I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 122 The 1 floor in the world! Crazy chef Hu Hai

Guys, if that's what you meant, why didn't you say it sooner?

Do you have to wait until I finish filming?

Seven thousand dollars, how can I go back to Yan's house!

The elders of the Han family even smiled contemptuously, said earlier? Who would I cheat if I said earlier?

But right now, the auction has ended, no matter how much you complain about it, it's useless.

The 7,000 yuan, the parents of Yan have to take it, and they have to take it if they don't!

"Okay, this auction has ended successfully.

Soon, everyone's eyes were once again attracted to Xiao He on the stage.

"First of all, congratulations to those who have captured Jingyang wine, and thank you for your support to Jingyang Auction House. 99

"As for those of you who haven't photographed Jingyang wine, don't be discouraged."

"Please move to our Jingyang Building later, where we will provide you with retail Jingyang wine. 39

Jingyang wine for retail!

Like a thunderbolt from the blue.

At this moment, the Yan family's son wished he could kill himself on the spot immediately.

Originally, he also hoped to take advantage of the time when Jingyang wine was not produced in large quantities.

Using the twenty jars of Jingyang wine in his hand, he sold it at a high price to return blood to himself.

At that time, it is estimated that the loss will be about 2,000 yuan.

When the time comes, my father will speak for me, and I will show myself well during this time.

Maybe there is still hope for this Yan family's patriarch.

But God seems to be deliberately opposing himself, first a big thunderbolt from the Han family, and then seems to be afraid that he will not die,

Another place like Jingyang Tower is arranged to retail Jingyang wine!

This also makes them "group-buy" Jingyang wine buyers how to live!

"You are fraud! I protest!"

"Clearly there are only eighty jars of Jingyang wine, you are lying!

Immediately, I heard that there is actually a Jingyang Building that retails Jingyang wine.

The few people who got Jingyang wine in the auction in front of them quit.

"Yeah, you have already sold it, what about the Jingyang wine we photographed?"

Seeing a glimmer of hope of surviving, the Yan family immediately jumped out and said indignantly.

Seeing the tendency of some people to make trouble, Xiao He immediately sank his face and sternly rebuked: "Listen clearly, first, I have never said that Jingyang Auction House only produced 80 altars! 95

Indeed, from beginning to end, the auction house never said that.

It's just that the auction house only took out 80 altars of Jingyang wine as the auction item.

"But if there are so many wines, why did you only put out so much for the auction?

The Yan family boy didn't want to admit it like that.

"It's our freedom to bid how much we bid, it's none of your business. 35

"If you want to enter Jingyang Tower to eat, we welcome.

"But if you want to have nothing to do, I'm not a vegetarian in Jingyang County!"

Under Xiao He's hint, a hundred Qin Ruishis quickly rushed out and surrounded the scene.

Looking at the sharp weapons in the hands of the Great Qin Ruishis, many people were suddenly a little scared.

Once the two sides really quarreled, there was an armed conflict.

Afraid that you will inevitably hurt yourself!

In addition, they had never photographed Jingyang wine, so they were jealous of those who did.

In contrast, in order to be close to Jingyang County.

Soon, those who did not take pictures of Jingyang wine, headed by the elders of the Han family, felt that they had made a profit.

Began to complain about Jingyang auction house.

"It's obviously because of my wealth and wealth that I didn't even blink when I was filming. Why do you regret it now?"

Clan Lao Clan Lao, not the oldest person in the clan, but the old person in the clan who can make things happen.

Don't look at what these people are doing, but once they quarrel, none of the ten Great Qin Ruishis are opponents!

"You're falling into a trap! 35

"I demand that the Jingyang Building be closed and the sale of Jingyang wine be suspended!"

The Yan family's son, who was full of resentment against the Han family, suddenly spit at him.

"Oh? I fell into the trap? You still want to close the Jingyang Tower? 99

The corner of his mouth twitched, and the Han family smiled: "Okay, then you ask if everyone agrees?

This kind of person is not only good at quarreling, but also very good at forming gangs.

