I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 102 Luck Qu0026A Reward 5 Tigers Breaking the Soul Gun! The title of 5 Great Generals!

Twelve hours later.

A voice resounded in the ears of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, Confucian sage Confucius, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian at the same time.

[Ding, the special topic has been completed]

[Counting the contributions of various forces......]

【Complete statistics】

[Returning to the Q&A space of Qiyun——]


With a whirlwind, the five members who participated in the Qi Luck Q&A suddenly lost their vision, and when they opened their eyes again, their bodies had already appeared in the Qi Luck Q&A space.

However, they don't have to worry about the outside world.

Because, no matter how much time has passed in the Q&A space, the outside world is only a moment in the past.

[Ding, the fourth special topic, the forces that conquered Luoyang City were the 'Ying Zheng forces']

[Total points announced now]

[Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, answer G 'Ying Zheng's power' + 10 points, total points 15 points (get four rewards)]

[Confucius, the Confucian sage, answer B 'the forces of the feudal lords' alliance' (capture Huaxiong), +5 points, 7 points in total (obtain two rewards)]

[Han Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei, answer C 'Liu Bei's power' (no contribution), +1 point, total points 1 point (no reward)]

[King of Wei Cao Cao, answer D 'Cao Cao's forces' (persuade Hua Xiong to surrender, subdue some soldiers of Xiliang), +5 points, total points 5 points (get a reward)]

[Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian, answer E 'Sun Jian's forces' (attempt to surprise Luoyang,) +2 points, total points 5 points (get a reward)]


Accompanied by the icy voice of the 'Qilun Q&A Space'.

Everyone's points are all displayed.


Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, who was able to capture Luoyang City and hold on for twelve hours, was the biggest winner, and he directly got as many as ten points, which raised his points directly to 15 points!

With this score, you can directly get four rewards!

Definitely an epic buff if chosen well!

The last in line were the Confucian sage Confucius who was able to capture Hua Xiong, as well as Cao Cao and Sun Jian who contributed a little more, and could more or less get some rewards.

The only score is not enough.

I am afraid that there is only Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of Shu.

Because the fame of Zhan Huaxiong was taken away by the Confucian sage Confucius, and the fame of the Three Heroes and Lu Bu was taken away by Gao Chong.

Even if he had 2,000 white-eared elite soldiers, Liu Bei would not let the elites he finally obtained in his hands wasted in the siege battle, so in this battle to conquer Luoyang City, Liu Bei's contribution was almost zero.

To be able to get a reward of one point, it should be regarded as the protection of God.

"Hey, the points are totally not enough.""


Seeing this, Liu Bei said with a sigh.

He wanted to help the Han family with all his heart, and of course in his eyes, as long as the emperor of the Han family still had the surname Liu.

It's a pity that the heart is more than enough, but the strength is not enough.

Now that I have missed the reward of such an adventure, on the contrary, the power of the other two 'rebels' has skyrocketed, and I am afraid that my desire to help the Han family has become a little hung again.


The luck question and answer space will not pay attention to your rich psychological activities.

As long as the points are enough, you will be rewarded directly. If the points are not enough, even if you ask your grandfather to tell your grandma, it will be of no avail.

【Rewards are being distributed—】

[Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian, get a reward, please choose]

【Danyang Elite Soldiers x3000】

[Legendary Weapon. Five Tigers Broken Soul Spear]


A well-known elite force in history.

An equally famous gun in history.

These two items are definitely not a small blessing for Sun Jian, who now has 20,000 troops. It will save him a lot of trouble in the future to pacify the Jiangdong forces.

"Danyang elite soldiers-"

Sun Jian muttered to himself.

Danyang elite soldiers, he has also heard the name of this army.

Li Ling's 5,000 dead soldiers were also elite soldiers from Danyang. When Li Ling attacked the Xiongnu, he fought with 5,000 soldiers against 80,000 Xiongnu elite cavalry. In the absence of reinforcements, he fought to the death. Forced to surrender, deputy commander Han Yannian died in battle.

With the bravery of the Huns, the five thousand Danyang soldiers were able to make Shanyu fearful and almost retreat.

In the end, it was discovered that Li Ling had no help before he dared to attack, as evidenced by the battle of Danyang soldiers.

at the same time.

Danyang Elite Soldiers are also the old capital of Xuzhou Mu Taoqian. He is a native of Danyang County. As an old warlord in Xuzhou, although Tao has no good generals in his hands, he has an elite "Danyang" "soldiers", so he can also fight against A crocodile like Cao Cao.

"Danyang Mountain is dangerous, the people are more fruitful, the martial arts are good, the noble force, the place of elite soldiers"

When Liu Bei reinforced Tao Qian, Tao Qian presented thousands of Danyang soldiers to Liu Bei.

Later, along with Liu Bei, he moved to the army of thousands of miles, which is this elite soldier.

