I have a big sailing game

Chapter 110 The Dead Veteran (Please support the first order!)

"Finally I've finished coding, huh..."

Rogge breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back comfortably.

After a short rest, he picked up his phone.


Today is a rare sunny day in the Giant Claw Sea.

However, compared with the warm sunshine in the Wind Sea, the sun in the Giant Claw Sea is more dazzling and scorching.

The Greene will have two or three days to reach the next island.

In the water below the Greene, the Deep Sea Bloodtouch followed closely.

Along the way, there were small fish passing by, which were stuffed into its mouth to replenish its energy.

After watering the exotic grapes as usual, Rogge walked out of the small room.

[Yiya yiya! ]

At this time, Iya was pointing at Kadi angrily, yiya yiya, although I didn't know what she was saying, but it was definitely not a compliment.

And Kadi on the opposite side was embarrassed, trying to save his image in Iya's heart.

But it was obvious that this could not be saved.

After telling Yas and the others, Rogge took out the key.

After the teleportation, Rogge appeared on the familiar Abandoned Bone Road again.

At this time, the Abandoned Bone Road was empty, with only the Dead Abandoned Heavy Knight waiting quietly.

Undead monsters like the Dead Abandoned Heavy Knight are relatively easy to deal with, and do not need to eat or drink at all.

However, it requires Rogge to replenish some spiritual energy on time.

The clone of Deep Sea Blood Touch still needs Rogge to control it to find food.

"Let's find out if there is a mine nearby."

Rogge began to search according to his plan.

Previously, there was a monster called Funeral Laborer on the Abandoned Bone Road, and their description mentioned the words mining.

This means that there may be a mine nearby.

If there is, Rogge really doesn't mind learning mining.

As a person who loves blacksmithing, he will not miss this opportunity.

After a while of searching, Rogge really found a mine cave,

but when he entered, the road to the mine cave was crossed by a familiar boundary wall.

Disappointed, Rogge also fell into deep thought.

It seems that the cave has been cut out from the second floor.

Who can do this?

Or... God?

After thinking, Rogge turned and walked towards the deep pit.

The secret of the cave will be revealed one day, and what he has to do now is to pass the last floor.

[Dead Skeleton Pit]

After bringing the Abandoned Dead Cavalry to the front of the deep pit, one person and one monster stood on the bone claw elevator.


The space of the bone claw elevator is not large, and the skeleton warhorse under the crotch of the Abandoned Dead Cavalry really takes up a lot of space.

Rogge's game character finally squeezed up.

But it was still very crowded, and it felt like he might fall down at any time.

Rogge frowned, and simply controlled the game character to sit on the warhorse directly, one in front and one behind the Abandoned Dead Cavalry.

Although it looks a bit weird, at least it's not crowded.

After sorting out the inventory, Rogge, who was ready, saved a file and pulled the lever next to him.


After a slight sound, the bone claw elevator carrying a man, a monster and a horse slowly descended towards the deep pit.

The light around gradually became dim.

Rogge could see that the edge of the deep pit was paved with bones, and occasionally there would be campfire lights. Under the dim light, these bones looked even more terrifying.

Not long after, Rogge saw a large round bone platform made of bones, surrounded by bottomless cliffs.

On the bone platform, a dead abandoned who looked even shabbier than the dead abandoned soldiers was sitting quietly on the ground.

Next to it, there was a long sword with a black scabbard.

With a click, the bone claw elevator stopped.

[Japanese Cave, third floor. ]

[Dead Skeleton Cultivation Platform]

Finally arrived at the last floor.

At the same time as this prompt appeared, Rogge also set his sights on the dead abandoned in front of him.

[Dead Veteran]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Level: 16]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: He awakened from a place abandoned by death and fought in chaos. ]

It seems that he is the boss of the third floor.

This guy seems to be sleeping.

Rogge tried to quietly walk down from the bone claw elevator, intending to see if he could find an opportunity to sneak attack him.

However, a string of strange syllables sounded in Rogge's ears.

The eyes of the dead abandoned sitting cross-legged on the bone platform suddenly ignited with blazing flames.

Rogge looked at him vigilantly and secretly took out the skeleton staff.

As if realizing that Rogge didn't understand, the dead abandoned paused for a moment and spoke again.

