I have a big sailing game

Chapter 183 Return to the Royal City (two in one, please subscribe!)

[He floated from a small boat. I don't know what such a child has experienced, but if you are really kind, please let him get through this difficult time...]

[I pray to you, God...]

After reading this passage, Rogden was shocked.

He didn't expect that his game character was not the biological son of his parents in this world, but was picked up from a small boat.

Who are the biological parents of the game character?

With this doubt, Rog continued to read.

After this passage, there was a reply from the mother, as if she was fulfilling a wish.

[Thank God, this child is as lucky as ever. He survived miraculously. The doctors said it was incredible. ]

[I have always wanted a child. He must be a gift from God. Rock and I have decided to raise him and give him a new name, Rog. ]

[I plan to use this diary to record the growth of little Rog. ]

The Rock couple cannot have children, but they accidentally picked up Rog who floated from the sea.

Since then, they decided to raise Roger, and this book was also treasured by his mother, recording some trivial things in Roger's growth process.

Roger has always behaved very well and obediently, and the couple has basically never been upset because of him.

But his mother felt a little strange about this.

[I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel that little Roger is a little too obedient, he is simply the well-behaved child that every parent dreams of. ]

[But this makes me feel like he is missing something...]

[It should be my illusion...]

The following long paragraph is mediocre, and it also records that Roger likes fishing and reading some books about legends, which matches Roger's two talents.

But Roger couldn't help thinking about his mother's words.

Before he came, the game character has always had its own life trajectory, which is very real.

Then... where did he go after I came?

Did I directly occupy his body, or did he not have a soul?


Roger in front of the screen felt a little complicated.

If this game was really an ordinary game, he wouldn't have to worry so much.

After sighing, Rogge began to check the last content of the diary.

He had a hunch that the next content was very important.

[In another month, little Rogge will go out to sea. Oh my god, can the coming-of-age ceremony on this island be any crazier? They actually asked a child who was just 18 years old to sit in a small boat and survive alone on the sea. What's the difference between this and asking him to die? ]

[I can't believe what he will encounter at sea. Storm? Tsunami? Dangerous sharks? He will be thirsty and hungry! ]

[The people on this island are all a bunch of psychos! ]

[No, I can't let my child participate in such a dangerous ceremony. ]

[I plan to discuss with Rock and take Rogge away from Dot Island. Maybe Nadwilo is a good choice for settlement? ]

Seeing this, Rogge was a little emotional.

Mom is still the best.

The heavy motherly love can be felt through the pages of the book.

However... since his mother was going to take him away, why did the game character go out to sea alone?

Thinking of this, Rogge frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Turning to the next page, he understood the reason.

[I had a dream...]

[Although Rogge and I were reluctant to believe it, it was true. ]

[... Thank you, little Rogge, you are indeed a gift from God to us, thank you for giving us this wonderful time. ]

[Dad and Mom can't accompany you to move forward...]

[I don't know if you can see this diary. ]

[Maybe you have started in a new place now, and you have become a brand new you. ]

[Actually, Mom doesn't really want you to find it, because I'm not sure if it will make you sad. ]

[But I want you to find it, because Mom hasn't talked to you for a long time. ]

[... If you see this diary, don't be sad, just move forward. ]

[Remember the pearl? That was what mom and dad spent a lot of effort to find when they were young. It will definitely bring you good luck and protect you when you sail on the sea. 】

【There is a box in the utility room in the attic. Mom has prepared some things for you, which may be of some use to you...】

【Remember, Rogge, mom will always be with you. Whether you are the original Rogge or the new Rogge, mom will always love you...】

Close the diary.

Rogge pinched his eyebrows and remained silent, with a heavy expression.

Obviously, the mother of this world knew that her life was coming to an end in that dream, so she let him go to the adult ceremony at the beginning of the game.

The key is that from the mother's description, Rogge can see that she even knew that Rogge was about to come, so she said [the original you] and [the new you].

