I have a big sailing game

Chapter 170: Pollex Pirates (three in one, please subscribe!)


The huge tentacles wrapped around half of the pirate ship, and then crushed it easily like a bubble, making a huge noise.

The pirates on the ship looked at this scene with despair and fear on their faces.

"What the hell kind of monster is this..."

No one could answer his questions.

The only thing that responded to him was a sharp dagger that pierced his neck mercilessly. His life and the despair in his heart fell to the bottom of the sea.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell!"

A pirate had a perverted smile and jumped towards the Green from the small boat with ignited explosives.

Nomi had quick eyesight and quick hands. He bent his bow and shot an arrow through his neck.

But at this point his momentum could no longer be stopped.

Just when he was about to blow a big hole in the Green with explosives, Yas jumped down with a large shield of death, blocking the aftermath of the explosion.

With a bang, the crazy pirate's body fragments and explosives were splashed everywhere, extremely bloody.

Rogge and others retracted their weapons, and Heissatan slowly disappeared into the sea.

"The pirates in the Sin Sea are really rampant."

"What pirate ship is this?"

Linna caught the dagger and inserted it back into her waist.

Nomi next to her also put down her bow and arrow, and counted on her fingers: "It seems to be the seventh ship...not counting the criminals who only want to kill people..."

"The Sea of ​​Sin is really too dangerous..."

Nomi muttered.

"Eaaaay! Eaaaaay?"

Iya, who usually stayed in the cabin, ran out with a pair of dark circles under her eyes, looking around blankly.

What's going on? What happened?

Thundering for so long?

Yas looked at the Green, which already had some damage: "We have to find a place to repair the ship."

It is hard to imagine that there would be pirates in the sea of ​​sin so crazy that they would hold bombs and want to die with them.

Even though they just met by chance, they were so enthusiastic.

Although they were stopped in time, the Green still suffered some damage.

This allowed Rogge and others to have a good feel of the customs and customs of Sinhai.

"There don't seem to be any ordinary islands in the sea of ​​sin. Most of them are supply depots run by pirates or criminals, and the prices are extremely low."

Mira pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"However, there should be a prison island for the Kingdom Navy in the Sea of ​​Sin, and there should be a ship repair place on it."

After hearing this, Rogge nodded, took out the navigation chart and observed it for a moment.

"Yes, there is a small prison not far ahead, Yele Island. Let's head there."

The current damage to the Green is not major, but mostly some damage to the exterior of the hull. Although it is innocuous, it still needs to be taken seriously.

No one knows whether these crazy pirates left any hidden dangers to the Green in the process of self-destruction.

After deciding where to go, the Green accelerated again.

On the way, on a small pirate ship, the pirate captain laughed maniacally again.

"Hahaha, brothers, copy the guy and move the boat over!"

"Business is coming!"

The most indispensable thing in the sea of ​​sin is vicious pirates.

Madness is the ticket to the sea of ​​sin, and strength is the pass.

A few hours later, Yele Island.

Rogge stood at the bow of the ship, hearing the faint sound of dense artillery fire, and a shocking scene in the lookout mirror.

Yele Island, the prison island of the Thousand Island Kingdom, is currently being bombarded by a group of pirate ships!

I saw a large pirate fleet with several large ships and dozens of medium-sized ships venting their firepower wantonly.

Smoke rose, fire flickered, and explosions were heard.

The few Kingdom ships on the island were now in dilapidated condition, with most of them sunk.

"This is..." Mira frowned after putting down the observation glass, then took out a book, compared it and looked at Rogge: "A famous pirate group on the Sin Sea, the Polex Pirates ”

"I didn't expect that they would now be so arrogant that they would directly go to war with the Kingdom's navy..."

There was some indescribable surprise in Mira's voice.

You know, the Royal Navy generally ignores pirates in the sea of ​​crime, not because they lack strength, but because they are too lazy to care.

Pirates are rampant in the sea of ​​sin, which is the tacit approval of the kingdom.

The kingdom doesn't bother to care about how these pirates and criminals are fighting. If they are all imprisoned, the kingdom's prisons may be paralyzed in a short time.

So, the kingdom simply threw them into a cage, heavily guarded at the edge of the Sea of ​​Sin, and left them to fight on their own.

What they didn't expect was that they actually encountered a pirate group attacking and provoking the Kingdom's navy today. It must be said that it was really a rare thing.

"Polex?" Nomi was also a little surprised. She looked at Mira: "The reward for the leader of this pirate group is as high as 30,000 gold coins!"

She had seen this name before when she was a bounty hunter.

However, no matter how skilled Nomi is, he cannot take on such a bounty mission alone.

