I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 124 Young Master Hu Hai's filial piety is earth shattering!

For half a month, Hu Hai did not let go of anyone who had signed the contract and promised to try the dishes for him.

With the identity of the Eighteenth Prince of Great Qin and the contract in hand, naturally no one dared to obey.

So, they reluctantly ate the "food" sent by Hu Hai,

While running to Baihei's house, he begged Baihei to order to stop Hu Hai and let him be a serious person.

But Bai Hei could only tell them that they had chosen by themselves.

Now that you have chosen, you must be responsible for the contract.

If you don't die, you won't die, and the path you choose will be completed on your knees.

So, they had to stay at home behind closed doors.

Every time when Hu Hai is about to come, they immediately close the door, pretending that there is no one among the writers.

But obviously, this method is only useful for old antiques like Fusu.

For Hu Hai, he has a hundred ways to get these people to open the door voluntarily.

Well, you don't open the door, do you?

I'm going to burn the house down!

No matter how bad it is, if you don't open the door again, then Hu Hai will tell you that your wife and daughter are all attracted to him, wait for them to be cut off tomorrow morning and then enter the palace.

In short, under various threats, these people can only be forced to submit in the end.

And in order to make Hu Hai happy, they could only compliment the food Hu Hai sent.

This time, Hu Hai became more and more confident in his cooking skills.

Look, so many people like the dishes made by this prince, it seems that it is time to let the emperor know his own skills!

Under Hu Hai's repeated requests, Bai Zhu had to send an invitation to the First Emperor.

"Your son insists on letting you come and try the dishes, but I can't stop him."

When the First Emperor received this invitation, the whole person was slightly overjoyed.

It seems that it was right to send Fusu and Huhai to Jingyang County!

In just a few months, Hu Hai, who was originally worthless, was able to cook by himself!

Although in the eyes of outsiders, as the eighteenth prince of Da Qin, it is a bit embarrassing to cook in person.

But the first emperor did not think so in his heart.

Hu Hai is his youngest son, and he will not have to inherit the throne in the future.

Not to mention go into battle to kill the enemy.

In the heart of the First Emperor, as long as Hu Hai liked it, it would be fine even if he really studied cooking.

Therefore, after receiving Bai Zhu's invitation, Shi Huang readily agreed and promised that he would lead his people to Jingyang County in three days.

However, in order not to cause a stir, he plans to go in disguise.

At the same time, he brought the Five Tiger Generals, the Twelve Tiger Ministers, Li Si, Han Xin, Xun Yu and others, all of them in this column.

The First Emperor also wanted these people to see that his son was not completely useless!

At the same time, Hu Hai, who received the news that the First Emperor would arrive in Jingyang County in three days, started to hone his cooking skills very diligently.

At present, half of the people in Jingyang County who agreed to try the dishes have fallen ill.

The rest is almost begging for white and black, willing to provide Jingyanglou chicken and duck and other raw materials on time and free of charge every month.

I just want to let them go and let Hu Hai find others to try the dishes.

Since he could get chicken and duck for free, Bai Zhu naturally agreed.

As a result, Hu Hai's last "testers" successfully retired.

After the chef was gone, Hu Hai could only reach out to his entourage again.

Even if they change batches after batches, seeing that the father is coming soon, he can't say anything to disgrace the father!

For three consecutive days, Hu Hai hardly slept,

Spend all day in the kitchen honing your cooking skills.

Finally, on the fourth day.

The first emperor's frame came to Jingyang County.

This time, he did not bring too many followers.

Actually, it's really not necessary.

After all, the Five Tiger Generals and the Twelve Tiger Officials are all there. If any robbers don't open their eyes and rob them, I'm afraid they will be beaten to the bone in the end!

Almost all the top 20 people in Daqin are here, you told me you want to challenge?

They arrived in Jingyang County smoothly.

The first thing that attracted Shi Huangdi's attention was the towering city wall of Jingyang County.

"How can this wall be so hard?"

The First Emperor touched the fortified city in front of him and was envious.

