I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 128 Magical soldiers descend from the sky! Organ beasts attack Dongjun!

Don't waste a moment of time.

The First Emperor immediately summoned 1,900 great Qin Ruishis and delivered them to Xiao He.

Let him go to Jingyang County to bring Xiao Rui Beast.

As early as when Xiao He set off for Xianyang, Bai Zhu had already made preparations for the expedition.

He knew that the first emperor would agree to these three conditions.

Because he had no choice, if the rebellion really dragged on, the fate of Da Qin's country would be unknown.

But right now, it takes ten days from Jingyang County to reach Dong County.

It is something that cannot be accomplished in this era.

Therefore, Bai Zhi had to silently summon the System Mall in his heart.

If you want to arrive in Dong County within ten days, you have to exchange for super-space transportation.

So, White and Black opened the "Transportation" column.

[Host: White and Black]

[Lying flat points: 21500]

[Primary means of transportation: unicycle, you need 500 points for lying flat, and the quantity is 5,000. 】

[Intermediate means of transport: wooden cows and horses, you need 1,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 4,000. 】

[Advanced means of transportation: Organ Beast Xuanniao, you need 3,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 2,000. 1

[Top means of transportation: Suzaku, a mechanic beast, you need 6,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 1,000. 】

[Epic-level means of transportation: Organ Beast Xuanwu, you need 10,000 points to lie down, and the number is 800. 】

[Legendary-level means of transport: The white tiger, the mechanic beast, requires 30,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 500. 】

[Mythical-level means of transport: The blue dragon, the organ animal, requires 50,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 300. 】

[Special means of transport: Tanks, you need 200,000 points for lying flat, and the number is 100. 】


Looking at the dazzling means of transportation in front of him, Bai Hei didn't know how to choose for a while.

When it comes to fighting, it must be the best tank.

But you need a full 200,000 lying flat points!

As for unicycles, wooden cows and horses, it's just a joke.

Although it looks like the number is intimidating, it is four or five thousand.

But the actual effect is minimal.

Because of these two modes of transportation, it is better to ride a horse!

After thinking about it again and again, Bai Hei set his eyes on these tactical beasts.

In terms of practicality alone, it is naturally the first choice for the mechanical beast White Tiger and the mechanical beast Qinglong.

But both cost too much points.

According to the quantity provided by the system, at least several times more.

So after careful consideration, consider the final price/performance ratio.

Baihei finally chose the organ beast Suzaku.

The organ beast Suzaku is not like Qinglong and Xuanwu, it needs to spend so many points.

At the same time, it does not have any special abilities like the mechanized beast Xuanbird.

Therefore, the balance is the best value for money.

"I choose to exchange a thousand mechanical beasts Suzaku!"

[Ding, successfully redeemed the 'top transportation' organ beast Suzaku x2, consumption of lying flat points x 12000]

[Ding, the system detected that the number of purchases is 727, and two additional organ beasts Suzaku will be given away. 】

[Remaining flat points × 9500]


In an instant, there was an additional prop card in Bai Zhi's hand.

Gently crushing the cards in his hand, a golden light quickly enveloped Bai Hei and the open space in front of him.

After more than ten seconds, the golden light gradually dissipated.

Bai Hei opened his eyes and saw that there were 2,002 Suzaku Organ Beasts neatly placed in the open space in front of him!

[Ding, successfully using the "top vehicle" organ beast Suzaku, is randomly extracting attributes...]

[Ding, successfully extracted three attributes! 】

[Attribute 1: Increase the user's proficiency in this vehicle by 100%. 】

[Attribute 2: Increase the speed of the organ beast Suzaku by 100%. 】

[Attribute 3: The organ beast can run on its own when there is no wind. 】


Looking at the three attributes in front of him, Bai Zhu was very proud.

Attribute extraction has won the hearts of bears.

Check out these three properties!

It not only solved the problem of how to teach Da Qin Ruishi to use the Suzaku beast, but also automatically eliminated the drawbacks of the Suzaku.

Can fly automatically without wind!

And it's twice as fast!

Even, in order to be afraid that Gao Chong and Li Xin would not have any organ beasts,

There are also two special gifts!

Just as he was happy, Xiao He returned to Jingyang County with the 1,900-strong Daqin Ruishi.

