I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 115 Jingyang Tribute Wine! The hard working tool man Hu Hai

Jingyang wine, once produced, can be described as the best among wines.

Wine culture has run through China for thousands of years.

From the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, there has been a beautiful legend of "Yi Di brewing".

Later, due to Yu's estrangement, Yi Di and Jiu were gradually drowned in the dust of history.

It was not until the Warring States Period that the wine culture began to flourish again and flourished!

Even in Daqin, there is a saying that "the meeting of a hundred miles cannot be done without wine".

However, the Daqin wine at this time cannot be compared with later generations in terms of material selection and processing.

There are only three kinds of winemaking materials in the Qin Dynasty:

Grain, vegetables, fruits.

In addition to the need for seasonal vegetables and fruits, the production of wine is very small.

Therefore, in the Qin Dynasty, more wine was brewed from grain.

And the more precious the wine, the more food is needed, and the less wine is produced.

In this era when food is the basis of human existence, the preciousness of food is self-evident.

People don't have enough to eat, and they still make wine?

So in order to save, most of the grains used for brewing are inferior grains.

As a result, most wines produced are sub-tasting wines.

And the processing technology is extremely rough.

resulting in a very poor taste.

After all, in this era, the utensils for processing wine have not been perfected, let alone brewed wine?

However, Jingyang wine is different.

Since its birth, it was destined to lead a wine tasting trend that swept the whole Daqin!

First, there is Jingyang County Shennong Temple as the basis for raw material output.

The raw materials of Jingyang wine can be said to be inexhaustible.

Both, with the addition of the attributes of the intermediate wine-making factories, the wine production rate of Jingyang wine is extremely high, even more than four times the wine production rate of all the materials in the world!

In this way, the problem of wasting food will be greatly solved.

This is also the reason why Xiao He has tacitly opposed to the present and even took the initiative to lead the winemaking project.

Of the three, the winemaking technology produced by the system can be said to be perfect without any flaws.

Under the guidance of this winemaking process, even people who have never been exposed to wine can brew good quality wine.

The four, also "July 20" is the most important point, the effect of the intermediate wine factory is blessed!

Thirty years of fine wine!

Taste directly +10!


Mellow range +1000!

This led to Jingyang wine, which was originally a leader in this era.

Immediately it went up a notch.

Even, if Jingyang wine has the opportunity to go to later generations.

Even if it only relies on the attribute of storage for thirty years, it will inevitably become popular all over the world!

But right now, Bai Zhu did not make these wines for enjoyment.

He has another goal - to make money!

Who makes money?

Whoever has the money earns it!

So who has money?

The old nobles of the Six Kingdoms!

Although their family is now in decline.

But with decades or even centuries of family heritage, their lives are more than ten times better than that of ordinary people.

When other people are not full to eat and not warm enough to wear.

These people are able to sing and dance, sing and dance, and sing and dance.

They were like worms attached to Daqin, absorbing Daqin's nutrients until the day when Daqin collapsed suddenly.

Therefore, their money is not earned for nothing!

Black and white believe.

Once they are allowed to taste this top-quality Jingyang wine, even if it is ten times the price of normal wine, they will definitely rush to it!

Then, the next step is how to promote Jingyang wine...

For the first time, Bai Zhi thought of his No. 1 shit shoveling officer, Lao Zhao!

To say that Lao Zhao is very good to himself.

I still remember the last time he drank Coke by himself, he was so greedy.

So continue to use him as a tool this time!

It was also the 111th time he used Lao Zhao as a tool man!

Taking the opportunity to give Lao Zhao wine, Bai Hei naturally wants to promote this Jingyang wine!

Think here.

"Gugu——(call Xiao He.)"

Ying Yinman immediately executed Baihei's order meticulously.

After the birth of Jingyang wine, Ying Yinman was not idle.

Every once in a while, Diaochan and Cai Wenji were fighting over wine.

Every time I get drunk, I get together to sing and dance, which makes me feel irritable!

Respect the cute little auspicious beast, okay?

You three beautiful little girls are bouncing around in front of Laozi, it's hard for me to do it!

