The blood of Fang Yu was born in a strange way.

According to the description of the [Bloodline] effect, all creatures with Fang Yu's blood and blood power in their bodies will be regarded as Fang Yu's bloodline.

In this case, the blood life created by Fang Yu can also be regarded as Fang Yu's "bloodline".

Thinking of this, Fang Yu summoned the blood life sleeping in his body.

As the blood life appeared around him, Fang Yu felt that a force was born out of thin air in his body.

Under the influence of this force, Fang Yu's three major physical attributes were also improved by more than 100 points on the original basis.

"Hmm? Is it just a small improvement?"

You know, the blood beasts Fang Yu currently possessed are all above the late fourth stage, and there is even a blood beast that has reached the early sixth stage.

And dozens of blood beasts with such powerful combat power only brought him more than 100 points of feedback attributes, which undoubtedly surprised Fang Yu.

"It shouldn't be, if it's just this little improvement, then this perfect gold-level card seems a bit unworthy of its name."

Fang Yu gently stroked his chin and fell into thought.

After analysis, Fang Yu roughly made a guess.

He guessed that it might be because these blood lives are not real lives in the strict sense.

And although the body of the blood life is mainly composed of Fang Yu's blood, in fact, it is the various beast essences that Fang Yu later integrated that dominate the form and ability of the blood life.

To a certain extent, the blood life can only be regarded as the "inferior" blood descendant with impure blood and incomplete life essence.

Therefore, the attribute improvement it can bring to Fang Yu is pitiful.

"Well, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. When my blood beast army increases in number, it can also bring me considerable attribute improvement."

Fang Yu was not depressed. After all, it was a free attribute improvement, so the less it was, the less it was.

"It seems that I have to start developing blood descendants as soon as possible, and then let these blood descendants spread out for me!

And I really need some special people to collect things for me. If I rely on myself to collect things like destiny points slowly, the efficiency is really not very high."

Fang Yu took a look at the remaining 46 destiny points at this time and decided not to use them for the time being.

After all, with his current strength, the seven sects competition is simply a sure thing, and it is basically unlikely that there will be any accidents, so he is not in a hurry to improve his strength for the time being.

In addition, according to Fang Yu's guess, as his strength continues to increase, the simulation time required to exchange for additional simulation rewards will also begin to increase, and these 46 destiny points may not be able to allow him to break through to the fifth level of perfection.

It would be better to wait until after participating in the Seven Sects Competition and exchanging the remaining two items of the common people before conducting the simulation.

While Fang Yu was practicing, Qingsha's clone "Shen Yi" who was thousands of miles away was chasing a cult master in a dark cave.

"Shen Yi" shuttled through the dark cave like a ghost, and the cult master fled desperately in front.

The cult master secretly complained in his heart. He never thought that he would provoke such a powerful character.

Originally, with his elite master's strength, as long as he didn't mess around, no one could easily punish him.

As a result, this time he just killed a few students from Shanhai Martial Arts Academy, but he actually attracted a suspected invincible master to chase him.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, the cult master suddenly turned around, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and a blood-red light shot out of his hand, attacking "Shen Yi".

However, "Shen Yi" easily avoided the attack, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the cult master in the blink of an eye.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a black long sword wrapped in terrifying murderous intent appeared in his hand instantly.


The sword tip was like black lightning, and it pierced the heart of the cult master in an instant. The latter had no time to react. He only felt that at the moment the sword tip attacked, his entire consciousness seemed to be pulled into a space full of murderous intent, and his body could not move at all.

With the outbreak of a strong murderous aura, the cult master's body instantly lost all vitality, as if it was swallowed by the long sword.

In the last second of death, he looked at the person in front of him, but only saw a pair of dark eyes without any emotion.

As the cult master completely turned into ashes, the killing sword in "Shen Yi"'s hand seemed to be more powerful than before.

The sharper it is, the stronger the killing intent is.

He slowly put away the sword of killing and turned away.

"Solved, next..."

Time passed quickly and soon it was the next day.

Yesterday, after two rounds of secret realm melee, 64 disciples who passed the first round were finally selected.

And today is the second round of the competition, a round-robin battle.

This battle will be held in a huge arena.

The arena is divided into 16 areas by the formation, and each area will have 4 players fighting one-on-one.

The second round lasts for four days. The first three days are round-robin confrontations within the group.

After three days, the first place in the group will be decided.

On the fourth day, the second place in each group will have the opportunity to challenge the first place in other groups.

Fang Yu came to the arena early and saw the grouping situation in the second round.

As expected, Fang Yu didn't know the other opponents who were assigned to the same group as him.

He was not interested in analyzing the strength of these people, and planned to let the blood beast take action when the time comes.

In the group list, Fang Yu also saw Meng Quan's name, and he was surprised to find that Xiang Chengbang's name was also displayed on the light screen.

"This guy, he can actually break into the second round of the competition. His strength must have reached the peak of the fourth level. It seems that he has been practicing desperately during this period."

Fang Yu shook his head and didn't care too much.

He still vaguely remembered that in the previous two time simulations, Xiang Chengbang would jump out and declare war on him every time, and it is estimated that this time will be no exception.

Moreover, in addition to Xiang Chengbang, Guan Shuangshuang seems to come out to disgust him.

"I hope these two guys will be sensible, otherwise I don't mind letting them become the first audience of my "many children and more blessings" entry."

Don't get me wrong, Fang Yu doesn't want these two people to "give birth to children" for him, but plans to directly transform them into his blood descendants and then order them to never bother him again.

Of course, considering that this behavior might be noticed by the top leaders of the Seven Sects, Fang Yu did not plan to attack the people of the Seven Sects for the time being.

Just as Fang Yu was thinking, he heard the disgusting voice of Xiang Chengbang behind him.

"Fang Yu, I didn't expect you to make it to the second round. It's a pity that we didn't meet. Otherwise, I would tear your pride apart with my own hands!"

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