In addition to the 100 Great Qin Ruishis in Jingyang County, there are exactly 2,000 people.

"Cuckoo- (call them over to try!)"

Called Xiao He to command these two thousand great Qin Ruishis, each of whom led a Suzaku beast.

Came to the outskirts of Jingyang County and began to try flying.

Although I don't know what is under my feet,

But these Great Qin Ruishis seemed to have divine help.

The moment everyone steps on it, it is as if they have been riding for decades, and they are not unfamiliar at all, and even their posture can easily maintain their balance.

Very smoothly, they flew around Jingyang County.

Although the flying height of the Suzaku Organ Beast is not high, its flight range can also be extended to the place where the archers in the city cannot attack.

In addition, Xiao He on the side was also timing them.

After the group of big Qin Ruishis flew around Jingyang County for two laps, they slowly landed.

Xiao He looked at the leaking pot in front of him with a look of disbelief.

"Lord Rui Beast, is this speed too fast?"

Bai Hei waved his hand unsurprisingly: ['It seems that there is no problem. l

【‘Prepare dry food, notify Gao Chong and Li Xin, and leave in an hour!

Under the transmission of Ying Yinman, Xiao He quickly ordered.

Although he didn't know where Lord Rui Beast got this artifact.

Not only does it look extremely cool on the outside, but its speed is astonishing.

According to his calculations, these two thousand people can travel about two hundred miles every half an hour!

Even on a long march, the speed of the Suzaku Organ Beast may gradually slow down.

But I am afraid that the average speed can also reach about 400 miles per hour!

What a terrifying speed!

With full of excitement, Xiao He quickly called Gao Chong, Li Xin and others to the county governor's mansion.

【‘This time we are lightly dressed, led by Gao Chong, and Li Xin is the lieutenant. ’]

As soon as Bai Zhu said these words, Gao Chong and Li Xin's expressions immediately became excited.

Gao Chong had never brought soldiers before, this was his first time.

As for Li Xin, after the last time he dominated the army of chickens and ducks, the information has gradually recovered.

Especially this time, with Gao Chong as the coach, his psychological pressure is also less.

For the stability of Jingyang County, Baihei decided to keep Zhang Han.

"Gugu-(You introduce the speed to everyone.)"

Bai Hei quickly looked at Xiao He.

Xiao He understood and immediately spread out the prepared Daqin map.

The distance between Jingyang County and Dong County is marked on the map.

"According to the speed of the organ beast Suzaku, it will take us about two days to reach Dongjun. 35

Xiao He's calculations are conservative.

In addition to the speed of the Great Qin Ruishis riding the organ beast Xuanniao,

He also considered the speed of rest, and even the whole army outside the city.

Although Bai Hei knew it, it didn't take so much time at all.

But for the integrity of Xiao He's plan, he did not interrupt.

"My initial idea is this, each Daqin Ruishi brings five catties of dried potatoes, and wears armor and a sword. 35

"Starting from Jingyang County, go straight to Dong County."

"As expected, East County should be in an undefended state right now."

Listening to Xiao He's words, several people on the side also nodded.

Indeed, East County has just been captured by the rebels, and it is most likely still being repaired now.

And they never imagined that the first emperor's army would be able to reach Dongjun in just three days.

This battle is a complete surprise!

After seeing the magic and flying speed of the mechanical beast, everyone is full of expectations for this war!

"General Gao, if all goes well, Lord Rui Beast hopes that you can set off in an hour."

Xiao He looked at Gao Chong.

"In addition, I have already ordered people to prepare the required items, which are at the school grounds of the county governor's office."

"High pet leads the order!"

Soon, several people took orders and left.

As for the 2,000 Great Qin Ruishis, Xiao He was also brought to Jingyang Tower to have a full meal.

Two thousand men and horses, ready to go!

An hour later, Bai Hei, Ying Yinman, Zhang Han and others,

Gao Chong, Li Xin and the two thousand Qin Ruishis were sent off in person outside Jingyang City.

This is the first battle in Jingyang County, only victory is allowed, not defeat!

This was the only instruction Baihei gave to Gao Chong for this battle.

Gao Chong also happily led the order, and took off from under the city wall of Jingyang County with two thousand Qin Ruishis!

Along the way, they could be said to have completely felt the power of the Suzaku Organ Beast.

