I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 938: Cooperate, everything is easy to say

"Mr., our boss wants to invite you over!"

At this moment, Shen Xuan was walking here, and as a result, an untimely voice suddenly sounded here.

When hearing this voice, Shen Xuan frowned slightly.

The more so, for Shen Xuan.

In fact, he is very indifferent now.

"Oh, why should I be with you?"

For such things, Shen Xuan was very indifferent when he saw this.

However, here, these people in front of me are getting angry as they look at them.

After all, in such a situation, it seems to them that in the future, they really should have to take it all out.

Slowly, stand here.

When Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, Shen Xuan didn't care about it at this time.

But in front of Shen Xuan, when those people saw this scene, they still didn't forget to speak here.

"Cooperate, then everything is easy to say."

"But if you don't cooperate, it will be interesting."

When Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more it is now, in fact, for this point, how do you plan to deal with it next?

In fact, Shen Xuan took a deep breath in his heart.

At this time, these people are completely rude.

"Hmph, if you don't cooperate, then, you can't blame us for being impolite."

With this voice rang out in front of them, it was obvious that in their eyes, they didn't take all this seriously at all.

And looking at these, for the things that are currently being brought, at this time the speed of those around them began to accelerate, and they arrived quickly.

For the present, Shen Xuan at this time is very calm.

"Well, now is not the time to say this."

"In this case, just come on!"

Shen Xuan waved his hand in front of him, behaving very calmly.

And these people didn't care at all. When they saw Shen Xuan like this, they desperately started to shoot at Shen Xuan quickly.

Originally, it seemed to these people that it should not be particularly difficult to solve Shen Xuan.

But soon they discovered that they were wrong, and they were wrong.

"How can this be so strong?"

At this moment, someone said suddenly.

After all, this point, in fact, none of them had expected it at all.

It was Shen Xuan, who didn't agree with these people's nonsense, but continued to make shots.

Before long, these people fell one after another.

As for Shen Xuan, he moved his muscles and bones, looking towards everyone in front of him.

"What's the matter, after a long time of trouble, are you just so capable?"

"In this case, then you can just pack things and get out."

Shen Xuan didn't have so much time to continue entangled with these people.

At this moment, these people looked at each other.

If they do, they are not Shen Xuan's opponents.

Now, it seems that I can only leave here.

However, it's here.

When Shen Xuan's gaze moved slightly, he subconsciously looked in front of him.

"Wait, if the people behind these people want to see me, wouldn't I just go to him?"

Shen Xuan felt that, in this case, he would be completely clear about what the other party wanted to do at that time.

In this case, it is much better than Shen Xuan's messing around here.

After thinking about this, Shen Xuan waved his hand.


As Shen Xuan said, these people were stunned.

They turned and looked at Shen Xuan, slightly curious and puzzled.

What kind of situation is this in the end?

How can it be so good that it stopped them?

These people are a little confused.

However, when Shen Xuan saw them, he said directly: "Take me to meet your boss."

Shen Xuan's words made them very confused.

What is the situation?

They seem to have a bit of a complete incomprehension now, what is the rhythm here.

However, it's here.

Shen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly while watching.

"What's wrong, can it be said that what I said to you just now is not clear enough?"

Shen Xuan's words really made these people pause.

In fact, all of them have fully seen this matter now.

But before that, all of them didn't have time to think about these things.

But after seeing all this, they were actually very clear in their hearts.

Shen Xuan said that, it means that they have completed the task now.

So, according to reason, in fact, all of them don't need to worry so much anymore.

"Well, since there is nothing to do now, then you still have to do what you should do next, just do it."

"Take me over, I want to see that person."

As Shen Xuan said, these people nodded again and again, and got up and took Shen Xuan directly to deal with these things.

Originally, they didn't want to bring Shen Xuan with him, but since Shen Xuan has said so, then they can give Shen Xuan a severe lesson when the time comes.


Jiang Ao looked at the people around him, slightly curious.

"What's wrong, haven't you come back yet?"

"Do you think something will happen?"

When Jiang Ao looked at the people around him, he asked directly.

In fact, the people around me are also a little confused.

But here, this thing has already happened.

Now to say these things, it is obviously not enough.

At this moment, one of them had a smile on his face and didn't forget to speak here.

"Boss, this kid is not an ordinary person. It takes a little longer for everyone to deal with it, which is understandable."

"But the boss, don't worry, our people are not vegetarian. I guess we will be there soon."

After listening to the people around him, Jiang Ao thought about it carefully, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the moment.

But now, Jiang Ao also had a trace of confusion in his heart.

So what should we do next?

In fact, Jiang Ao didn't know anymore.

But just when Jiang Ao was still confused, someone ran over not far away.

"Boss, people have already been brought."

These words made Jiang Ao even more relieved.

Thankfully, the thing he worries about the most has finally not happened.

However, Jiang Ao had to use some special methods to get Shen Ao to give up, or to perform slightly abnormally.

Only in this way can Jiang Ao be sure to let his son win.

Otherwise, Jiang Ao can't actually tell what is going on.

However, just as Jiang Ao saw this, at this moment, a smile appeared on Jiang Ao's face.

"Since it's here, just sit down."

Shen Ao didn't take it seriously: "It's nothing, no need to be so troublesome. If you have anything, just say it."

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