I have a big sailing game

Chapter 155 Blackthorn Book (8k, please subscribe to support!)

[You killed the mummy werewolf and gained combat experience. ]

[You killed the mummy werewolf and gained combat experience, and your level was upgraded! ]


[You found 3 fallen wolf teeth. ]

[You found 7 dried wolf skins. ]

After killing several mummy werewolves, Rogge canceled the automatic exploration and looked at the surrounding environment through the game perspective.

Then he found that there was a trail extending out of the house.

[You walked along the forest trail. ]

[As you moved forward, accompanied by gunshots, bullets attacked, and you subconsciously turned into black mist to avoid them. ]

[Through the manipulation of the skeleton, you felt several figures in the dark, and it was they who attacked you in the dark. ]

[You took out the skeleton staff, turned into a dead abandoned heavy cavalry, and began to slaughter. ]

[Not long after, a group of creatures that looked like human mummies were stripped of their bones by you and turned into shriveled skins lying on the ground. ]

[They were dressed very much like hunters. ]

[You left a survivor and used the memory fish scale to try to communicate, but you didn't get any information you wanted. This guy is like a mentally retarded person. ]

After taking a look at the experience tips and the dropped items he picked up, Rogge frowned again.

He didn't pick up anything useful along the way.

However, he had experience to gain, so he could only make do with it.

Rogge went back to the game to reset the number of times the memory fish scale was used, and continued to explore patiently.

[You found an altar in the forest, and there was a roaring dragon head secret statue not far away from you. ]

[The secret statue - the hand of the jungle has been revived. ]

[Then, you looked at the altar again. ]

[There was a withered wooden hand on the altar, with a purple scroll on it and a golden treasure chest below. ]

[This wooden hand only had three fingers holding the scroll, and the index finger seemed to be pointing in a certain direction. ]

[There were several dry big hands sticking out from the ground next to the altar, which looked like they were lurking dangers. 】

An old trick, I guess there are monsters underground again.

Rogge summoned the Bone Spirit and the Dead Veteran clone.

[You carefully let the clone and the Bone Spirit come forward to take the scroll. ]

[The Bone Spirit faithfully executes your secret order, walks forward quickly, and struggles to crawl towards the purple scroll. ]

[This move awakens the sleeping monster! ]

[A rumbling sound rang out, and the land around the altar began to tremble. Several dry hands shook stiffly, slapped the ground, and then propped up several monsters that emerged from the ground! ]

[Withered Jungle Guard]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Elite]

[Level: 20]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: The Jungle Guard was once the representative of the muscular brothers in this forest, but now it has become a thin dog, which makes it very upset. ]

Seeing this description, Rogge almost vomited.

Thin dog?

After he looked at the monsters on the screen... it really is.

There are four jungle guards, tall but very thin and shriveled.

Three jungle guards are holding meteor hammers made of thorny vines.

A jungle guard below is holding a staff with the appearance of vines.

[The four jungle guards roared, and then waved their weapons to attack you! ]

Seeing this, Rogge was not afraid.

Let's fight, there are four jungle guards, and he has more people.

[You summoned the remaining bone spirits, and after wearing the equipment you made, the ten bone spirits have a certain combat power, at least they will not be killed in one move. ]

[The jungle guards have no bones, you give up using the staff in your hand, take out the long fangs, and give the brocade wood to the old corpse. ]

[There are four jungle guards, three meteor hammers and one magician, but you have twelve combat forces on your side, which has an absolute advantage in numbers. ]

Twelve to four, the advantage is mine!

Rogge started the fight without hesitation.

[The staff-holding jungle guard roared, stabbed the staff in his hand heavily, and began to chant a spell. ]

[You felt something was wrong, and after calling on the Bone Spirit and the Veteran General to contain the three front-line soldiers, you turned into black mist and flew towards the jungle guard to attack. ]

[You caused a lot of damage to the jungle guard, and its body became broken. ]

[Several jungle guards tried to come back to help, but you took out the token "Death Abandoned Horn" and blew it. ]


[With the low sound of the horn, you were shocked to find that the Veteran General and the Bone Spirit were affected, but several jungle guards only paused for a moment, and then came towards you as if nothing had happened. ]

Seeing this, Rogge's heart skipped a beat, and he thought it was bad.