There is an entire pirate group behind Polex, so it is understandably difficult to kill him.

"What should we do now?" Lina looked at Rogge and asked for his opinion.

An ordinary person would have turned around and left without any hesitation.

Hearing this, Nomi also reacted.

Yes! We are an adventure group of extraordinary beings, are we still afraid of a group of ordinary pirates?

"Captain, the monster you summoned should be able to defeat Polex and the others, right?"

Rogge also put down the observation glass at this time.

Hearing Nomi's question, he nodded calmly.

He did not believe that an ordinary pirate group would have extraordinary combat power at the apostle level.

Even with ordinary extraordinary combat power, it is impossible to defeat a monster like Heisatan.

Since Cady has made him a lord, he will clean up these bug pirates and make a small contribution to the kingdom.


The water in front of the Green swayed violently.

There was no doubt that a giant creature of the sea was taking action.

Polex Pirates, the central ship.

A short and stocky man wearing a large black cloak looked at the sinking Kingdom fleet in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

He is the leader of the most famous pirate group in the Sin Sea, Polex.

In fact, according to common sense, Polex would not do such a stupid thing.

After all, as a cricket kept in captivity by the kingdom, it is definitely not a wise move to rashly provoke the kingdom's fleet.

But he has every reason to do so now.

"Destroy the Navy of Yele Island and rescue our brothers. Long live Polex!"

The pirates nearby shouted excitedly.

In their view, Polex was definitely a qualified pirate leader.

To be able to attack the navy stationed on the island in a fit of rage just for a few subordinates is such a tough guy.

A soldier dies for his bosom friend, and a captain does this. What more can I ask for?

When Polex heard their calls, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

On the surface, his purpose is of course to rescue the imprisoned pirate men.

But as a wily pirate leader, how could he, Polex, do such a mindless thing without any profit?

Of course, he couldn't tell these pirate brats the real purpose...

He still needs these idiots to work for him!

"Boss Polex, a ship has appeared behind our fleet!"

At this time, a pirate lookout reported.

When Polex heard this, he frowned: "Only one ship?"

"Yes, boss!"

"What flag is flying? Is it the Royal Navy?"

"It's the adventure group flag, boss!"


Polex was speechless for a moment, then suppressed his anger and kicked him away.

"Fuck you!"

"What's the big shit coming here to report? Just give it a couple of shots, I don't have time to deal with any rubbish adventure group right now!"

Pollux said angrily.

He thought that support from the kingdom's fleet was coming so soon.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an ordinary and non-threatening adventure group. What is there to report?

He is a man who wants to do big things, and now he is too lazy to play with Leng Touqing!

Seeing that Yele Island had almost no coastal defense force at this time, Polex took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"Prepare to land!"

The pirates were extremely excited after hearing the order and sailed the pirate ship to Yele Island, preparing to fight on the island.

But just when Polex was excited, a series of sudden movements suddenly pulled him back from his thoughts.

I saw that an attached pirate ship next to it was suddenly attacked strangely, made an explosion, and began to sink. The pirates on top shouted in horror.

"What's going on?"

Pollux was startled.

But what happened next made him feel numb and froze in place.

Next to the big ship, a group of black mist suddenly appeared, and a long, thick and powerful monster tentacle extended from it, and began to destroy the hull crazily under their noses.


The pirates shouted in terror.

Some people started to fight back with guns, and smoke was everywhere.

But the strange thing is that the projectiles fired by the flintlock gun passed directly through the tentacles formed by the black mist, without causing any effective damage to it.

It didn't even bother to pay attention to these pirates, and just killed some casually in the process of destroying the hull.

"This is..." Polex's pupils narrowed.

As if he realized something, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the adventure ship behind him.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

He knew that he must have met an extraordinary person!

In a mixture of shock and anger, Polex did not lose his mind. Instead, he left his men behind extremely calmly and ran towards the bottom cabin.

On the way, he took out a box with a living beating heart inside.

After holding the beating heart, the panic in Polex's heart was dissipated a little.

This heart seemed to give him a lot of confidence.

His expression gradually became ferocious, and his anger overtook his fear.

"A transcendent one, right? I, Polex, am not a vegetarian either!"

"With the alchemy monster Doctor Chrysalis gave me, I will definitely kill you all!"

Pollux smiled ferociously, took out the key and opened the iron cage in front of him.

In the violently shaking hull, several huge figures cast vague black shadows, covering Polex's body.

"What a powerful extraordinary creature..."

A slightly crazy smile appeared on Polex's face involuntarily.

