Under Diluk's suspicious gaze, Venti turned into blue wind and disappeared from the Angel's Gift Tavern.

He did not suspect that something serious had happened, and just thought that the Wind God left in disappointment because he could not get anything for free.

After all, the dragon disaster had just been resolved, and the Fatui were also under the surveillance of the Knights of Favonius.

Besides, he did not believe that the Wind God was so weak that he could let Mondstadt suffer from disasters one after another.


"There has been no movement for more than a thousand years, and now..."

Wendy received little information, only six words [Come to Sky Island for a meeting].

Although there are not many words, the significance is huge. The only one who can directly contact the Wind God Throne is the one on Sky Island.

After the Kanreya disaster, the Wind God Throne basically lost contact with that person, so everyone guessed that he didn't have much time left.

How come the throne suddenly has such a close connection.

Did that person come back to life?

"If that happens, I'll be in trouble.……"

Wendy thought about the fact that he had just given the Heart of God to the Ice Queen yesterday. Even though wind elves couldn't sweat, he was sweating profusely.

If that person knew that he supported the Ice Queen's rebellion and still gave the Heart of God to her, he would have been beaten into pure wind elemental force on the spot.

"Such a secret matter, and there is no direct contact with the Ice Queen, it should not be discovered."

Wendy raised his hand tremblingly and wiped his forehead, which was completely free of cold sweat.

When the time comes, he will say that it was stolen by the Ice Queen.

He used all his divine power to maintain the"Millennium Grand Movement" and maintain the environment of Mondstadt. He was unable to distract himself and was secretly attacked by the lady under the Ice Queen, and the Heart of God was stolen.

At that time, the most he would be punished for dereliction of duty.

"Sorry, Ice Queen."

After all, you are going to rebel against the law of nature.

There is an old saying in Liyue that it is better to die than to die.

Well, I will say this when the time comes.

"I'm sure there's more than one person called to the Sky Island meeting. I'll get some information from the old man and see what's going on."



Three bowls are enough

"At that time, the Dream Demon God controlled the Yakshas and came aggressively. People all had despair on their faces. They saw that our Guguiliji was about to be destroyed by the power that could destroy the world. At this time, guess what happened?"

"Hey, Tian Tiezui, wasn't it our Lord Yan who single-handedly stopped the demon god in Dihua Island and rescued the controlled Yaksha, which is our current Xianzhong Yaksha?"

"Yes, I could recite this story when I was a child. Tian Tiezui, tell us some stories we haven't heard before."

"Yes, who knows more about history than Mr. Zhongli, the guest of Wangsheng Hall?

The audience looked respectfully at the calm young man who was full of culture and had the best seat to watch the show.

"Thank you for your praise. I just read a lot of ancient books. A lot of history is buried in the past. Even the most knowledgeable historians can't give a rough idea."Zhongli put down his teacup and said in a steady tone.

"Therefore, we need to verify each other to explore the depth of history."

"Mr. Zhongli is so humble despite his amazing knowledge. It is really admirable."

"Yes, otherwise how could I be hired as a guest official by Master Hu?"

"Mr. Zhongli, are there any other versions of the history of Lord Yan saving the Yakshas?"Tian Tiezui also asked humbly.

The story he told was indeed very old-fashioned, repeating the same thing over and over again. If he could hear more history from Mr. Zhongli, he would definitely be able to polish a better story.

Just as Zhongli nodded and was about to talk about the history of that year, he paused.

Even the tea in the teacup in his hand almost shook out.

"Sorry, I have something important to do today. I will tell you all about the history I know the next day."

Zhongli declined and stood up and left.

"It seems that Master Hu must be making it difficult for Mr. Zhongli to attract business."

"Yes, Master Hu always thinks of some weird things."


Zhongli had a serious expression on his way back to the Hall of the Dead.

The guy from Sky Island actually contacted him, which was quite unusual.

Over the past six thousand years, although he had seen him a few times from afar, he had never contacted any of the Seven Rulings of the Earthly Realm in person. Moreover, the superior-subordinate relationship between him and the Rock God Throne was even closer than when he was victorious. Has he completely recovered and become stronger?

So, is this a good thing or a bad thing for Liyue?

After all, every time he makes a move, it is not a peaceful time.

Whether it was the war with the Second Throne that shattered the land of Teyvat, or the start of the Demon God War that set the earth on fire, or the Kanreya disaster five hundred years ago.

None of this was a good thing.

"Hey~ Zhongli, what's wrong? Why are you so sullen? Did someone else snatch the bird you liked?"

Zhongli had just stepped into the threshold of the Hall of Rebirth when a mischievous figure greeted him.

"Master Hu, I have some personal matters to deal with, so I would like to take a few days off."

"Ask for leave. Zhongli, it seems like every day is your holiday. You drink tea, walk the bird, watch operas and listen to music, but you never do any work."Hu Tao angrily pulled out a large stack of bills from behind and slammed them in front of him.

"And Mingxingzhai sent me a bunch of bills early in the morning. What did you buy? It's so expensive!"

""Master Hu." Zhongli did not continue to speak, but waited calmly for the answer.

"Oh…Okay, okay, I really can't do anything about you, so I'll give you five days off, but I have conditions." Hu Tao put her hands on her hips.

Although this guest of her family spent money lavishly, buying things without bargaining and even raising the price, his knowledge was unmatched, and his ability to make money was also worthy of his spending power.

"Master Hu, please speak."

"After you come back from vacation, you have to hand out flyers to me to solicit customers.���, I have a great idea."Hu Tao unfolded a half-meter-long piece of paper.

"With my wonderful ideas and your eloquence, I can definitely multiply the business of Wangshengtang."

""Eh? Zhongli? Where's Zhongli?"

Hu Tao said proudly, but when she came to her senses, she found that the huge Zhongli was gone.

"I haven't finished my ideas yet!"

"Zhongli, I will deduct your wages when you come back from vacation!"

The God of Wind and the God of Rock were relatively calm about the notice from Tianli.

But the God of Water Fukalos was much more nervous.

She ran out of the"Cardinal of Oracle Judgment" as soon as she received the notice.

This was the first time she received a notice from Sky Island.

Moreover, her throne and demon god status were forced upon her by the previous God of Water, Egolia.

Not to mention Tianli, she had never even seen the four shadows of Tianli.

"Could it be that what I was about to do had already been discovered by the law of nature?"

Fukalos raised her head and looked at the sky nervously, feeling powerless and fearful.

What she had done was a great rebellion for Sky Island.

The consequence would be that everything between her and Fontaine would be destroyed by the cold nails falling from the sky.

"What should I do..."

Fukaros weakly clenched her slender hands and slowly let go.


If she goes, she might be in trouble, but Fontaine might be fine. If she doesn't go, she and Fontaine will definitely be in trouble.

Only the law of nature cannot be opposed, otherwise it will eventually face destruction.

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