The rest of the Danyang soldiers, under the command of Cao Bao, induced Lü Bu's war to seize Xuzhou.

But apparently there are still a few Danyang soldiers left in the local area. They became the subordinates of Chen Yuanlong, the prefect of Guangling, who was good at eating raw fish and turtles. It was these Danyang soldiers that later repelled the attack of the little overlord Sun Ce from crossing the river!

This shows the combat effectiveness of Danyang elite soldiers!

"It's really hard to decide. One is the elite troops, and the other is the famous gun that can be used as a family heirloom.""

Sun Jian looked a little confused.

Legendary weapon. Five Tigers Broken Soul Gun!

Although I have never heard of the name of this weapon, since it can be named 'legendary weapon' by the Q&A space of luck, it is definitely not an ordinary weapon.

Just by looking at this appearance, you know that he is not extraordinary!

Whether it is himself or his eldest son Sun Ce, they are all brave warriors.

In Sun Jian's opinion, his son Sun Ce has a great talent for martial arts. He will be able to surpass his own realm when he grows to his peak in the future, if he can be equipped with a top-level weapon.

There might be a chance.

You can challenge the 'ghost god' Lu Bu!

To be honest, only Sun Jian would be troubled by this kind of problem. If he were replaced by Liu Bei, who had a poor family background, he would definitely choose the elite soldiers of Danyang.

No way, Liu Bei has no soldiers!

Not everyone is like Sun Jian, the fierce tiger in Jiangdong, with 20,000 troops.

Not everyone was like the hero Cao Cao, who got the support of the Baibo army, and captured 10,000 soldiers of the Western Liang Dynasty, and the force was directly expanded to 50,000.

"Although Danyang's elite soldiers are elite, the main force under my Sun Jian's command has not suffered too much loss."

"As long as we can capture Danyang in the future, we can still train an army by ourselves."

"In contrast, I really still want Ce'er to have a chance to challenge the number one in the world, and even if the hope is slim, I want to try it. 35

Sun Jian exhaled softly, as if he had made up his mind, and said.

He is a prince.

Also a father.

As a father, for the sake of his son's future, he finally decided to give up the valiant Danyang elite soldiers, and chose another reward instead, which made the onlookers Liu Bei look envious and jealous.

This is a full three thousand Danyang elite soldiers, and they can even give up for a weapon!

"I choose the legendary weapon. The Five Tigers and Soul Breaking Spear."

[Ding, 'Legendary Weapon. Five Tigers Broken Soul Spear' has been issued]

Five Tigers Broken Soul Gun!

China's top ten - one of the famous guns.

The whole body is made of iron and iron, and the spear is two feet long. It is the ancestral treasure spear of Luo Song, the seventh hero of the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the half-sister of Luo Cheng, the Duke of Yue.

Marksmanship is unpredictable and endless.

His housekeeping trick is "returning the carbine", and I don't know how many fierce generals he has picked down.

[Legendary Weapon. Five Tigers Broken Soul Spear]

[Weapon effect: The holder's force +3, with the stunt 'Returning Carbine']


Very good, very powerful!

When Sun Jian saw the effect of this weapon, his eyes lit up instantly, proving that his choice was not wrong.

When Ce'er grows to the peak period, and then with this legendary weapon, maybe there is a chance to challenge the number one general in the world, whether it is an intuitive force bonus, or an accompanying stunt.

It's enough to make it win in one fell swoop!

Peak - Sun Ce in the peak period, the force is as high as 96 points!

Coupled with the 'Legendary Weapon. The Five Tigers Breaking the Soul Spear', it broke through to 99 points in minutes!

It can almost be comparable to Guan Yu in the peak period, and even to suppress the future five tiger generals Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and the elderly Huang Zhong, plus the accompanying stunt "returning the carbine"


Once Guan Yu couldn't defeat Sun Ce with three swords, he would fall into a 'weak period'.

At that time, he might even be defeated by Sun Ce, who became more and more brave in battle.


Sun Ce's strength is limited to this.

He wanted to challenge the title of the number one general in the world, but it was still a long way off, not to mention Gao Chong who completely defeated Lu Bu.

Even Lu Bu, the enhanced version of Dianwei, Zhao Yun in the peak-peak period, and Huang Zhong in the peak-peak period are not objects that Sun Ce can surpass, it can only be said that they were born out of time.

【Rewards are being distributed—】

[King of Wei, Cao Cao, got a reward, please choose]

【Title of Five Great Generals】

[God Summoning Card x1]


Two excellent rewards appeared in front of Cao Cao.

The quality of this reward, in a sense, is better than that of Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian!

Let's not say anything else.

Just this 'God General Summoning Card' is enough to look at it!

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng used the divine general summoning card, and sent it directly into his soul, and drew out 'Yuwen Chengdu'.


As long as you use the God General Summoning Card, you can at least summon the existence of force or command breaking 95!