His original intention was to use the Death Abandoned Horn to control several jungle guards and extend some time for his output.

Otherwise, when the staff-wielding jungle wardens use their skills, the situation will definitely not be optimistic.

And he was prepared for his own people to be affected.

But he never expected that the effect of the Death Abandoned Horn would have no effect on these jungle wardens!

What happened? Do these guys have no souls?

[The jungle wardens attack, and you have to pull away and look for opportunities. ]

[However, the opportunity for battle is fleeting. ]

[During the time you pull away, the staff-wielding jungle wardens finally complete their skill chanting. ]

[Instantly, a powerful force burst out, and huge black dry thorns rose from the ground, centered at the foot of the jungle guard, and scattered in all directions. ]

[The terrifying attack power instantly killed your bone spirit! ]

[You used Mist Flash to move to a safe position. ]

[The clone of the old general was gradually defeated under the attack blockade of three jungle guards, and you could only carefully contain him. ]

[Finally, after struggling to seriously injure two jungle guards, your clone's body shattered. ]

Seeing this, Rogge did not choose to return immediately, but chose to micro-manage and continue fighting.

[Although your side suffered huge losses, you, who are flexible, still won the final victory by pulling and attrition with the white rose potion. ]

[You killed the jungle guard and gained combat experience. ]

[You killed the jungle guard with a staff, gained combat experience, and your level was upgraded. ]

[You obtained Thorn Thorn Hammer × 1. ]

[You obtained 1 Thorn Staff. ]


[You used your talent, the Soul of Hei, to control the body of the Jungle Guardian. ]

[You obtained a new body - the Jungle Guardian. ]

After killing three Jungle Guardians, Rogge's level was raised again, reaching level 18, and the two attributes were equally divided into body and spirit.

After picking up the spoils, Rogge came to the soul of the Dead Veteran.

This soul was not the soul of the Dead Veteran, but Rogge's soul, which was the soul he used to control the body.

After the body was destroyed, Rogge's soul, like those of the Dead Abandoned who lost their bodies, could only exist in the state of soul.

However, Rogge would not fall into the painful state of the soul of the Dead Abandoned, he only needed to take back the soul.

[You obtained the remains of the body - the Dead Veteran. ]

After taking a look at the remains of the body of the Dead Veteran, Rogge did not check its body will.

The strength of the avatar of the Dead Veteran is not bad. Even when besieged by four jungle guards, it can still seriously injure two jungle guards.

But it is not very practical for Rogge now.

Rogge's own attack power is strong enough, and what he needs is a front-line meat shield.

Although the quality of the Dead Veteran is high enough, the level is not high enough, and it is difficult to play the role that Rogge wants.

Even if it is used as his own body, it is just a shell, and the talents of the Dead Veteran are also repeated with his abilities, which is not suitable for use as a body at this stage.

In comparison, the Death Abandoned Heavy Cavalry that can increase his defense is more practical, and the avatar is more practical as a jungle guard.

"Keep it as a souvenir."

Rogge sighed and put it away.

Then he began to check the loot that had just dropped.

The Thorn Thorn Hammer is useless. Rogge basically has no chance of using it, so it can only be put in the warehouse to gather dust.

The thorn staff is a green quality staff, and its attributes are not as good as the skeleton staff. The only thing worth mentioning is that the skill power will increase when using the thorn magic.

The rest are some extraordinary materials, which can be said to be basically no big gains.

But Rogge doesn't care about it.

The four jungle guards are not the focus at all, the highlight is still to come.

Treasure chest!

Rogge rubbed his hands.

[You found a golden treasure chest! ]

[But it is tightly locked. ]

[You need to find the corresponding key to open it. Of course, you can also try to break it violently. ]

Rogge saw this and felt a basin of cold water poured down.

He didn't see the key in the drops of the jungle guard just now.

Where is the key?

[You searched carefully around the altar, but found nothing. ]

[In desperation, you can only take the scroll on the wooden hand. ]

[The moment you took the scroll off, something strange happened. ]

[A mysterious power drilled into your body. 】

【You are cursed with withering and fall into a withering state, losing 10% of your maximum health every hour until you completely wither. 】


Rogge's face darkened. He originally thought that this scroll was a skill book or something, but he didn't expect it to be a triggered curse.

