I have a big sailing game

Chapter 134 The Poet Departs

With the potion materials given by the hound.

Rogge quickly refined the warrior potion. For this, he deliberately brushed it dozens of times before brushing out a blue quality one.

[Potion - Warrior]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Blue]

[Usage requirements: Character level 1-10, body 5, spirit 2. ]

[Effect: Raise the user's rank to extraordinary, obtain the skills of the warrior, greatly increase the body value, slightly increase the spirit value, improve the ability to resist attacks and combat skills learning ability, and obtain additional attributes after the level is increased, and there is a small probability of obtaining special skills (the stronger the character's initial attributes and talents, the higher the probability of obtaining skills). ]

[Description: The most basic sequence potion, the efficacy is mild and stable, the difficulty of production is high, the sequence adaptability is high, but it still has a certain probability of alienation. ]

Warrior potion.

There is no doubt that this potion is very suitable for Yas.

Rogge plans to give it to Yas first.

As for the hound, wait until he finds alternative materials before helping him refine it.

This is the potion master, not reasonable at all.

As for the Blood Spirit Shadow Thorn potion, Rogge had already made it, and it also reached blue quality through multiple refreshes.

[Potion - Blood Spirit Shadow Thorn]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Blue]

[Usage requirements: Character level 1-10, body 4, spirit 4. ]

[Effect: Raise the user's rank to extraordinary, improve body and spirit values, greatly improve weakness perception, and obtain additional attributes after the level is increased, and there is a small probability of obtaining special skills (the stronger the character's initial attributes and talents, the higher the probability of obtaining skills). ]

[Description: The most basic sequence potion, with moderate efficacy, high difficulty in making, ordinary sequence adaptability, and a small probability of alienation. ]

"Mira's potion needs to be found."

Rogge thought.


Back to the Green.

Rogge called all the crew members and started a meeting on the deck.

Even Daju and Iya were called out by him, and they drank a bottle of communication potion for this purpose.

He felt that he had to tell everyone something important.

Rogge moved a table, put the two bottles of potion, Blood Spirit Shadow Thorn and Warrior, on the table, and looked at everyone seriously.

[During the days of sailing together, I believe everyone knows one thing, I am a superhuman with superhuman power. ]

[Today I want to tell you an important thing, that the journey of the Green will not stop at the five seas. ]

[We will pass through the Strait of Atonement in the Sea of ​​Sin and go to the sea outside the five seas. ]

[I don’t know what the journey will be like after passing the Strait of Atonement. ]

[Maybe it’s an unknown continent in the fog, maybe it’s the chaotic sea that people have passed on by word of mouth...]

[But I can be sure of one thing, the crisis outside the Strait of Atonement is definitely not as simple as pirates. ]

[Superhuman creatures, monsters, superhumans, legendary creatures, and even unheard-of existences may appear in front of us. This is an unprecedented challenge. ]

[Therefore, I think the members of the Green all need to use potions... to become superhumans. 】

【As the captain, I have the ability and will unconditionally provide you with the right potion, but I have only one request for this. 】

【That is our sailing goal, which must be the same. 】

【If anyone does not want to continue this journey, then you can quit now. 】

Rog paused and glanced at the expressions of the crowd.

At this time, the expressions of the crowd were also displayed on Rog's mobile phone screen.

Lina, Yas, and Mira were all very calm and listened very seriously.

【I have no problem. 】

【I have no problem either. 】

【I have no problem, but I hope to find a way to solve Mira's curse during the journey. 】

The three of them expressed their opinions one after another.

Lina naturally needs no more words. Her wish to find her parents has been fulfilled. She also yearns for the sea. In addition, she has a close relationship with Rog, so she has no hesitation.

The same is true for Mira. She yearns for the knowledge of the extraordinary world and looks forward to the subsequent journey.

As for Yas, there is no doubt that his biggest wish is to cure Mira's disease. For this, he can go anywhere.

Even if Mira's curse is completely eradicated, he will always stay by Mira's side to protect her.

[Meow? ]

The big orange licked his paws and tilted his head to look at Roger.

He turned his eyes to the orange tree next to him, on which there was a butterfly flying from nowhere.

[What is the potion? Iya wants to know! Big bad guy, big bad guy, tell me quickly! ]

Iya stood on the table, blinked, and kept babbling with curiosity.

[Don't worry about this for now, just think about whether you want to come with us. ]

Rog said.

