I Gain a New Ability Every Day

Chapter 77 You Are Too Filial

Xia Ling had been preparing for at least three months, but Gao Teng broke through the B rank in five days, which somewhat disrupted her plan.

Her original intention was to break through the S-level on the mountain, but now that Gao Teng successfully broke through the B-level, it would be meaningless to stay in the martial arts hall.

The humanoid gravity chamber of Hong Ming can only last for more than 20 minutes a day. Although it can still provide help to Gao Teng, it will not be as effective as the C-level.

If it can last for two or three hours, that's another story.

Since you have broken through the B-level, let's leave. You should have stayed on the mountain enough, right?

Before Gao Teng said anything, Hong Ming shouted: Ah? Are you going to leave now? Can you stay for a few more days?

Xia Ling said helplessly: Since you are afraid of loneliness, don't stay in the mountains. Wouldn't it be better to go back to the city and live?

I can't bear those monkeys, they... By the way, where are my monkeys?

Hong Ming suddenly remembered that since Gao Teng and the others came, monkeys have rarely been seen. Usually, they would come to his yard early in the morning to give some wild fruits or something.

During this time, he was busy helping Gao Teng to cultivate, and he forgot about the monkeys.

It's not right! Hong Ming said solemnly, It's impossible for these monkeys to disappear suddenly, something must have happened!

After speaking, Hong Ming hurriedly left the martial arts hall.

Gao Teng looked at each other and followed closely behind.

After more than ten minutes, the three came to a small stream in the mountains, which is a gathering place for monkeys.

Before they got too close, a strong stench of rancidity came to the face, and the monkey's body was lying on the ground, dead for a long time.

Which bastard did this?

Hong Ming was extremely angry, and the Gravity Domain couldn't help releasing it. The surrounding monkey corpses couldn't bear the pressure and burst into blood mist.

My God!

Hong Ming yelled and hurriedly stopped using his abilities.

Master, don't be so excited. Xia Ling quickly comforted.

I treat these monkeys as relatives. They were brutally murdered, but I didn't know it... Hong Ming wept bitterly, showing that he had deep feelings for monkeys.

You treat me as a family member and the monkey as a family member, so in your eyes, I'm just a monkey? Xia Ling told a very funny joke.

Lingling, I'm not in the mood to joke now!

Xia Ling shut up and said again, I just don't want to make you so sad.

How could I not be sad? Hong Ming beat his chest and cried.

I think the monkey killers should be found first and avenged for them.

Hearing Xia Ling's words, Hong Ming immediately stopped his tears, gritted his teeth and said, Yes, you are right!

After speaking, he began to examine each monkey corpse to determine their cause of death.

Xia Ling walked up to Gao Teng, covered her nose and said, Some people say that when people get old, they become more and more like children. Now, looking at Master, I think this sentence is quite right.

After a pause, she continued: I really don't understand why someone can't get along with a group of monkeys?

They were killed by the same person. The murderer has sharp claws, so he should be someone who is capable. After checking, Hong Ming came to a conclusion.

Also, I found the bloodstain of the suspected murderer, you come with me.

Gao Teng followed Hong Ming's figure into the woods, but after walking for a few minutes, the clues were broken, the scattered blood disappeared, and no traces were left.

Hong Ming pointed to a large pool of bloodstains beside the tree and said: The murderer bandaged the wound here, and then left, he was very dangerous and erased his footprints.

This proves that he was chased and killed, entered the mountain by mistake, and then broke into the territory of the monkeys and was attacked, so he killed the killer.

As expected of a retired employee of the Security Bureau, he is very experienced. With a little clue, Hong Ming restored the incident.

He is injured and must still be in the mountains. No matter how long it takes, I will find him!

Leave it to me. Gao Teng volunteered to thank Hong Ming for his help.

Hong Ming was surprised: Do you have a solution?

I have a natural sense of smell. Since the murderer was injured, there must be blood on his body. There should be hope to find him.

Excellent! Hong Ming said excitedly with a fist fist, Gao Teng, it's all up to you!

Gao Teng nodded and used [Strengthen Sense of Smell].

Sure enough, a strong smell of blood poured into his nostrils from the pool of blood beside the tree, straight to his brain.

Gao Teng almost retched out, his whole face wrinkled, Let's get out of here first.

Away from the pool of blood, following the faint smell in the air, the three came to a cave.

People should be in caves...

Before he could finish speaking, a figure rushed out and stabbed Gao Teng's chest with a knife.

Gao Teng's reaction was extremely fast, and an invisible force had already wrapped around this person.

However, this person's strength is not weak, his body froze for two seconds, broke free from the restraint, jumped like a beast, landed on a huge rock, and looked at Gao Teng three people gloomily.

This man was on all fours, covered with orange-yellow hair, with a pair of cat ears on the top of his head, and his fingernails were extremely sharp and flickering coldly.


Cat demon?

It looks too ugly.

Yes, this cat demon-like person has a shaggy face, a flat nose and a wide mouth, how ugly and ugly it is, it just ruins the word cat demon.

The ability to transform. Xia Ling said, Wolf, tiger, dog, shark, and dragon, etc., are one of the most popular abilities.

Who are you? Gao Teng asked.

This man does not speak.


Gao Teng raised a hand and shook it beside his face.

...You show some respect!

Xia Ling burst out laughing, she thought Gao Teng was so cute.

So you know how to talk. Gao Teng coughed and said loudly, You're a monkey killer and you're not ready to capture it?

There's no need to tell him so much! Hong Ming stepped forward and said, He must be a sociopath, I'll deal with him!

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a heavy blow on the back of the neck, his eyes rolled, and he passed out.

Xia Ling hugged him and said to Gao Teng: You broke through the B-rank, just use this person to test your strength.

Master has fainted now, don't worry and use your abilities boldly.

You are too filial.

Don't worry about me, concentrate on dealing with your opponent. Xia Ling said, I forgot to tell you, I will indeed protect you by your side in the future, but I will only take action when you are particularly dangerous. All enemies need you. solved it myself.

Okay, I understand.

Gao Teng's eyes fell on the cat man. The strength information of this ability person is the 86223rd in the B-level, and his strength information is the 86923rd in the B-level, which is a lot worse.

However, his ability is more than enough to erase the gap.

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