I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 968: It seems to be the same as I guessed

"Hurry up, this is it."

As Shen Xuan finished speaking, the others followed him and went straight.

Everyone at Divine Sword Gate still couldn't believe it now.

After all, such a thing is actually totally unbelievable to them.

However, it was here that Shen Xuan showed them something so that they could understand what all this will bring.

"Young Master, I didn't expect it to be true."

"Yes, but it's weird, why is it so leisurely here?"

Next to Shen Xuan, a person from the Divine Sword Gate spoke to Shen Xuan subconsciously.

Shen Xuan suddenly thought of a lot when seeing the people around him like this.

"It seems to be the same as I guessed."

When Shen Xuan looked at these, he couldn't help sighing.

In fact, Shen Xuan already had a deeper understanding of the current situation.

However, as Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, he now has a deeper understanding of things like this.

"So young master, what shall we do next?"

The people of the Divine Sword Sect next to him looked at Shen Xuan and couldn't help asking in a hurry.

For the current situation, Shen Xuan actually has no better solution.

"Forget it, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth, these things cannot be solved overnight."

"Actually, if you ask me now, I don't know how to answer it!"

When Shen Xuan watched this scene, Shen Xuan was indifferent, not forgetting to say to this side.

After Shen Xuan's side, other Divine Sword Sect people saw this scene.

They are now completely giving up a sigh of relief.

"In short, if they want to play now, then we all, let them have fun together."

"Yes, this is of course, anyway, they are not our opponents, a big deal, just let them go."

"Don't worry about these, anyway, they are dead."

Following the words of those around him, Shen Xuan at this time seemed indifferent.

What is going on here is actually not important at all.

As Shen Xuan watched these, he felt that Jiang Hetian would never be idle now.

"What do you think Jiang Hetian will do now?"

Shen Xuan's words made the people around him slightly startled.

This matter, in fact, none of them thought about it at all.

But the more so, in fact, it seems to them that this matter is very strange.

"Forget it, don't worry about them for now, do the things here first."

After Shen Xuan finished speaking, other people around him began to get busy.


At the same time, Jiang Hetian also learned about things here.

As far as Jiang Hetian is concerned, his whole person is even more abusively looking towards this side.

After all, what is going to happen here?

How could Jiang Hetian himself not know?

But looking at it now, the more so, Jiang Hetian himself is even more determined.

"All in all, now that I have made up my mind to do this."

"Then, I will let them know what the end of offending us is!"

As Jiang Hetian said, the others around him nodded even more.

In fact, all of them are looking forward to such a thing.

But here, a subordinate next to Jiang Hetian couldn't help but ask.

"It's just the boss, we have arranged so much now, will he be angry with us?"

After all, such a thing, in fact, none of them dare to think about what will happen next.

Just here, when Jiang Hetian looked at these.

Jiang Hetian himself is very casual.

"In fact, these are nothing at all."

"If he can solve this matter, we can pick up a bargain by the way."

"If he can't solve it, then let's just look at him in bad luck!"

When Jiang Hetian said this, the others were very surprised.

In fact, all of them were very shocked.

But it is undeniable that what Jiang Hetian said is exactly what they want to do now.

"The boss is still great, and he even thought of such things."

"Yeah, who would say no, but since it's going to be consumed now, then we all can have fun."

"But there is nothing to wait for such a thing at all. Since you have already planned to continue, then just start."

Following these people, one after another did not forget to speak here.

Jiang Hetian didn't care about this at all, because it seemed to him that the incident itself had come just right.

When Jiang Hetian looked at these, his whole expression was very hideous.

"Hmph, this kid still wants to fight with us, don't you think that he is purely looking for death here?"

When Jiang Hetian finished speaking, the people around him nodded repeatedly.

In fact, they have completely seen such a thing.

However, the Zhulian market is controlled by Shen Xuan.

In other words, their financial resources were directly cut off.

So next, I want to solve these things thoroughly.

The best solution is to start in this direction.

This point, it can almost be said, has been completely determined.

However, watching this scene, Jiang Hetian was very calm.

"It's okay, in fact, these are just small things."

"Everyone of us now, do a little bit more simply, and solve these things, that's it."

When Jiang Hetian said this, the eyes of other people moved, looking towards this side.

After all, what should be done next, in fact, there should be a need to give it a try.

As for Jiang Hetian himself, he moved his muscles and bones, watching subconsciously.

"However, even if he intends to toss, then we all will accompany you to the end!"

"Furthermore, he really thought, who he is, and where he wants to toss, he can toss it wherever he wants!"

Jiang Hetian's words made everyone around him nod their heads.

Such a thing is actually similar to what they all imagined.

In fact, these people think so in their hearts.

But here, Jiang Hetian himself didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"But now, stare at him anytime."

"This kid, I always feel that there is something evil?"

As Jiang Hetian said, the people around him nodded repeatedly.

In fact, all of them have discovered these things.

But the problem now is that they don't know where to start.

But the more so, in fact, they now feel that they don't seem to care much.

"All in all, let's deal with these things." I will become stronger when I rest. Latest chapter address: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/ read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (the first Chapter 960 seems to be the same as I guessed) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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