If every county in Daqin can be so strong, I am afraid that Daqin will be passed down for thousands of generations, right?

It's a pity that not every county has the opportunity to get help from white and black.

"Okay, let's go in."

After touching for a long time, the first emperor was reluctant to enter Jingyang County.

At the Chengmen side of Jingyang County, Xiao He, who had received the news in advance, waited here early.

Since the first emperor came in disguise, he did not arrange too many guards.

Instead, only ten Daqin Ruishis were used to symbolically escort the team.

"His Majesty.

Xiao He bowed respectfully.

"You don't need to be courteous, I came here today in disguise, just like you, I don't need the courtesies of monarchs and ministers."5

The First Emperor waved his hand and said quickly.

Under the guidance of Xiao He, the first emperor soon came to Jingyang Tower.

For this banquet, Bai Zhu specially instructed Xiao He in advance to clear the entire Jingyang Tower.

Hold this banquet alone.

Except for the important local officials of Jingyang County, such as Xiao He, Li Xin, Gao Chong, Zhang Han, etc., as well as the first emperor's five tiger generals, twelve tiger officials and some important officials in the court, there is no one else in the entire Jingyang Tower.

"This...is the statue of Rui Beast?"

The first emperor's curious eyes were suddenly attracted by the statue at the door.

Baihei covered his face with his claws sadly, my dear, can't you pretend you didn't see it?

Seemingly amused, the First Emperor touched the statue.

Standing at the door of Jingyang Tower, the First Emperor looked up.

The building of Jingyang Tower looks like a symbol of Jingyang County, located in the center of Jingyang County.

"Is this the Jingyang Tower? It's really impressive!"

Even the well-informed Shi Huangdi had no choice but to praise him.

This Jingyang Tower was originally built after the power of nine bulls and two tigers was abolished by white and black.

Specifically to create a signboard of Jingyang County.

Really effective.

Even if the First Emperor was far away in Xianyang Palace, he had long heard that there was such a Jingyang Tower in Jingyang County.

It is said that nobles from the Six Kingdoms often come to eat here.

Even the First Emperor once thought in his heart that he must go to Jingyang Tower to have a meal if he has the opportunity.

I didn't expect it to actually happen!

As soon as he stepped into the Jingyang Tower, the First Emperor felt relaxed.

He is busy with government affairs all day on weekdays, and rarely has such an opportunity to enjoy food and wine.

Come to Xiao He's pre-prepared seat.

As soon as I sat down, I could smell the aroma from the kitchen.

This is the unique rule of Jingyang Tower.

After the diners order their dishes, the chefs start cooking.

The aroma of kitchen dishes will be transmitted to the hall.

In this way, although the meal has not yet started, the aroma of the dishes has already given a definition of "delicious" in the minds of diners.

However, these people naturally do not need to order, because Hu Hai has prepared the recipes he designed in advance.

It was a special effort for the arrival of the First Emperor.

After scanning the audience, Shi Huang was unable to find Hu Hai in the end, only Fu Su sat upright on his right.

Come to think of it, Hu Hai should be busy in the kitchen.

This time, there were more than 30 people up and down the banquet. If Hu Hai was busy himself, I am afraid it would be difficult to serve even when it was dark.

Fortunately, Xiao He had thought of this in advance, so he prepared more than ten people in advance to help Hu Hai.

However, Hu Hai was impatient. On the one hand, in order to show his cooking skills, on the other hand, he also wanted to see and test his cooking skills.

So, he took the lead in personally making a plate of "crispy chicken" and served it to the first emperor and others.

Looking at the delicious dishes in front of him, the first emperor secretly rejoiced.

Is this what Hu Hai did?

In addition to being pleasantly surprised, he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

The next moment, his complexion changed suddenly.

Man, this is too bad to eat!

Although it looks very bright and colorful, it even smells quite fragrant.

But it is a pity that, after the first emperor took this mouthful, there was no place to buy the regret medicine.

Under the watchful eyes of the high-ranking minister, he could only bite the bullet and chew slowly one by one, as if this would ease the discomfort in his mouth.

