I Fix The System Law

Chapter 831: Take advantage of the void

On the top of the hill outside the king's city, Leng Shiqi was standing with his hands behind him, and Gu San, Yushu, and Xiaoming were all standing behind him.

Seeing Princess Kahlo ascend to the throne, Leng Shiqi let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally got a foothold."

Yes, after he secretly mastered Zhu Luguo, he finally had his own foothold.

Even if he has the greatest power and power in the Leiyan Dynasty, even if he has a soul clone as the emperor, Zhu Luguo is the country he has personally planned for a long time, and it is also a way for him to prepare for himself.

Leng Shiqi had many identities, Xueyi Pavilion, Dark Thunder Guard, and Western Wild King, these identities were all stared at by many people, making him always be cautious.

But Zhu Luguo was different. Now only the people in Hades knew that this place was already in Leng Seventeen, and it was still known by the people he trusted the most.

No matter what accidents happen in the future, Zhu Luguo will be his way back. Even if the **** clothes pavilion was a complete failure, even if his identity was completely exposed.

With this back road, Leng Shiqi was relieved a lot.

Yushu looked at Leng Shiqi like a monster, and asked, "I really don't understand how you practiced, it's too abnormal."

Without waiting for Leng Shiqi's answer, Yushu murmured "Going back to practice" and went back through the Underworld.

Xioming remained silent, and disappeared in the same place.

As for Gu San, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me some more blood."

Leng Shiqi did not hesitate, and directly took out dozens of drops of blood.

The last time he fought with the Tianzhu Army, he saw the power of Gusan’s blood shadow secret technique, and it was also a secret technique with great potential. He was also very curious to what extent Bone San could perfect this secret technique.

In the palace, Princess Kahlo, it should be Queen Kahlo sitting on the throne, still a little trance.

More than ten days ago, she was still fighting with the Celestial Silkworm Palace for a chassis that was dozens of miles away, so she still tried her best. But just half a month later, she sat on the throne of the highest position of Zhu Lu Country.

The whole thing, from beginning to end, up and down, she didn't seem to exert much effort!

All this had been clearly and properly arranged by Leng Shiqi, as long as she was obedient and doing what she should do.

At this moment, Queen Kahlo felt a deep sense of fear for Leng Shiqi!

What kind of person is that? Not only is his strength so terrifying, but he is also an outrageous plan to play with the entire Zhulu Country in the palm of his hand!

But looking at the hundreds of civil and military officials who were kneeling below, she raised her head slightly.

She, now the queen, is the most important thing to win people's hearts.

Two days ago, Leng Shiqi killed a large number of Gus's cronies, causing many important positions in Zhulu to be vacated, and now it is natural to make up for it.

These positions made a lot of people's hearts fascinated, and they also gave Carol a very good opportunity to promote his cronies.

After arranging these positions, she also announced that Libumen was the state religion of Zhulu State, and Tudeng naturally became the state teacher.

No one stood up against this point. It is well known that Queen Kahlo has won Buddhism a long time ago. Moreover, Tudeng is a real powerhouse of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and it is naturally a great thing to be able to become the national teacher of Zhulu Country.

The palace was also full of joy, but at this moment, the person holding the scroll ran in hurriedly regardless of the palace's rules.

"Report! The frontier urgent report, one hundred thousand urgent!"

No one in the palace stopped him, but everyone looked solemn.

Something happened at the border!

Since Gus came to power that year, Biliu State has been eager to take advantage of the opportunity of the change of Zhulu's kingship.

In the past few years, there have been several frictions in the border land, and Zhu Luguo has lost more and less victory.

Leng Shiqi also remembered that he had actually encountered the battle between Zhulu Kingdom and Beiliu Kingdom. At that time, he also collected a large amount of souls to upgrade the Hades, and later bumped into the Li family master who killed him.

Two days ago, when he slaughtered in the royal city, the news had already reached the country of Beiliu.

It's too normal to insert eyeliner in King City of Zhulu Road, and the Beiliu country who has obtained this information knows that this is an excellent opportunity!

So immediately mobilized the army to approach the border of Zhulu country!

Queen Kahlo also had a heavy face. She had an accident right after she was crowned as the king's border gate, and her majesty would be greatly damaged if she didn't handle it well.

She calmly asked, "What's the matter?"

The man hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the 50,000 troops of the Beiliu Kingdom have come out of the nest, and they have reached the border two hundred far away!"


The palace hall instantly exclaimed again and again.

The strength of the State of Beiliu and Zhulu is not much different, and at most they are two or three points stronger than that of Zhulu. Its total strength is between 60,000 and 70,000, but this time, the Beiliu has directly dispatched 50,000 elite soldiers!

They are not afraid that the Great Moon Kingdom behind it will come in while taking advantage of it?

No, now Beiliu Country intends to take advantage of the turmoil in Zhu Road to enter the country!

What worries everyone is that there are only 30,000 troops stationed at the border. Although there are fortresses that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is not just the number of soldiers who fight in this world.

More important is the number of masters!

There were 50,000 elite soldiers from the Beiliu Nation suddenly, and the masters among them must be far more than those at the border.

As long as the opponent sends a master first to destroy the defense of the fortress, I am afraid that it will be able to break through the fortress soon!

Originally, there was some small friction between the two sides, but suddenly the desperate approach of the Piliu Country made everyone a little panicked.

Without changing his face, he opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, the top priority now is to immediately mobilize the Tianzhu army to support the border, but the army is moving too slowly, and it takes more than ten days! So we must also assemble a part of the Spirit Aperture Realm. The above masters are one step ahead at the fastest speed to prevent the underlying countries from attacking the fortress."

He immediately made everyone feel at ease when he spoke, UU reading www. The queen of uukanshu.com Kahlo also agrees with the suggestion of song ceremony.

The two most powerful elite soldiers in Zhulu are the Tianzhu Army and the Land Road Army, each with about 30,000, of which the Land Road Army has been stationed at the western border, while the Tianzhu Army is scattered in various heavy areas.

Queen Carol was about to speak, but Leng Shiqi's voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

"I happen to have something to go to Beiliu Country, so I can settle the matter by the way."

Queen Kahlo was taken aback when she heard these words.

What is a smooth solution?

That's an army of fifty thousand!

Even 50,000 pigs will not be able to be killed in a short while, what solution can Leng Shiqi have?

But she changed her mind. It is a miracle that she can sit here at this time, and there is nothing Leng Shiqi can't do.

So she said to the ministers: "There is no need for such trouble, the fifty thousand army alone has a way to deal with it."

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