I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 162: opponent

Because the previous battles have already been scheduled, in order to ensure the excitement and topicality of the final duel, basically the most powerful gladiators will not meet prematurely.

But now Zhang Heng appears again in the cheers of the audience, but it also brings new problems. His opponents in the next round have not been compared, so now the arena is a bit difficult, but Zhang Heng faces directly What the referee said, the latter looked surprised and repeatedly asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I won't joke about my life." Zhang Hengdao.

The referee quickly told Zhang Heng's proposal to Kang Maode in the front row. His young emperor heard a strange look on his face. "He really said that?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I specifically asked him twice." The referee affirmed.

康茂德 thought about it, "Then we should believe him, he is always a man who can do wonders, and I think this time is no exception."

The young emperor gave an order. Soon, more and more people in the stands knew about Zhang Heng's opponents in the next battle.

As a result, the audience was shocked.

Especially when they saw Zhang Heng's only weapon, and the two Persian swords were also handed out, they were full of shock, and they started to whisper.

Although Zhang Heng showed overwhelming strength in the previous battle, not many people were optimistic about him in the next battle, because considering the opponents he will face, he has the dexterity and strength of the battle. The speed advantage will be lost, and he actually chose to meet the enemy with bare hands, no matter how bad he looks.

Of course, this is just the perspective of a live audience.

For Zhang Heng, the creator, he didn't feel that his behavior was really trying to die, not to mention that he was not equipped with any equipment. No, he had already obtained the ropes for his name.

Zhang Heng first tried the sturdiness of the rope, then tied a knot and made a rope sleeve.

There was also an illusion between Zhang Hengyu holding the lasso, as if he had returned to the 19th century American western wilderness.

Then his opponent was released from the cage.

——This is a bison, and it is an adult bison. It is more than two meters in length and weighs about one ton. No wonder the audience present was not optimistic about the outcome of the battle of Zhang Heng. It is no longer just the weight. People can stop it, and it is estimated that the bones will fall apart when hit.

In addition, the bison is thick and rough, and the pair of horns is extremely hard. The rushed bison can even fight with the lions. Often, the lions are hunting the bison in groups, but they are broken by the bison and rise to the sky. , The last word is literal.

As I said before, unlike in the movie, the actual gladiator and beast gladiator are two completely different professions. Under normal circumstances, the two are not interchangeable with the opponent. The gladiator has polished his life in combat against people. Skills do not figure out how to deal with the beast, on the contrary, the beast fighter is the same, there is almost no intersection between the two sides.

So when he heard Zhang Heng was going to challenge the bison, the referee was stunned, especially when the latter also specifically said that he would not use a sword and only needed a strong rope. The audience on the stand could not imagine what else Zhang Heng could do. Can you deal with bison, fists and teeth?

But when everyone was confused, the following battle had begun.

The animal trainer poked the bison with a sharpened hard bar, making the latter irritable. The pair of big copper bell eyes quickly locked Zhang Heng, not far away, and then the angry bison buried his head and showed it. With the deadliest weapon over his head, he rushed towards Zhang Heng.

However, Zhang Heng did not rush out of the lasso in his hands.

之前 He has rushed many times before as a cowboy, and dealt with many dishonest cows, but this is the first time he has dealt with such a big bison, and he has no horses to ride, so he has to be cautious.

But fortunately, the specific methods are the same, and the experience he has accumulated before can be used. Zhang Heng didn't attack rashly because the bison had great strength. Even if he could accurately fit the opponent's neck, it was likely that he was the one who was finally taken to the air.

So he chose to stay away from the front and rolled away to avoid the impact of the bison, but the bison had already identified him, and immediately returned in a circle when he missed. Want to flip Zhang Heng from the back.

Seeing that the horns were less than half a meter away from Zhang Heng's body, all the exclaimed in the stands, and the queen Kris Pina couldn't bear to look any further, and plunged into her husband's arms. Kang Maode's mind was a little bit confused. Although he said that he should believe in Zhang Heng, he was also doubtful about dealing with the bison empty-handed. Seeing that Zhang Heng's life was at stake, he couldn't help doubting that Zhang Heng was going to mess up this time .

It would be a shame if this Easterner really lost his life. Kang Maode just started to like Zhang Heng and wanted to find a chance to talk with the latter more, and after the previous battle Zhang Heng's odds skyrocketed. It shows that everyone is very optimistic that he won this championship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If he can't get in because of the final decisive battle in Dalian, the wonderful battle he devoted before will also be reduced to a joke.

Pompeianus on the other side also shook his head and looked at his wife, "It seems that your five thousand gold coins are going to be drowned. How about it? Is your private house money enough? I need to help you with it first. ?"

"Really a caring man." Lucilla smiled, "but the battle is not over yet, isn't it?"

Just as the two talked, Zhang Heng looked like he had eyes behind him. He didn't turn back, but moved slightly to the left half a step to avoid the brutal attack. Two sharp corners rubbed his arms. He could almost pierce into his flesh, and then Zhang Heng made a crazy action that no one had thought of.

Soon after he just got rid of the devil's claws, he took the initiative to reach for a horn, and then his toes were slightly on the ground. The next moment he flew on the ox's back, and a louder applause erupted immediately in the stands. Around a wonderful and dazzling scene.

However, Zhang Heng's abacus also fell through. The bull's back was very bumpy, making him unable to free his hand to cover the cow's neck, and the bison slyly rushed to the rope net at the edge of the arena. Zhang Heng threw in it, but fortunately Zhang Heng also found its intention. In the end, he had no choice but to jump off the back of the cow, rolled a circle on the ground, and avoided another round of stamping.


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