I have a big sailing game

Chapter 165: Rebirth in Withering (two in one, please subscribe! More updates will start tomorrow!)

[Your clone devoured the dragon-like blood essence and underwent new changes. ]

[Your clone's quality has been upgraded to Lord! ]

[Your clone devoured and absorbed the flesh and blood of the dragon-like lava snake, and transformed into a new body form! ]

[Your clone has acquired a new special skill - Lava Blood Wings lv1. ]

Pulu Pulu...

After a burst of flesh and blood tearing, Rogge's clone cut open the huge transformation sac and appeared in front of him with a burst of blood.


A pair of wings with red lava patterns spread out on its back!


[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Lord]

[Level: 32]

[Rank: Apostle]

[Skills: Fear Extension (Apostle) lv1, Dark Hidden (Extraordinary) lv2, Edged Ice Thorn lv8, Blood Field lv3, Lava Blood Wings lv1. ]

[Talent: Transformation, Blood Leather. 】

"Oh my god, this... is quite handsome!"

Rogge looked at the new image of his clone and was surprised.

It swallowed the flesh and blood of the dragon-like lava snake, and absorbed the dragon-like blood.

After nearly a month of transformation, it has undergone a change that can be called a plastic surgery.

It has been upgraded by one level.

The body has grown again, almost ten meters long, with lava wings on its back, and reddish scales like dragon scales on its tentacles.

The biggest change is the head. The head that originally had only a sense of ferocity now seems to be developing in the direction of a giant dragon, extending the upper and lower jaws, and with the equipped [Blue Horn], it really has a hint of dragon flavor.

[Lava Blood Wings lv1: A special skill generated by autonomous evolution, which can emit high temperature through the energy provided by the blood-absorbing cortex and drive high-temperature water flow. 】

The most critical thing is this pair of wings.

Rogge tried it and was surprised to find that his clone can now fly!

This made Rogge very happy.

Being able to fly means that the combat range of the clone has been greatly improved, and it will no longer be restricted to the water.

In general, Rogge is very satisfied with this transformation.

The only problem is...

"It's time to give a new name again..."

Rogge felt a headache.

His naming skills have always been poor.

Moreover, if he has to give a name every time he undergoes such a transformation, he will have a headache in the future.

But Rogge suddenly had an idea and thought of the dragon-like lava snake [Prylas].

He can follow this idea and give the clone a fixed name that can be used for a long time!

Thinking of this, Rogge was very excited.

But he soon calmed down, and after thinking for a while, he went to find Mira.

"A domineering name for a deep-sea monster?"

Mira was a little surprised, but still thought seriously for a while, and then her eyes lit up.

"Let's call it Heysatan."

"Hey and Kesatan are both ocean overlords in ancient legends, deep-sea gods who dominate mystery and fear."

Mira suggested.

However, Rogge was stunned.


This made him frown instantly, and then he looked closely at Mira.

"Where did you see the name Hei?"

Rogge's only talent is [Hei's Soul], and he has basically never seen the name "Hei" in the knowledge of mysticism.

However, today he heard this name from Mira.

"Ah?" Mira was a little surprised by Rogge's reaction, but still responded: "I saw it in a rare book that specializes in legends when I was in Nadwilo before."

"Is there any other information?"


Mira shook her head. She only saw a few sentences in that book.

Hearing this, Rogge sighed slightly, and at the same time silently remembered this matter in his heart.

It seems that the origin of the talent [Hei's Soul] may have a lot of hidden secrets.

After saying goodbye to Mira, Rogge thought about it and followed her advice to change the name of the clone to [Hei Satan].

There is no way, who made him name it poorly.


[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Lord]

[Level: 32]

[Rank: Apostle]

After Heisatan had the ability to fly, Rogge had more confidence in the events that were about to happen.

"One last thing."

Rogge took out the cave key and teleported into the cave.


[Deep in the Goblin's Lair]

With a rumble, the huge body of the jungle guard slowly stood up and guarded Rogge.

Dozens of bone spirits also took shape and stood behind Rogge, ready for battle.

Rogge placed several bottles of white rose potion in the inventory, took out a bottle of purple potion and drank it.

[You drank the Night Demon potion, and the night magic attack power increased. ]

[The current toxin accumulation is 16%. ]

After taking the potion, Rogge's eyebrows had a little more lavender.

He took out the Jinmu and Blackthorn spells and prepared to move towards the Withered Altar.

But before that, he still observed the situation of the mummy goblin leader.

After killing several mummy goblins that were called, Rogge nodded with satisfaction.

These goblins are renewable, just right for the crew to gain experience.

Then, Rogge turned and headed towards the withered altar.

After the black stone platforms in the four directions were activated, the teleportation secret image of the withered altar could no longer be used.

Rogge estimated that the final boss of the land cave was at the Withered Altar.

The journey was still a bit far, so in order to save time, Rogge used automatic exploration.

