I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 117 A sip of Jingyang wine, the 1 emperor of the tyrant!

Ignoring the drunken Hu Hai, the convoy continued to move slowly towards Xianyang Palace.

At this time, inside the Xianyang Palace.

The first emperor also received the news from the Black Ice Terrace long ago.

The eighteenth prince of Daqin presented ten jars of Jingyang tribute wine!

Hearing such news, the first emperor's always majestic face showed a rare father-like gratifying smile.

In fact, if it weren't for the black and white, one thousand years above and one thousand years below.

He told the first emperor about the later generations of the Qin Dynasty.

In the heart of the first emperor, the love for Huhai is far more than that of Fusu.

There is such a saying among the people: "The royal family values ​​the eldest son, and the common people love the youngest son."

Although the first emperor also attached great importance to Fusu, and intended to train him to be the future successor of Daqin.

But due to the conflict of ideas, Shi Huangdi really couldn't like Fusu.

After all, value and love are two different things.

In Hu Hai's body, the first emperor showed his side as an ordinary person.

Hu Hai was the youngest son of the First Emperor and the last heir.

At the same time, it is different from the alienation of other princes to the first emperor.

Hu Hai himself was frank and arrogant, and was deeply favored by the First Emperor.

This can be seen from the first emperor's travels.

Among the princes and princesses, he chose Hu Hai over others.

His love for Hu Hai is evident.

In the past, Hu Hai had always passively accepted the first emperor's attitude.

Hu Hai still had a lot of fear in his heart for his father who unified the world.

But this time, the first emperor's heart was slightly moved.

It seems that the little auspicious beast is really my God's blessing.

His appearance not only changed the history of Daqin.

Let Daqin's rule flourish.

Even Hu Hai, who has always been stubborn, actually only stayed in Jingyang for a few dozen days.

I already know how to dedicate good things to my father!

At the same time as Long Xin was delighted, the First Emperor did not care about the memorial in his hand.

Putting down the pen in his hand, he took the little eunuch by his side and walked towards Hu Hai's motorcade outside the palace gate.

This time, he wants to give Hu Hai a big reward!

This child not only thought of offering a tribute wine to himself, but also personally served as a vanguard officer to escort the car, which surprised the First Emperor.

It seems that in Jingyang County, Hu Hai will have to stay for a few more years!

Walking out of Xianyang Palace, the convoy slowly advancing towards him should be the convoy of Jingyang County.

The general at the head, Shi Huangdi saw it clearly.

It is the high pet of Rui Beast Bai Hei!


The First Emperor took a sniff.

Why is there such a mellow aroma of wine in the air?

It looks like a really good drink!

As expected of my good son, I think of me in everything!

Overjoyed, the first emperor stepped forward quickly and welcomed Gao Chong.

"Your Majesty, at the end of the day, according to the order of Lord Rui Beast, I will come to present Jingyang tribute wine."


Listening to Gao Chong's words, the First Emperor realized that something was wrong.

According to Heixingtai, isn't it the tribute wine that Hu Hai Jin offered?

And as soon as he entered the city, he started to hype it up, beating gongs and drums, and it was very lively.

Although this matter is publicized, I am delighted with Hu Hai's filial piety,

The First Emperor didn't think much of it the first time he received the news.

But at this time, under Gao Chong's "reminder", the First Emperor finally noticed something strange.

There were only seven jars of tribute wine on the carriage in front of him.

Obviously, in Jingyang County, whether it is Xiao He, Xiao Rui Beast, or Gao Chong.

None of them would do such an unlucky thing.

Especially when thinking of the unusual aroma of wine around, Shi Emperor's complexion instantly sank.


Must be him!

Seeing the first emperor changed his face.

Gao Chong knelt down to the ground "in time": "Your Majesty, this minister is guilty of lax supervision!

"Don't say it anymore, I understand! 99

Gao Chong silently shut his mouth when he saw Qin Shihuang who was rushing towards the carriage angrily.

Well, actually I just wanted to say.

I gave away three jars of wine on the way, so I was guilty of oversight.

But since you think it was your son who drank it, so be it.

If Hu Hai was awake and saw Gao Chong's behavior, he would definitely cut him into eight pieces.

But unfortunately, because Jingyang tastes so good.

