I have a big sailing game

Chapter 180 The terrifying sea reef, the real purpose (two in one, please subscribe!)


The hull fell along the rising sea current, and the bow beat up waves on the sea.

[You have left the "Black Fog on the Sea" area, and now you are no longer affected by the Black Fog rules. ]

At this time, the Green was carrying a full ship of meteorite floating sand.


After the Green appeared, the stone ships guarding the Starry Sky Dragon City gathered again to form the Relic Stone Dragon.

For this guy, Rogge frowned slightly.

The illusory black stone had just been used, and now his spirit value has not recovered much.

There was no way, so he could only repeat the previous method and let Heisatan go up to stop him, and the Green took this opportunity to leave.

So, the Relic Stone Dragon could only watch the Green leave in front of him again.

After being beaten again, Heisatan slapped it away with a slap, and then dived into the sea and left quickly.

The Relic Stone Dragon could only roar unwillingly, change back to its original form, and continue to guard the Starry Sky Dragon City.

After finishing the exploration of Starry Sky Dragon City, Rogge also exited the real perspective and lay on the bed eating snacks, feeling very happy.

He also confirmed the direction of the two cave pointers again.

It seems that they are indeed outside the Strait of Atonement.

Next is the time to return, and there should be no danger.

Rogge thought to himself after taking a bite of sour and spicy lemon boneless chicken feet.

But at this moment, a [! ] suddenly appeared above the head of little Lina on the deck, and then came to Rogge.

[Rogge! Look over there! ]

Lina's voice was a little surprised, and she handed him the telescope in her hand.

Rogge was a little surprised when he heard it. While controlling the game perspective, he picked up the telescope and began to look in the direction pointed by Lina.


In the telescope, a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket suddenly struck down, piercing and tearing through the entire game screen.

The surging waves came with the black sky, wave after wave, making people feel scared and uneasy.

In the center of the dark sky, a familiar giant rocky mountain is heading this way.

Mokuito, the sea reef mountain!

"Strange! Why is this guy here now?"

Rog pulled a piece of paper to wipe the oil from his mouth and asked in surprise.

Mokuito's moving speed is not slow.

When Rog first saw this guy, its moving speed was far beyond the speed of ordinary ships, and it was even comparable to the Green when using the secret pattern rudder.

At this speed, if Mokuito's goal is the Starry Sky Dragon City, it should have arrived long ago.

But why is it coming now?

[What kind of monster is that? It comes with thunderstorms and huge waves! ]

Nomi is very surprised to see this sea monster for the first time.

[The Kingdom Garrison of the Hanlila Prison is attacking it! ]

Hearing this, Rog also turned his sight.

As Nomi said, the Kingdom Garrison has boarded the ship at this time and fired long-range artillery at Mokuito, as if to stop its advance.

Mokueito's route was facing the Hanlila Prison.

No wonder the Kingdom's garrison in the prison tried to bombard it and expel it.

Outside the Hanlila Prison at this time, several Kingdom ships were swaying against the surging waves, and the soldiers on them could only hold the railings as hard as they could to barely keep their bodies stable.

The prison warden Tongdao stood still, took a deep breath, and spoke in a deep voice.

[Fire! ]

With the order of the prison warden Tongdao, the flag bearer waved the flag, and a burst of fire immediately sprayed out of the black muzzle.

The heavy shells drew arcs in the air and landed accurately on the reef behind Mokueito.

In an instant, the fire burst out and the reefs fell.

However, Mokueito's speed did not slow down, and it remained in its original state.

Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

It didn't feel the bombardment at all!

This level of attack was simply not painful for Mokueito!

Let alone stopping it from moving forward, we can't even make it aware of it.

[Warden! We can't stop it from moving forward! Order a retreat now! ]

The deputy warden spoke anxiously.

At this time, the huge waves intensified, and the thunderstorm was accompanied by lightning, splashing on everyone's bodies.

Seeing this, the copper knife warden could only order the kingdom's garrison to evacuate.

At the same time, Rogge on the Green also began to give orders.

[Turn around and head towards the Hefeng Sea. ]

[Lina, you go observe the course, Yas, Nomi, put away the sails. ]

[Mira, come over, prepare to take over, we will leave with the secret pattern rudder. ]

Rogge ordered calmly.