Thinking like this, Xiao He had come to the two of them before he knew it.

"Lord Rui Beast."

With a respectful salute, Xiao He stood in front of Bai Hei, waiting for orders.

【‘You told him that I would choose ten jars of these fine wines to give to Lao Zhao. l

[‘Tell him to pick some good Jingyang wine and load it into the car. ’]

"Little Rui Beast means to choose ten jars of Jingyang wine to give to His Majesty."

Ying Yinman naturally couldn't call his father Lao Zhao like Bai Hei.

"Dare to ask Lord Rui Beast, which general is called to handle this matter, and who will be used to escort it?"

Xiao He quickly told Bai Zhu a problem that needed to be solved, and asked respectfully.

Indeed, escorting His Majesty's tribute wine is no small matter.

Jingyang County is not far from Xianyang City, but it is not close.

This road is high and long, and if a reliable general cannot be escorted, I am afraid that something will go wrong on the road.

"Cuckoo - (Who do you recommend?) 39

"I recommend General Li Xin below!

Xiao He's recommendation is not without reason.

From the very beginning, Li Xin was in charge of almost everything in Jingyang wine.

No one is more familiar with Jingyang wine than him.

But Bai Hei doesn't think so, although Li Xin's mood has improved somewhat.

But good wine, if you let him escort.

I am afraid that this batch of Jingyang wine will not reach Xianyang at all, and he will have to drink it up halfway!

In addition, Li Xin has always had no measure of drinking. After getting drunk, on the road of dozens of miles, something will happen.

"Gugugugu—(Go and call me Zhang Han, Fusu, Hu Hai, Gao Chong and Li Xin!)"

Bai Hei was too lazy to think about it so much.

Since you don't know who to choose, call them together and choose one by one!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao He called Gao Chong, Zhang Han, who were training soldiers, and Li Xin, who was making wine.

Following behind, it was Fusu who was dragging Hu Hai.

Don't ask why Hu Hai was dragged.

Now Hu Hai just wants to quickly escape from this ghost place and escape from this "fierce beast" in front of him!

"See Lord Rui Beast.

Xiao He, Fusu and the others naturally bowed respectfully.

Only Hu Hai, who looked like a dead mother, lowered his head and bowed his hands perfunctorily.

【‘The four of you, who is willing to escort Jingyang wine to Xianyang?

"Little Rui Beast asked you who would like to go?"

Ying Yinman sat playfully beside Bai Hei, dangling her calves.

"I'm going! I'm going!"


The first person to speak was neither Li Xin nor Gao Chong, but Hu Hai, who was listless and dead like a mother the last moment.

"Eighteenth brother, don't fool around!"

Seeing Hu Hai rushing up like crazy, Fusu immediately reprimanded.

At this time, Hu Hai couldn't handle so much.

After talking, he heard a sentence:

"Go to Xianyang!

Go to Xianyang, and he can leave here!

Going to Xianyang, he will be able to intercede with his father and leave this vicious beast!

As long as he leaves here, there is hope for him to live!

Unconsciously, Hu Hai came to Jingyang County for some time.

Although he hates the beasts in front of him, he has to say that in these days in Jingyang County, with the company of his elder brother Fusu, he is still living...

Dog! Fart! No! Yes!

Wake up in the morning before dawn to practice swords,

At noon, I have to fetch water to grow potatoes,

In the afternoon, I have to "voluntarily" go to study with my eldest brother and learn the art of war!

Is this how people live?

Well, you said you don't want to?


Lord Rui Beast will personally cook you a meal of fried pork on bamboo poles!

Touching his hot ass, Hu Hai was not afraid and looked directly into Fusu's eyes.

"What happened to me when I went to Xianyang? Don't I want to do a filial piety for the father and the emperor, to be a murderer... to do something for Lord Ruiwu!"

It has to be said that being beaten can not only make a nation progress, but also make a person grow rapidly.

If Hu Hai was killed half a month ago, he wouldn't be able to say such a thing.

Don't ask, asking is inherently stupid and can't say good things.

Well, look at my bamboo pole, it's big and long, please bear with me!

