I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 110 Master the sharp weapon of a hundred schools of thought! Empire cohesion +10000!


"It is a good proposal to imitate the former Jixia Academy.

"However, according to His Majesty's plan, this is probably not an easy task. After all, among the hundreds of schools of thought, there are many theories that are hostile to the Great Qin Empire. 99

"Indeed, this matter needs to be considered in the long run.

After listening to Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng's grand wishes.

Feng Quji, Li Si, Dun weak, Zhang Liang, and Xun Yu were all shocked!


It can be described as shocking!

If it can really be as described by His Majesty, how powerful will the Great Qin Empire be!

It's a pity that this kind of thing is not so easy to do, not to mention the problem of hostility from hundreds of schools of thought, just the problem of funds and books cannot be solved in a short time.

However, since Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng was ready to do so.


No matter who persuades.

He will never change this will!

"This matter, I naturally have a plan for a long time. 35

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

In the third luck question and answer space, he received the reward of 'Epic Architecture. Paper Workshop'.

Among them, not only can all kinds of white and flawless paper be produced, but the white paper produced can also improve the speed of learning-learning, which is definitely a treasure for suppressing the national fortune!


All five were surprised.

This is a problem that has plagued for thousands of years. Does your Majesty have a solution?

"I have built a paper workshop, which produces white paper!"

"It can be used to write fonts, the whole body is snow-white, the quality is extremely light, and the convenience is more than a hundred times that of bamboo slips.

"Not only that.

"After the immortal's guidance, the cost is very low, and everyone can afford it."

"The daily output is also very high, and as a student of the 'Daqin Academy', "July 17", you can even use them for free."


Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng threw out his trump card.

No matter which dynasty it is placed in, this kind of paper is an absolute trump card and can hold a country's 'cultural movement'!


"What is this, why haven't I heard of it at all."

"Could it be used to trick us?"

"It shouldn't be, your Majesty is a man of his own accord, how could he be so unreasonable.

"However, if it can really be as His Majesty said, then this paper is really a once-in-a-lifetime good thing, and it will also be of great benefit to our future study."

"Daqin Academy, plus this paper, I have seen the prosperity of Wen Dao!"

Although I haven't seen the real thing yet.

However, just from the description of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's mouth, it is enough to make people imagine.

The vast majority of students use bamboo slips, which are heavy and unable to write a few words, and the price is not low. Many people can only use branches to write on the sand.

As for silk?

Only wealthy children can use it.

Moreover, once the number is large, even the children of rich families can't afford to spend so much.

However, this paper not only combines the price of writing on bamboo slips, but also combines the advantages of writing on silk, and it can even improve and optimize a grade. How can this not make everyone excited.

The 'killer' that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng took out.

Although it was impossible to conquer those guys who were determined to oppose the Great Qin Empire, it was enough to win over a large number of neutral schools of thought and let them make a decision directly.

If it really has such a miraculous effect, then the resistance of the hundreds of schools of thought will become pale.

Because their greatest weapon - doctrine.

With the cooperation of Daqin Academy and Paper, it will become fragile. The Daqin Empire can support the rise of a new doctrine at any time, and it can also completely decline a doctrine at any time.

Only the hundreds of schools of thought can adapt to the development of Daqin, and it is impossible for Daqin to adapt to the hundreds of schools of thought.

"Then, let me add another fire.


Look at the people who are a little shaken.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng smiled lightly, in front of not seeing the finished product, they were still able to maintain the most basic reason.


If you see the convenience of paper with your own eyes.

He did not believe that Li Si and the others, as well as the students of this era, could still maintain their reason and not become crazy about it.

It's as if ordinary people suddenly see five million lottery tickets, and it's a good situation if they don't directly dance, not to mention that the value of paper is far more than that.

"Your Majesty, can I let this minister take a look at the finished product.

Li Si asked cautiously.

It is related to the prosperity of Wendao, before witnessing the finished product.

In any case, he could not imagine what kind of divine artifact it was to have such an effect.

"Can. 35

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng nodded and said.