And the effect of this curse is quite strong.

This made Rogge feel a little helpless.

Just as he was about to go back, a line of text that appeared again stopped him.

【You have obtained the guidance of the scroll. 】

【If you follow the guidance, you may find a way to remove the curse and some important tips, or you may get extra rewards. 】

This made Rogge ponder for a moment.

It seems that this curse is not all bad.

However, after thinking for a while, Rogge went back to before the curse was triggered.

This curse is left behind, and he is now looking for the key to the golden treasure chest.

If he really can't find it, follow the guidance.

Rogge flipped through the text, thought for a while, and found some possible information.

The index finger of the wooden hand holding the scroll pointed in a direction, perhaps there would be some clues there.

[You checked the direction pointed by the wooden hand's index finger and decided to move forward in this direction. ]

[You moved forward in the direction of the wooden hand's index finger and encountered some werewolf monsters on the way. You easily killed them. ]

[After moving forward again, you found a cave with a sleeping monster inside. There was a golden thing hanging around its neck! ]

[Dried sleeping werewolf]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Level: 20]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A sleeping werewolf in a withered state is not afraid of pain, and its dry body can make it move faster! ]

Not bad.

But you have bones, right?

Rogge smiled.

He didn't plan to use this werewolf as a clone, and the jungle guard was a good meat shield for now.

[You used the most powerful bone stripping technique in the dark, and the dry sleeping werewolf could only die in the roar. ]

[You killed the dry sleeping werewolf and gained combat experience! ]

[You got the golden treasure chest key (1/3) × 1. ]

[You got a special werewolf head cover × 1. ]

One third of the key?

This fucking key fragment? !

Rogge's forehead was black.

But at this point, he had no choice but to accept it.

Special werewolf head cover?

What's special about it?

Rogge opened the information of this thing with doubts.

[Special Werewolf Headgear]

[Type: Special Item (One-time)]

[Special Effect: After putting on the headgear, you will transform into a dried-up sleeping werewolf, and will return to your original state after death. ]

[Description: When you transform into a wolf, be careful of shotguns! ]

After reading it, Rogge fell into deep thought.

A one-time special item?

What is so special about it?

After a moment, a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Rogge's eyes.

Didn't he meet a withered girl wearing a hat before?

Little girl, werewolf...

There must be some special relationship between the two.

First the dried-up little girl, then the werewolf, he now feels that this cave is very strange.

"Forget it, let's go back and take a look."

[You returned to the altar. ]

Return to the altar again.

When he was hesitating about this curse, he suddenly found that it was already very late.

Rogge glanced at the time, and it was almost twelve o'clock.

"...Forget it, let's explore again tomorrow."

Rogge exhaled, saved the game, exited, and prepared to wash up and go to bed.


The next day, after Rogge finished typing, he opened the mysterious sea again and continued his exploration of the cave.

He saved the game directly, accepted the curse, and followed the instructions. Not long after, he came to a house.

[You followed the instructions of the scroll and found this house. ]

[You pushed the door and walked in. There was a strong smell of mold in this house. ]

[You found a skull with a voice recorder, and there seemed to be a button on it. ]

It seems that there is a great secret in this cabin.

After seeing this passage, Rogge controlled the game character to press it.

[After touching the skull, its jaw opened and closed, and a piece of information was transmitted to your mind. ]

[Grandparents with pica... werewolves who eat people... hunters who hunt... foreign monsters... a weird dream. ]

[Grandparents with cannibalism are alert to werewolves, waiting for delicious food. 】

【The man-eating werewolf is afraid of the hunter and chases the grandparents. 】

【The hunter is afraid of the grandparents and aims at the werewolf. 】

【The foreign monster is looking for the lost treasure of the guardian. If it is strong, it will destroy everything. If it is weak, it might as well wear a mask. 】

【The survivors can get rid of the curse of withering. 】

"So, this level of the cave is essentially a weird dream world?"

Rogge touched his chin, thinking.

No wonder this level of the cave gave him a strange feeling, it turned out to be a dream.

He closed his eyes and recalled all the previous clues, and carefully checked the text of the automatic exploration from beginning to end.

Then, he had some guesses.

In this withered dense forest, there are four forces, or to be precise, five.

Grandparents, werewolves, hunters, monsters, and guards.

