I have a big sailing game

Chapter 178 Illusory Black Dragon (two in one, please subscribe!)

Under the interference of the black fog rules, the positions of the towers seen by everyone were different, and no one knew whose position was the real one.

After Rogge and others reached a consensus, they found that the towers in their eyes had three positions, corresponding to different directions.

"The one I saw was fake, with a hole on it."

Lina said.

After excluding the direction she saw, there were only two directions left in front of everyone.

In the end, Rogge made a decision and decided to go in a direction that was slightly closer to the center.

This tower must be a special building in the Starry Sky Dragon City. According to common sense, it is usually built in the center.

The group began to move towards the tower in the center.

As everyone moved forward, the surrounding environment began to change.

The floating black stones in the air began to increase gradually, and some things similar to broken eggshells appeared on the ground.

Among this group of eggshells, Rogge found an egg that had not yet hatched.

This egg looked very strange.

Half of it was black, and half was translucent starry sky color.

Rogge frowned, and just as he was about to check the information of the egg carefully, several strange howls came from the side.

After looking in the direction of the sound, they saw dozens of star parasites again.

The crowd did not neglect, and responded quickly, clearing most of the star parasites.

But some star parasites were still not taken care of.

They immediately hugged the objects beside them with strange cries, and then their bodies merged into them like liquid.

Some merged into black stones, some merged into meteorites, and some directly merged into the broken shells.

In an instant, five or six apostle-level monsters appeared in front of Rogge and others.

[Black Stone Parasite] [Suspended Parasite] [Broken Parasite]...

At this moment, the star parasite showed its power.

After merging into minerals or biological corpses, it instantly possessed the corresponding abilities!


The black stone parasite has a huge body, hard skin, and infinite power.

The suspended parasite has the ability to control meteorites and gravity.

The ability of the Broken Parasite is the most disgusting, directly hatching one secondary larva after another.

The people on the Greene fought hand-to-hand with a group of parasites, and a fierce battle broke out.

The influence of the black fog rules made the battle even more difficult.

Of course, the starry sky parasites were also affected to a certain extent.

With a bang, the arm covered with dragon scales collided with the black stone parasite and retreated from each other.

Rogge looked at the black stone parasite in front of him, and an idea came to his mind.

"This thing is a bit versatile. It can be used as a clone in battle, but the disadvantage is that it is weak in mental attacks..."

"The jungle guard is too heavy, and it can be eliminated now..."

Rogge made up his mind and decided to catch a starry sky parasite as a new combat clone.

However, the battlefield situation at this time is not optimistic.

A flash of red light passed by, and Lina directly pierced a suspended parasite with a dagger in her hand, and then looked aside with a serious look.

"Another group is coming over there!"

After hearing Lina's reminder, everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, in another direction, a group of starry sky parasites crawled out from the ground, merged with the surrounding minerals and attacked everyone.

Seeing this, Rogge made a quick decision: "Don't get entangled with them, you go first, I'll cover you."

After saying that, he took out the Death Abandoned Horn in his hand.

Lina and others nodded when they heard it, and then quickly got away and ran towards the high tower in the distance.

After seeing that everyone had left to the safe area, Rogge blew the Death Abandoned Horn in his hand.


Accompanied by the low sound of the horn.

The parasites around Rogge were instantly subjected to severe mental shock and let out strange howls of pain.

Their bodies involuntarily separated from the parasites.

After Rogge took out Jinmu and dealt with two of them, he directly used his talent to control a stronger-looking one.

【You use your talent, the Soul of Hei, to control the body of the starry sky parasite. ]

[You have gained a new body! ]

[Star Parasite]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Level: 30]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A mysterious creature from the starry sky that can parasitize and fuse with organisms or minerals to transform into a completely new form. ]

[Skills: None]

[Talent: Fusion Parasite (new abilities can be acquired after combining with the body of an organism or a mineral). ]

After feeling the feedback from the clone, Rogge's mouth slightly raised.