As if a century had passed, finally, the first emperor swallowed this crispy chicken.

"Well, good food.

A short but fair assessment.

Seeing the first emperor say this, the ministers will no longer be polite. You take a bite, and I eat it one by one.

But the next moment, as if time had stopped, everyone was stunned on the spot.

Then slanted thorn secretly glanced at the first emperor.

Is this also called delicious?

Is this what your son cooks?

That's it?

Seemingly feeling the eyes of everyone, Shi Huang could only cover up his embarrassment with a slight cough.

Just like the first emperor's actions, the meat in the mouths of the people also chewed for a long time.

After all, this is the dish cooked by the Eighteenth Prince of Great Qin, the son of His Majesty.

Your Majesty is not willing to vomit, if they vomit, is it worth it?

Therefore, everyone took this bite with difficulty.

In the end, I have to exaggerate a few words.

"Well, it really is a good dish."

Seeing that the others did not speak, Xun Yu could only stand up: "The fat and tender meat is browned and crispy, with thick juice,

Ye Ye shines brightly under the sunshine, it really is a dish with heaven and earth in it!"

I have to say that, as a famous official of the Three Kingdoms, Xun Yu's other abilities will not be mentioned for the time being.

However, if it was someone else, he might have been deceived by him.

But right now, among the people present, which one is not a human being?

What's more, who hasn't eaten this dish by mouth?

Of course, with the exception of Bai Zhu, Ying Yinman and Xiao He, who knew the level of Hu Hai in advance.

Why did you, Xun Yu, avoid talking about the taste of this dish perfectly, and instead talked about the appearance of this dish?

I am afraid everyone is well aware of this.

At this moment, Hu Hai, who was hiding and peeking at everyone's reaction,

It's the misunderstanding that the food you cook is really delicious.

So, even more excited.

As we all know, when people are excited, they can really do anything.

One after another, Hu Hai cooked five dishes in one go!

This time, Shi Huangdi and all the ministers present were suffering.

If you don't want to eat, the food has already arrived.

Besides, the first emperor ate it, how could they not eat it?

But if you want to eat, eat it in your mouth, it is really unpalatable.

And not only to eat, but also to praise.

Can't Xun Yu speak every time?

So everyone has to take turns.

It would be fine for the civil servants and advisors, but it would be really difficult for this group of generals to insist that an unpalatable dish tastes good.

As a result, all kinds of exaggerated statements have come one after another...

Qin Shihuang's face turned red and white for a while.

When I go back, I must give this kid Hu Hai a good look!

This time, the banquet really threw my face away!

It's just that your food is unpalatable, I know it alone,

But now it's better, the whole court almost knows about it!

Where will my face go?

Suddenly, the Jingyang wine on their respective tables became the only consolation.

Every time they finish a mouthful of food, they have to drink a bowl full of Jingyang wine.

Not for anything else, but simply to use Jingyang wine to clean up the unpalatable taste of dishes in the mouth.

After making six dishes in a row, even the Iron Man couldn't handle it.

So, Hu Hai chose to have these chefs cook the following dishes.

・・For flowers....

When the seventh course was served.

The hearts of everyone collapsed, including the first emperor himself.

How long is this kid going to toss!

He finally understood now why Bai Zhu said in his heart, "I can't stop it".

This dish is outrageous!


Either way, the food still has to be eaten.

But this time, the First Emperor kept an eye on it.

He only took a small bite with chopsticks,

And on the way to the mouth, it also "accidentally" dropped a piece.

So, what was eaten in the mouth was only a little bit left.


But the next moment, wait until the taste of the dish wafts in the mouth.

The first emperor frowned,

How is it so delicious?

Quickly finished chewing the food in his mouth, Shi Emperor took another bite with no end in sight.

This time, it was a real big mouthful.

This blinds everyone, my dear, you are going to die with us!

However, looking at the way the First Emperor was feasting, they couldn't help but have a little doubt in their hearts.

Could it be...that this dish is really delicious?

So, immediately after the first emperor, these people also ate.