After eating stewed meat on bamboo poles for a few days, Hu Hai, who was originally "naturally dull", suddenly seemed to have his seven orifices opened up.

Become very smart.

Seeing the opportunity to leave Jingyang County, he immediately jumped out holding the banner of filial piety!

Hearing what Hu Hai said, Fu Su Qiang held back the smile on his face and ignored him.

Good guy, did you want to go to Xianyang to carry wine?

Are you trying to escape!

Knowing his brother Mo Ruo, Fusu knew exactly what Hu Hai's purpose was.

If the father does not agree to him, then on the way back, he can guarantee that Hu Hai will slap his butt and leave!

However, seeing that the auspicious beast sitting in front of him did not speak, Fusu also silently retreated.

If you want to go, go, brother bless you...

"Cuckoo (Are you going?)"

Facing Hu Hai's initiative to invite Ying, Bai Zhu was not surprised.

This kid is afraid that he has suffered a lot of crimes in Jingyang recently, and is planning to escape!

But it's just right, I've been itchy recently.

Although those "families" of his own are stupid, but he is reluctant to fight, so congratulations to the lucky one, Hu Hai!

"Gugu——(Then tell me, what should you do if you meet a bandit?)"

Ever since Ying Yinman heard about what his younger brother did to him in the future, he had no good feelings for Hu Hai.

Glancing at him fiercely.

Hu Hai was stunned for a moment, why is there still a question and answer?

It seems that going to Xianyang will still take some trouble!

"I...I'll kill someone directly!"

That's right! I'm super brave!

Since it is a question and answer question, according to Hu Hai's idea, the braver the better.

But after listening to Hu Hai's answer, Xiao He and the others silently shook their heads.

My dear, with this kind of courage, I might as well send you to slay the thieves.

You rushed up, what about Gongjiu?

Feeling the sighs and shaking his head around him, Hu Hai began to panic.

If you can't grasp this opportunity, it will be difficult for you to leave Jingyang County in the future!


This time I have to fight for anything!

"Lord Rui Beast!"

With an extremely respectful salute, Hu Hai began to secretly brew his emotions.

"I came from Jingyang County and was taken care of by Lord Ruiwu, my brother and all the generals. This palace has nothing to repay, so I can only repay you by escorting the tribute wine this time.

As the saying goes, urgency produces wisdom.

Hu Hai was in a hurry after this, but what he said was uneventful, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But everyone knows that there is some bad water in his heart.

However, to the astonishment of others, Bai Hei actually agreed!

"Gugu-(Okay, then you are the vanguard officer, responsible for escorting the tribute wine.)"

For the first time, Ying Yinman narrowed his eyes, until he was sure that he heard it right, and then he obediently said Bai Hei's opinion.

Although he has doubts in his heart, what Little Rui Beast said must not be wrong!

But for those present, it was a different experience.

Especially Li Xin, this tribute wine was produced by him, just like his own son.

Originally, I thought that this escort mission would be captured by myself.

But he never imagined that he would let this kid Hu Hai take the lead!

Although he was not happy in his heart, since it was Lord Rui Beast's arrangement, Li Xin could only do it.

Of all the people present, only Fusu bowed his hands towards Baihei after a brief thought:

"Lord Rui Beast, I think it is inappropriate.

In front of Bai Hei, he doesn't even call himself "Ben Gong"


"Cuckoo--(Let's hear it.)"

"I think that my younger brother is still young and has a stubborn temperament, and once he is escorted, he will fail.

It is a loss for both Jingyang County and His Majesty.

【‘Fusu, Fusu, you don’t know my true intentions!’】

【‘Your brother is just a tool man, why are you panicking?’ J

[‘Tell him that the three armies can win the commander, but the individual cannot win the will. His younger brother Hu Hai finally stood up once, does he want to kill himself? l

Under the transmission of Ying Yinman.

Fusu finally remained silent.

In fact, it is the easiest to deal with people like Fusu.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people!

Don't you believe in Confucian classics, then I will cite the classics for you to convince you!

Sure enough, Bai Zhi's method worked very well.

With reason and evidence, Confucius' words were brought out, and Fusu suddenly stopped talking.

