I have a big sailing game

Chapter 185: Objects with extraordinary characteristics (two in one, please subscribe!)

Atal and Uncle Jack started a new journey and sailed towards the royal city.

Rogge and the potion master Suman seized the time to refine the extraordinary potion.

After obtaining the meteorite Fusha, the Thousand Islands royal garrison, led by Kadi and Shadow Chief, arrived at the highest peak in the north of the royal city, the Goddess Peak.

The shadow leader nodded towards Cady, indicating that he could start.

After Kadi stared at the statue in front of him, he walked forward, half-knelt in front of the statue, and recited a passage seriously.

"The great and benevolent first-generation king, Ozurik, the disaster you foresee has come..."

"Your descendant, the 18th generation of the Goddess, the successor of your will and blood, Radi Ozurik, hereby solemnly makes a request to your remaining will..."

While Kadi was reciting the ritual words, the film leader was not idle either.

He drew ritual patterns and mantras all over Kadi's body.

After arranging the necessary items for the ceremony, he took out a pitch-black sword, closed his eyes and concentrated, holding the sword in front of him, inspiring a powerful force and injecting it into the ritual pattern.

The ritual patterns on the ground were instantly activated, and countless golden ritual powers rose up and wrapped around Kadi's body. The royal robe automatically moved without wind.

"The great boat of fire shall appear in the world!"

Wrapped in golden patterns, Kadi held up the sword of Odakiro.

The statue of Ozuric on the Peak of the Goddess was also buzzing at this moment, bursting out with intense light.

The next moment, a golden beam of light rose into the sky from the Sword of Odakiro!


It was as bright as gold, dyeing the wind and snow all over the sky into bright gold!

The next moment, the golden light split into three and flew towards the three directions of Ozurik Island.

One of the nearest rays of light fell directly onto the mountainside of the Goddess Peak near the sea.

With a bang, Kadi half-knelt on the ground holding the sword, sweating on his forehead and panting.

Shadow Chief and the guards stepped forward to support him.

Cady shook his head, saying that he was fine, and looked at the shadow leader in front of him.

"Did it succeed?"

Before the Shadow Leader could speak, a huge movement came from below the Divine Descendant Peak!


Huge vibrations came from the mountain, and an earthquake, as if the earth was shattering, began.

After Cady heard this movement, he immediately breathed out a sigh of relief.

In this way, it proves that he has succeeded.


The earth-shaking earthquake caused countless boulders on the Peak of the Goddess to roll downward, and even formed a large avalanche.

Cady and the others had no time to leave, so they could only stay at the top of the Peak of the Goddess for the time being.

At this time, a huge hole slowly opened halfway up the mountainside of the Divine Descendant Peak due to the strong vibration.

Countless rocks rolled down and snow fell.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

An extremely huge ship actually sailed out of this gap.

There seemed to be an invisible shield on its hull, which bounced off falling boulders and trees without sustaining any damage.

This giant ship was constructed entirely of unknown giant trees and mysterious stones. It was thick and solid, as if it were an ancient behemoth waking up from its slumber, fearless.

On the top of the hull, a brazier automatically ignited with blazing flames, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

This flame is just like the fire of hope!

Fire boat!

There are three giant boats like this.

The same thing happened at the other two corners of Ozurek Island.

The fire boat broke the seal and sailed into the sea.

The Kingdom's garrison, which had been guarding it early, quickly boarded the fire boat under the leadership of the Shadow of the Goddess personnel and began to sail it to the designated location.

The fire boat carrying hope finally saw the light of day again on this day.

After a few busy days.

Rogge and Suman finally configured all the potion materials into the corresponding extraordinary potion.

There are nearly two hundred bottles.

However, most of them are extraordinary professions that are as functional as ripening farmers, and not many have powerful extraordinary abilities.

Because of this, Rogge was able to quickly refine these potions with relative ease.

After all, Suman's refining speed was only a fraction of his.

The only thing that Rogge regrets is that the proficiency brought by refining these potions cannot improve his potion master skills.

He had to upgrade his rank to apostle first.

