I have a big sailing game

Chapter 162 The Fire Boat (two in one, please subscribe!)

The Shadow of the Goddess seems to have no such thing as a base.

Rogge was soon led by the mysterious man to an ordinary house and saw the person he wanted to meet this time.

There are three.

One is the Shadow Leader, the other should be the potion master in Shadow of the Goddess, and the last one, Rogge guessed, might be his bodyguard or something.

They all looked ordinary, just like ordinary civilians in the royal city.

However, Rogge knew very well that they used a special disguise technique, a special kind of dough, and the mysterious man also used it for Rogge.

After the mysterious man glanced at Rogge, he took out the sound-screening beads from his arms and enveloped the five people in them.

After doing this, the mysterious man finally began to introduce himself, and also introduced himself.

"Captain Rogge, this is the leader of our Shadow Goddess, Shadow Chief Karen."

"These two are our potion master Suman and the prophet Theoryd."

"As for me, you can call me Azo."

The mysterious man Azuo introduced them with a smile. They looked like they were meeting and introduced by ordinary friends.

After Rogge glanced at Prophet Theoride, he withdrew his gaze and said hello to the three of them.

To be honest, this meeting was a little different from what he had imagined.

He originally thought that the Shadow of the Goddess would be an underground organization, and that the leader of the shadow might be a very powerful leader, and that the meeting place should be in a very mysterious place.

However, this assumption is obviously somewhat different from the current situation.

But it was obvious that the Shadow of the Goddess was not teasing him.

Because Rogge could clearly see that the rank of the two people opposite him was [Extraordinary], and the rank of the shadow leader was [Apostle].

"Hello, Captain Roger."

"I'm sorry, the place to receive you is a little rough."

The shadow head nodded slightly towards Rogge, and the potion master Suman beside him took out a box and placed it on the table.

"This is the tear crystal you need for your library."

After pushing the box towards Rogge, Shadow Head spoke again.

"I've been looking forward to this meeting for a long time."

The shadow head showed a smile.

"You should have a lot of questions to ask."

Hearing this, Rogge pondered.

He indeed had many questions to ask the film leader in front of him.

Now that the other party has spoken, he is no longer polite and directly raises the question that concerns him the most.

"Why do you pay so much attention to me?"

"Logically speaking, I am just an ordinary extraordinary person. There should be many extraordinary people among your descendants of the gods, right?"

Rogge stared at the shadow head, trying to see some clues from his expression.

But when the film leader heard this, he just smiled slightly.

But the prophet Theorid next to him spoke at this time.

"Captain Roger, you are special."

Very special?

Rogge frowned, and many questions suddenly appeared in his mind.

But soon, the prophet opened his mouth to explain again.

"Azuo should have mentioned to you that there is a prophet beside Hero King Ozurek."

"That prophet is my ancestor."

After that, without waiting for Rogge to respond, he took out the cups on the table and placed them in five directions.

"When our ancestors followed the King of Heroes to establish the Kingdom of Thousand Islands, they searched the five seas for all kinds of ancient knowledge, and finally discovered an extremely astonishing thing..."

At this time, the prophet stretched out his hands, formed a circle around the five cups, and gradually gathered them together, as if he wanted to swallow up the five cups.

"In the five sea areas, every few hundred years or so, there will be a catastrophe of world-destroying level. This catastrophe will last for decades or even hundreds of years."

"And the source of these catastrophes comes from the boundless mysterious sea outside the five sea areas."

"Disasters will come one after another like a tidal wave, washing over the five seas like waves."

"So, this catastrophe is also called..."

"Big wave."

The prophet retracted his hand and his tone was very solemn.

After listening, Rogge frowned even more.

The old Yaoding had told him before that the big wave had appeared more than 800 years ago.

But what does this have to do with the importance that the Shadow of the Goddess places on him?

It seemed that he was aware of Rogge's doubts.

To this the Prophet was quick to answer.

"The big wave cannot be resisted by human beings, so after the ancestors discovered this, they discussed it with the King of Heroes, and the two came to the conclusion... to escape from the five sea areas."

"To this end, the King of Heroes and the ancestors made preparations for us, created a fire boat on the island of Ozurek, and hid it in the three corners of Ozurek."

"If a big wave comes, people in the five sea areas can take this fire boat and sail beyond the Strait of Atonement."


