I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 91 Lu Qi Almost Got Caught In A Face-To-Face Meeting! 【38 For Customization】

A majestic sense of oppression enveloped Lu Qi's heart.


Lu Qi only felt that his body seemed to become stiff, and every cell in his body was squeezed by the overwhelming sense of oppression.


Not good!

Lu Qi's pupils stared at the approaching blade, and the six shaving techniques were abruptly interrupted.

His body's ability to respond could no longer keep up with his brain's thinking.

This knife is too fast!

It seems to happen in an instant.

The moment Lu Qigang used the six-style shaving, appeared behind Layfon, and attacked Layfon. Layfon's counterattack has already begun!

"Can't hide?!"

On Lu Qi's calm and composed face, the expression changes very violently.

Can be caught from his pupils.

His pupils showed a rare expression of panic.


As an excellent agent, Lu Qi, known as the strongest CP9 in the past 800 years, felt a little bit desperate when faced with Layfon's current knife.

His calm thinking has been gradually distorted!

The life-and-death training that has been honed for more than ten years has endowed Lu Qi with a strong psychological endurance and his thinking that can calmly think no matter what he faces.


All of this, when faced with Layfon, will vanish into thin air.

Before the blade arrived, the monstrous sharpness squeezed Lu Qi's body in an all-round way, making it difficult for him to move, and his body couldn't keep up with the reaction force of his brain.

Watching helplessly.

The blade is about to fall!

"I, will die?!"

Lu Qi had this absurd idea in his heart.

With this knife, he is really likely to die!

This is no joke!

It's not child's play!

no doubt.

This is the first time in recent years that Lu Qi has had such close contact with death!

Since becoming the best agent of CP9 in the past 800 years, Lu Qi has never experienced that kind of crisis that is on the verge of death.

This moment.

This feeling reappeared in Lu Qi's body again, fully dominating his body!

Threats of death...

It's been a long time!

Lu Qi's face was full of horror, his body was stiff, and he seemed to be motionless.

"Life returned!"

shouted loudly.

Groups of pink hair turned into rattan-like plants, swept across Lu Qi's body crazily, and spread to Lu Qi's body.

I see.

The blade suddenly stagnated in mid-air and could no longer fall.


Seriously disturbed by invisible forces.


The atmosphere is weird!

The blade, which was close at hand, lingered before Lu Qi's eyes and stopped.


Lu Qi's throat was dry, he swallowed, and his eyes were full of horror.

A trace of cold sweat slid down from his forehead.

life and death line!

Just a little bit!

If you are hit by this knife, even if you don't die, you will be severely injured!


Lu Qi exhaled heavily, and the huge stone suppressed in his heart dissipated.

The threat of imminent death just now made Lu Qi feel very depressed.

I see.

Strips of pink hair formed a bunch of plant vines, spread to Layfon's arms, and tightly entwined Layfon's arms.


"Life returned?"

"It's really interesting..."

Layfon looked at his hands in surprise.

The pink hair seems to have self-awareness, as if it has produced a spiritual wisdom, so that it tightly entangles its hands and wrists, never relaxing.

It is these hairs that prevent the falling action of Layfon's blade.

It was these hairs that kept Lu Qi safe!

Look forward along the hair.

Layfon saw a man who looked like a Peking Opera clown, standing five meters away, watching him vigilantly and seriously.

The pink hair spread from the top of this person's head.

"Can you control your hair?"

"Interesting ability!"

Layfon smiled, disapprovingly.

Members of CP9, "Everyone is unique!

But alas.

All of this will be meaningless in the face of absolute strength.


Kumadori tightly controlled his hair, wrapped it around Layfon's wrists, and shouted loudly, "I've already trapped his movements, you guys come on!"

The words fell.

The rest of CP9 members responded one after another and quickly launched a siege on Layfon.

The one with the fastest reaction is Lu Qi standing in front of Layfon!

Although his life was hanging by a thread just now, Lu Qi's mentality changed very quickly, and soon he completely suppressed the palpitations and flustered mood swings just now.

As an excellent agent, he naturally has unique means of adjusting his mentality.

"Six Styles..."

Lu Qi clenched his fists tightly, aiming at Layfon's chest in front of him, power surged from his body, quickly gathered in his arms, and finally spread to his fists.

"Six King Spear!"


Terrifying power instantly erupted from Lu Qi's fists.

There seemed to be signs of a faint blue movement in the space.

The majestic and violent power exploded from Lu Qi's fists, rushing towards Layfon's chest.

"Can't hide..."

Layfon narrowed his eyes slightly, and the emotional ups and downs were not too violent.

Feeling that his arms were firmly eradicated by the pink hair, he temporarily lost the ability to use the six-style shaving to avoid Lu Qi's attack.

The feeling of being besieged is really stressful!

Since you can't hide

Then fight hard!

Just right, I can also feel it.

How about the power of Six Styles?!


With this thought...

"Iron Body‧Steel!"

Six Styles of Iron Body Motivation!

The power gathers, all condensed in Layfon's chest, all the power gathers in the same place, which increases the defense of the body's chest hundreds of times.


Lu Qi's Six Kings Spear hit Layfon's chest fiercely.

It was like being hit by a hammer, and it was aimed at the chest and smashed down.

Let Layfon feel that the chest was almost sunken by the huge force, the air flow penetrated the body, and directly impacted the internal organs of the body, and the blood was forced to roll by this force.


The huge force spread from the chest to the whole body.

Layfon's body was thrown upside down tens of meters away by the huge impact.

At the same time, the pink hair that locked Layfon's arms was also controlled and gradually detached, returning to float next to Kumadori's head.