Sure enough, the spectators who were in the same camp jumped out one after another and began to accuse a few of them: "You obviously bought it with your own money, why should we help you pay for it! 39

Just kidding, how long have they wanted to drink Jingyang wine.

Do we have to wait a little longer to get your wine to sell for a good price?

"Yeah, don't deny it, we signed the Voluntary Letter.

For the benefit of the entire camp, everyone started to criticize a few people.

I wish I could immediately step on a few people under my feet.

"Alright, alright, everyone!

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Xiao He immediately opened his mouth.

"Since a few people have realized their mistakes, we welcome them and go to Jingyang Tower with us.

Xiao He's speech has always been silent.

Even though the four of them had become the target of public criticism, Xiao He still greeted them with a smile.

After all, they have swindled so much money, so at least give them a chance to reform, right?

"Humph! If you want to eat, I can't afford anything from Jingyang County." "!

After finishing speaking, the four of them immediately turned around and left without waiting for Xiao He to send them an escort.

"If that's the case, then please move to Jingyang Tower."

Under the guidance of Xiao He, everyone quickly and slowly withdrew from the auction house.

When the last figure disappeared in the auction house.

In the dark, the three girls of Ying Yinman jumped out.

Behind the three women, a black and white figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Little Rui Beast, why do you have so many tricks! 33

After counting the money he earned today, Ying Yinman was about to jump up with joy.

In the past, although she did not worry about eating and drinking, after all, she had never made so much money herself.

Today's four auctions, if you count them down, a total of 18,600 yuan has been made!

Almost twenty thousand dollars!

What is the concept of twenty thousand dollars?

According to the records in "Bamboo Slips of Qin Tomb in Sleeping Tiger Land Canglu",

Soldiers in Daqin who are engaged in activities such as standing guard, that is, ordinary soldiers, are given one-third of a bucket of food for breakfast and dinner each day.

Soldiers engaged in combat eat about a bucket of food every day.

The current price of a bucket of rice in Daqin is three cents.

If calculated according to the highest standard, even if it is to support the fighting soldiers, each person only needs three dollars per day.

In this way, 20,000 yuan can instantly pull up a combat force of nearly 7,000 people!

And that's just the first day of the auction house's earnings!

With this auction as publicity,

In the future auction activities, the white and black decision, as the auction house itself, will no longer participate.

Instead, it takes 10% of the transaction price to obtain benefits.

Now, who does not know in the entire Xianyang City that through this auction method, the price of the things in their hands can be maximized!

I believe that in the near future, there will be few people who are willing to come to Jingyang County to auction items.


['I didn't cheat them, and it's worth the mere 20,000 yuan for this group?']

For these 20,000 yuan, Bai Zhu really looked down on him.

Daqin is now in a state of ruin, and there are too many places to make money.

Especially after potatoes have been promoted to a certain extent, people can have enough to eat.

Daqin's business will gradually develop. At that time, Bai Zhu, who is full of business thinking, and the blessing of the system mall, won't it be the same to dominate Daqin?

Therefore, the 20,000 yuan is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Baihei!

"Hey? Speaking of which, where did that kid Hu Hai go recently? I haven't beaten him for a long time recently, and my hands are a little itchy.

Ying Yinman waved his small fist and pretended to be a fierce milkman.

【‘He, it seems that he got into Jingyang Tower early in the morning. ’]

Bai Hei is also fascinated by Hu Hai's recent actions.

This Qin II was evaluated in history as "brutal, sinister and vicious".

Since Xiao He received his own orders and started to prepare for the Jingyang Tower, it seems that he has changed his temper.

Drill into the kitchen every day.

You have to say that he likes to eat dishes made by systematic recipes.

Not quite.

After all, as the current eighteenth prince of Da Qin, if he really wants to eat, why not just order a servant?

But he doesn't!

Every meal must be cooked by yourself!

The problem is that if you like to cook, it's fine, but don't let others try it!

Now it's good, he's in love with cooking.

Those maids, entourages, servants and the like in his mansion were miserable.