And he, Rogge, should be the foreign "monster".

All the creatures in this dense forest have withered, but he is a normal person.

If we look at it from this perspective, he is an abnormal one.

The description of the monster in the above text also has the word "foreign".

In connection with the text description when Rogge met the little girl, Rogge's identity is most likely a "monster".

According to the information given here, except for the guard and Rogge, the monster, there is a restraint relationship between the other three.

The grandparents restrain the hunters, the werewolves restrain the grandparents, and the hunters restrain the werewolves.

The monsters are independent of the three, and the guards are the forces guarding the treasure.

Rogge also understood the meaning of the last two sentences.

As a monster, Rogge can choose two ways to pass through this level of the cave.

Either kill all three forces, or "put on a mask" and take a simpler way to pass the level.

"The remaining two key fragments should be in the hands of the grandparents and the hunter."


Rogge glanced at the werewolf hood in the inventory.

"So, I can play the werewolf now?"

"Okay, let me see what happens next..."

Rogge slowly put on the werewolf mask.

[You used a special werewolf mask. ]

[You turned into a dry sleeping werewolf. ]

[Your sense of smell became very sensitive, and you soon found the scent of prey in the dense forest. It was a delicious little girl! ]

Sure enough, putting on the werewolf hood triggers the next plot.

[A qualified werewolf will never give up the opportunity to hunt down prey. 】

[But you know very well that only by surviving can you become a qualified werewolf. You have to be careful about the shotgun hidden in the dark. 】

[Just as you can smell the scent of prey, he can also find your traces. 】

"It seems that the hunters are also taking action?"

Roger was thoughtful.

After transforming into a werewolf, texts kept popping up, and these behaviors were not controlled by Rogge.

In other words, the game is automatically following the plot.

[You quickly found a cabin through your keen sense of smell. 】

[The little girl went out. There was only a withered old woman in the cabin. You could see through the window that there was a dark pot in the room. 】

[You arrive at the door of the cabin. 】

【You choose...】

[1. Break into the house, devour the old woman, and wait for the little girl to return. 】

[2. The wolf howls to lure the hunter to come, and he waits for the hunt. 】

[3. Leave here and find the whereabouts of the little girl. 】


"Try each one!"

Rogge was very interested and started to try it after saving a file.

[You broke in through the door, opened your bloody mouth and ate the old woman. 】

[The meat is very woody, has no moisture, and is very dry. 】

[You put on the old woman's clothes, lay on the bed, and waited quietly for the little girl to come back. 】

[Not long after, the little girl came back. 】

[However, she dragged the hunter back. 】

[You swallow the little girl in one gulp, and then prepare to kill the hunter. 】

[However, the hunter woke up just in time, easily subdued you, shot your head off, and turned you into a wolf fur coat. 】

[Now, only the hunter is left in the house, and the terrifying aura begins to spread from his body. 】

[The gun-wielding hunter who killed the werewolf has greatly improved his strength and turned into a tall withered monster that is half human and half wolf! 】

[After the werewolf died, you were resurrected. 】

[Now, the hunter whose strength has greatly increased will look at you, and he is ready to start hunting the last monster...]

【Withered Gun Hunter】

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Boss]

[Level: 25(20)]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A gun-wielding hunter who incorporates werewolf abilities. 】

"Okay, let me see if you have the strength."

Rogge felt that the strength of this hunter should not be weak, and he might need to do some micro-manipulation himself to defeat him.

[You feel the bones in the hunter's body. 】

[Under the cover of the jungle guard and the bone spirit, you used the bone peeling technique with maximum effect to hit the hunter. 】

[You killed the withered gun-wielding hunter, gained combat experience, and improved your level! 】


Is this guy too weak or am I too strong?

The battle ended a little too quickly, and Rogge didn't even see any changes in the hunter.

In order to see what this gun-wielding hunter was capable of, Rogge went through the process deliberately and asked the jungle guard to confront him, and then he could clearly see his abilities.

The hunter who kills the werewolf has the physical fitness and movement speed of the werewolf. The speed of using the hunting bow is increased, and the power of the hunting rifle is also increased.

Most importantly, he seems to have inherited the werewolf's weapons, a pair of sharp claws.

"Write down the information about these drops, compare them later, and then choose the best ending."