[You led the jungle guard and the bone spirit towards the Withered Altar. ]

[Along the way, you saw many blooming flowers, but these flowers were very strange, as if they were dried up and then propped up by some force. ]

[After moving forward for a while, you saw a soul body kneeling on the ground, and he was constantly muttering something. ]

[With the magical effect of the listening necklace, you understood some of his words. ]

[Ya Ya... I'm sorry... I'm a sinner... ]

[You tried to communicate with him, but it didn't work. ]

[Helplessly, you can only continue to move forward. ]

[Not long after, you saw a shocking scene. ]


A strange and melodious ethereal singing came.

In front of Rogge, a huge and beautiful purple-gray flower appeared on the originally dilapidated withered altar, which looked full of vitality.

Below it, purple-gray vines fluttered in the wind like jellyfish tentacles.

With every move, gray pollen was scattered and floated in the air.

On the altar, hundreds of gray-white soul creatures were dancing happily and singing selflessly.

Rogge's eyes condensed and looked at the huge flower in the center.

[Withered New Life - Lajia Yaya]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Lord]

[Level: 30]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: Lajia Yaya was once a lively and lovely girl who loved dancing and singing. Her dream was to bring happiness to people, but her fate was completely changed by a sudden accident. ]

Withered New Life, Withered Flower...

Rogge turned his head and looked at the soul behind him.

There is no doubt that there is a certain connection between the two.

It looks like another sad story.

Rogge shook his head.

He drew out the Jinmu, ignited the spirit flame in his hand, and slowly walked towards the withered flower in the center of the altar while enchanting the blade.

With a rustle, a blue flame ignited on the sharp blade of the Jinmu.

"What's the story? Let's find out after the fight..."

Rogge held the sword in front of him, and the jungle guards and bone spirits behind him roared and roared, and launched a fierce charge towards the altar.



The black mist turned into a human form, the Jinmu returned to the sheath, and Rogge turned his head to look at the withered flower.


The blue soul flame burned the withered flower, burning everything to ashes.

The withered flower made a miserable cry, and the sound gradually became smaller.

Beside her, countless soul bodies also knelt on the ground with their heads in pain, and their figures gradually blurred.

[Yaya, I'm sorry, I hurt you...]

The soul body Legawawa knelt on the ground with his head in his hands, crying bitterly.

Rogge watched all this quietly.

At the moment when the withered flower was attacked by him, the soul body Legawawa below turned into a huge soul holding a long whip and came to the side of the withered flower.

But under the restraint of Rogge's followers, the spiritual flame spell in Rogge's hand had a great restraining effect on them.

Therefore, Rogge solved it without any effort.

[You killed the withered newborn Legayaya, gained combat experience, and upgraded your level. ]

[You killed the repentant whisper Legayawa, gained combat experience, and upgraded your level. ]

[Your character level has reached the current rank limit, please upgrade your rank. ]

[You found Legayaya bud × 1. ]

[You found Legayawa's diary × 1. ]

[You found the soul bouquet × 1. ]

[You found the withered seed × 1. 】

【You found 2 remnant souls of extraordinary creatures (purple). 】

【You found 2 ownerless souls of full-timers (purple). 】

【You found 82 special stone coins. 】

【The secret image - the withered altar has been revived. 】

【You have cleared the land cave! 】

【You found a new cave pointer! 】

Rogge began to count his spoils.

But after looking around, he couldn't help but frowned.

The reason is that although the harvest this time is good, it is not suitable for him.

【Lejia Yaya's Bud】 is a weapon with good effects, but the side effects are too great. You must stand still when using it.

【Soul Bouquet】 is an ornament that can increase eight points of spirit value.

But the high income brings negative effects.

It must be held in your arms to be useful.

"Give it to Mira. These two pieces of equipment are just right for her."

As for [Withered Seed]...

[Withered Seed]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Gold]

[Effect: After swallowing the Withered Seed, the user will combine with the Withered Seed and undergo unknown changes. ]

[Description: Want to transform into a flower girl? Then swallow it! ]

Rogge quietly put it away.

There is no need to say more about the remaining things. Rogge still plans to keep the ownerless soul, and the remaining soul will be distributed to Lina and others.

After sweeping the surroundings again, Rogge did not find any treasure chests, and could not help but feel a little disappointed.

It's okay that there is no treasure chest, but there is not even a fishing pond.

And the things dropped by this boss are not very good.

It seems that the cave does not always give good things.

"Look at what's written in this diary."

Rogge took out [Laigawawa's Diary] and began to read it carefully.

After reading it, he shook his head.

Quite different from what he guessed.

Lai Jia Wawa is Lai Jia Ya Ya's brother, a scholar who studies mysterious powers, and got the wither seed by chance.

Lai Jia Ya Ya was in danger after an accident, and her brother took the risk and planted the seeds of blight on her body.

In the end, the former girl Lai Jia Yaya transformed into [Rebirth in Withering], causing everything around her to wither, including her brother Lai Jia Wawa.