He didn't even know if the stupid elf could drink human potions.

Hearing Roger's words, Iya frowned, flapped her little wings and came to Roger, grabbing his hair angrily.

[Big bad guy, what do you mean, do you want to leave Iya and run away by yourself? ]

[No way, don't even think about it! Humph! 】

After that, Iya flew to Lina's head as if to protest, and hugged a strand of Lina's hair tightly.

[The gardener elf Iya has joined your adventure group. ]

Rogge was a little speechless. The system had given a prompt message, so let's just assume she agreed.

However, he did not check Iya's information at this time, but looked at the last member.


His expression seemed to be a little hesitant, even a little struggling.

Rogge saw it in his eyes.

Seeing his hesitation, Rogge's previous guesses could be said to be mostly confirmed.

【Kady. 】

Roger turned his attention to him.

[You are still an intern on the Green ship. 】

[If you are willing, I can also provide you with magic potion and officially become a member of the Greene. Of course, you also have the right to refuse. I respect everyone's wishes. 】

Hear what Roger said.

The hesitation on Cady's face was even worse.

Previously, when Rogge talked about potions and supernatural powers, he was always the most excited.

But at this time, when Rogge clearly placed the extraordinary potion in front of him, he hesitated.

After Cady took a deep breath, he looked at Rogge firmly. At this time, he no longer had the frail poet temperament he had before.

He made an extremely difficult decision.

[I'm sorry, Captain Roger. 】

After saying that, Cady gritted his teeth, his eyes were slightly red, and he bowed deeply towards Rogge.

【I'm sorry! 】

[You were the one who saved me when I was in trouble at sea, and it was you who took me in. You were able to tolerate my faults and shortcomings and took me to travel with me. 】

[You are a good group of people and my ideal partners...]

[Captain Rogge, Sister Linna, Brother Yas, Mira, Miss Elf, Big Orange, and the Green...]

[In my opinion, the most beautiful poetry collection in the world is not as romantic as this short but beautiful journey. This will be the most precious memory in my life. 】

【But, I'm sorry...】

At this point, tears already flowed from Cady's eyes.

If he could, he didn't want to leave the Glynn in Talon City.

But the current situation no longer allows him to stay.

After all, he couldn't really let go of the heavy burden on his mind.

[I have necessary reasons and cannot leave the five sea areas...]

【I'm really sorry...】

[...Captain Rogge, I think my journey as an intern on the Green has come to an end...]

[If you feel that I know too many secrets that I shouldn’t know, then you have the right to kill me. 】

【Please do it! 】

Cady wiped away her tears, took out a pen and travel notes, came to Rogge, closed her eyes, and looked very serious.

Roger frowned.

He raised his hand and slapped him on the head.


Cady screamed in pain, subconsciously covering his head, and the travel notes fell to the ground.

[You idiot, what embarrassing drama are you doing? 】

[I said, respect everyone’s wishes. If you don’t want to, just pack up and leave. 】

【Who wants to kill you? 】

Rogge said angrily.

This guy acted like he had some dark secret of his own.

After hearing Rogge's words, Cady smiled with some relief.

Rogge gave him a try, and he felt better.

[Thank you, Captain Rogge...]

Cady exhaled and walked towards his room, preparing to pack his things and leave.

He didn't have many things, so he packed them all quickly.

Before leaving, Lina stopped him.

[Take your travel notes and pen with you. 】

[A warrior cannot throw away his sword, and a poet cannot throw away his pen. 】

She said seriously.

After Kadi was stunned for a moment, he nodded heavily, picked up the travel notes and pen with a smile, carefully wiped off the dust on them, and put them in his arms.

【Be careful on the road. 】

Yas looked at him and said.

[Stop crying like an idiot. 】

Mira still didn't give him face.

【Hey? 】

Iya, who was standing on Linna's shoulder, looked at this scene with some confusion.

【then. 】

Roger threw a money bag at him.

[This is your salary. 】

Roger said.

After taking the heavy bag of money, Cady couldn't help but shed tears of disappointment again.

【Goodbye, everyone...】

Cady at the bottom of the gangway took a deep look at the Green and the flying flag, as if he wanted to engrave this scene in his mind.

Goodbye, Glynn...

Finally, he withdrew his gaze, took a deep breath, and walked towards the Giant Claw City with firm eyes.

Rogge's game screen also added a close-up of his back at this moment.

At this moment, he seemed like a poet about to embark on a fateful journey...

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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