He didn't have much remaining spirit value now.

But Mira's spirit value was very high, so she could let her take over the secret pattern rudder to keep the Green moving at a high speed.

The people on the Green didn't waste any words and began to act quickly.

The rumbling thunder sounded again, and the sky became gloomy.

The storm and thunderstorm brought by Mekuto have affected the Green.

Under the action of the secret pattern rudder, the Green quickly broke through the waves and headed towards the windy sea.

After the spirit value reached the bottom, Rogge decisively handed the secret pattern rudder to Mira.

Although Mira's body was not strong, fortunately she could use spiritual words to assist.

At this time, Mekuto had already approached the kingdom ship of the Hanlila Prison.

The huge waves caused by the huge reef mountain breaking through the sea surface directly shook the kingdom's ships left and right, like a candle in the wind, in danger.

Some ships were even swallowed by the huge waves under the influence of this disaster level.

Fortunately, most of the kingdom's ships left the most dangerous area.

In a flash, Mokuito was close to the island where the Hanlila Prison was located.

The originally huge island, against the backdrop of the giant reef mountain, looked like a petite figurine.

At this time, Rogge didn't care about eating snacks and quickly switched perspectives.

How could such a big scene be missed?

The next moment, a shocking scene happened.


The giant reef mountain was like a bulldozer, directly hitting the Hanlila Prison.

It was hitting this big island!

In an instant, the port, buildings, and even the prison made of steel trembled under this natural disaster-like force, and instantly collapsed and sank into the sea.

The entire island was forcibly shaken out of a huge gap, and seawater poured into it crazily.

"Help!" "Ah!"

Many prisoners in the prison were wailing in pain and fear.

They had no way of knowing what happened in the outside world, and they were destroyed along with the prison.


It seemed that because the Hanlila Prison was deeply rooted and there was a huge seabed below, Mokuito's movements finally stopped at this moment.

Then, it slowly moved its heavy body, slightly turned its direction, and continued to move towards the Starry Sky Dragon City.

This time, it inadvertently and violently dragged down nearly half of the buildings of the Hanlila Prison and cut a new cliff on the island.

It was like a big man who was moving forward with his head down. After stepping on a small stone, he scratched his head and continued on his way without any care.

After Mokuito was completely away.

The original Hanlila Prison was now only a small part of the ruins, like a torn rag doll, and the soil and rocks were still rolling down.

Hanlila Prison...sunk!

[Oh my god, this is too horrible, it smashed an island directly...]

Nomi stood on the deck, watching this scene in horror.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it.


Rogge opened his mouth in shock and stuffed boneless chicken feet into it.

After smashing most of Hanlila, Mokuito continued to move towards the Starry Sky Dragon City.

At this time, the Green had entered the safe area. At Rogge's call, they did not move forward.

Rogge was very curious about what Mokuito was going to do.

After smashing most of Hanlila Prison, Mokuito continued to move towards the location of the Starry Sky Dragon City.

The next enemy it faced was the Ruins Stone Dragon.

It seemed that the Ruins Stone Dragons gathered in advance, as if they sensed the huge danger coming.

However, in front of the huge sea reef, the Ruins Stone Dragon was not even a small figurine, but only a small ant.


The Relic Stone Dragon climbed onto the back of Mokueito, releasing countless stone dragon soldiers, and persistently attacked Mokueito.

But Mokueito turned a deaf ear to it and didn't notice it at all.

[Hey, why did it stop? ]

Nomi, holding the telescope, was a little confused.

Mokueito, who was already close to the Starry Sky Dragon City, suddenly stopped moving forward.

Could it be that he was hurt by the Relic Stone Dragon?

Of course, this is impossible.


It seems that something shook the entire sea!

The next moment, a huge and heavy sound wave hit!


A mysterious sound that seemed to come from the ancient sea suddenly shook the entire sea area.

Mokueito began to stand up!


When Mokueito stood up, it was as if the bottom of the entire sea was turned over. Countless sea water was driven by its body, and many huge waterfalls were sprinkled. The violent waves poured down to form layers of waves.

The rain was pouring down, the sea water was pouring down, and waves that were enough to wash the island spread around.