[You don't belong here, young man. ]

The voice was low and vicissitudes, like an old man.

However, what surprised Rogge was that this voice, like the ability of the mermaid Naya before, sounded in his mind.

This made Rogge pause in the movement of secretly gathering the bone stripping technique.

After frowning and hesitating for a moment, he stopped the action at hand.

Forget it, even if the first move can gain some advantage, there is no need to rush at this moment.

Since we can communicate, let's see what this boss wants to say before reacting.

[Of course I don't belong here. ]

Isn't this nonsense?

You are all a pile of bones, and I am the only one with flesh on my body. It would be strange if I belong here.

After listening to Rogge's words, the old general nodded slightly.

[Since you can get here, you must have completed the necessary battles. ]

While speaking, the old general slowly stood up.

In a box behind him, equipment parts made of bones flew out and floated beside him, and he was dressed in armor when it opened and closed automatically.

Finally, a tattered gray-white blood-stained cloak flew over and landed on his shoulders.


The black long sword showed its edge.

In just one breath, the old general who looked like he was dying and vulnerable became a tall and sharp undead general.

[Young man, can you use a knife? ]

The tip of the knife slowly rose and pointed directly at Rogge.

If conditions permit, Rogge would like to show the blade like a swordsman now.


[...No. ]

Rogge said with a little embarrassment.

After he said this, the old general also fell silent.

[...Really not? ]

[Really not. ]

Rogge said honestly.

After hearing this, the old general sighed and sat down again, and the spiritual fire in his eyes became weaker.

He seemed very disappointed that Rogge could not use a knife.

Seeing this, Rogge suddenly had an idea in his mind.

There was a trial in his tone.

[Maybe... I can learn? ]

Hearing this, the old general looked up and looked at him.

The surroundings were very quiet, and the atmosphere began to become subtle.

[... Well, if the last enemy I encounter cannot use a knife, I will regret it for the rest of my life. ]

The old general muttered to himself.

Then, he thought about it, and a bone hand rose from the ground, and a black knife was picked up from the box behind him, floating in front of Rogge.

[If you are willing to learn, I will teach you everything I know. ]

[But you need to accept one condition of mine, are you willing? ]

Rogge's eyes were shining at this time.

What boss are you in a hurry to fight? Learn skills first!

So he nodded quickly and took the knife given by the old general.

[Long knife]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Green]

[Attack power: 12]

[Description: A long knife of excellent quality. ]

Seeing this, the old general also put forward his own conditions.

[After learning, use the sharp blade in your hand to find a way to really kill me and kill me. ]

The old general's voice was calm.

After listening to the old general's request, Rogge was a little confused.

[Why? ]

In response to Rogge's question, the old general was silent for a moment.

[...Being abandoned by death is not something to be thankful for. ]

So...Is this enough to live?

[Isn't it good to live? ]

[Why do you want to die? ]

Rogge frowned.

Along the way, the abandoned dead he saw seemed to be trying to commit suicide.

But the question is, why do they commit suicide?

[...It seems that you have observed a lot. ]

The old general slowly spoke.

[Life represents limited memory. 】

【Death represents eternal slumber. 】

【…After being abandoned by death, the soul of the abandoned person wanders between life and death, unable to live or die. 】

【In the life of the abandoned person, who has no end, they are in a chaotic state of alternating life and death. Sometimes memories will emerge, and sometimes they will suddenly disappear, followed by the pain of being burned by a steel furnace...】

【You will doubt, you will be confused, you will not be able to find the direction, and you will not be able to recognize yourself...】

【Few souls can maintain their own self in such a long mental torture. 】

【This is the soul abandoned by death. 】

The old general of the dead body sat cross-legged on the ground, gently stroking the long knife in his hand.

After listening, Rogge remained silent.

Indeed, if it is true as the old general of the dead body said, then the mental torture suffered by the abandoned person is enough to wipe out a soul's desire for existence.

【…I know. 】

Rogge nodded.

But he still couldn't help asking a question.

【Can you really not commit suicide? 】

In his opinion, the weakness of the Abandoned Ones he killed was very obvious, which was in the skull.

Could it be that the Abandoned Ones he killed could not be considered truly dead?

