship, few people knew about it.

Even if someone saw it, it was only a few.

Therefore, what Kadi has to do today is to make this matter public and tell everyone in the kingdom that only one percent of people can board the Fire Seed Boat and leave the five seas.

However, the prophet Theoride, who has always been full of wisdom, advocates not to announce this news.

Because of this, Kadi felt a little uneasy.

"There is no completely correct choice in the world."

Rogge smiled noncommittally.

Hearing Rogge's answer, Kadi felt a little relieved.

At this time, the dress was arranged.

As he set foot on the road to the terrace, Kadi turned his head and glanced at Theoride.

"Prophet, is that your prophecy?"

Theoride shook his head with deep eyes: "No, it's a guess."

Kadi retracted his gaze, took a deep breath, and walked towards the terrace.

After he left, Theoride set his eyes on Rogge.

"Captain Rogge, you can completely change His Majesty's decision."

Rogge crossed his arms and looked at Kadi's back without looking back.

"I'm just a captain, not the old king. Why should I change a king's decision?"

Theoride sighed again, with deep worry in his eyes: "Human nature will lead to terrible consequences..."

Roger didn't care about this, but looked at him and smiled easily.

"That's hard to say."

"Whether the tip of the sword is inward or outward, the decision lies in the hand holding the sword..."

After saying that, he stretched out his hands and closed them, and his body turned into black mist and floated towards the square of the royal city.

Hearing this, Theoride frowned.

As the black mist gradually dissipated, Theoride seemed to have figured out something, and his frown gradually loosened, and he couldn't help but talk to himself.

"Your Majesty, you have a good captain..."


"What exactly does the new king want to say?"

"Why hasn't this appeared yet?"

In the square of the royal city, people were talking about it. Some were looking forward to it, some were anxious, and some had ulterior motives.

Finally, the tall and burly figure appeared on the terrace in the spotlight.

With the appearance of Kadi, the originally noisy square gradually quieted down.

Kadi looked at the people below. At this moment, countless eyes were focused on him.

He took a deep breath, pondered for a long time, and said the first sentence.

"Everyone, I am Ladi, and I am also the new king of the kingdom, the eighteenth of the descendants of God."

Due to the extraordinary power given by the sword of Odakiro, his voice was very loud and resounded throughout the square.

"I think everyone has already known that the great wave sweeping across the five seas is coming. This is a devastating crisis..."

"In this regard, the first king Ozurick left three large ships carrying hope for the kingdom. They are called the Fire Seed Ship..."

After saying this, he glanced at the people below, and the following words were also full of determination.

"However, these three large ships can only carry a small number of people. They will enter the Strait of Atonement and go outside the five seas to find hope for survival."

"In other words, most people have to stay and face the upcoming crisis."

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

The originally quiet crowd suddenly exploded into an uproar, talking and making a lot of noise.

Many of them went to the royal city because they received the notice. They thought the kingdom would have a way to deal with the crisis, but they never thought that they would get such an answer from the king.

Only a small number of people can leave?

"Who can board the Fire Boat?"

Soon, a man with a loud voice smelled the question that everyone was very concerned about.

Kadi also heard it, and this is what he was going to say next.

"Young people, teenagers, and children under the age of 35."

He responded in a deep voice.

This is also the result of repeated discussions by the ministers of the kingdom.

Hearing this answer, the people reacted violently again, just like water dripping into a hot oil pan.

"Why? Don't people who are a little older deserve to live?"

"Thirty-six years old is not enough?!"

"Do these people still have to use our food to supply them?"

"These people must all be noble lords!"


Many people began to protest loudly, feeling indignant.

Kadi saw their reactions clearly: "They carry the hope of fire, this is the best way."

As soon as this sentence came out, an excited man threw rotten leaves below.

"Bullshit! Fuck you! You are also a young man, do you want to escape by boat? Why!"

He shouted wildly.

In some luxurious rooms, some people watched this scene silently with a smug smile.

In this crisis, naturally some people have evil intentions.

"You are right!"

"If you want to leave, let's go together. If you want to die, let's all die here!"

This resonated with many people, and they all supported this man's remarks.

There are even more excited people who want to climb up the terrace and attack Kadi.

Seeing this, Kadi frowned.

"They are just keeping the fire for the kingdom."

He grabbed the terrace railing and said seriously.

"Those of us who stay in the Five Seas will not necessarily die."

"There is no distinction between any group of people who can board the Fire Seed Boat. Anyone's father, wife, husband, son, or child, as long as they meet the age requirement, can follow the Fire Seed Boat and leave!"

"Hope is not just for them!"

"Of course." Kadi sighed slightly in his heart: "If someone is willing to go outside the Strait of Atonement on their own, it is also allowed."

After this, most people involuntarily quieted down, and there were fewer protests and excited voices.

Many of them naturally have families of the right age.

The second is Kadi's last sentence.

They thought they would be restricted by the kingdom, but Kadi said they could leave on their own.

Then they have the opportunity to leave anyway, so why is there a problem?

However, from this point of view, it goes without saying how many people will try their best to leave the Five Seas next.

Of course, there are still people who keep shouting about unfairness and are excited and indignant.

Rogge, who is hiding in the crowd, shook his head slightly when he saw this.