After thinking for a moment, Rogge quickly followed the footsteps of Lina and the others, and then left the clone in place.

After a while, the star parasites finally woke up.

But there was no trace of Rogge and others in front of them.

This made the monsters feel a little confused.

Just when they were at a loss, one of them sent out a unique communication method of the star parasites.

"They went over there."

A star parasite sent such a message.

"Brothers, chase!"

The rest of the Star Parasites did not doubt him and rushed in that direction.

After the main force left, Rogge's clone laughed strangely.

"A bunch of idiots."

Then, under Rogge's control, the Star Parasite clone came under the strange egg.

[Unhatched Egg]

[Type: Biological]

[Quality: Purple]

[Description: What secrets can an unhatched egg reveal? ]

The Star Parasite clone looked around furtively, then picked up the egg and tiptoed away quietly.

At this time, Rogge had already reunited with Lina and the others.

“Okay, no need to run, I led those guys away.”

After hearing his words, everyone stopped.

Nomi was a little curious: “How did you lead them away?”

Rogge smiled and said nothing.

The Star Parasite, who ran with the egg, answered everyone’s questions.

“He’s chasing us!” Nomi quickly raised his bow and arrow.

“We’re one of them! Don’t shoot!”

Rogge quickly pressed down Nomi who was about to shoot.

Lina and the others heard this and then remembered that Rogge seemed to have a special ability to control monsters.

Lina looked at the egg closely: "What kind of egg is this? Are you going to hatch it?"

Rogge also thought about it after hearing this.

He stole this thing purely because the group of star parasites seemed to treasure it very much.

"Who cares? Keep it for now."

Rogge shrugged and threw it into the inventory. If it doesn't work, just throw it to Heisatan to eat. Anyway, it's not a loss.

After solving the whereabouts of the egg, Rogge and others looked at the tower in front.

This tower did not look abnormal in their eyes.

"It seems that we should be in the right place."

Rogge and others walked towards the tower.

However, as their footsteps approached.

Everyone gradually found that everything in their sight began to become weird.

If the original black fog rule affected their sight only by moving the position or state of objects.

Then now, the black fog rule is completely distorting the world in their eyes!

Rogge clearly saw that the originally flat ground in front of him had now turned into an "eight" shape, and the surrounding black stone pillars seemed to be crushed and smashed, randomly stuffed into his sight.

The original high tower also began to distort and change.

"No, the impact is getting bigger and bigger!"

Rogge stopped.

There is definitely a big problem with the high tower in front!


Just as Rogge and others were standing still, a huge sound came into everyone's ears.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

The high tower in front of them actually began to change slowly, and finally turned into a four-winged black dragon embracing a high platform.

After returning to the dragon form, the dragon spread its four wings and slowly opened its vertical pupils.

As its eyes opened, Rogge and others could clearly perceive that the world in their eyes became normal again.

"The tower has turned into a dragon!" Nomi shook her head: "The hallucinations here are getting worse and worse."

She thought it was the black fog rule that was affecting her.

However, Rogge clearly realized that the dragon in front of him was absolutely real.

[Illusory Black Dragon - Wuweiyemuze (dying)]

[Type: Dragon]

[Quality: Domination]

[Level:? ]

[Rank:? ]

[Description: A black dragon that knows some of the power of illusion and reality. Wuweiyemuze was assigned to protect the Starry Sky Dragon City, but now he is on the verge of death. ]

The guardian of the Starry Sky Dragon City, a creature of the Domination level!

And its rank is [Unknown], which means that he is at least [Agent] or above!

After opening his eyes, Wuweiyemuze slowly spread his wings, stretched out his huge limbs and fell to the ground.

It looked very weak, and even when it saw someone in front of it, it did not roar.

Rogge, who had transformed into a dragon, knew that generally speaking, when a dragon appeared, it would most likely roar, which could show its dominance and shock the enemy.