But she also lost her memory as a human and became a strange monster that spreads withering power unconsciously.

And her brother's soul was lost in pain and repentance.

So, is this new life, or is it withering that symbolizes death?

The royal city of Ozurek.

In a huge deep secret room.

The solemn huge statue of the Mother Goddess emits a gentle blue light.

The surrounding space is also illuminated by this light, with almost no blind spots.

Hundreds of believers murmured low prayers in this deep chamber.

Their eyes were full of determination and determination.

A deep voice slowly sounded in their ears.

"The great wave of destruction brings disaster and fear. Only the loving and tolerant Mother Goddess can save the world."

"However, although the Mother Goddess sympathizes with the world, because there are so many unbelievers in the five seas, her great power cannot come to them all."

"Therefore, the Mother Goddess said that there should be sacrifice and dedication in the wave."

"Dear believers, we are the most loyal believers of the Mother Goddess and the most noble and pure power of faith. Only we can dedicate ourselves to the Mother Goddess!"

"Come on, sacrifice everything to the Mother Goddess. This is the greatest thing we can do for ignorant creatures!"

"When the sea water fades with the dark moon, the truth will emerge in the world..."


The last two words seemed to have a magical sound.

The moment the believers present heard these two words, they all raised their heads, devoutly moved toward the huge statue of the Mother Goddess, and shouted loudly.

"Sacrifice one of me to show the power of the Mother Goddess!"


The next second, blue-purple energy was drawn out of the eyes, mouths and noses of all the believers, and they headed back towards the statue of the Mother Goddess.

"...Damn! Crazy, a bunch of lunatics! I don't want to die!"

In the last row of believers, a young man swallowed, fell to the ground in horror, and then rolled towards the door.

However, at the door, a figure with hands behind his back stood in front of him.

Under the light, the young man couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see the solemn face with his eyes closed.

"Lord...Mr. Bishop..."

He swallowed, a little at a loss.

"Now that you are here, dedicate everything you have to the Mother Goddess."

"You will be part of the tide..."

The solemn man reached out and grabbed his throat, and a strange force forcefully stripped away all the essence from the man's body.

In his frightened eyes, his consciousness gradually blurred, and eventually, his body became pale and cold, without any blood.

The solemn man carried his body to the deep chamber and carefully arranged it to look like other believers.

She even carefully adjusted his expression with her hands to make him look pious enough.

At this time, under the light of the Mother Goddess statue, his face gradually became clearer.

It is the Bishop of the Cathedral of the Mother Goddess.

The bishop clasped his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards the statue of the Mother Goddess, looking at the equally pale figure under the statue.

"The mysterious organization left behind by the legendary King of Heroes, the Shadow of the Goddess has appeared."

"They seem to be supporting the third prince Ladi to take over. This is not good news for us."


The pale figure suddenly came to life, twisted his neck, and his face slowly turned red.

"I told you a long time ago, just sacrifice these ignorant lambs directly..."

The man's face was gloomy, with a bit of disdain and ridicule on his face with thick dark circles under his eyes.

"...but what do you have to tell me...be patient, be cautious, be careful..."

"It's better now. After decades of doing this, it's no use. My body hasn't recovered much. On the contrary, my next plan is almost ruined..."

"Please, do you really think of yourself as a pure and devout believer? Sacrifice! It wants sacrifices!"

"If there are no sacrifices, the next ones who will kneel in front of the statue and be unable to get up will be us. Do you understand?"

The man walked up to the bishop and stared at him with cold eyes.

The bishop was unfazed by his complaints.

"Look for an opportunity to kill the third prince Ladi, or launch a coup during the sword-holding ceremony to help Anderson ascend to the throne."

"You should return to your original self."

Upon hearing the bishop's words, the Yin Ying man's eyes bulged, with bloodshot eyes visible to the naked eye. He grabbed the bishop's collar.

"Senuvel, what did you say?!"

The Yin Ying man gritted his teeth, his eyes showing undisguised rage and murderous intent.

"Once you return to your original body and die, you will be directly swallowed by the will of the Mother Goddess."

"I'm going to risk my life to tell you the truth about the bad things you did, right?"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

The gloomy man's murderous intent became stronger as he spoke, and his body began to surge constantly, as if something terrifying was about to emerge.

It can be seen that he was not joking with the bishop.


In response, Bishop Senuweier just spoke lightly.

"You know, my approach is right."

"The five seas have always hidden potential restrictions, and we must hide."

"If it doesn't work this time, we and the church will be finished."

"But if it succeeds, we will have a chance to break away from the will of the Mother Goddess."

"Ampmontis, we are the same kind..."

At this point, Senuweier slowly pressed down his arm.

"If the situation is not right, I will take out that thing to save you..."

Ampmontis took a deep breath, withdrew his hand, and looked at him deeply...

"It's better this way."

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(I have been resting for a while recently, and I will resume the explosive update state tomorrow.)

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