[Welcome to the mysterious sea. 】

[In the boundless sea, there are corpses and treasures buried. 】

[In this world composed of oceans and islands, sailing is everyone’s ultimate dream. 】

[Become an adventurer who explores new routes and mysterious areas, a pirate who pursues wealth by any means necessary, or an extraordinary person who masters mysterious power and travels across the sea to chase the sun...]

[The dragon soars in the sky, and the siren sings on the rocks. 】

[The epic journey begins here. 】

【Sail, set sail! 】

[Please name your character. 】

[Please select your character image. 】

[Please draw your character’s talent. 】

The exquisite pixel style CG made Rogge feel that this game might be quite interesting.

After giving the name his own, Rogge began designing his own character.

Medium-long hair, white coat, black shorts, and straw sandals.

"Choose an image just by changing the color of your clothes and hair?"

"And the gender is still fixed as male."

Rogge was speechless. The degree of freedom in choosing characters was lower than he imagined.

"Forget it, let's just play along."

When he thought that this was just a pixel game with no reputation, Rogge didn't bother to complain more.

[Character talents are being drawn...]

[1. Skilled craftsman (elite), the physical strength consumed when upgrading or making tools is reduced, and the speed is increased. 3/3]

[2. Soul of Hei (the only one), an unknown existence gives you special abilities, allowing you to control the bodies of other creatures as clones. 3/3]

[3. Farmer (ordinary), slightly increases the growth rate of crops when planting. 3/3]

Talent levels are divided into common, elite, rare, rare, legendary, mythical and unique.

There are three talent slots, and there are three opportunities to reset the talent.

The second one is the only one at the top level and definitely does not need to be reset.

Rogge chose to reset the third talent.

[3. Occultist (rare), you have researched mysticism and supernatural power, which enables you to quickly understand and absorb mysterious knowledge. 2/3]

A rare level talent, pretty good.

"Reset the first one next."

[1. Fishing Master (Legendary), you love fishing, have special talents in fishing, and have excellent luck. When fishing, there is a small probability of catching some higher-level creatures, or weapons, equipment, and prop materials. 1/3]

"Good, that's it."

There was one last chance left for Rogge to not draw again.

A rare, a legendary, plus a unique talent is already very good. It would be uncomfortable if you draw a rubbish talent again.

So just give it up.

"OK, let's officially start the game."

After confirming the talent, the game screen begins to change.

【You were born on an island. 】

[Your family has a small amount of assets, which gives you enough time to enrich your interests and hobbies. 】

【Fishing and reading are your greatest pleasures. 】

[You love fishing. Whenever you have free time, you will fish with a simple bamboo pole made by yourself, and you will never come back empty-handed. 】

[When reading books, you were very interested in occult knowledge. You spent a lot of time studying it and gained some understanding of it. However, the library on the island did not record more knowledge in this area. 】

[You once had a special dream, in which an invisible being stared at your eyebrows. Since then, some wonderful changes have taken place in your soul. 】

[You never mentioned this change to anyone. 】

[Today is your eighteenth birthday. 】

[Your father gave you a boat, and your mother gave you a kitten and a pearl that symbolized good luck. 】

[On this small island, every child will go on a voyage as an adult ceremony when they become adults. Today is the day you sail to say goodbye to your hometown. 】

After a burst of CG with a gentle soundtrack, Rogge's game character stood on the pier, next to a small wooden boat.

After hugging his relatives and friends goodbye, Rogge’s pixel man slowly stepped onto the wooden boat.

"Holy crap, just a small boat went out to sea?"

"I'm really not afraid of death."

"What a devilish coming-of-age ceremony. No wonder there are so few people on the island."

Rogge's mouth twitched.

Needless to say, sailing on the sea is dangerous. Even masters with rich navigation knowledge would not dare to sail alone in a small boat.

However, he just said a few words casually. This is just a game, a plot set up for the sake of gameplay.

[The weather today is fair, the wind is sunny, the seagulls are passing by, and the sea is sparkling. 】

After the text ended, Rogge found that he could control the game character to move freely.

Rogge did not act in a hurry, but took a look at the game settings.

It has archiving and loading functions, just like an ordinary game.

Rogge conveniently saved a file.

He clicked on the status bar in the upper right corner and saw the attributes of the game character.

[Title: Rogge]

[Level: 1]

【Body: 5】

【Spirit: 5】

[Faith: 5]

[Rank: None]

[Special Skills: None]

[Life skills: Fishing lv1, Navigation lv1, Occultism lv1, Cooking lv1, Swimming lv1...]

[Talent: Master of Fishing, Soul of Hey, Occultist. 】

Roger controlled the little man to take a few steps left and right, and the boat had no more room to move.

I wanted to go back to the center, but the lazy cat curled up and slept was stuck in his position, so the little man could only walk in a daze at the bow.


The starting point of the voyage is good, but it's better not to set off.

"The activity space is so small, and there is no main task. Do I need to jump into the sea to swim?"

Rogge was a little depressed, feeling that this game was a bit inexplicable.

However, at this time, a surprising scene happened.

I saw that Rogge's pixel man actually jumped down after doing some warm-up movements, jumped into the sea, and splashed a water.


Rogge was surprised.

He didn't move the screen just now, but the game character moved by itself.

Could it be a plot?

So Rogge waited for a while.

In the end, nothing happened.

"Did I accidentally press the key to jump into the sea?"

"There's nothing special about this key."

"There's not even a way to get on the boat. I'm afraid this little guy is going to drown in the sea."

There are only movement keys and interaction keys on his phone interface. He pressed the interaction key for a long time before, but there was no option to jump into the sea. Now there is no option to get on the boat next to the boat.

This game is really weird.

"I want to get on the boat but I can't. My stamina bar is dropping fast. Forget it. I'll start over if I die."

This game probably has some bug.

After all, it's an unknown game that I've never heard of.

But just after Rogge said this, the little guy climbed onto the boat again like he had a seizure.


Rogge had a black question mark on his face.

After a moment of confusion, a seemingly absurd idea popped up in his mind.

Could this game be voice-controlled?

Thinking of this, Rogge tentatively said to the phone: "Cat petting?"

The next moment, something shocking happened.

The pixel man actually squatted down next to the little orange cat, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little orange cat's head.

"Damn, what the hell!"

Rogge was shocked and almost dropped his phone.

This scene was too unbelievable.

After rubbing his face hard, Rogge tried again and said, "Do a backflip?"

As soon as the voice fell, the little man bent his legs and did a dazzling backflip.

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