The prophet's gaze gradually deepened as he looked at Rogge.

"Even the Fire Boat can only accommodate a very limited number of people, and if the current Fire Boat wants to pass through the Strait of Atonement, it still lacks a vital material."

"This thing is called meteor floating sand."

"...That's why you asked me to search for falling objects from the sky?" Rogge immediately reacted when he heard the word "meteor".

"Yes, according to the prediction, there are a large number of meteorites floating in the sky. We hope you can bring them back. This is indeed one of our goals."

"In my premonition, only you can bring out enough meteorite floating sand from the falling objects from the sky, and you will also get opportunities here."

The prophet nodded.

"How much?"

"Take as many as you can."

Rogge was silent for a moment after hearing this.

With an inventory, he can indeed carry a large number of similar items.

It seems that the extraordinary power of this world is indeed magical. The prophet's foresight ability even takes into account his ability to have an inventory.

"...Why must the Fire Seed Boat be used to carry people? Can't ordinary ships be used to cross the Strait of Atonement?"

Rogge raised his own question.

In response, Shadow Head shook his head, took over the prophet's words, and began to explain for Rogge.

"The Strait of Atonement is a special terrain that has existed since ancient times. Its strangeness is that when a small boat passes by, it will only encounter attacks from powerful extraordinary creatures, and a large ship will be directly swallowed by it."

"And the meteorite floating sand can prevent the Fire Seed Boat from being swallowed by the power of the Strait of Atonement and smoothly go to the outside of the Strait of Atonement."

"Is it safe outside the Strait of Atonement?" Rogge asked.

"It's certainly not safe outside the Strait of Atonement. There are many extraordinary and strange creatures there, as well as large areas of unknown areas."

"However, there have been many people who have walked out of the five seas over the past few hundred years. They have explored a small number of unknown areas. Although there are still dangers in these known areas, they are much better than the crisis of the big wave."

The Shadow Head explained patiently.

Rogge nodded after hearing this, thinking: "So...you found me to make such a deal?"

"What does this have to do with the sword ceremony?"

"His Highness Radi will be recognized by the Sword of Odakiro and crowned as king." The prophet said calmly, with certainty in his voice.

"Only His Highness Radi can take on the heavy responsibility in this critical moment and leave the fire of survival for the humans in the five seas."

He said in an unquestionable tone.

His Highness Radi is Kadi.

As for why the Shadow of the Gods is so sure that he can become king, of course, there is no need to say more. It must be the prophecy of this prophet or his ancestors.

But to be honest, Rogge still felt strange.

When Kadi was on the Green, he looked pure all day long.

And he was not pretending.

But he suddenly realized something: "So you have already contacted him?"

The prophet nodded: "Yes, but he didn't tell him much at that time, and he chose to leave the royal city to travel."

No wonder Kadi hesitated when he heard that the Green was going to go beyond the Strait of Atonement.

Presumably he also made a difficult choice between responsibility and freedom.

"The Mother God Church secretly supports the second prince Anderson, and may do something with the sword ceremony. We will not let them get their wish."

"By then, there may be a war, and we don't have many people at present, so I would like to ask you to protect His Highness Radi's safety."

Shadow Head said seriously.

"Are you confident that you can defeat the Mother God Church?"

Rogge heard this meaning from his words. After all, if the Shadow of the Gods fails in the war with the Mother Church, it will be useless for Kadi to come back at that time.

In response, Shadow Chief just nodded slowly.

The potion master Suman, who had not spoken before, also spoke at this time: "You can rest assured about this, we will resolve the dispute."

Hearing this, Rogge looked at the mysterious man Azo who was silent beside him.

"So, the content of our transaction has become bringing back meteorite floating sand from the falling objects from outer space and protecting Kadi in the war?"

Seeing Rogge's eyes, Azo could only smile awkwardly.

His mission was just to bring some news to Rogge, and he couldn't know so much about the specific content.

Fortunately, Shadow Chief also explained for him: "Azo just brought a message, and we didn't tell him so much about the inside story at that time."

Rogge smiled in his heart when he heard this.

The reason why Shadow Chief asked Azo to make the transaction vague must not be so simple.

It is probably because he was afraid that Azo or himself would leak the news in the middle of the process.