It's like when the 'Legendary Building. Panda Land' was just released, 500 Panda Sharp Army was directly attached.

When the ‘Epic Building. Paper Workshop’ was released, 10,000 sheets of white paper were also given away.

paper stuff.

It is still relatively valuable now, but wait until the 'paper making' is fully used.

became ordinary.

It is already a paper-making workshop alone, which can produce hundreds of thousands of sheets of white paper every day. With the technology of 'papermaking', it is just a simple matter to build hundreds of paper-making workshops.

Like a paper mill of later generations.

The output is tens of millions of sheets every day, and it is completely useless.

He took out a stack of thick white paper and put it in front of everyone. These were the first batch of samples.

"This is this-"

"With this thing, Daqin can flourish!"

"In this way, not to mention the Confucianists chattering in the courtroom, even the hundreds of schools of thought will crawl at the feet of the Great Qin Empire."

"God bless Daqin! Paper is a sacred artifact, and its function is no less than that of potatoes!"

The moment you see the finished product.

The breathing of Li Si and the others suddenly became serious, and the whole person became extremely excited, as if they had seen some rare treasure, they gently held a piece of white paper and carefully looked at it.

For fear that such a treasure would be damaged by accident.

This scene.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng looked helpless.

This guy Li Si, when he tampered with his will in the future, was not so careful.

"I'll leave this matter to you, ovary." Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said in a deep voice, "I believe you won't let me down.

"With the assistance of the sacred artifact, Liang will definitely be able to accomplish this.

Zhang Liang bowed with both hands and said.

Whether it is the establishment of the 'Daqin Academy', or the submission of hundreds of schools of thought.

It used to be a very difficult task, but now, with the assistance of the sacred artifact 'paper', the difficulty has dropped several steps. At least Zhang Liang felt that he could complete this task with little effort.


Refined salt policy!

Daqin Academy Project!

It was soon spread from the Daqin Imperial Palace and swept the entire Daqin Empire!

This fiery news spread directly to Jingyang County, and upon hearing the decision of His Majesty today, countless people in Great Qin cheered for it.

After all, this is a benefit that has been implemented to them, a real benefit!

"I...I heard it right?"

"Your Majesty wants to build an academy, and you can study for free?!"

"If I go in, wouldn't I have a chance to be an official?"

'You need qualified people to be able to study. With your level, you should wash up and go to bed early. 95

"No no no! The most important thing is that as long as you graduate from the Daqin Academy, you can directly obtain the fourth-level title of 'No Geng', how can there be such a good thing in this world?!

"Your Majesty's promises, of course, cannot be faked.

"That's great! My Guwazi is never forgotten by nature, and today I finally have the opportunity to get further education.

The 'Policy of Benefiting the People' announced by Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng


It directly made the people of Daqin boil up. Don't underestimate the people's desire for knowledge in this era.

Although most of them are mud-legged, they can't read two big characters.


They all know in their hearts the importance of knowledge.

If you want to be an official, you must not only be literate, but also learn a lot of knowledge, and the source of knowledge can only be sought by famous teachers, or you can explore and learn by yourself, and the efficiency of the latter will undoubtedly be much lower.


An excellent opportunity was placed directly in front of them, who wouldn't be tempted?

Not to mention, as long as you can enter Bunko Academy and graduate successfully.

For a child born from a commoner who has a talent, it can also be called a step to the sky, directly crossing Gongshi, Shangzao, and hairpins, and stepping into the fourth level on the spot.

Of course, it's not just ordinary people who are boiling.

Hundreds of schools of thought all over the Daqin Empire began to discuss at this moment.

"Broken Qin actually wants to impart knowledge to the untouchables!"

"What are you talking about! Many of our peasant families are from civilians, you look down on us? 35

"Is it okay to fight, believe it or not, I'll push your head to the ground and eat shit.""

"Cough, misunderstanding, it's just a misunderstanding."

"Are you going to Daqin Academy as a 'professor'?"

"However, if we fought against the violent Qin before, will we be caught in the net and be liquidated?"