To this, the old general of the dead skeleton did not speak.

He raised his bone palm.

Then, a shocking scene appeared.

Under the cliff of the dead skeleton cultivation platform, countless soul flames slowly rose with the bone palm, like countless stars in the sky, illuminating the surroundings.

[The skeleton is just a carrier for the soul. ]

[Residing in the carrier, at least you can still feel the existence. ]

[Without the carrier, there is only the eternal torture of life and death. ]

The old and plain voice of the old general of the dead skeleton sounded.

[Are the Abandoned Ones I killed also among them? ]

Rogge was very shocked and looked at the soul flames around.

The old general of the dead skeleton nodded slowly.

[You should have seen the appearance of the Abandoned Ones. 】

【Lying in a coffin, in a grave, hanging themselves, or digging madly...】

【They have only one goal...】

"Numb yourself to the pain."

Rogge said in front of the screen.

At this time, he already understood.

Why the Abandoned Dead are unwilling to break their bones and bodies despite the pain.

Because, compared to living in the mental torture of darkness, they might as well hold a body and find some trivial things to do.

It turns out that they are just a bunch of poor people...

At this time, Rogge suddenly remembered something.

His eyes lit up, waved his hand, and the Abandoned Heavy Cavalry stepped forward.

[What about his soul? Is it still there? ]

After listening to Rogge's words, the old general of the dead paused, as if he was feeling something.

After a moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Rogge.

[...How did you do it? ]

The old general of the dead voice was a little incredible.

Seeing this, Rogge immediately realized that his only ability seemed to be able to break the strange state of the Abandoned.

[This is one of my abilities. ]

Rogge responded.

[But I don't know where its soul went. ]

Although Rogge has used the talent of Hei's Soul for a long time, he is not clear about some details.

After those creatures that originally had souls were turned into clones by themselves, where did their souls go, or whether they were swallowed or wiped out by their own talents, Rogge didn't know.

The old general of the dead body didn't care about it.

[No matter what, it will definitely not be worse than it is now. ]

His tone calmed down.

[Since you have this ability, then my request should not be a difficult thing for you. ]

[However, before that, I will teach you how to use a knife as agreed. ]

After that, he stood up.

[Now, draw the knife. ]

Seeing this, Rogge took a deep breath and clumsily drew the long knife from the scabbard.

And just after he drew the knife, the old general of the dead body attacked with a knife at a very fast speed.

Rogge relied on his body reaction and subconsciously swung the knife to block.


At the same time as the sound of metal clashing sounded, Rogge also received a prompt from the game.

[You were attacked by the old general of the dead body, health value -120. ]

"Damn it."

Rogge looked at the knife wound on the shoulder of the game character and his mouth twitched.

If the old general had not stopped his action at this time, he would even think that he had said it before just for this knife...

Looking at Rogge's knife wound, the old general seemed to be stunned for a moment.

[I forgot that you still need to recover. ]

The old general pondered for a moment. After this confrontation, he also knew Rogge's strength.

[You also need to eat to maintain your life, right? ]


What else can Rogge say? He can only nod.

[How did you get in here? ]

If the old general still has eyebrows, they must be wrinkled now.

After thinking for a while, Rogge told the old general about the cave. Of course, he couldn't tell everything. He was not stupid enough to open his heart to a dead abandoned person he had just met.

He also wanted to know whether the old general knew the secrets of the cave.

[You can enter and exit the barrier freely...]

The old general was silent for a moment, as if he was looking at Rogge carefully.

[I know. ]

[Since you have such ability, go back and rest and recuperate. ]

[For living things, injuries will affect their performance, which is not conducive to your current learning. ]

The old general sheathed his sword and returned to the bone platform to continue sitting cross-legged.

Rogge glanced at the time in the real world.

It was getting late, and it was almost time to rest.

So he nodded.

Just as he was about to leave, the old general spoke again.

[If I am unfamiliar with your attitude after a while, please repeat what happened to me. ]

Rogge was a little surprised after hearing this.

But after thinking for a while, he found the reason.

The old general was also a dead abandoned, so he would naturally receive the mental torture mentioned before.

However, Rogge didn't know how he stayed awake for a long time.

[Also, you can take these things too. ]

[I guess they are prepared for you. ]

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