I have a big sailing game

Chapter 102 Whispering

Rogge's main body held his breath and came to the underwater cave. After taking away the mermaid tears and memory scales, he returned to the Green.

After putting away the mermaid tears, he took the memory scales in his hand.

He didn't know whether the effect of the memory scales could be shared with the clone, so he could only act on the main body first.

"It will definitely not be a good memory."

Rogge took a deep breath and asked the game character to slowly put the memory scales on the center of the eyebrows.

After a vortex-like distortion appeared on the screen, a cg appeared.

The mermaid's name is Naya, which means white and beautiful in the language of the mermaid population.

Living on the seabed, their home has many shells and corals, which is beautiful and dreamy.

Naya has many friends and a sister Nia. Her life is happy and plain.

But one day, a group of uninvited guests came to their settlement and completely shattered their plain life.

They are a group of humanoid creatures wearing black robes, dotted with silver stars.

These people captured all the mermaids in Naya's tribe, and all the mermaids who resisted were killed.

Naya was taken to a cave.

Her sister Nia was nowhere to be found.

Here, she watched her former compatriots being tortured to death one by one, and a painful and terrifying alienation occurred.

At this time, she hated her extraordinary ability very much.

Being able to feel the spiritual language of other creatures became a great sorrow.

Because all she heard was pain and struggle, despair and wailing, these sounds tortured her all the time.

There was even a terrifying voice that appeared from time to time, and just listening to part of it almost made her spirit collapse.

In the end, she was also forced to swallow the tumor and bound to this place.

But I don't know since when, the previous group of people never came to this place again.

She also slept for an unknown period of time in pain and struggle.

When she woke up again, she sensed that a new creature had come here.

When she was dying, she left a thought.

She begged Rogge to find her sister Nia...


"I'll try my best, Naya..."

After Naya's memory ended, Rogge breathed a sigh of relief.

His expression became a little solemn.

Because, from Naya's memory, he learned an important piece of information.

The location of Naya's population, or the era she lived in, is likely not in Rogge's era!

Because in this memory, a learned mermaid once told Naya something about the human kingdom.

That kingdom is not called Thousand Islands!

And the history of the Thousand Islands Kingdom is hundreds of years.

Unless, outside the five seas, there is a human kingdom...

Rogge rubbed his eyebrows.

He always felt that the origin of the cave was very mysterious, and now this has been confirmed.

It seems that the cave may involve a kind of power like time.

But Rogge has not been able to completely confirm this yet, and there is no way to find the reason.

He can only put it all aside for the time being and check the prompts.

[You used the memory fish scale. ]

[This item has a special skill - the sound of the heart lv3. 】

【Voice of the Heart lv3: You can listen to the voice and feelings of other creatures through the voice of the heart, and conduct targeted spiritual communication. 】

【The remaining number of uses of this skill is 3/3】

Rogge thought that the memory fish scale would give him two skills, but he didn't expect that he would only have three opportunities to use this skill.

"...It's not just three times."

Rogge thought to himself.

Save and load files are not for eating.

I can use it to listen and then load the file.

"You can listen countless times, but if you use it to talk, you can only use it three times..."

After all, you can go back after listening.

But if you talk to a creature, you can't just load the file after you finish speaking, right?

Rogge put away the memory fish scale.

Naya helped him a lot.

If possible, he will find her sister Nia.

At least find those people wearing the black robes of stars.

Rogge secretly wrote this down.

Then, his perspective shifted to the Deep Sea Blood Touch again.

After all the alien creatures were slaughtered by Rogge, he had time to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

This room has two entrances.

In addition to the wall that Rogge smashed, there is also an iron gate next to it.

Rogge came to the iron gate and tried to open it, but found that the door was tightly closed.

"It seems that there is no way to get in from this side. Maybe I have to find the key..."

Rogge began to search nearby, but he did not find the key, only a stone button with blood-colored patterns.

After observing carefully for a while, Rogge pressed it.

[A heavy door opened. ]

The game prompted Rogge to look at the iron gate, but it did not move at all.

Obviously, this switch does not control the door in front of him.

Rogge could only come to the passageway of the node and swam into the third passageway.

When Rogge entered this passageway, he keenly noticed the weirdness of the surrounding environment.

This passageway is full of weirdness.

There are many small holes on the rock wall.

Some bloody, thin flesh tentacles kept coming out of these holes, and then connected to other holes, forming a chilling flesh tentacles network on the rock wall.

Rogge saved a file and cut off one of the flesh tentacles with a serrated bone blade.

A sharp sound similar to the previous one came, and the flesh tentacles violently retracted into the hole.

Rogge did not see any killing prompts.

This made him suspicious.

He continued to move forward.

Not long after, Rogge saw an open heavy stone door.

Behind the stone door was a vortex teleportation point and a secret image.

[Secret Image - Teleportation Point has been revived. ]

[Now you can teleport to this node through the key. ]

Rogge took a deep breath and swam into the vortex teleportation point.

[Underwater cave, third floor. ]

In a huge closed room.

The room was filled with sea water, but it was stained with a layer of light red.

The walls around were covered with interwoven bloody flesh, like the throat of a human swallowing water, constantly transporting something.

In the center of this room, a skinny humanoid crouched.

Behind it, a heart as tall as a person was beating like a water pump, and a thick blood vessel extended out, connected to the spine of the humanoid.

It hugged its knees and made a faint murmur.

Surprisingly, Rogge could actually understand some of its language.

Or, it has the same telepathic communication ability as a mermaid.

[It hurts... It hurts...]

[Mom and Dad... Where are you...]

[Don't do this... Don't leave...]

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

Recommended ticket, recommended ticket, recommended ticket!

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