Roger began to look at the dropped items.

After the recording was completed, he began to try other results.

First is the second option.

[You let out a wolf howl, hid in the dark, and waited quietly. 】

[Not long after, the hunter came after you. He was looking for your traces. 】

[The panicked little girl follows closely behind. 】

[The little girl meets the hunter. 】

[The hunter had a look of fear on his face, but the little girl showed a weird smile. 】

[She crushed the dry mushroom in her hand, and the hunter fainted instantly, and then she dragged the hunter into the room. 】

[You think your strength is mature, so you break in immediately. 】

[However, at this time, the hunter suddenly woke up, and under the coercion of his ancestors, he shot you to death. 】

[After you died, the little girl easily subdued the hunter again, and then worked with the old woman to cut him into pieces and throw them into the iron pot. 】

[After eating the delicious food, the little girl and the old woman hugged each other tightly, which was very touching. 】

[They gradually merged into one, becoming a dry weirdo with two heads. 】

[After the werewolf died, you were resurrected. 】

"The second ending is that the werewolf dies."

Rogge was a little surprised.

He thought that the werewolf would win in the second option, but he didn't expect that the werewolf not only died, but also died first, and the little girl didn't even eat.

As for the monster in front of him, Rogge was not worried at all.

Are there bones? If you have bones, it will be seconds.

[You killed the two-headed withered monster, gained combat experience, and leveled up! 】

Rogge recorded the dropped items again, and then chose the third option.

[You did not alert the snake, but chose to leave temporarily to look for traces of the little girl. 】

[Not long after, you found the little girl. She is picking dried mushrooms. 】

[After you, the hunter also followed and came here. 】

[But the little girl found him first, knocked him out with mushrooms, and then dragged him back to the cabin. ]

[You followed quietly. ]

[After the little girl brought the hunter into the cabin and killed him, you kicked the wooden door open and showed your terrifying fangs. ]

[The little girl's dry face showed a look of fear. ]

[After devouring the grandparents and grandchildren, the werewolf underwent a strange change. ]

[Then, a hand lifted the werewolf mask and you walked out. ]

[You became the final survivor and the withering curse was lifted. ]

"So that's it. If you win the final victory wearing the werewolf mask, you can pass the level directly without fighting the boss..."

Rogge smiled.

He checked the gains this time and recorded them.

"Next, try to use other identities, or directly kill all three bosses, and choose the ending with the richest rewards!"

Rogge began to try with great interest.

This attempt took him a whole day.

After trying all the possibilities, another day has passed in the real world.

"You can play all three identities, but the rewards are the same."

"If you rush all the way and kill all three bosses, you will get more experience, but you will get less."

"The route with the most drops is the werewolf victory route, but the drops are a bit unsatisfactory, and there is no experience."

Rogge frowned.

If the werewolf wins, Rogge will get an extra item that can transform into a werewolf, but it is a one-time use, and Rogge does not lack this transformation.

He has the remains of the body.

And there is no experience to be gained from this route, so it is not practical.

After considering for a while, Rogge chose the route of the grandparents and grandchildren winning, and then killed it himself.

[You killed the two-headed withered monster, gained combat experience, and upgraded your level. ]

[You got a strange mushroom basket × 1. ]

[You got a special hunting gun × 1. ]

[You got a warrior's residual spirit (green) × 1. ]

[You got a gold treasure chest key (1/3) × 2. ]

[You got 12 special stone coins. ]

[You found three key fragments and got 1 complete golden treasure chest key. ]

The other things are not very rare, only two equipment are worth mentioning.

These two equipment were carefully selected by Rogge after comparing the equipment in other routes.

[Strange Mushroom Basket]

[Type: Weapon·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Purple]

[Attack Power: 3/20 (Physical/Magic)]

[Requirement for use: Spirit 10. ]

[Special effect: The damage of mushrooms in the mushroom basket is fixed, but different mushrooms have different effects, namely "fear", "coma" and "recovery". ]

[Negative effect: When you use "fear" or "coma" mushrooms on the enemy, there is a very small probability that it will become "recovery". When you use "recovery" mushrooms on yourself, there is also a very small probability that it will become "fear" or "coma". ]

[Description: A magical portable mushroom basket, with mushrooms in it in an endless stream. I don't know where they come from. Maybe the little girl was not eaten? ]

In Rogge's opinion, this weapon is quite useful, and its quality has been improved because of the ending he chose.