Although he still felt that something was wrong, since Sage Kong had said it, what reason did he have to object?

['So I don't plan to let your brother go alone, he is escorting the vanguard, so he must have a lieutenant']

Finally, after hearing Bai Zhu's arrangement, Fusu was overjoyed and thanked.

For Hu Hai, as long as he can reach Xianyang City and see his father,

There is hope for everything.

Therefore, Hu Hai did not have any objection to the arrangement of white and black.

As for the candidate for the lieutenant, Bai Zhi thought about it, and finally chose Gao Chong.

After all, this is his own airborne lineage.

If Zhang Han and Xiao He were replaced, I am afraid that Hu Hai would really do something.

Seriously, threaten them with the identity of the prince, a few people may not be able to bear it!

But Gao Chong is different.

Not only did he come here alone, he had nothing to worry about.

He didn't feel good about Hu Hai.

In the whole of Da Qin, only Bai Hei can order him.

If there is no white and black order, even Qin Shihuang himself will not be able to come, let alone a small Hu Hai!

What's more, Gao Chong's martial arts are the strongest among them.

Looking at the whole of Daqin, there is only one person who can be compared with Yuwen Chengdu!

Therefore, choosing him as Hu Hai's lieutenant, on the one hand, can implement his own plan.

On the other hand, it can also play the role of supervision and supervision.

Just in case this kid Hu Hai really did something absurd.

【‘As the lieutenant of the escort team, choose Gao Chong. ’]

[‘On the way you can disobey Hu Hai’s orders and exercise the power of escort alone’]

In order to prevent Hu Hai from acting as a rogue, Bai Hei gave Gao Chong a "special order".

As a result, if Hu Hai wanted to do anything, he would be hindered by many obstacles, making it difficult for him to succeed.

Hearing that the person accompanying him was Gao Chong, although Hu Hai was unhappy, it was not completely unacceptable.

In his opinion, Daqin Ruishi is the soldier of their 2.2 family, can he still not obey his orders?

Now that the escorting generals have been resolved.

Below are the soldiers responsible for escorting tribute wine.

Jingyang County has an advantage in the number of guards, but the individual combat capability is too poor.

Not suitable.

Although Panda Ruijun's individual combat capability is amazing, his intelligence has not yet fully matured.

If Hu Hai did something stupid in the middle, he would be slapped to death by Panda Ruijun.

Then it's not easy for me to explain to Lao Zhao.

After all, he is also a real son. Although he will die if he dies, even if a dog dies, doesn't the owner still have to feel distressed?

After thinking about it, Bai Hei still thinks that Da Qin Ruishi is the most suitable!

First, they are the elites of the Daqin elites, and their individual combat capabilities are amazing.

Both, Hu Hai himself was the eighteenth son of the first emperor, and it was only natural to instruct these people, with good loyalty, and it was also very beneficial to his own plan.

Of the three, the number of Daqin Ruishi is not very large, and it will not make the entire team too bloated.

Therefore, after several deliberation, Bai Hei still felt that Da Qin Ruishi was the most suitable for this escort.

[‘This escort is to send you fifty Great Qin Ruishis, the pioneer officer is responsible for guarding the tribute wine, and the deputy is responsible for commanding all the Great Qin Ruishis’]

This order comes out.

Fusu laughed wildly in his heart, and in this way, he can rest assured that this kid Hu Hai can't do anything!

However, in contrast, Hu Hai shouted badly, which is obviously because he doesn't trust himself?

Good guy, this is the first time I heard that the military commander is only responsible for commanding the wine, and he can't even command a single person?

It seems that now I have the only way to ask for mercy from my father!

['Okay, if there is nothing else, the others will step down, and Gao Chong will stay. ’]

After drinking away the others, Bai Hei left Gao Chong alone.

He wanted to explain to Gao Chong some things to do in the escort of Gongjiu to Xianyang.

"Cuckoo-(I told you...)"

Under Ying Yinman's instructions, from a distance, Gao Chong was like a wooden man, motionless.

It wasn't until the last sentence was finished that Gao Chong nodded and bowed his hands to Bai Hei:

"It will be done at the end!"

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