"I don't think so. The first emperor is open-minded, and now he is protected by auspicious beasts. It is definitely an unwise choice to fight against the Daqin Empire. I want to go to Daqin Academy and try it. 99

"We doctors, but without your conflicts, we can save more people by spreading our medical skills to more people.

"That's right, a doctor of one person can only cure a hundred people a day, but a doctor of ten thousand people can cure a million people a day.

"Furthermore, our ancestors were enshrined in the Hall of Valor, and even they were willing to protect Daqin, so why not us?"

"In the final analysis, aren't we all the children of the Zhou Dynasty?

"I don't care, I won't join forces with Bao Qin anyway!


Among the hundreds of families.

There were also huge differences.

Some people believe that, as citizens of the Six Nations, they should not join forces with the violent Qin Dynasty, but should fight to the end.

Another part of the people believed that the past grievances could be put aside. Now their ancestors are all in the Hall of Valor, and this is also a good time to benefit the world and be famous for the ages. They should accept this opportunity.

The discussions between the two sides became more and more intense.


The atmosphere was so stiff that it was almost like a fight.

If it wasn't for the heads of the hundreds of schools of thought to suppress the riots, I'm afraid they would have been noticed by the patrolling Daqin soldiers.

"Crazy! Ying Zheng is crazy! He wants to break the intellectual monopoly of our nobles!


Xiang Yan, who was in Kuaiji, said in a gloomy tone.

The foundation of their aristocracy is to master 'knowledge'

Daqin's nobles may not care, because they are based on military merit, but this definitely touches the bottom line of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

Except for the few old nobles who wanted to open up, like Zhang Liang, I am afraid that the contradiction with the Great Qin Empire will become even more inexhaustible, even to the point of being completely irreconcilable.


Conducive to the rule of the Qin Empire.

It is also conducive to the development of the people, allowing them to acquire knowledge.

However, it completely damaged the interests of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.


Even if he was hated by the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng didn't care at all. He never thought of winning them over, and he even planned to find an opportunity to eradicate these moths.

As an aloof Canglong, the mere grudges of the ants won't let him pay attention at all.

If you dare to jump out, you will be beaten to death, and you will be saved all day long.

However, what Xiang Liang did not expect was that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng not only wanted to set up the Daqin Academy, but also wanted to carry out this matter thoroughly. He did not intend to let his descendants be bound by the control of nobles and noble families. .

Want to manage talent.

Do you have to find children of nobles and noble families?

What you think is quite beautiful, isn't it fragrant for me to cultivate a batch of them myself?

【‘This fellow Lao Zhao, are you really here?’】


I heard that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's 'ambitious' policy of benefiting the people.

Even Bai Zhu in Jingyang County.

Hearts are greatly shaken.

To complete such a large 'educational project' is not something that can be done with a few hundred million Qin and a half money. Just investing a few billion Qin and a half money may just be a splash.

Even if there is such a large amount of income as the 'salt tax' in the future, it will not be able to endure it.

['This is no small matter. ’]

【‘It is necessary to maintain the development of the country, support the army, and expand education. ’]

[‘There is money to be spent everywhere. l

【‘If you can’t find any new source of funds in the later stage, something big will happen sooner or later. Did Lao Zhao not consider this at all?’】


Bai Hei thought with a headache.

He immediately noticed 2.2, the difficulty of this policy of benefiting the people. If he can't provide funds reasonably, he will fail sooner or later.


Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng has already spoken out, and it is too late to rush to Xianyang City to speak now.

No way, only to think of a way in the future.

If you can't find a new source of funds, relying solely on the income from the 'salt tax' is absolutely impossible.


The benefits of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's actions are also very obvious.

If there is data to show.

It is estimated that you will be able to see directly now...

Qin Shi Huang's reputation +5000

Great Qin Empire Reputation +50000

Imperial Cohesion +10,0000

data like this.

Spending money to buy prestige, and can also cultivate a group of loyal officials, if you don't consider the huge amount of money you need to spend, this is definitely a sure-fire thing.

The interests of Bai Hei and Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng are now tied together.

The prosperity of the Daqin Empire is also related to how long he will be able to salt fish in the future.

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