"Alchemy Monster! Go! Destroy that adventure ship for me and eat all the people on it. No one will be left!"

he hissed.

With a low roar, the two alchemy monsters directly broke through the hull and swam quickly towards the Green in the distance.

Polex, on the other hand, grabbed the arm of an alchemy monster and retreated towards another pirate ship.



Next to the Green, an alchemist was controlled by Rogge's bone stripping technique, nailed in mid-air, and roared unconsciously at Rogge.

"What is this thing? It's so ugly! It's uglier than those pig-headed subhumans!"

Nomi said with some disgust.

The approach of these alchemists was naturally noticed by Rogge and others, and they were easily dealt with.

Rogge clenched his hands, and the alchemist exploded into a ball of blood mud and sprinkled into the sea.

His face was calm, but he was thinking in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Pollex was just an ordinary pirate group, but he didn't expect that these guys actually mastered the method of controlling this kind of alchemist.

It seems that this Pollex pirate group is inseparable from "Doctor Pupa".

We must find Pollex and ask him carefully.

"Wait for me here, I'll go over and take a look."

After Rogge said this to the crew, he activated the power of dragonization.

With a swish, a pair of pure white dragon wings spread out from Rogge's back, and with a slap, his body soared into the air and flew towards the pirate ship.

"Wow! So cool! I want to have a pair of wings like this too!"

Nomi's eyes were full of stars.

Captain Rogge's ability is so cool!

"So..." Mira rested her chin on her hand, looking thoughtful: "Brother Rogge is really a dragon, right?"

A few days ago, Rogge told them that he could only turn into a dragon once!


At this time on Yele Island, the remaining kingdom garrisons were in a heavy mood.

"Damn pirates, they are so rampant. If it weren't for the sword ceremony that took away the garrison forces, how could these bastards be so arrogant..."

With a bang, the garrison officer pounded his fist on the table, angrily.

But now the situation is urgent, and it's useless to say more. They can't resist these pirates before the arrival of reinforcements.

"...Pass my order, prepare to abandon the island..."

The garrison officer took a deep breath and was about to order the abandonment of the prison island.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a report from a naval soldier.

"Report! The ship of the Pollex Pirates was attacked by an unknown attack and is sinking!"


The garrison officer was shocked when he heard this, and quickly put on his hat and looked down.



After a slight sound, Rogge landed on the deck of the pirate ship.

A group of pirates around looked at Rogge, and their guns were trembling.

It's not that they were scared silly.

But they were horrified to find that their fingers seemed to be controlled and couldn't move at all!

And it's not just the fingers, all parts of their bodies, as long as they have bones, are out of control!

But they can control their muscles.

This feeling, except for weird, can't be described in other words!

Rogge put away his dragon wings, looked at a pirate, and released his control in an instant.

"Where is your captain Pollex?"

Hearing Rogge's question, the pirate shouted subconsciously: "Who are you..."


Before he finished speaking, a purple light flashed past, and the pirate's skull exploded with a bang, and the flesh and blood flew into the air and floated quietly.

Rogge released the control of another pirate and pointed at him.

"Ask again, where is your captain Pollex?"

"I, I, I, I... I don't know!"

The pirate was so scared that he couldn't say a continuous sentence.

Rogge retracted his gaze and closed his eyes after hearing this.

When he opened them again, his eyes had turned into the black vertical pupils of a giant dragon.

Rogge turned into a black mist and jumped up, standing on the mast of the pirate ship and scanning the surroundings.

Then, he quickly locked onto a small pirate ship.

"Found it."

After muttering to himself, the dragon wings opened again, and Rogge shuttled through the gunfire and the sinking pirate ship, and soon arrived at the destination.

At this time, Polex, wearing a cloak, was terrified.

He could sense that the two alchemists he sent to destroy the adventure ship had been killed!

Who were the people on the adventure ship?

No! I have to run! The farther the better!

Polex's scalp was numb, knowing that this level of enemy was not something he could afford to provoke.

Even the two alchemists given to him by Doctor Pupa were useless!


A calm voice suddenly came into his ears, and Polex felt his two feet stop uncontrollably, and his heart instantly turned cold.

It's over!

Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, a hand firmly grasped his throat.


Polex tried to struggle.

However, in his horrified eyes, the alchemist was also lifted up and floated in the air as if it was being strangled by the throat.

Polex also looked at the pirates around him.

But without exception, they all stood still as if they were under a spell of immobilization, with masks of pain on their faces.

With a cold heart, Polex finally realized that he had no hope of escaping.

It must be said that the skeleton manipulation skill was indeed extremely lethal to these ordinary people.