At this time, Rogge finally saw the true posture of this sea monster.

The body under the reef mountain was like a giant turtle with a strong body, a huge back, and two eyes like light bulbs hanging by thin ropes, extremely bright.

Its body was covered with seaweed, barnacles, parasitic shellfish, and had dark scales as thick as rocks. Every move would scatter a lot of shrimps and crabs.

[You saw a legendary monster! ]

[Sea Reef Mountain-Mekuto]

[Type: Legendary Creature]

[Quality: Domination]

[Level:? ]

[Rank:? ]

[Description: The legendary sea monster, carrying a heavy and huge reef mountain, came here with a special purpose. ]

[Mysticism·Peeping Secrets provides you with additional information. ]

[Mekuto is a legendary monster that grew up in the five seas. Its mission is to protect this sea area. 】

【Originally, the Starry Sky Dragon City was harmless, but in the Starry Sky Dragon City, there might be a hidden existence that makes Mokueito feel dangerous. This might be the real purpose of its coming here. 】

After reading this information, Rogge's eyes froze.

The additional information given by [Mysticism·Peeping Secrets] is very important!

This information reveals three points.

First, Mokueito guards the five seas.

Second, there is a hidden existence in the Starry Sky Dragon City that can make Mokueito feel dangerous.

Third, they don't get along. Mokuito's purpose of coming here is for the guy in the Starry Sky Dragon City!

No wonder it suddenly woke up from its slumber.

I'm afraid it had sensed the moment the Starry Sky Dragon City fell.

"What kind of existence is that guy in the Starry Sky Dragon City?"

Rogge stared at Mokuito's huge body.

The answers will soon be revealed one by one.

Before Mokuito made any new moves.

There was a new movement in the giant vortex where the Starry Sky Dragon City was located.

I saw that the Starry Sky Dragon City actually slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea current pit.

Then, countless colorful tentacles appeared at its bottom, stretching and slender.

The Starry Sky Dragon City above is still shrouded in fog.

Therefore, the entire Starry Sky Dragon City now looks like a star-colored jellyfish floating in the air.

At this time, Rogge saw the veins buried underground in the Starry Sky Dragon City, which had completely covered the entire bottom of the Starry Sky Dragon City, showing an unsettling color.

Countless meteorites were suspended around it, just like a satellite orbiting around a planet, guarding it and emitting a strange light.

Huge, mysterious, and weird.

[Starry Sky Suspender - Yemuze]

[Type: Parasitic Aggregate]

[Quality: Dominant]

[Level:? ]

[Rank:? ]

[Description: When the Starry Sky Dragon City Yemuze entered the starry sky, it was eroded and parasitized. Countless parasitic lives gathered underground in the Starry Sky Dragon City, and finally formed a huge alien life. ]

[Mysticism·Peeping Secrets provides you with additional information. ]

[While parasitizing the Starry Sky Dragon City, the Starry Sky Suspender also eroded the power of the illusory black dragon Uwe Yemuze and used part of its power for itself. ]

If it is said that the sea reef mountain Mokuito shocked Rogge.

Then the Starry Sky Floater made Rogge feel pure uneasiness and fear!

Such a mysterious and terrifying alien creature actually parasitized the entire Starry Sky Dragon City without making any sound, and gave birth to such a powerful aggregate!

Moreover, it seemed to have absorbed Uwiye Muze's power about illusion and reality!


Looking at the Starry Sky Floater in front of him, Mokuito roared to the sky and let out a heavy roar.

This alien creature is exactly the target it wants to eliminate this time!


Along with Mokuito's roar, the dark clouds above the Starry Sky Floater began to condense rapidly, and finally turned into a thick black thunderstorm cloud.

The light flashed in this thunderstorm cloud, containing terrifying thunder and lightning power.

The next moment, thunder roared, and extremely thick lightning fell towards the Starry Sky Floater at a high speed with terrifying high temperature and destructive power!

The lightning quickly and accurately fell on the Starry Sky Floater.

However, the thick lightning instantly disappeared when it came into contact with the mysterious fog surrounding the Starry Sky Floater.

Mokuto's lightning attack disappeared like a drop in the ocean.

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