"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Tian Huang rolled on the ground, holding his head and screaming

"The blood of the royal family is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people. They can actually bear so much of my blood at once. Very good."

Kizan Kibutsuji Muzan was delighted. The more blood these royal nobles could bear from him, the stronger they would be, and the more noise they would make.

"You have never seen me. From now on, you will be the ghost king. Your mission is to work hard to develop your own kind tonight and eat people to become stronger."

A few seconds after Muzan Kibutsuji left, the guards who heard the screams rushed in and rushed to the ground before they could finish shouting"Your Majesty the Heavenly Locust".


"What's going on! You, you are His Majesty the Heavenly Locust, what's wrong with you!"


Kizan Kibutsuji Muzan walked out of the stone bridge of the Locust Residence, listened to the screams of the chickens and dogs inside, and walked towards the mansion of the shogunate dignitaries closest to the Locust Residence with an expressionless face. He turned the guards into ghosts one by one step by step.

The shogunate dignitaries of this country basically lived around the Locust Residence, so it didn't take much time at all, and most of the dignitaries had been turned into ghosts.

The orders he gave to all the ghosts were"No one has seen him tonight","Desperately create the same kind","Desperately eat people to become stronger".

Ordinary ghosts cannot share their ghost blood with others, only ghosts at the level of Twelve Demon Moons can do that.

Tonight, three of the blood shared appeared... There are more than a dozen lower-rank demons and four upper-rank demons. These twelve-kizuki-level demons continue to create inferior demons.

The number of demons has exceeded one thousand, and the number is still increasing.

It's just that he has now boarded a sailboat heading to the country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

When the sailboat left the port, Muzan Kibutsuji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After learning the lesson this time, he will not make the same mistake again.

Creating the same kind will only bring him trouble and will not be of any help.

Tokyo at this time is in complete chaos.

The inferior demons rushed out from the core area of Tokyo, eating anyone they saw, and soon caused chaos.

‘Ghosts were only legends in this country where science was gradually becoming more popular, but now they appeared before the public. They bit and ate anyone they saw, and a nightmare scene appeared on the busy streets where lighting was already widespread.

"Ahhhh! What is that! It's a bite, blood! Ahhh!"

"He's eating people! Help, don't come over here!"

"Bastard! Assistant!"

"Ah, my arm!"

At first, passers-by thought it was just a patient with rabies. It was not until the rabies patient easily tore a person to pieces and ate the flesh and bones that they realized that this was not a 'patient' but a monster.

"Ahhh! Town Magistrate, please contact the Town Magistrate! Quick!"

"Help, there are monsters here! Don't come over here, monster!"


A great riot began, with trampling on the busy streets, screams, curses, and roars.

The town magistrates were the department in charge of urban security during the shogunate. Sometimes they would call on civilian swordsmen to form the"Shinsengumi" to help stop civilian fights.

"What! A man-eating monster appeared on the street?"The town magistrate's telegrams were all broken, and they were all letters about man-eating monsters appearing in various blocks of Tokyo.

When the soldiers of the town magistrate's patrol station appeared, blood was everywhere on the street, and from time to time, you could see broken hands and feet.

A ghost was gnawing on a corpse.

"Stop it, or I'll shoot!" A soldier on patrol was shaking with his gun in his hands.


The ghost that was eating people turned around and pounced on him, his eyes bloodshot. The inferior ghost was completely dominated by the desire to"eat"

"Eat, I want to eat! I want to become stronger and eat more people!"

"Shoot!"Bang, bang...

"Monster! Monster!"

"I remembered what my grandma told me when I was a kid! Ghosts! Unkillable ghosts! They eat people and can't be killed. Those monsters are ghosts."

"Eat, there is so much human flesh! Find all the human flesh! I am so hungry!"

In the desperate eyes of the patrol team, several more ghosts ran out from the dark alley and pounced on them.


Before he could finish shouting the words"Run", the patrol captain was pounced on by the ghost.

Under the lanterns and lights, the shadows projected on the walls of the street continued to distort with screams.

Tokyo, as the administrative center of the country, not only has a large number of dignitaries, but also newspapers and diplomatic embassies from all over the world.

The information that man-eating monsters appeared on the streets of Tokyo was instantly known to them.

Embassies of various countries sent telegrams to inquire about the Tokyo shogunate, and journalists from various newspapers also took action instantly.


Daleishan, Mingjin Taisha Shrine

"Fox Fairy, there is news from the Tokyo shrine, saying, saying……"

The priests ran into the Mingjin Taisha Shrine frantically with a telegram in their hands, panting so hard that they couldn't even finish a sentence.

"A large number of ghosts have appeared in Tokyo. Now the whole of Tokyo has become a paradise for ghosts, right?"

Yae Shinko shook the Kagura bell in her hand and said slowly.

"Yes, that's right! As expected of the Fox Fairy, the entire Tokyo has fallen, and the army has been dispatched, but they can't kill the ghost at all!"The members of the priest family said in horror

"There are too many ghosts! Not only that, even the palace, the shogun and the mansions of various nobles have been occupied by ghosts, and other people are in danger."

Yae Shenzi said calmly:"So I need to take action."

Seeing this, the people of the priest family knelt on the ground and kowtowed:"Please beg the mercy of the fox fairy and the gods."

Yae Shenzi sighed:"Well, we came to the world to eliminate ghosts. Things have developed to this point, and I have to take action."

Yesterday, she received the message from Lord Ye Heng and knew what would happen.

Originally thought that she was just here to play the role of a fox fairy and play around all day.

Unexpectedly, she still had to take action in the end.

However, at this time, she also understood that Lord Ye Heng must be the demon god of time to be able to predict all the details of what would happen the next day in advance.

Time is too powerful.

At the same time.

Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka, who had been ordered by Yae Shenzi to come to the sailboat in advance and wait for the opportunity, began to act.

Muzan Kibutsuji looked at the sailboat leaving the port and breathed a sigh of relief, pulling the brim of his hat

"This is my first time leaving this land."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice like spring breeze came from behind him.

"Since you can't bear to leave, then stay, sir."

Muzan Kibutsuji turned around to see who was talking to him, and his bloodshot pupils suddenly shrank.

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