The second one is a gun whose quality has not been improved.

[Special Beast Hunting Gun]

[Type: Weapon·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Blue]

[Attack Power: 21]

[Requirement for use: Body 10. ]

[Special Effect: It will cause extra damage to beast-type enemies. ]

[Negative Effect: When using this weapon, there is a very small chance of explosion, which will paralyze your right hand for half an hour. ]

[Description: The hunter's proud beast hunting gun, but it would be better if it didn't explode. ]

These two equipment are relatively the most practical.

Of course, it is only relatively speaking. If it weren't for the fact that the weapons obtained in the other two routes were a bit unsatisfactory, Rogge would definitely not choose this mushroom basket.

"Okay, it's time to go back and open the treasure chest next!"

Rogge rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to teleport back.

[You used the key to open the golden treasure chest, and the treasure chest was shining. ]

[You found the Blackthorn Book × 1. ]

[You found Thorn Fishing Rod (Blueprint) × 1. ]

[You found Extraordinary Forging Stone (Blue) × 3. ]

[You found Warrior's Remnant Soul (Purple) × 1. ]

[You found Traveler's Remnant Soul (Purple) × 1. ]

[You found Special Stone Coins × 45. ]

All good stuff!

Gold Treasure Box is awesome!

It's just a pity that there don't seem to be any scrolls for spell skills.

What Rogge wants most at the moment is a spell skill. After all, as a wizard, he can only be forced to use a knife when encountering a boneless enemy, which is too shameful.

However, when Rogge checked the specific information of the first item, he retracted his previous idea.

[Blackthorn Book]

[Type: Weapon·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Gold]

[Attack Power: 2/23 (Physical/Spell)]

[Usage Requirements: Spirit 18. 】

【Special effect: Every time you use this weapon to cast a spell to cause damage to the enemy, there is a very small chance that you will learn the special skills "Thorns" and "Parasitic Thorns", and gain additional damage bonus when using this weapon to release spells related to the Blackthorn School. 】

[Negative effect: Whenever you cause damage to the enemy, you will also receive a fixed amount of damage. ]

[Description: The spell from the Blackthorn School was originally a book that recorded spells, but it was transformed into a spell that casts skills. ]

Golden weapon!

And you can also get two special skills from it!

This golden treasure chest is really conscientious!

Rogge was delighted.

Compared with its powerful special effects, the negative effects of the Blackthorn Book seem to be insignificant.

If it is not necessary to cause damage to the enemy to have a chance to gain skills, Rogge would like to brush out the two skills now.

Rogge put the Skeleton Staff in the inventory and happily equipped the Blackthorn Book on his body.

Twenty-three points of spell damage, even without special bonuses, the damage caused by releasing the Skeleton Stripping Technique is far greater than the damage after the Skeleton Staff bonus.

Then, Rogge checked other things.

The second one is the blueprint of the thorn fishing rod.

[Thorn Fishing Rod]

[Type: Blueprint]

[Reading requirements: Craftsman (Super) lv1, Blacksmith lv8. ]

[Description: After reading this blueprint, you can master the production method of the super item "Thorn Fishing Rod", but you must have the ability to make it first. ]

This thing is not particularly useful, but it is still a good thing.

Then Rogge looked at the super forging stone again.

The blue quality super forging stone has a higher probability of successful enhancement.

He also had a green super forging stone before, and the probability of successful enhancement must be lower than this blue quality.

Do you want to enhance a wave of equipment?

Rogge glanced at the black thorn book in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then gave up the idea.

At this stage, there is still no fixed source of forging stones. One less is better to use.

Then there are two purple residual spirits.

It can upgrade the skills of the super rank by one level, up to level ten.

Finally, there are a bunch of special stone coins. If necessary, Rogge can take them to the whale merchant to exchange for residual spirits.

Rich harvest!

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket monthly ticket monthly ticket!

Subscribe subscribe subscribe!

(★ The author gave the wrong skill level in the protagonist information in Chapter 150. The highest level is extraordinary level lv5 instead of lv10. It has been modified. The author is old and careless. I am really sorry to all readers...)

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