Suman, on the other hand, has long been numb to Rogge's perverted refining techniques.

After the refining was completed, he took these potions to the palace.

The next batch of potion materials has not arrived yet, and they must convert these newly refined extraordinary potions into corresponding extraordinary beings as soon as possible.

After refining the potion, Rogge began to learn the enlightenment prayer he received from Suman.

There is a high probability that this skill will be used in the subsequent journey.

[Roger, your current rank is too low. 】

Just when Roger was concentrating on learning enlightenment prayer, a voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, Rogge was a little surprised and took out the illusory black stone from the inventory.

The voice just now came from Uviye Muze in the illusory black stone.

【Are you awake? 】

[A little better. 】

Uvier Muze responded, and then there was some doubt in his voice.

[You have obviously accumulated enough level power, why haven't you been promoted? 】

Rogge was also a little surprised when he heard this.

[I haven’t taken the corresponding promotion potion yet, so of course I won’t be promoted. 】

【wrong. 】

Uviye Muze denied Rogge's statement.

[You possess the bloodline power of a pure-blood dragon. Even if this bloodline is not strong, it is enough to elevate you to the next level. 】

Rogge also frowned when he heard this.

【What's the meaning? 】

[Creatures without extraordinary bloodline do need to take magic potions to advance, because they need to absorb new extraordinary bloodline to integrate with themselves. 】

[But you possess the extraordinary bloodline of a pure-blood dragon, so your rank will not be an obstacle for you. 】

[Moreover, although your bloodline is rare, it is very pure and blends perfectly with you. 】

[This state... I have never seen it in other creatures, otherwise I would not have called you a compatriot before. 】

[You are now like a young dragon. As long as you are strong enough, your rank should automatically increase, unless you reach the upper limit of growth like an old dragon. 】

Uvie Muze said.

It is not difficult to hear from the voice that it is extremely confused about Rogge's state.

Rogge couldn't help but think about it.

Indeed, the essence of most extraordinary beings is to absorb and integrate extraordinary bloodline. Of course, there are also a small number that come from self-exploration and faith prayer.

Although he didn't know what kind of essential power the intern's potion belonged to, the dragon blood in him was not fake.

According to common sense, if one possesses the bloodline of a pure-blood dragon and is perfectly integrated with it, he should indeed be promoted like running water.

However, Rogge stagnated like an ordinary transcendent, which was why Uviye Muze was confused.

Rogge thought for a while and could only attribute it to the game.

Perhaps his body was only perfectly integrated with the dragon's bloodline under the influence of the game.

Most likely it's just an appearance.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

Anyway, all in all, Rogge definitely cannot improve his rank like drinking water like a young dragon.

[Where does your bloodline come from? 】

Uvier Muze asked.

Rogge thought for a moment in front of the screen.

Uviye Muze is obviously not a simple and honest dragon, and Rogge has not yet reached the level of confiding in him.

However, he still wanted to get some information from Uviye Muze.

So he replied slightly vaguely.

[Comes from a secret treasure at sea. 】

[Secret treasure at sea? 】

Uviye Muze pondered for a moment.

[You are referring to the manifestation of extraordinary characteristics. 】

What it said made Rogge a little surprised again.

What is a manifestation of extraordinary characteristics?

Before Rogge could reply, Uvier Muze laughed.

[That’s right, the original name of this thing is a bit awkward to pronounce. There’s no problem if you like to call it that. 】

Seemingly confused when he saw Rogge, Uvier Muze patiently explained it to him.

[Secret treasures of the sea... Generally speaking, they are objects formed by powerful extraordinary creatures due to some special reasons, such as death or sleep. 】

[Because it comes from a powerful extraordinary creature, it also has mysterious functions. 】

[Like your current state? 】

Rogge asked curiously.

【almost. 】

Uviye Muze agreed.

[However, it is worth noting that the essence of the secret treasure of the sea is the extraordinary characteristic of being out of control. Due to its inherent balance, while its function is powerful, the price is generally not small. 】

[But this illusory black stone was formed by me actively, so I also affected its price to a certain extent, so you must pay me spiritual power during use. 】

When Rogge heard this, he suddenly understood.