But she did not explain the reason.

... Rogge felt that everything was so incredible.

After a long silence, Rogge put the diary into the inventory.

At this time, there was also a line of information in the information prompt bar.

【The good luck pearl is now activated. 】

【It will bring you good luck. 】

Rog went up to the attic.

Among some old things gathering dust, I found the box my mother had mentioned.

There was nothing special inside, mostly some clothes and money, as well as some newly bought books about occultism, neatly placed.

Rogge felt a little confused.

After he put away all these things, he searched carefully for a while.

It seems that his father Roark did not leave anything for him like his mother did.

After leaving this dusty home, Rogge walked towards the village.

In the village, he inquired about the burial place of his parents.

He came to worship at the tomb.

His hunch was right.

The Beginning Island indeed hid many secrets, but it also brought him more doubts.

However, he has already made up his mind.

He wants to find the truth of all this.

Although there is currently no clue, as long as one becomes strong enough, the truth will eventually be revealed.

Roger shut down the game.


He exhaled and rubbed his face.

After a moment of silence, he picked up the phone and called his mother.

Not long after, the call was connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello? What's going on? Have you found someone?"

"No, it's okay, I..."

"It's okay. What are you calling? Don't interfere with my playing cards. Hang up."

Toot toot…

Despite being treated like this by his mother, Roger still felt a little more relaxed.

The Green has now entered the waters of the Royal City.

On the way, Rogge and others also went to Nadvero and looked for Uncle Higet, an old acquaintance of Yas and Mira.

He did not insist on staying in Nadevero, but followed a ship to Ozurek Island early.

The acceleration of the secret pattern rudder greatly increased the speed of the Green, and soon it sailed into the waters near Ozurik Island.

Along the way, Rogge saw on the sea that there were obviously more ships passing by.

Many boats were full of people.

It seems that under the leadership of Kadi, the Kingdom of Thousand Islands has notified the people of all the five seas and begun preparations to deal with the upcoming big wave.

At the same time, Rogge also felt that the changes in the creatures in the ocean began to intensify.

Originally, the number of marine life he caught was unusually small, and the impact on some of them was not obvious.

But now, some marine life has undergone further significant changes.

For example, the shark that Roger caught now.

The shark's body was obviously mutilated, as if it had been bitten by a ferocious predator.

The shark that was supposed to be dead was covered with dirty strips of cloth that came from unknown sources. It survived in a strange manner and hung up his fishhook.

Even the description of it in the information became [dead shark].

It was obvious that this was just a moving corpse.

The underwater clone of Heisatan is more intuitive.

New changes have also taken place on the seabed.

Some unknown plants began to grow on the ocean floor.

Red bubbles appear from nowhere underground. Along with these bubbles, there are also some strange liquids.

Perhaps these things are affecting life in the ocean.

Fortunately, they have no effect on Heissatan.

[I don’t know why, but I always feel that the sun is not as bright as before...]

Nomi squinted and looked at the sun in the sky.

All of this indicates that a disaster sweeping the entire five seas is coming...

After sailing into the waters outside Ozurek Island, everyone on the Green saw several Kingdom ships conducting inspections from a distance. There were ships coming to Ozurek Island from all directions in the port.

When passing these ships, the Royal Army officers above wanted to conduct a routine inspection on the Green.

However, when they saw the flag on the Green, they quickly came closer.

【Lord Rogge! His Majesty the King has been waiting for you for a long time! plz follow me! 】

The officer looked at Roger with respect.

After following him and docking the ship, everyone on the Greene headed towards the royal city under his escort.

Under Rogge's instructions, they also took the meteorite Fusha away from the ship and headed for the royal city.

During the conversation with this Royal Army officer, Rogge also learned that as time went by, the events at the Royal City's sword-holding ceremony had gradually spread.

Now, basically no one in the Royal Army does not recognize the flag of the Green and its owner, Rogge.

This mysterious figure who controls powerful power is revered by many people.