It's like there is a magic power.

As long as they get on it, the Suzaku Organ Beast will take off automatically, and then they only need to think about the destination Dongjun.

The organ beast Suzaku will automatically move in that direction.

Other than that, I don't know why.

As long as they ride on these mechanical beasts Suzaku, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as friendly as decades old friends.

In this way, it flew all the way to the sky.

It only took them a little more than a day to reach a hill not far from Dongjun.

Looking from here, you can just see the situation outside Dongjun City.

Just as Xiao He had expected, the city gate of Dongjun opened wide at this moment.


However, this is human nature.

Who would have thought that in this era, it would take only one day to reach Dongjun?

Moreover, according to the idea of ​​the rebels, even if the army arrives ahead of time, it will not be able to shake the entire East County?

If so, they can also predict in advance,

Then close the city gate as soon as possible.

Seeing that it was still early, Gao Chong ordered to rest in place for an hour.

Eat him a meal of dried potatoes first!

When you enter the city, there will be food to eat!

Finally, after resting for an hour.

The afterglow of the setting sun has already fallen on Dongjun City.

Gao Chong ordered: "The whole army assaults! 35

(bbcc) So, two thousand tactical beasts of Suzaku took off from the top of the mountain at the same time,

Go straight to the head of Dongjun City!

At this time, the guards of Dongjun City were still gathering together,

Chatting in twos and threes!

Even the rebel soldiers on the city wall of Dongjun looked at the two thousand tactical beasts Suzaku who went straight to the city in astonishment.

Even, they were surprised that they forgot to warn the city.

"This is... is it not a fairy?"

Dumbly watched Gao Chong and the others land until the Daqin Ruishis moved their hands.

Only then did these rebels realize that these were all enemies!

Almost in an instant, half of the two thousand tactical beasts, Suzaku, arrived at the city head of Dongjun.

The other half went directly through the city gate and landed in the city.

The rest is much easier!

Although there are only 2,000 people, the bravery of the Great Qin Ruishi.

Could it be that these alien rebels who can't stand on the stage can stop it?

What's more, in order to quickly suppress the rebellion, as soon as he entered the city, Gao Chong immediately made comprehensive arrangements for the two thousand Qin Ruishis.

The 100 Great Qin Ruishis of Jingyang County were responsible for setting fires everywhere, shouting, and disturbing the defense and the hearts of the entire Dong County.

The remaining 900 Great Qin Ruishis, led by Li Xin, went straight to the four walls of Dong County.

Take control of the gate first.

As for Gao Chong himself, he led a thousand Great Qin Ruishis to the Dongjun County Governor.

If nothing else, the rebel leaders at this time should all gather there!

For a time, the entire East County was in chaos.

Before the rebel leader realized anything, the city was already on fire.

With the help of the tactical beast Suzaku, setting the fire is like a god.

In an instant, half of the entire East County was plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, many people shouted: "Da Qin's 100,000 iron cavalry came to Dongjun to quell the rebellion, only beheading the enemy chiefs, and the rest are not guilty!"9

The people in the city were overjoyed when they heard this.

As for the rebels, they panicked.

Those who are not loyal enough to the rebels run away from the city.

Those who had some loyalty to the rebels turned around and ran towards the county governor.

For a time, the streets were crowded.

No matter how well-trained the rebels were, they couldn't immediately speak to the soldiers everywhere.

Coupled with the fact that the hundred Great Qin Ruishis set fire everywhere, it created the illusion that the Great Qin soldiers had already captured Dong County.

For a time, the original large number of rebels began to panic.

Losing their unified command, some were busy putting out fires, some were hiding somewhere and couldn't get out, and some were simply coercing the people and rushing out of the city.

In the chaos, the two thousand Qin Ruishis were like a duck to water.

The first is Li Xin.

Although the number of Nine Hundred Great Qin Ruishis is not many.

But in this chaotic army, it looks like an army of millions.

Under the strong attack of these 900 people, the originally chaotic defense on the city wall was now broken.

When the main defender came back to his senses and wanted to regroup to resist, Li Xin's long sword had already touched his throat!

"Surrender and don't kill!


The garrison quickly gave up resistance.

In less than half an hour, the situation at the city gate was controlled by Li Xin.