It seems that he may have wrongly blamed Uvier Muze. This thing has a price. If it weren't for Uvier Muze's influence, the price may be even greater.


Speaking of this, Roger couldn't help but think of strange grape varieties.

Exotic grape varieties... seem to come at no cost?

The powerful function of Dragon Grape is enough to illustrate its magic.

This is a genuine treasure of the sea, but does its price just mean that it will make you angry when you see other fruits?

[The secret treasure at sea... must have a price? 】

Rogge frowned.

【Yes. 】

Uviye Muze gave an affirmative answer.

Then, it seemed to have guessed something based on Rogge's reaction and reply, and laughed.

[It seems you are not quite sure about this yet. 】

[Think about it, how many free things exist in the world? 】

After Rogge pondered for a moment, he looked at the illusory black stone and gave a serious answer.

[The power of the dragon. 】


Uvie Muze was speechless for a moment.

Damn, it’s true.

If there are any creatures in the world that are born powerful, the giant dragon must be on the list.

[The world is not entirely fair. 】

[But you just need to remember that the secret treasure at sea must come with a price. 】

Uvie Muze changed the topic and warned.

[If you really obtained the dragon bloodline from the secret treasure at sea, then it would not be surprising that this would happen to you. 】

[But you'd better pay attention to the price. 】

[Perhaps it has already affected you. 】


Thinking of this, Rogge breathed out.

He really doesn't need to worry about this.

The price of obtaining the strange grape seed is probably the cause and effect between himself and Doyle DeWeese.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Of course, it's not because of Doyle Dewes.

But he discovered that game information is not omnipotent.

It cannot reveal all the information in detail.

Just like the potential price of this secret treasure at sea.

However, the information [price] is so important, Rogge feels that it should be recorded in the information more than the bullshit explanation.

Is it because some costs are too abstract to describe, or are there other reasons?

[I understand, thank you for reminding me. 】

Rogge put aside his doubts and responded.

After hearing Rogge's reply, Uvier Muze didn't say any polite words, but instead talked about another topic.

[I can't stay awake for very long. 】

[I woke up this time to check on your condition. 】

[Your rank is too low...]

Uvier Muze sighed in his heart.

If Rogge was transferred to someone else because of his lack of strength, it would be a bit troublesome for Uviye Muze.

[You just said what magic potion is needed for promotion, right? 】

[Let’s talk about your specific needs. 】

Rogge was a little confused at first when he heard its words, but soon he suddenly realized what Uvier Muze meant.

This is a giant dragon that can use [Illusion and Reality]!

He has experienced the power of illusion and reality before.

He also tried to use this power to transform items in his spare time.

But his power is not enough.

However, just because he can't do it, doesn't mean that Uvie Muze can't do it!

Therefore, the translation of Uvier Muze’s words is...

Whatever you want, I will conjure it up for you.

Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but feel excited and started to think seriously about this issue.

Since you now have the opportunity to improve, choose from the three previous potions.

They are [Mystic], [Spell Walker] and [Copycat].

Secret arts specialize in spells, spell practitioners focus on the spirit and assist the body, while copycats have vague information and are very mysterious.

First, exclude copycats.

Rogge doesn't have the habit of focusing on unknown skills like some novel protagonists. In a mysterious world, this is undoubtedly seeking death.

Then only [Mystic] and [Spell Walker] are left.

Rogge thought both of these two apostle sequences were good, but he actually preferred [Spell Walker] at the beginning.

After all, the route of the Spell Walker's main spirit and auxiliary body is not only consistent with Rogg's current direction, but there is also a high probability of a follow-up sequence.

But things are different now.

Rogge has obtained the blood of the dragon, and his body cannot be weak.

Coupled with the emergence of enlightenment prayer, it became possible for Rogge to self-study the sequence.

Therefore, the balance between the mystic and the spellcaster in Rogge's heart was once again brought back to balance.

This made Rogge suffer from mild difficulty in choosing.

‘I’m still a little confused...what to choose? ’

One goal a day!

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