Some people even hope that Rogge can solve this coming disaster.

All in all, Rogge now has a huge reputation among the Royal Army and the upper echelons of the Thousand Island Kingdom.

Rogge didn't care about the compliments of this kingdom officer.

He is observing the changes in Ozurek Island.

At this time, the number of people on Ozurek Island increased significantly.

Some places have begun to build defense lines and establish preliminary fortifications.

Coming and going were many Kingdom soldiers transporting supplies and necessities.

Suddenly, Rogge saw a familiar figure in a motorcade.

The man was a little surprised when he saw Rogge, and then he quickly stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Rogge.

The Kingdom officer next to him saw this and was about to step forward to ask, but Rogge stretched out his hand to signal and stopped him.

[Captain Roger, long time no see. ]

The person who came was Louis Kaia of Nadwilo.

[Long time no see. ]

Rogge didn't expect to meet him by chance.

[It's amazing that you have such a powerful force that you can defeat the bishop of the Mother Goddess Church...]

Loui Kaia sighed.

Obviously, he also learned about Roger from some channels and knew about the conflict between him and the Mother Goddess Church.

At this point, Louis Kaia also remembered something, and he looked at Rogge seriously.

[By the way, Captain Roger, I have to tell you something. ]

[The Mother Goddess Church has not been completely destroyed, and there are still a small number of people who believe in the Mother Goddess. ]

[However, they don't seem to plan to come to the royal city. ]

After listening to Louis Kaia's words, Rogge nodded.

Of course, he expected this.

Although the backbone of the Mother Goddess Church and the two behind the scenes were killed by him.

After all, they have been operating in the five seas for a long time.

Some people who are superstitious about the Mother Goddess Church will not give up because of the destruction of the cathedral.

But Rogge can no longer care about these things.

[You should have more important things to do, take care, Captain Rogge. ]

After chatting with Louis Kaya for a few words, Louis Kaya also said goodbye very tactfully.

[Take care. ]

After watching him leave, Rogge and others continued to head towards the royal city.

Ozurik Island, in the palace.

In front of a special large table, Kadi was frowning and handling the practical matters in front of him. In front of him, several ministers were making some reports and expressing their concerns.

"...Most tribes in the subhuman sea area do not believe that the big wave is coming, and only a few tribes are willing to send a small number of people."

"Some islanders in the Giant Claw Sea and the Wind Sea are also unwilling to believe this."

"A small island outside the Royal City Sea area broke out in a riot three days ago..."

"Zuromok has also decided on a new ruler after a chaotic war, and the Hanlila Prison was destroyed because of the movement of Mokuito..."

The old minister reported this information to Kadi with worry.

After Rogge went to the Sea of ​​Sin, Kadi immediately mobilized the power of the Kingdom Army and went to all the islanders in the five seas to inform them that the big wave was coming.

In this regard, most people chose to believe.

After all, they are not stupid. If there is no sign of the big wave, they can still doubt it, but many people can feel the changes in the sea recently.

But after all, there are still some people who don't think this is true.

"For those who don't want to believe it, forget it. We don't have the energy to care so much now..."

Kadi shook his head. He had done what he should do. It's up to them to believe it or not.

"What's the current progress of the things I asked you to collect?"

After hearing Kadi's question, the old minister was silent for a moment, and then said with some difficulty: "Compared with the expected progress... it's much worse."

Kadi sighed in his heart when he heard this.

This is actually not anyone's fault.

After all, the power of the kingdom is also limited. The places they have to take care of cover all aspects, and the energy they can spare is really limited.

Although he knew it very well, Kadi still said sternly: "Collect at all costs. This is related to the safety and future of the kingdom."

"Yes." The ministers were in a heavy mood, but they also understood the importance of this matter.

Now that the crisis is coming, they don't even have the mind to think about other things.

At this time, a soldier came to report.

"Your Majesty, Captain Roger is back."

Kadi couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard this.

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