The Great Compassion Tree King is the incarnation of the World Tree and holds the memory of the world.

There are very few secrets in the world that she doesn't know, so she doesn't need to talk about convicting everyone in Xumi, she just needs to present the evidence.

The enemy of evidence and secrets is public disclosure.

At this moment, the void terminals of everyone in Xumi are playing the original sin of the Church Order.

In the picture, the first generation of great sages found the newly born Nashida.

Nashida's birthday is the same day as the birthday of the flower god. She was brought into the Church Order by the great sage in the midst of flowers and cheers.

At this time, the great sage is talking to all the sages.

We found the new Xumi god, she was just born.

Although she was just born, her power is not as good as the Great Compassion Tree King, and her wisdom is far from enough, no different from an ordinary human child.

She has a fast learning ability. In just one day, she mastered the knowledge reserves of a normal Xumi scholar.

According to the void device left by the Great Compassion Tree King, it only takes her three years to surpass the wisdom of everyone in Xumi.

But, at this time, I looked at her ignorant and asked us questions, and I had an idea.

Why should Xumi be handed over to her?

We built Xumi together with the Great Compassion Tree King, why should we hand it over to her?

This is the Xumi of our sage and the Great Compassion Tree King. The Great Compassion Tree King is dead, and Xumi should belong to our sage.

Xumi is not the Xumi of the Xumi people, nor is it the Xumi of the Little Auspicious Grass King. It is the Xumi of our Church Order Institute and the Xumi of our sages.

In the picture, the sages discussed a plan on how to brainwash and imprison the gods [God Imprisonment Plan].

Everyone in Xumi was shocked.

Imprison the gods! The Church Order Institute dared to do such a beastly thing.

What was said in the end was that Xumi is not the Xumi of the Xumi people, but the Xumi of the Church Order Institute.

So we Xumi people are all slaves of the Church Order Institute, right!

This sentence instantly rushed to his brain with anger for being oppressed and exploited by the Church Order Institute.

Elhaisen looked at the angry and shouting people of Xumi City with a calm expression:"Imprisoning gods... It's crazy."

He was actually puzzled by the sages' prohibition of anyone from approaching the Pure Palace of the Little Auspicious Grass King, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with him, so he didn't understand it in depth.

I didn't expect it to be this way. This was the original sin of the Order of the Church.

He understood that the Order of the Church was completely finished.

Because the legitimacy of the Order of the Church came from the Great Compassion Tree King. If the Great Compassion Tree King did not recognize it, then the Order of the Church would be illegal.

The picture continued.

During the past five hundred years, all the crimes committed by the dignitaries of the Order of the Church were played out on the screen, and have spread to the dignitaries of Xumi now.

In the first hundred years, the Order of the Church was still in accordance with the law, but with the speed of human generations changing every hundred years.

The dignitaries of the second and third generations have become superior celestial dragons.

They have completely controlled the power and began to reverse black and white, bully men and women, and arbitrarily tamper with the law. The law has completely become a tool for them to exploit and plunder the people of Xumi.

Control business, manipulate food prices, suppress, annex business companies, annex land, hire murderers, trade in people, and establish institutions that specialize in stealing children and send them to the laboratory as experimental mice.

They even set up institutions to adopt abandoned children, and openly raised them. Beautiful girls became singers and playthings, boys became assassins, and children with congenital diseases were sent directly to the laboratory.

The children of Xumi’s rich and powerful could kill maids and civilians at will just for fun.

The rich and powerful secretly opened a playground for killing people for fun, and watched the deadpools fighting to the death in the underground arena.

The ugly side of mankind is vividly displayed in the picture.

Not only the Church of the Lords, but also the merchants and landlords, all the sins of everyone are clearly displayed in front of them, and a list is drawn up, and all their crimes are clearly visible.

The whole Xumi is in chaos, and the anger of the people of Xumi has reached its peak.

It only takes a spark to ignite it completely.

And the Great Compassion Tree King sent this spark.

【People of Xumi, please use your hands and your actions to restore the entire Xumi to its original beautiful state.】

【Go take back your land, your wealth, your dignity, your glory, and vent your anger.】

【I, Buyer, the god of Xumi, am here to guide you.

The people of Xumi dare not resist because they cannot stand alone, they cannot unite, and no one can serve as their backer.

What else can be more powerful and just than the endorsement of a god?

"Revenge! Revenge for my daughter! Kill! I want to chop that beast from the Order to death!"

"Kill! Let you bully me! Take my property! Kill you!"

"Come on, the Great Compassion Tree King wants us to take back our things!"

"Kill those blood suckers! Let's do it together!"

""Charge, kill, kill, kill!"

Xumi City was the first to riot.

The void terminal marked all the Xumi people, except for the guilty ones, and no innocent people would be affected.

0 Ask for flowers 0

This was something that only the creator of the void device, the Great Compassion Tree King, could do.

The residents of Xumi City, holding kitchen knives, sticks, and farm tools, rushed into the Church Order Court in anger.

The dignitaries of the Church Order Court were all pampered guys, and it was impossible for them to have the Eye of God. How could they be the opponents of the angry Xumi people?

"Ahhh, spare me, I don’t dare anymore!"


"Don't kill me ahhhh!"

"My legs!"Ahhhhh!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Roars, screams, pleas for mercy, wails, and cries were heard in every building of the Order House.

The bright red paint was clearly visible on the ground and walls everywhere.

At this time, the thirty-three-member group of the oldest gilded brigade in the desert, which was originally hired by the Order House to be responsible for the defense of Xumi City, also joined the riot.

Although they are desert people, they are closely connected with Xumi City. They believe that they are not in cahoots with the Order House.

The fact that they do not have the mark of a sinner on their bodies is the best proof.

They want to arrest all the dignitaries of the Order House and put them on trial in public to the people of Xumi, and more importantly, express their loyalty to the gods of the rainforest and let them continue to live in Xumi City.

At this time,

Seno had already rushed into the highest point of the Order House with the disciplinary officers, which was also the power center of the entire Xumi.


The door was smashed by a blow, revealing the sages and great mentors who were in a panic inside.

Azar gritted his teeth and said angrily:"Great disciplinary officer Seno!"

Seno didn't waste any words and took out the Red Sand Staff and rushed towards Azar.

"Surrender, Azar, your crimes have been exposed to all the people of Xumi!"

The discipline officers continued to arrest the tutors and children of the Order of the Church.

All the high-ranking officials of the Order of the Church were captured by Senor.

On the other side, Tinari also led the forest rangers to the rain forest around Xumi City to continuously capture the high-ranking officials of the Order of the Church who tried to escape.

Ye Heng held Nashida and looked down at the chaos of Xumi City, where the air was filled with the smell of rust.

"Nashida, have you learned the ways and means by which the Great Compassionate Tree King solves problems?"

"To govern a country, gods do not need to do it themselves. They only need to listen to the voices of all their subjects, acknowledge their wishes, allow their actions, and define their right and wrong."[]

A gentle voice sounded behind Ye Heng

"Yes, the will represented by all the people of Xumi will make everyone make the right choice."

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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