In mild cases, vomiting and diarrhea, in severe cases, coma.

In the past three days alone, more than 20 patients have been carried out from the Huhai Mansion!

It is said that everyone in your house has been harmed by you, so you should be honest, right?

He Hu Hai is not!

He also has to borrow someone to try the dishes from Fusu's house!

It wasn't until all the servants and maids around Fusu became ill, when he heard that Bai Zhu was going to build Jingyang Tower.

So he quickly decided to hit Jingyanglou!

['No, Xiao He and his group are still in Jingyang Tower!'1

['We have to hurry over and stop Hu Hai!']

【‘It would be a big deal if this kid were to entrap my cash cows!”l

After thinking about it, Bai Hei is still worried.

So he pulled the three daughters and hurried to Jingyang Tower.

Jingyang Tower.

According to Bai Hei's vision, we want to make him the first floor of Da Qin!

Here, you can not only drink the incomparably mellow Jingyang wine,

And you can also taste the secret Jingyang dishes!

In fact, saying that it is Jingyang cuisine is just to give the chickens and ducks in the hands of the people of Jingyang County a market.

It's like the "main push" dish in a western restaurant.

There is a lot of seafood left today, so we will push seafood.

If there is too much steak left, we will push the steak.

The same is true for Jingyang Tower.

Don't look at the current Jingyang Building, apart from chicken and duck in various ways, there is no other innovation in the dishes for the time being.

But Bai Hei has a big move in his hands!

hot pot!

The Chinese civilization's favor for hot pot can be said to have a long history.

There are different opinions about the origin and legend of hot pot.

Some people say that hot pot appeared during the Three Kingdoms period.

Some people also say that hot pot appeared in the era of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.

At that time, the hot pot was still made of "copper tripod".

In addition, there is a saying that hot pot originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

There is even historical evidence for this statement: according to legend, the "dou" in the unearthed cultural relics refers to hot pot.

It can be seen that hot pot has a history of nearly two thousand years in my country.

As for Chongqing hot pot, it is clearly recorded in Zuo Si's "Sandu Fu", which shows that its history has exceeded 1700 years.

But in Daqin, no one has known and tasted such a hearty way of eating.

Therefore, Bai Hei is sure that once the hot pot is born, it will definitely be able to sweep Daqin!

Make the name of Jingyang Tower spread all over the country!

The group of four came to the foot of Jingyang Tower and looked at the golden statue in front of the building.

Bai Hei couldn't help covering his face.


It's really embarrassing!

This golden statue was built by Xiao He and others despite their own dissuasion.

It is said that it was built in its own image.

For this argument, white and black are rejected.

Not because of anything else, but simply because this statue is so ugly!

What kind of dumpling is this? This whole thing is a meme!

A black-and-white iron-eating beast put both hands behind his head and raised his right leg at the same time, if this were to add two words next to it: "Look at the sword! 35

Bai Zhi will mistakenly think that he has traveled back to the afterlife.

The imagery is too strong!

However, Ying Yinman and other three girls liked this statue very much.

Every time I pass this place, I will go forward to touch it here, touch it there, and I can't put it down.

"Gugu--(Okay, alright, let's go in!)

Taking the three daughters into the Jingyang Building, in order not to attract attention, Bai Zhu immediately got into the Jingyang Building's kitchen.

Sure enough, Hu Hai is busy here!

Reaching out a hand to lift Hu Hai's collar, Bai Hei directly lifted him up.

"..Goooo-(Go away, don't make trouble for Laozi!)"

Hu Hai's face turned pale with fright, and his whole body began to tremble again.

['Does this guy have polio, don't rely on me!']

After thinking about it, Bai Hei threw Hu Hai into the corner.

Coincidentally, Xiao He opened the kitchen curtain and walked in.

"Lord Rui Beast?"

Seeing Baihei, Xiao He expressed his surprise.

Generally, in such a very lively occasion, Lord Rui Beast should not be interested!

"Let's supervise Hu Hai and beat him up by the way to save him from making trouble!