Even in order to cooperate with Gao Chong, he deliberately closed the city gate.

trapped the people in the city.

As a result, the rebels were hindered by the people, and they could not care for each other, and it was even more inconvenient to support them.

As for the other side, Gao Chong led a thousand great Qin Ruishis and went straight to the Dongjun County Governor.

Coincidentally, the leader of the rebel army at this time was not in the city because he went to the house of the nobles of the Six Nations!

However, although the leader was not there, most of his family and subordinates were left in the city.

In this way, Gao Chong did not waste his efforts and won the county governor's office.

Except during the period, several rebel generals who did not know whether to live or die stepped forward to provoke them, and were then shot to death by Gao Chong.

The rest is almost lookout!

The battle lasted less than an hour, and all the rebels in Dongjun City dropped their weapons.

Gao Chong and others also completely controlled the situation in Dongjun.

But unfortunately, the leader of the rebels is not there.

In this way, if he gets news of the fall of East County.

Will definitely lead the army back to help.

So now is not the time to celebrate victory!

After discussing with Li Xin, Gao Chong decided,

The Great Qin Ruishi, who left 1,700 people in Dongjun, controlled the situation in Dongjun.

The remaining 300 Great Qin Ruishis, led by him, were still riding the tactical beast Xuanniao.

Head towards the address given by the captured family members.

If you can kill the leader of the rebel army before the deserter in Dongjun.

Then the situation in Dong County can be completely stabilized,

The two of them also have a lot less trouble.

Otherwise, once this person is allowed to raise troops to attack Dongjun again, it will be another vicious battle.

Even if he wins in the end, Da Qin Ruishi doesn't know how much he has to lose in vain!

In the end, Li Xin also agreed to this operational plan.

However, under his insistence, Gao Chong led five hundred warriors and set off.

According to the family's confession, this place is not far from Dong County.

The leader of the rebel army always believed that it would take at least ten days for the Qin army to arrive.

In order to recruit the alliance, he personally went to a nearby noble mansion of the Six Nations to visit.

But whether it is this family of Six Nations nobles or this rebel leader.

None of them could have imagined that today would be their last day.

While they were still pushing each other for a cup change.

Suddenly, the voice of a servant's report came from outside.

"Master, there is a soldier outside, who is said to be a subordinate of Lord Guoda.

Lord Kuang is the leader of this rebel army.

"What? My subordinates?"

Lord Kuang narrowed his eyes: "Tell him to come in, it is estimated that my subordinates are in trouble again.

But the next moment, before the housekeeper went out.

Hearing a loud bang, the gate of the mansion was smashed to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, five hundred Qin Ruishis swarmed in.

Fighting with the nobles' servants.

Although this nobleman of the Six Nations also secretly raised some dead men on weekdays.

But in front of Da Qin Ruishi, the fighting power of these dead soldiers is really vulnerable.

In addition, the original number of dead soldiers is not much.

Therefore, the five hundred Qin Ruishis quickly controlled the entire mansion.

Gao Chong carried the heads of Lord Kuang's subordinates on his spear and walked to the wine table step by step.

"Who are you! You are so presumptuous in my house!

Even at this time, the six-nation nobility was still holding on.

"This general is the high pet of Jingyang County, at the order of Lord Rui Beast, to come to quell the rebellion!

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Mr. Kuang to say anything.

Gao Chong picked up his spear, and Lord Kuang quickly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the six-nation nobility found out just now that this high pet seems to be real!

Without hesitation, he immediately knelt down: "This general, I was also forced to, it's all this traitor, he bewitched me!

However, before she could finish her words, the next moment, the tip of the spear flashed, and the bequeathed of the Six Nations also quickly fell to the ground.

"Collaborate with the enemy and treason, and die!"

Gao Chong's face was full of indifference.

He turned around and looked at the mansion in front of him.

Gao Chong waved the long spear in his hand: "The three Yi clans, the rest are not guilty.

The three tribes of Yi, this is the method of Qin.

I am not guilty, this is Gao Chong's last mercy!

At this point, the rebellion caused by the flood in Dongjun was completely over.

After solving the legacy of the Six Nations, Gao Chong slowly led his troops to retreat and returned to Dongjun not to mention.

And the next step is to announce the good news to the First Emperor and Lord Rui Beast!

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