After realizing the benefits of this skill, Rogge upgraded it to the extraordinary level, and now he can kill some weaker ordinary creatures, such as humans, with just a thought.

"This thing is called an alchemist, right?" Rogge glanced at the alchemist next to him, then turned his gaze back to him: "Who gave it to you?"

Facing this terrifying supernatural being in front of him, Pollex did not dare to resist at all.

He did not even dare to say a word of nonsense.

As a pirate leader, he was very clear about his current situation.

"It's Doctor Pupa! It's Doctor Pupa!"

"My lord! Doctor Pupa asked me to attack Yele Island!"

Polex quickly answered, suppressing his fear.

Rogge thought to himself, as expected, and then asked again: "Why did he ask you to attack Yele Island? What is the purpose?"

"I don't know his purpose, sir, I can swear to this! If I lie, I will die!"

"Doctor Pupa asked me to attack Yele Island. As a condition of the deal, he will give me three alchemy monsters and promise to make me a superhuman in the future!"

"I didn't know he provoked you, sir! If I knew, I wouldn't dare to do it even if I had a hundred guts, sir..."

Polex cried bitterly, trying to put himself in the position of an unknown victim, and begged for mercy from Rogge.

Why did Doctor Pupa ask the pirate group to attack a prison island guarded by the kingdom's navy?

Rogge thought for a moment and looked at him: "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Looking at Rogge's calm and handsome face, Polex felt suffocated.

This guy thinks I'm useless and wants to kill me!

With a strong desire to survive, Pollex's brain was working fast: "My lord, my lord! There's more! There's more! I still have a lot to tell you!"

"This heart, holding it in your hand can control the alchemy monster and make it act according to your orders!"

"Besides, Doctor Pupa didn't just trade with me, he also contacted other big pirates!"

"Don't kill me, my lord! I have a lot of money! I can contact Doctor Pupa for you! I know a lot of information!"

"Even if you catch him alive and send him to prison, there's a bounty, my lord!"

Polex spoke quickly, and his desire to survive was full.

There was no way. If Pollex was a fool, he wouldn't have lived to this day after years of wandering in the sea of ​​sin.

To be honest, Roger didn't have an urgent desire to kill Doctor Pupa.

Of course, this doesn't mean Roger didn't have any intention of killing him.

With these alchemy monsters one after another, Roger had enough reasons to kill him.

For Roger, his current primary goal is to explore the falling objects from outer space, and any vicious villains have to stand back.

After all, if the matter of the Fire Seed Ship could not be resolved, it would be a question whether anyone in the Five Seas could survive.

If he was not afraid that the Greene would be damaged, he would not have stayed on Yele Island.

The reason why he attacked Pollex was because he was bombarding Yele Island and blocking him from repairing the ship.

"Go to the prison on the island yourself."

Rogge said, and loosened his hand that was strangling his throat.

Don't refuse the bounty that is delivered to your door.

As for the other pirates... Rogge estimated that Yele Island could not accommodate so many criminals, so it was better to sink them into the sea.

Pollex was so moved that he almost cried when he heard this, as if he had been pardoned.

Damn, after all the talk, he finally survived from this terrifying old man.

For Pollex, who had just survived from Rogge, it was a good thing to be able to go to prison intact.

After retracting his gaze, Rogge returned to the Greene and prepared to board Yele Island to repair the Greene.


The kingdom garrison on the island was dumbfounded when they saw Pollex leading the remaining pirates to surrender.

No, big brother, what are you doing?

It was a very favorable situation, and we were beaten so hard that we almost abandoned the island and broke out, but you surrendered?

But when the garrison officers heard the description of these pirates, they immediately understood that surrender was indeed their best choice.

If the facts were really as these pirates said, you couldn't move even if they just stood there.

How to fight? There is no way to fight, you know, you don't have the ability.

Although it is a little hard to believe, the facts are in front of them, and they have to believe it.

"On behalf of the Thousand Island Kingdom Navy, I thank you for your timely help. We will definitely remember your kindness, Mr. Rogge!"

"If you need any help, please be sure to speak up, we will do our best!"

After imprisoning Pollex and others, the garrison officers expressed their gratitude very seriously.

Rogge nodded: "It's true that there is something."

"Mr. Rogge, please speak!"

The garrison officer stood straight, waiting for Rogge to speak with a serious face.

"I need materials to repair the ship."

Rogge said.


Hearing Rogge's words, the garrison soldiers next to him who were covered in wounds could not help but look at each other in bewilderment.

That's it?

Just for this matter, the entire Pollex Pirate Group was destroyed?

The garrison soldiers on Yele Island felt a little unbelievable.

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