Hu Hai drank three jars in one breath.

Originally, he was young, and the degree of Jingyang wine was extremely high.

It is not comparable to other wines in the Qin Dynasty.

So until now, Hu Hai is still crouched in the carriage, unconscious.

Angrily, he opened the curtain, and the first emperor quickly saw the "scenery" inside the car.


There were three empty jars scattered on the ground inside the car, one of which was broken in half.

Half of it was still in Hu Hai's hands, while the other half fell to Hu Hai's feet.

At this time, Hu Hai was full of alcohol,

Leaning in the carriage with one leg out of the carriage window!

In an instant, the First Emperor's anger was full.

Good guy, with this kind of shape, he still bangs gongs and drums to promote it with great fanfare?

As the eighteenth prince of Da Qin, with one leg stretched out of the window, what kind of decency?

Turning around and looking at the gongs and drumsticks on the ground, the First Emperor was even more angry.

Don't think, this is Hu Hai's masterpiece again!

It was clearly the little auspicious beast who was thinking of me and brought me Jingyang wine.

But you idiot took all the credit for yourself!

See the gloomy face of the first emperor.

Gao Chong immediately stepped forward to make up for it.

"Your Majesty, this matter is all done by the minister and has nothing to do with His Royal Highness"!"

"say no more!

The First Emperor waved his hand: "Whoever dares to intercede for this traitor again, I will never forgive him lightly! 39

All right.

Gao Chong spread his hands and immediately retreated.

Well, I just wanted to tell you the truth.

Since you don't believe me and want to blame me, then it can only be regarded as Hu Hai's bad luck!

"Drag this villain into the palace!"

The First Emperor waved to the little eunuch beside him.

Nizi, oh Nizi, look at the people around you.

Which one is not eager to come forward and take the blame for you.

But what about you?

I am so disappointed!

If Hu Hai is conscious at this time, I am afraid that the Xianyang City of Daqin will be snowed in June on the spot.

Drag Hu Hai into the palace.

Under the order of the first emperor, the little eunuch quickly brought a basin of cold water.

Then a brain poured on Hu Hai's face.

After being attacked by the cold water, Hu Hai slowly woke up.

Taking advantage of the wine, he first looked around.

Seems like the scene is a little familiar?

Until his eyes fell on the first emperor.

Then he shuddered subconsciously, and then immediately turned over and knelt down on the ground: "Father...Father, the son is at fault, and the son knows it is wrong.

This is Hu Hai's only way to deal with the first emperor.

Don't ask, ask is to kowtow and admit your mistake.

As for what was wrong, Hu Hai himself did not know.

However, you are right to admit your mistake!

Sure enough, seeing Hu Hai taking the initiative to kowtow and admit his mistake, the Shi Emperor's face suddenly softened a little.

"Humph! Tell me what's wrong with you?"

The First Emperor looked stern and looked down at Hu Hai.

He is waiting.

Wait for Hu Hai to count his faults.

As long as he can realize his mistakes, the first emperor can just let it go.

But for a long time.

Influenced by the domineering and stern character of the First Emperor, Hu Hai became very cowardly.

This is also proven historically.

According to historical records.

Even if Zhao Gao and Li Si arranged everything.

At that time, Hu Hai still refused to accept the throne.

"Brother still holds an army of 300,000 people, once he refuses to commit suicide, wouldn't that mean all the jade and stone will be burnt?

Until the news of Fusu's suicide came.

Hu Hai then sat on the throne tremblingly.

It can be said that Hu Hai's killing after he succeeded to the throne was precisely the grievances accumulated by his weak temperament before.

And now, the more angry the First Emperor was, the more afraid Hu Hai was.

The more Shi Huang asked, the more Hu Hai could not say anything.

Looking at Hu Hai, who was kneeling on the ground, shaking like a sieve,

The First Emperor snorted coldly, turned around and sat back.

In fact, it was not that he had not thought about making Huhai the crown prince.

On the one hand, Fusu often bullies himself, which often makes him not feel good about Fusu.

But on the other hand, Hu Hai really couldn't take on the heavy responsibility of the Great Qin Emperor.

Looking at Hu Hai, who was timid and fearful, Shi Huang hated that iron could not become steel.

Even if he is like Fusu, he can have a convincing theory.