"If you have any other requests, Captain Roger, just ask. We will try our best to satisfy them as long as we can."

"But no matter what, I hope you will accept this deal and preserve the fire for the people of the five seas."

The prophet stood up and saluted Roger seriously.

The shadow leader, the potion master Suman, and the mysterious man Azo also stood up at this time.

"Okay, no need to do this, I accept this deal."

Rog waved his hand.

Even if it was for the apostle-level potion formula, he would accept this deal.

Besides, the content of their deal has not changed much.

In short, it is still about protecting Kadi and exploring the falling objects from outer space.

"When the big wave comes..." Roger looked at them seriously at this time, "Don't you plan to escape the big wave?"

Hearing this, the shadow leader in front of Roger did not change his expression.

"The responsibility given to us by the Hero King is to maintain the inheritance of the Thousand Islands Kingdom and the peace of the five seas, so that humans can have a large rear base to recuperate."

"As the shadows of the gods, of course we can't all escape."

"There are limited spaces on the Fire Seed Boat, and Azo and I will not leave."

The Shadow Head's voice was calm.

The magician Suman and the prophet Theoride heard this and looked gloomy.

They have very special abilities and must leave with the Fire Seed Boat.

The mysterious man Azo was calm, as if he had known the Shadow Head's decision for a long time.


Looking at the four people in front of him, Rogge felt a little complicated.

“…I still have some questions.”

On the way back to the Green.

Rogge looked at the large number of secret scrolls and formulas, as well as books and materials in the inventory, and didn't know what to say.

Alchemist Suman gave him the potion formulas, potion formulas, and notes recording knowledge and experience that he had accumulated.

The apostle-level potion formula was also handed over to him directly.

Shadow Head gave him some secret scrolls of spells and combat skills, and a navigation map outside the Strait of Atonement.

The prophet gave him a lot of books about extraordinary knowledge and secrets.

I don't know if they want to use this to gain Rogge's trust, or if they think they may never return in this war...

Da Da Da...

On the way out of the royal city, a devout knight was leading a team of believers to patrol the road.

Rogge took a look and then retracted his gaze, passing by calmly.

The sword-holding ceremony will begin in less than a week, and the Mother Goddess Church has begun to prepare.

Rogge also asked Shadow Head.

If the Mother Goddess Church can really protect the Thousand Island Kingdom from the disaster of the great wave as they said, then is it necessary for them to do so?

The answer given by the Shadow Head is that no matter whether they have the ability or not, they can't hand over the future of the Thousand Island Kingdom to a mysterious foreign church.

That's right, the Shadow Head directly said that the Mother Goddess Church is an external force.

They directly used a local church in the Five Seas to be reborn and became the current Mother Goddess Church.

In addition, the Mother Goddess Church has revealed some strange clues, which makes it even more unbelievable.

Before leaving the royal city, Rogge stood on the slope of the road.

The towering royal palace is extremely luxurious, the tall buildings lined up one after another are gorgeous and prosperous, and the huge statue of King Ozurick stabilizes the entire royal city like a sea-stabilizing needle.

The broad city walls are endless, surrounding the entire central royal city, as if unbreakable.

The crowds under the city gate are constantly coming and going, and everything seems to be developing in a good place.

But what came to Rogge's mind was the brilliant sunset on the sea level before falling into the polar night...


After returning to the Green, Rogge started making potions without stopping.

Mira's matching potion is [Reader].

Nomi's matching potion is [Hunter] given by the potion master Suman.

And he also gave Rogge the corresponding potion ingredients.

This means that Rogge has gathered all the refining conditions.

Next, he will refine the corresponding potions for the two crew members to make them true extraordinary people.

The next crisis will come like waves.

If they don't speed up their pace of becoming stronger, they will never have a chance to breathe.

So, Rogge turned into a ruthless refining machine, began to refine potions continuously, and never tired of refreshing its quality.

[Potion preparation...]

[Potion refining...]

[You performed exceptionally well during the refining process, and the quality of the potion has improved. 】

[Refining is successful, you get Reader (Potion) × 1. 】

[Refining is successful, you get Hunter (Potion) × 1. 】

One ball a day!

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(Today is a bit bad, serious writer's block, only two updates... Sao Rui Sao Rui, I am embarrassed to ask for monthly tickets, how about you give it to me tomorrow...)

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