Wu Ke is a great general.

Can be a general.

As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find!

Even if Cao Cao now has generals such as Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Li Dian, Le Jin, etc., he will never despise talents too much. These are all help to calm down the world in the future!

"A title, and a reward that 100% can draw a top general and a top commander." Cao Cao's eyes kept flickering, as if he was considering which reward would be better to choose, "It should be easy to choose, why are you so hesitant in your heart? Woolen cloth.

From a rational point of view.

Cao Cao should decisively choose the "God Summoning Card"

However, for some unknown reason, Cao Cao felt that the title of "Five Great Generals" was unusually familiar and seemed to attract him.

Five good generals!

It is a title proposed by Cao Cao in the future.

It refers to the fearless and outstanding generals under his command, namely the former general Zhang Liao, the right general Le Jin, the An Yuan general Yu Jin, the chariot general Zhang He, and the right general Xu Huang.

Zhang Liao, courtesy name Wenyuan, originally surnamed Nie, was a native of Mayi, Yanmen. Once subordinated to Ding Yuan, He Jin, Dong Zhuo, and Lü Bu. After the battle of Xiapi, he surrendered to Cao Cao. He once served as a pioneer, beheading Wuhuan Shan Yu Tadoun in Bailang Mountain. When guarding Hefei, he repelled Sun Quan's attacks many times.

Died in 222, posthumously titled "... Ganghou". Known by later generations as one of the sixty-four generals in ancient and modern times.

Le Jin, courtesy name Wenqian, was born in Weiguo, Yangping. Over the years, he followed Cao Cao's southern expedition to the northern expedition, and repeatedly made military exploits. Later, he guarded Hefei with Zhang Liao. Because of the number of military exploits, I worship the right general.

Died in 218, posthumously named "Wei Hou"

Yu Jin, Ziwen Ze, was a person of Juping in Mount Tai. Originally belonged to Bao Xin, and later returned to Cao Cao. He was praised by Cao Cao for his perseverance and solemnity. It can be compared to a famous general in ancient times. He was defeated by Guan Yu in the Battle of Xiangfan and then captured and surrendered.

After returning to the country, he finally worshipped General Anyuan and was posthumously named "Marquis Li"


Zhang He, courtesy name Junyi, was a native of Zheng from Hejian. During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Wei's famous generals and military strategists successively served as Han Fu and Yuan Shao, and surrendered to Cao Cao during the Battle of Guandu. He was known for his clever changes, and was feared by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. He once defeated Zhuge Liang's northern expedition in one fell swoop.

Later, he succumbed to death in the wooden doorway, and was given the posthumous title of "Zhuanghou".

Xu Huang, courtesy name Gongming, was a native of Hedong Yang. During the Three Kingdoms period, a famous general of Cao Wei and a famous military strategist, originally belonged to Yang Feng, and later joined Cao Cao. He had outstanding performances in the battle of Hanzhong and Xiangfan, and was praised by Cao Cao for his style of Zhou Yafu.

Died in office in 227, posthumously named "Zhuanghou"


When Chen Shou wrote the 17th volume of the book of Wei, he biography of these five people together, describing the life stories of the generals, and then commented: "The great ancestor built the martial arts, and the good generals of the time, the five sons are the first."


When Cao Cao marched and fought, he often used these five men as the vanguard when attacking, and used these five men as the rearguard when retreating.

Although their bravery may not be as good as the five tiger generals of Shu Han.

However, each of them has a good commanding ability, and it can be said that their attributes are uniform!

"That's all."

"It's like missing a hero.

"The obsession in my heart has been urging me to choose the first reward. 35

"Well, then I'll choose the first reward.


As if letting go of something, Cao Cao muttered to himself.

To be honest, when he made this choice, Liu Bei and Sun Jian, who didn't know the situation, thought that this guy was crazy, and chose not a top-level general or a top-level commander (Zhao's), and even chose someone who looked like a A totally useless title.

Even a fool.

We all know how to choose this time.


They are not Cao Cao.

I don't know how much the title of Wu Ziliang will have on the future Cao Cao.

[Ding, the 'title of five good generals' has been issued]

[You can designate five people and give them the title of five good generals. Those who have the title can get the attribute bonus of force +1 and command +3]


Hear the voice ringing in your head.

Cao Cao grinned suddenly.

Sure enough, his choice was not wrong. If this reward is used well, it will definitely be more effective than the God General Summoning Card.

after all.

The probability that the God General Summoning Card wants to summon a hundred attributes is almost only 0.1%.

That is, only Ou Huang (Ying Zheng), or an existence with the attribute of 'auspicious beast', can be sent into the soul at once.

Cao Cao didn't dare to bet so big, or the title of "five good generals" is more simple and practical.

【Rewards are being distributed—】

[Confucian Sage Confucius, get two rewards, please choose]



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