Then you can argue with yourself!

That at least proves that he has the courage and courage to become the king of a country.

But now, looking at Hu Hai who was about to urinate with fright in front of him, Shi Huangdi was disappointed.

"It seems that you still have to stay in Jingyang County for some more time and let Xiao Rui Beast teach you!"

While lamenting Hu Hai's unsatisfactory performance, Qin Shi Huang's heart was thinking of Bai Zhu of Jingyang County.

It's still good for Bai Zhu, I know that I like this young boy.

Not only did he escort the tribute wine, but he also made Hu Hai a pioneer.

And when Jingyang wine was developed, he thought of sending it to himself at the first time.

This feeling is really rare.

Speaking of Bai Zhi.

Hu Hai's body trembled even more.

At this moment, he finally remembered the fear of being dominated by beasts!

And this kind of fear is far greater than the fear that the First Emperor brought him.

Immediately, without hesitation, Hu Hai immediately fell to the ground with tears in his eyes: "Imperial Father! My son has a request!"

The First Emperor was startled, what happened to Hu Hai today.

"Say. 55

Concise and concise.

The first emperor also wanted to hear what Hu Hai wanted to say.

"My son wants to move out of Jingyang County.

First Emperor:......99

Alright, I just sent you over after a lot of trouble with Xiao Rui Beast.

How good are you, you want to run away before you figure out what you've done wrong?


The first emperor showed no mercy.

The little eunuch on the side immediately took out a thin wooden board from his pocket.

Aiming at Hu Hai's mouth, he hit him with a "pop".

After ten hits in a row, Hu Hai didn't even dare to hide.

"One day as a teacher, life as a father."

The First Emperor had a gloomy face and educated Hu Hai.

"You can't learn from your big brother! 99

When it comes to Fusu, Hu Hai is even more aggrieved.

Well, with a fierce beast and a stern big brother, how will I live the next day...

No, what I say this time will make the father change his mind!

"Father! This son just wants to change his place of residence, that vicious beast, ah no, auspicious beast... 35

In the panic, Hu Hai accidentally said what was in his heart.

The First Emperor's face turned as black as charcoal.

Well, Baihei is the auspicious beast that protects the entire Daqin.

In your mouth, turned into a beast?

It seems that Bai Hei is right, you are destined to be a scourge to harm Da Qin in the future!

Knowing that he was speechless, and feeling the anger coming from the First Emperor, Hu Hai was too frightened to speak.

This time, if you can save your life, it's not a loss!

What else did you say to leave Jingyang County!

"Give me a slap! Hit him until he respects the auspicious beast!"

The First Emperor Long Yan was furious, slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and cursed angrily.

Under such a request, Hu Hai's punishment was escalated.

Originally one little eunuch became two.

A piece of wood also becomes two.

The two little eunuchs pinched Hu Hai from left to right.


"Crack! 99



The two of you slapped at Hu Hai's mouth, and there was no pause.

Hu Hai still only dared to squat on the spot, not daring to move at all.

Because he knows that once he hides,

Then what greeted him was not just a slap in the face.

The first emperor's order was to fight until Hu Hai respected the auspicious beast.

The two little eunuchs who executed the execution did not know when they would achieve their goal.

But the first emperor did not say stop, and they did not dare to stop.

So, in the huge palace.

Apart from the crisp sound of "Crack! Pah! Pah!", the most striking thing was Hu Hai's body twisted by pain.

Finally, when the first emperor saw that the corners of Hu Hai's mouth had begun to bleed.


The two little eunuchs withdrew immediately.

"Hai Er, you have to remember that Rui Beast is the protector of Da Qin. 99

"I sent you to him for your own good."

"But if you can't respect him, then don't blame me! 39

At this time, Hu Hai really wanted to say something to excuse himself.

But unfortunately, now he can only make a ".. um" sound with one mouth.

In addition, it is the blood flowing back from the corner of the mouth.

Simply, he nodded silently and said nothing.

After saying a few words of Hu Hai earnestly and earnestly, the First Emperor was a little tired.

He quickly waved to Hu Hai and Gao Chong who was standing and waiting: "Go back, I'm tired.

"Your Majesty, I retire."

After bowing to the First Emperor, Gao Chong helped the poor Hu Hai out of the Xianyang Palace.

