I Gain a New Ability Every Day

Chapter 4 Talk 1 Talk About Dreams

Even if you introduce yourself, you still want to talk about your dreams?

Isn't it really embarrassing to talk about dreams in public?

Didn't the great Mr. Lu Xun say it?

Dreams are like underpants, you have to wear them, but you can't just bask in them.

Any questions?

Seeing that Gao Teng didn't speak for a while, Xue Dong asked suspiciously.

In order to take care of this good eldest brother's face, Gao Teng sighed softly and said, My name is Gao Teng, and my dream is to become the strongest in this world.

Well said! Everyone applauds!

Xue Dong applauded vigorously and waved his hands to encourage the big guy.

In the applause of the crowd, Gao Teng blushed, and his figure became lower...

Forgot to tell everyone that Gao Teng is 100% capable and has the potential to become a Super S Grade in the future. Therefore, he is not aimless, and the goal he pursues is very practical.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Gao Teng, there were curiosity, indifference, yearning, and jealousy...

Different expressions, looking from head to toe.

Gao Teng was even more embarrassed, digging a hole on the ground with his foot.

Fortunately, everyone shifted their attention with Xue Dong's next sentence.

Then let me introduce myself.

Xue Dong looked at a girl in a pleated skirt, with long smooth hair as black as ink, her facial features extremely delicate and beautiful, a white shirt lightly wrapped around her slender body, and her skin as greasy as snow, which could be broken by blowing bullets.

She was wearing a pair of small black leather shoes under her feet, and her beautiful legs were even more straight and slender, set off by the snow-white mid-tube socks.

Seeing her, everyone will have an idea.

That is, girls are the most beautiful creatures in this world.

My name is Fang Meng, and my dream is to find the one with the ability to seal.

At a certain moment, Fang Meng's body exuded a heavy evil spirit, which shows that the person with the ability to seal has a great hatred with her.

Xue Dong really loves Gao Teng, and when he chats with others, he returns to his lazy state, A person with the ability to seal... Do you have a grudge against him?

Fang Meng just nodded and didn't say much.

Her thoughts were very heavy, and they were all written on her face.

My name is Gu Xiao. I was born in Liuhun Street. My dream is to change the lives of more people.

Gu Xiao's whole person is full of sunshine, especially when he laughs, the whole world becomes brighter.

Are you actually born in Liuhun Street?

That place is terrible, and it can't be changed easily.

However, I can understand you. When I was young, I used to have unrealistic fantasies. You will not be so naive if you suffer more beatings in the future.

Xue Dong began to stretch out his evil claws.

Gu Xiao was not hit, but still showed a big smile and said, I will try my best, I believe I can do it.

Confidence is a good thing. Xue Dong said, Only in this way can we better taste the pain of despair.

Gu Xiao's smile froze on his face.


My name is Wang Ya, and my dream is to be someone others can rely on.

The girl who spoke was wearing a white dress, she was slim, and her sweet smile was not mixed with any hypocrisy. At first glance, she knew that her family was very happy, and her whole body showed a kind of beauty that could contagious people.

Good idea. Xue Dong applauded, You are unreliable yourself, and you want others to rely on you.

I have a message for them.

Life is precious, learn to cherish it.

Wang Ya, ...

My name is Li Gangqiang, and my dream is to help more people.

The person who spoke was the boss of the barbaric clan. When he said this, he gritted his teeth, feeling that he was about to slash someone with a knife in the next second.

You want to help more people? Xue Dong glanced at Li Gangqiang in surprise.

He couldn't help but said angrily, What's the matter with you?

Are you a tyrant like this?

Give me the right attitude!

Li Gangqiang looked at him disdainfully and said, Who said that the tyrants must fight and do things that endanger society?

Xue Dong was puzzled, Why not?

You don't put labels on people casually!

Xue Dong said with a sloppy face: I don't, I want it, the next one.

My name is……

Xue Dong was tireless in destroying people. He commented on everyone's dreams. The entire training ground was shrouded in low air pressure.

Gao Teng understood why Xue Dong wanted to talk about dreams, he was pure bad.

Okay, after self-introduction, everyone must have a preliminary understanding.

Without further ado, let's start training.

After speaking, Xue Dong suddenly remembered something, he said: Oh, by the way, before that, there is one more thing to tell everyone.

This ten-day training is still an assessment, and only the best people can become full members of the Security Bureau.

Then, here comes the problem.

Where do those who are eliminated go from here?

Good question.

The answer is to be a non-staff for a period of time and complete a lot of tasks before you can become a regular.

After a pause, Xue Dong continued: So, what exactly do the non-staff members of the Security Bureau do?

Everyone please see.

Everyone looked in the direction of Xue Dong's finger, and in the stands of the training ground, there was a young man in a work uniform working hard.

His ability is the water element, making a small stream of water spray on the seat and wiping it with a rag.

He is a non-staff member of the Security Bureau, because the ability affinity is only 10%, and the work he does is a humanoid water jet.


There was a commotion in the crowd.

I suggest you wash your brains and look at healthy things.

After Xue Dong finished speaking, he returned to the topic, Cleaning is a relatively easy job, and the most troublesome thing is doing intelligence work.

Take the murder case in Chunjiang High School as an example, all non-staff personnel are looking for clues.

Everyone can imagine that your strength is very poor, but you have to do such a dangerous job, isn't it miserable?

You guys, don't think too much about the Security Bureau, and don't think that awakening superpowers is a good thing.

Of course, with or without superpowers, the human world sucks.

Everyone, ...

Is such a frustrated person really suitable for bringing new people?

Xue Dong fumbled with his hand in his trouser pocket for a while, took out a crumpled cigarette and held it in his mouth, after lighting it, he took a deep breath and continued: I'm not pessimistic, but I have eyes full of wisdom.

This world is divided into classes, intrigue, and desires...

If you want to control your own destiny, you have to keep climbing to the top of the pyramid until you can't.

Otherwise, you will always be at the mercy of others.

Everyone, ...

Finally, let me end the tirade with one sentence.

How much kindness you show to the world, how much you will be beaten.

When my words are finished, the applause can begin.

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