This is like Jingyang Tower's dish!

If it weren't for this seventh dish, they would have almost cried!

It's delicious, but everyone knows it.

This dish must not have been made by Mr. Huhai.

The reason is very simple, the first six dishes are so unpalatable, they must be made by Hu Hai himself.

If not, if any chef in Jingyang Building has that level,

I am afraid that because of the temperament of white and black, he has been chopped into eight pieces and fed to the dog.

Since the first six dishes were all made by Mr. Huhai, he must be exhausted now, and the taste of the seventh dish is very different from the previous one.

Therefore, people with discerning eyes can immediately judge that this seventh dish should be the real delicacy of Jingyang Tower!

"This dish is... average."

The First Emperor said something without blushing.

He could already guess that Hu Hai should be hiding somewhere at this time, secretly watching their reactions.

Therefore, he must establish confidence in Hu Hai.

['Good guy, this old Zhao really worked hard for his son, and his ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense has improved a lot!']

Hearing Bai Zhu's heartfelt voice, Shi Emperor immediately coughed awkwardly,

Raise your eyes and signal to everyone, you quickly reprimand this dish!

"Well, this dish is really unpalatable!"

While condemning, Xiang Yu took a large mouthful and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Compared with the first six dishes, this dish is mediocre, and there is really nothing outstanding.

He quietly took a big mouthful, and Han Xin also agreed.

The ministers continued to eat and condemned.

Then, the eighth course, the ninth course, the tenth course...

One after another.

These dishes are made by the chefs according to the recipes provided by Bai Shi.

Originally, the cooking skills of these chefs are extremely superb, and with the blessing of the recipes, the taste of the dishes is also more delicious!

"Well, this dish is hard to eat!

"That one is also unpalatable!

"Yeah yeah, it's just too bad to eat!"

While talking, the ministers kept talking,

One bite after another, it was stuffed into his mouth.

It wasn't until the First Emperor felt that he couldn't save face, and then he stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

But at this time, he was already half full.

If he eats like this again, I am afraid Hu Hai will see it.

Fortunately, Hu Hai was far away from everyone at this time, so it was difficult to see which dish they were eating.

But according to the people's accounts, he could hear it.

The six dishes that I made by myself have been widely praised!

It seems that he is the real Qin chef!

I'm really talented!

Excited, he decided to cook a dish for everyone again, as a reward for everyone to praise him...

At this time, everyone has put down their chopsticks in satisfaction.

They don't know yet that their praise brings them a devastating disaster.

"Well, Haier's dishes are really good."

As if afraid that Hu Hai could not hear clearly, Shi Huang deliberately praised loudly.

"It's just that I always feel that something is missing.

What's missing?

Everyone looked at each other, what was missing?

What the hell is going on with this father and son?

About this, others do not know, but Bai Hei is very clear.

In his letter to the first emperor, he mentioned hot pot!

Presumably the first emperor must have been thinking about this thing for a long time!

Sure enough, at the next moment, the First Emperor looked at Bai Hei with a smile:

"Little Rui Beast, I see that the dish in front of you has not moved,

Is there anything else to eat?"

This can no longer be said to be a hint, it is simply an expression!

Bring me the hot pot now!

Now that the First Emperor had spoken, Bai Hei turned to look at Xiao He:

"Gugu--(order to go down.)"

The next moment, Xiao He got up and walked to the first floor of Jingyang Building.

All the hotpot arrangements are placed on the first floor.

Including the special hot pot table and the copper pot itself, as well as the base, ingredients, and so on.

But Xiao He just walked away, and the next moment, Hu Hai came to the crowd with the dishes in his hand.

"Father, this is the dish made by my son, please taste it!

This time, fortunately, Hu Hai only made one for Shi Huangdi.

This can't help but let everyone secretly breathe a sigh of relief, fortunately this time they don't have to suffer anymore!

"Young Master Hu Hai's filial piety is truly touching!"

"Yeah, with such great filial piety, Your Majesty should eat a big bowl!"

First Emperor: "???" knife,

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