I have a big sailing game

Chapter 145 Goldsmith Island, Demi-humans

Hua La La...

The sky was gloomy and it was drizzling on the sea.

The main body of Goldsmith Island is a very prosperous island with several subsidiary islands rich in ore, shallow beaches, and open-pit mines, forming a huge chain of islands.

It is close to the subhuman sea area, and the creatures on the island are not only humans, but also many subhumans.

Of course, Goldsmith Island is not famous for this.

As the name suggests, countless craftsmen and blacksmiths gather here because of the rich and cheap raw materials, in order to improve their forging ability.

Legend has it that a very famous craftsman, Redeweiss, was born here.

Redeweiss is a wild boar subhuman who can use his dexterous and exquisite craftsmanship to create a magic-driven ship that is not afraid of storms and tsunamis.

However, he has long passed away, and now only his reputation is still being passed on, and the magic ship is just a legend.

At this time, the Green had arrived at the dock of Goldsmith Island and docked.

When everyone was about to get off the ship, Rogge stood by the railing and muttered to himself in surprise.


He saw the ship gushing white steam from the dock from a distance.

In order to see more clearly, he deliberately entered the real perspective. As expected, it seemed to be a steam-powered ship.

However, the technology of this steamship did not seem to be mature, and it had sails. It might just be a test product.

It seems that Goldsmith Island is not just a group of blacksmiths who gather here to forge iron. They also seem to be conducting technical research.

Perhaps it will not be long before there is a technological revolution here?

Rogge thought for a moment and then retracted his thoughts.

The main purpose of his trip was to find a way to quickly improve the blacksmith's skill level. Of course, if there are other practical skills, he can also learn them.

After paying the money and getting off the boat, Rogge hired a guard and left the bone spirit on the boat.

Everyone left the Green and walked from the dock to the city of Goldsmith Island.

As for the elf, he was still sleeping in the cabin.

The prosperity of Goldsmith Island seems to have exceeded everyone's expectations.

It seems that there are many people living here. Single-story bungalows are rare, and there are more multi-story buildings, and the architectural style is also different from other areas.

How to describe it... anvil wind?

Dang... Dang... Dang...

Roger and others have already heard the sound of knocking before entering the city.

He was right at the beginning, and it was indeed such a scene.

This makes people feel that imagination and reality overlap.

Roger also saw the figure of the sub-human from the crowd coming and going on the dock.

For example, the horned sub-human who was carrying goods.

His morphological signs are roughly the same as those of ordinary people. The only difference is the two horns on his head and the cow skin color that is obviously different from that of humans.

In fact, sub-humans like the horned sub-human have relatively obvious sub-human signs.

And some sub-human signs are not obvious.

For example, the uncle with animal ears wearing a hat, showing the edges of two animal ears, and a fluffy tail... animal ears.

Roger's face froze and he quickly retracted his gaze.

In fact, the subhuman race as a whole is not very popular in human society.

After all, in human society, ugly people will be treated coldly, not to mention the subhumans who are similar to humans but have obvious distinguishing features?

But there are exceptions.

Because it is located at the junction of the subhuman sea and the royal city sea, there are more subhumans and humans, and because it is rich in minerals and weapons and equipment, the commercial economy is more developed, and the demand for labor is also relatively large.

Therefore, the status of some subhumans is not so low, and even some subhumans of certain races have natural physical advantages and will be more popular.

Of course, this is only part of it.

But Rogge is not naive to think that the subhumans and humans here can live in harmony.

"Is that... a subhuman slave?"

Lina looked at one place, a little confused.

At the dock, a human in gorgeous clothes was waving a long whip at two ugly subhumans, whipping them mercilessly and scolding them harshly.

"Didn't the kingdom sign a contract with the subhuman race to ban slavery?"

The Thousand Islands Kingdom once signed a contract with the leader of the subhuman sea area, promising to ban the sale of slaves.

"So they should be employers and employees, to be precise."

Mira responded.

"Even if it is an employment relationship, their compatriots are treated like this, and other subhumans don't react?"

Rogge was a little confused and asked Mira his own questions.

Mira thought for a moment and explained: "This has to do with the racial relationship of subhumans."

"They are not from the same race, but are divided into factions according to their species. Some races hate each other, and oppression has always existed."

"The only time they united was to fight against the slave trade a hundred years ago. It was also at that time that the trade in subhuman slaves ended."

Subhumans are just a general term. They don't think they are all of the same race. Hostility and hatred between each other happen from time to time.

Oppression? As long as the oppressed are not their compatriots, they don't even bother to look at them.

They even applaud when they see the enemy subhumans being bullied.

If it weren't for the slave trade, when each race suffered huge losses, they might never have united.

So that's it...

Rogge understood what he said.

Mira recalled and said again.

"The living environment in the subhuman sea is not good, which makes many subhumans leave their hometowns to live outside."

"Goldsmith Island is their best choice, because at least there will be jobs for them here. It is difficult to find jobs in other seas. People are not very accepting of subhumans now."

"There are many subhumans who need jobs, but there are limited jobs on Goldsmith Island, so these employers are so unscrupulous."

Mira has read many books, including one that specifically describes the situation around Goldsmith Island.

At this time, after really coming to Goldsmith Island, she found that what the book said was true.

"At least you can still work after being whipped. If you lose your job, you may starve to death..."

After that, Mira pointed to a small alley in the distance, where several subhumans with dirty and wet bodies, hungry and skinny faces, and numb eyes were curled up.

After Mira's explanation, Rogge also roughly understood the situation faced by subhumans on Goldsmith Island.

Many demihumans will endure the oppression of their employers for wages and survival.

The only difference between them and slaves is that they will receive wages.

And some other demihumans cannot even be slaves.

Especially the demihuman races who are thin and naturally unsuitable for hard work.

After all, no employer is willing to pay a laborer who can't even move goods.

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket monthly ticket monthly ticket!

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