Like rattan plants one after another, breaking out of the ground, possessing self-awareness and spiritual wisdom, and dancing like a group of demons, it is extraordinarily eye-catching.


Layfon's body hit the corner not far away, and the huge force penetrated the wall on his back from his body, and the dilapidated wall was shaken violently.

Click! Click!

The wall collapsed, cracking like a spider's web of cracks, and directly collapsed into countless stones, scattered and falling from the wall.

Smoke billowed up.

for a while.

The atmosphere here fell silent again.

"Lucci, what's the matter?"

Kaku and Jabra appeared next to Lu Qi one after another, staring vigilantly at the area ahead, where the smoke and dust billowed.


Lu Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear, "If Kumadori's life hadn't returned just now, limiting that guy's attack, I would have been seriously injured even if I didn't die!

heard the words.

Kaku and Jabra were deeply moved.

As strong as Lu Qi, but just now, he was almost defeated!

What a terrifying level of strength the opponent is!


"Next, Weizhi will take action alone."


"Among us, if any one of us faces him alone, it is very likely that he will be instantly killed by him in an instant and lose the ability to continue fighting!"

Lu Qi felt heavy.

If it wasn't for the timely support from Kumadori just now, he would have been killed by Layfon in seconds!

There is no doubt about this.


Lu Qi came to an unwilling fact.

That is...……

If anyone in the CP9 organization really rushes up to face Layfon alone, there is a very high possibility that they will be instantly killed by the other party!

And here, including him Rob Lucci, will not be an exception!

"We understand."

Kaku, Jabra and the others nodded with lingering fear.

Of course they can deeply feel what a terrifying freak they are facing now!


what a joke!

If all CP9 members are dispatched, they may not be able to suppress this monster!

As for going solo?

What is the difference between this and death?!


"I didn't face this guy alone."

"He's as strong as a monster!"

"You're only seven years old!"

"Already have such a terrifying level of strength, what a terrifying talent!"

Lu Qi was very happy for a while.

Good thing I didn't get too big!

Otherwise, if you face this level of existence alone.

Lu Qi didn't think that at that moment just now, he could survive the opponent's blade unharmed.

In a one-on-one situation, Lu Qi no longer has the confidence to defeat Layfon in his heart.

The opponent is really too strong!

The meeting just now gave Lu Qi a deep understanding.

The long-lost threat of imminent death enveloped his body again.

Lu Qi has never felt this kind of taste for many years.


From a child who was only seven years old, Lu Qi once again felt the feeling of stepping on the gate of hell with one foot!

".~What a pity!"

"This genius monster is about to be destroyed in the hands of our CP9!"

"If you had chosen to leave before, it wouldn't have been like this..."

"Mr. Layfon, your choice will make you regret it forever!"

"Do you really think that you alone can have the strength to face our entire CP9? Then you are too arrogant!"

Lu Qi quietly looked at the ruins in the corner in front of him.

Layfon is strong!

However, Lu Qi believes that their CP9 is stronger!


Although Lu Qi's Six Styles is powerful, he himself doesn't think that this move can instantly kill a monster of Layfon's level on the spot!

This battle, now, has only just begun!

"Everyone is ready..."

"That monster is coming!"

It seems to have a feeling.

Lu Qi's eyes were fixed, and his spirit became highly tense.

The rest of the CP9 members cheered up one after another, staring at the ruins in the corner with their eyes focused, not daring to move in the slightest, their expressions cautious and unmoving.

Any slack and carelessness.

If you are not serious, you will die!

Even a guy as strong as Lu Qi was almost instantly killed by the opponent.

How can they belittle Layfon?



A terrifying force surged out, breaking through many broken stones around, piece after piece of gravel, flew from the ground and scattered in all directions, hitting the dark corner of the alley.

A hand suddenly protruded from the ruins and knocked countless broken stones into the air.


second hand........


Layfon crawled out of the ruins slowly.

His body was stained with a lot of gray dust, his clothes were slightly damaged, his hair was messy, and his figure looked a little embarrassed.

"It's really embarrassing..."

"I actually, will have such an embarrassing day (Li Lihao)!"

"Moreover, it's still in the tiny place of the capital of seven waters!"

"Being beaten by CP9 is so embarrassing."

Layfon patted the clothes on his body to remove the stains on the clothes.

can feel it.

There is a tingling sensation in the chest, spreading to the body.

Six Styles, indeed Six Styles.

Even though Layfon used the Iron Body, it was still inevitable that Lu Qi's six-king spear would inflict a certain degree of injury.

But alas.

This injury does not have much impact on Layfon.

Although it is not a tickle, it will not affect Layfon's next physical state.

Looked up.

A smile appeared on Layfon's face again, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the seven excellent agents of CP9 directly in front of him, feeling a little emotional.

The CP9 organization is indeed a group of seasoned agents!

Moreover, they have also experienced many years of mutual cooperation and training, so that their group's cooperative combat capabilities may be more than a hundred times stronger than the Straw Hat Pirates!

And this is where Layfon neglected before.


He also used the mentality of treating the Straw Hat Pirates to deal with CP9 in front of him!

But the experience just now sounded the alarm in Layfon's heart!

Let him understand in his heart.

CP9 and the Straw Hat Pirates, after all, there is a world of difference!

As far as the ability of group cooperation to fight is concerned, C9 can simply blow up the Straw Hat Pirates!


Throwing away all the thoughts in his mind, Layfon twisted his arm, and slowly raised the samurai sword in his hand. The blade was aimed at the CP9 people in front, and the sharp edge twined around the blade.

Flickering, cold light everywhere.


"Let me tell you in advance, so that you don't have any mental preparations."


"I'm going to be serious!".

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