As soon as he left the Xianyang Palace, Hu Hai's long-held emotions erupted.

Grief, sadness, grief, and despair for a dark future...

Immediately, he burst into tears.

"His Royal Highness, we haven't left the palace yet, if Your Majesty hears this..."

After Gao Chong reminded him.

It works like a switch.

Just one second, Hu Hai immediately stopped crying.

Until Hu Hai was helped onto the carriage again.

Only then did Gao Chong reconvene that this time he was carrying a trusted entourage.

"Just stay in Xianyang and spread the news as I told you before.

"Remember to keep it secret and return to Jingyang County in three days.

After secretly instructing these people, Gao Chong quickly dismissed them in Xianyang City.

The convoy still returned according to the original road, detouring to the boundary of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

After leaving Xianyang Palace, Hu Hai dared to cry loudly...

To this end, the team seems to have deliberately slowed down.



The sound of howling was continuously heard from the carriage, and accompanied by the fragrance of wine, it spread to the palaces of the old nobles of the Six Nations.

"What happened? Send someone to see!"

Such a loud cry and the familiar aroma of wine quickly attracted the attention of the old nobles.

They showed their magical powers and began to inquire about news through various channels.

Didn't the eighteenth prince, Hu Hai, not long ago enter the palace to offer tribute wine?

Why did you cry like this when you left the palace?

But soon, the news gathered by their men surprised them.

Because the emperor's eighteenth son Hu Hai secretly drank three jars of Jingyang tribute wine, the father and son turned against each other, and Hu Hai was also beaten by the first emperor!

"What kind of wine can actually make that tyrant tiger poison his son?"

For the first emperor's actions.

The old aristocrats of the Six Kingdoms are quite shocking.

His love for Hu Hai is well known to everyone, but now, just for the sake of three jars of tribute wine, he is fighting against his son, who he wished to be in love with the heavens on weekdays?

And you listen to the cry of the eighteenth prince outside the door, it is a miserable one!

How is this going to be beaten! (Zhao Liao's)

For a while, word of mouth spread.

The news is getting more and more outrageous.

Initially, just:

"The first emperor punished the eighteenth son for stealing the tribute wine! 99

Later, the news became: "The first emperor beat the eighteenth son of the emperor because he stole the tribute wine! 55

Later, it was even more outrageous: "The first emperor and the eighteenth son of the emperor turned against each other because of the three altars of Jingyang wine!

This moment can whet the appetite of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

Although they were in Xianyang City, they couldn't do anything.

But that didn't stop them from wishing that the First Emperor would be unlucky.

And this piece of news, because it was in line with their interests, immediately set off a wave of discussion among the noble circles of the Six Nations in Xianyang City.

And Jingyang wine has also become a hot search in the old aristocratic circle of the Six Kingdoms in Xianyang.

"Tell me, how amazing is this Jingyang wine, that it can turn these two father and son into enemies?"

You know, on the way to Gao Chong and others to enter the palace.

Only sent out three jars of wine.

Although in the end it is divided according to each cup.

But how many old nobles of the Six Kingdoms are there in Xianyang City?

According to historical records, there are 120,000 people!

Most of the 120,000 people had never drunk this Jingyang wine.

As a result, those who were fortunate enough to taste Jingyang wine immediately became the "focus"


And they're happy to show off their differences:

"Hey, you don't know, after drinking Jingyang wine, I can't drink other wines at all!""

"That's not some kind of wine, it's simply a fairy brew in the world!

As a result, these old nobles of the Six Nations, who had nothing to do with their daily life, suddenly became interested in this Jingyang wine.

Well, if you say that the rumored tyrant father and son turned against their goals because of Jingyang wine is false,

So what happened to these people who drank Jingyang wine and praised them in unison?

You know, they are powerful people, and they will promote Jingyang Wine for that little money?

Obviously not possible.

Therefore, with the help of the nobles who had drank Jingyang wine, the reputation of Jingyang wine in Xianyang really became popular again!

As for the nobles who had tasted Jingyang wine before, they came to ask for wine again while the motorcade of Gao Chong and others passed by.

But Gao Chong rejected them one by one.

In the end, only one sentence was left: "If you want to drink Jingyang wine, you can only come to Jingyang to buy it in person!"

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