But Wuweiyemuze did look very weak, and even his movements were quiet.

As Uweyemuzai gradually stretched out his body, Rogge seemed to understand the reason for its weakness.

I saw that Uweyemuzai's dark body was actually divided into two different areas.

His left half was a transparent illusory starry sky, and his right half was a pure black dragon body.

This can also be reflected on his face.

It seemed to be eroded by something!

Everyone was deeply shocked by this scene.

"... Captain, should we run?"

Nomi whispered behind Rogge.

Before Rogge could respond,

a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of Uweyemuzai in front of him, and with this movement, Lina and others disappeared instantly.

Rogge frowned when he saw this.

"... Don't worry, they are safe, this is just to facilitate our communication."

"... Thank you for coming, compatriots..."

The moment he heard it speak, Rogge used the dragon transformation skill to dragonize his ears, allowing himself to understand dragon language.

This little change still doesn't take much dragon power, and he has recovered a little along the way.

After hearing this, Rogge breathed a sigh of relief.

This Uweyemuzer looked very powerful. If he had hostility towards them, he would probably have to passively reload the game.

Fortunately, it seems that he didn't have any hostility now.

"… This, Senior, I am just a human who has dragon blood by coincidence…"

Rogge said truthfully.

He estimated that even if he didn't say it, Wuweyemuzai could see it.

In response to his response, Wuweyemuzai behaved very calmly and nodded slightly: "I know."


After Wuweyemuzai finished speaking, a trace of illusory starry sky color slowly appeared in his eyes, and then he was silent for a while.

As it was silent, Rogge's vision began to be affected again, becoming weird and confusing.

Seeing that it didn't speak, Rogge thought for a while and asked: "Senior, what do you want to see me for?"

Hearing this, Wuweyemuzai's eyes slowly became clearer.

"... Sorry, it's not easy for me to stay awake after being polluted..."

"Pollution?" Rogge said in surprise.

"Yes..." Wuweyemuzai nodded, and then fell into a state of confusion again.

Seeing this, Rogge could only wake it up again.

"... Sorry, I can't tell you too much in this state..."

Uweyemuzai said apologetically, and then turned into a palm-sized black square stone as black as a Rubik's Cube under Rogge's eyes.

A dragon eye opened on the black square stone.

"What's your name?"

After turning into this state, Uweyemuzai's condition seemed to be better, and the confusion in his voice was much less.


Hearing Rogge's response, Uweyemuzai seemed to fall into silence.

Rogge thought it was in chaos again, so he shouted again.

But Uweyemuzai was not in chaos, but repeated it to himself.


After a moment of silence, Uweyemuzai suddenly sighed for some reason and said something inexplicable.

"Old thing..."

After saying this, Uweyemuzai's attitude towards Rogge changed.

The tone that was originally neither salty nor bland now became serious.

"Rogge, since you are here, I have two things to ask you."

Rogge nodded: "Tell me."

Uweyemuzer was not polite, and the transformed black cube stimulated a force towards the original location of the tower.

As the influence of this energy spread.

A huge dragon paw holding a dragon egg appeared in front of Rogge.

This dragon egg is snow-white with smooth scales on it. It is extremely hard and full of vitality.

This seems to be the dragon egg that Uweyemuzer deliberately hid.

[Dragon egg about to hatch]

[Type: Biological]

[Quality: Red]

[Description: A pure-blooded dragon egg, containing extremely powerful vitality, it is about to hatch. ]

"I need you to take me and this dragon egg away from here."

Uweyemuzer said in a serious tone.


Rogge was a little confused when he heard this.

Let him take the dragon egg away, he can still understand it as entrusting an orphan.

But why did Wuweiyemuze ask him to take it away too?

Aren't you dying?

Seeing Rogge's puzzled look, Wuweiyemuze spoke again: "Take me away from here, I will help you."

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