Ying Yinmang bit his silver teeth and immediately gave Hu Hai a bluff.

Hu Haideng was too frightened to speak.

Seeing this scene, Xiao He couldn't help laughing.

But he still explained it for Hu Hai: "Lord Rui Beast, this is really a misunderstanding."

"After the guests ate the dishes prepared by the eighteenth prince, they were quite satisfied.

"Really? Are you sure?"

Hearing what Xiao He said, Hu Hai suddenly came to his senses.

He didn't care about Bai Hei and Ying Yinman who were on the side, and immediately stepped forward and excitedly asked Xiao He: "Really, are they really satisfied?

Xiao He nodded: "Yes, Your Highness.

Ignoring Hu Hai's excitement, Bai Hei waved at Xiao He: "Gu Gu—— (Take me to see.)"

He wanted to see it with his own eyes, could it be that this kid Hu Hai was really enlightened?

After harming so many people, let him explore the most correct way?

He followed Xiao He to the side of the dining place.

Here is a small viewing platform, from here, the whole Jingyang County is unobstructed, and the scenery is quite pleasant.

And this place is not open to the public at present, so it is very suitable to observe the reactions of diners.

"Hey, don't tell me, this Jingyang County is really a magical place!

Tried a bite of this dish called "Spicy Chicken".

Diners are full of praise.

"Yes, you said that the mellow aroma of this Jingyang wine is amazing enough, it turns out that there are so many delicious foods hidden in this Jingyang Building!

The other person shook the "menu" in his hand and echoed excitedly.

The menu in the hands of the two is naturally the practice of various chickens and ducks that Bai Zhu exchanged in the system.

Dozens of practices such as "Beijing Roast Duck", "Duck with Sauce", "Beer Duck", "Spicy Chicken", "Bai Zhan Chicken" and so on.

When the common people can't even get enough to eat, there are still people who study the recipes.

Besides, due to the limitation of equipment, they do not have such a big brain hole, and they can develop the beauty (Zhao Lehao) food of later generations.

The most important thing is that these people originally came with the attitude of giving it a try.

Even most people come to Jingyang Tower just to have a sip of Jingyang wine!

But from the moment you sit down.

After the first table of wine and food was served, all the diners were completely immersed in the style of the dishes and even put aside the issue of Jingyang wine.

It's no wonder, originally, when they wanted to come.

Since the items sold by Jingyang Auction House are so expensive, isn't the item in this Jingyang Tower sky-high?

Therefore, many people are discouraged in front of Jingyang Tower.

They are afraid that if they are not careful, they will be tricked by white and black.

But soon, the first wave of "Brave" after enjoying the delicious food of Jingyang Tower.

When they got downstairs, they were surrounded by people: "How is it, how is the taste?"

"Ah, so-so, not too tasty!"

After saying that, the diner licked his lips with nostalgia.

Obviously, this is another Versailles speech.

The eyes of the masses are sharp and will never be deceived by Versailles.

After confirming that Jingyanglou's cuisine is truly outstanding, they quickly turned their attention to the price.

"Well, how much did you spend on this meal?

The crowd asked in a hurry.

Although the questions are different, the ultimate goal is the same.

"Ah, the price, it's very expensive!"

After speaking, the diner touched the bulging copper coins left in his pocket.

Good guy, not only delicious, but also cheap?

All of a sudden, the crowd rushed into the Jingyang Building.

It was not until they saw the "menu" on the table that they finally dared to be sure that Jingyang Tower was indeed a good and cheap place!

Seeing the diners feasting, everyone's face was covered with sweat.

In these nine cold days, while tasting such delicacies, drink a pot of Jingyang wine, it is really fun!

Looking around, all the diners in Jingyang Tower had smiling faces on their faces.

After the exciting auction session, they soon indulged in the food and wine of Jingyang Tower...

And they are only the first batch of diners in Jingyang Tower.

Next, through their mouths, the reputation of Jingyang Tower will be spread by word of mouth and spread throughout Daqin!

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