After all, Kadi is still relatively inexperienced in this area, and his actions and words are a bit immature.

At the same time, Kadi was also thinking about how to correctly guide the emotions of the people.

But, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"You just said 'we'? Are you going to stay too? Stay and face the big wave with us?"

This voice was surprisingly loud, overwhelming many noises, allowing most people present to hear it clearly.

So, people's eyes fell on Kadi, and they were all looking forward to his answer.

Kadi nodded without hesitation.


"As a king, I have an obligation to stay here and face the big wave with everyone."

Hearing his words, some people who were excited and indignant also stopped their excessive words and actions.

As the most noble king of the Thousand Islands Kingdom, he also had to stay, which was enough to set an example.

"What if the king stays? Don't they all have to die?"

Some people were unwilling to be defeated by the emotions that had just been incited, and wanted to make a few excuses.

But they were soon rudely covered by new voices.

"What about the nobles? Will all the people on board be sons of nobles?"

"No." In response to this, Kadi once again responded firmly: "The royal family will seriously screen the candidates for boarding, and everyone can supervise."

"We will do our best to ensure fairness."

"There will be nobles on board, as well as children of farmers and craftsmen."


Kadi took a deep breath.

"There will not be any member of the royal family on board!"

His voice was extremely firm.

This was his plan long ago.

Kadi has always believed that the royal family holds great power, but correspondingly, they also need to fulfill their greatest obligations to the kingdom.

Anyway, as long as he is still the king of this kingdom, he will not let any member of the royal family board the Fire Ship.

"Your Majesty, will the Fire Ship be able to safely reach the Strait of Atonement?"

Another question rang out.

This time, the question changed.

Of course, Kadi did not think much about it, but after thinking for a moment, he came up with a reply.


"Starting from Ozurik Island, we will pass through the Sea of ​​Sin, and we will encounter various dangers along the way, such as the cruel and bloodthirsty marine creatures on the sea, as well as the cold and storms, and the pirates in the Strait of Atonement are still ferocious..."

"And no one knows what is outside the Strait of Atonement..."

Kadi's response was like a basin of ice water that was freezing cold, extinguishing the fire in many people's hearts.

Now, the marine creatures on the sea have gradually become crazy.

Many fishermen who make a living by fishing have been buried in the sea, and their friends can naturally get the news.

Some unlucky fishermen were directly swallowed by bloodthirsty whales.

Not to mention the Sea of ​​Sin where pirates are rampant and supplies are scarce.

In such a cold winter season, how crazy they will be, just thinking about it is chilling.

The crowd began to discuss non-stop.

They began to hesitate whether they should stay or leave here by boat.

After all, both ends are full of dangers.

"Does the kingdom have any way to deal with the big wave?"

"Yes, we can't just sit here and wait to die, right?"

Someone raised the question in the discussion.

Kadi also patiently explained one by one.

"The royal family has used the royal colossus to dig deep underground pits and sent craftsmen to transform them."

"By then, there will be several underground cities to accommodate many people."

"And there are many extraordinary people among them. They have magical abilities that can catalyze crops to make tools and even kill some dangerous monsters."

"The kingdom's garrison and the royal colossus will also guard Ozurik Island until the last moment."

After hearing his words, many people have fallen silent.

In this case, perhaps, staying on Ozurik Island is a relatively safe choice.

A thin old man with gray hair and beard walked out with a cane and spoke tremblingly.

"Why do you tell us these things?"

"You can completely hide this matter, and everyone can only stay here..."

Kadi heard this and was about to explain, but suddenly saw that the cane in the old man's hand looked familiar.

? ? ?

Isn't this the staff Captain Roger used?

Although the skull was wrapped in cloth, Kadi could tell it at a glance.


Kadi was stunned.

But he didn't stay still. After hesitating for a moment, he exhaled and responded to the question.

"As a member of the Thousand Islands Kingdom, everyone has the right to know the truth."

The voice fell into everyone's ears.

Those who were indignant before stopped talking at this time.

Indeed, the king could have not told them about this, and they would never have thought of leaving here and heading towards the Strait of Atonement.

But the king chose to make the truth public, willing to bear the infamy...

In such silence, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Live and die with the kingdom!"

"Long live!"

More people responded.

"Long live the kingdom!"

"Long live His Majesty Radi!"

"Live and die with the kingdom!"

Gradually, the voice was like a wave, infecting everyone present, wave after wave, resounding through the sky.

"Fuck!" Someone slammed the table with a bang, furious.


Rogge put the skeleton staff back into the inventory, took a piece of transparent mud from his face, put it in the box, and gave it back to Azo.

"Tsk, you are really insidious, inciting people like this."

Azo was shocked. It was the first time he saw such an operation.

Just disguised and asked a few questions in the crowd, the emotions and thoughts of all the people present were mobilized in the right direction.

"Can you speak? What is insidious?"

Rogge glared at him.

"If everyone is allowed to leave by boat, I don't know how many people will die."

The sea is already very dangerous now.

This can be seen from the number of ships heading to Ozurik Island.

It is almost a sharp decrease in the middle, with only one in a hundred left.

This means that many ships sank on the way here.

"Sorry, sorry, the wording is a bit inappropriate."

Azo scratched his head and smiled.

Of course, he also understood that Rogge was considering the overall situation.

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