I Fix The System Law

Chapter 822: Defeated

Deya shook his head suddenly, how could he fail?

Although he is a bit messy, the number and strength of his side still occupy a huge advantage!

You can win even if you die!

Suddenly, he was enveloped by a violent killing intent, and he turned his face to see that the **** Bone Sanzheng was killing him frantically!

The bones around the body were filled with layers of blood mist, which was the blood left by the people she killed. It has only been a while, and hundreds of people have died under her hands.

Deya's heart suddenly shook, "Stop her, stop her for me!"

The two Linggang realm masters on his left and right rushed towards Gu San, but the **** moon hanging high in the sky suddenly trembled, and then suddenly fell with a terrifying whistling sound!

The strong blood evil spirit overwhelmed the sky, and the bone three high jumped up and pinched the magic seal. At this moment, she seemed to merge with the blood moon, and the bone sword in her hand cut a half moon sword light to tear the void fiercely!

This power has far exceeded the scope of the Linggang realm and has attracted the attention of countless people. The two Linggang realms were immediately scared to death, and they fled without hesitation.

It's a pity that Gu San's blood shadow holding a bow suddenly sent out thousands of arrows, and hundreds of **** bows and arrows fell from the sky.

These blood arrows are not very powerful, but at this moment they are blocking the path of the two.

The two were immediately panicked, and immediately called for help: "Sir Deya help!"


It's a pity that they were cut into two parts by the **** moon before they finished speaking!

"Hiss!" Deya took a deep breath. Both of them were in the middle stage of the Linggang realm. They were killed in a flash in the first sight!

He looked at Gu San's eyes full of fear, where did this master come from?

Seeing Gu San continue to kill him, Deya's heart was finally upset!

It's not that there are no other spiritual masters in the Tianzhu army, but those people have been entangled by Yushu, Princess Kahlo and others, and they are either dead or injured. Everyone can't guarantee that no one can help him.

Gary and Percy were also firmly suppressed by Sword Demon and Beast Demon one after another. If the Sword Demon and Beast Demon had no physical bodies and their strength was restricted, then the two would have been seriously injured.

As for the ordinary Tianzhu army, they went up to die, don't want to block the bone three steps!

Deya suddenly realized that he was standing on the edge of the ghost gate!

If he is really killed, that day the Zhu army will have no leader, the army will be distracted, and maybe it will be defeated by more than a thousand people!

This situation is something Deya dared not dream of.

But this is the fact, the change was so fast, and it took him only a few moments before he managed to win the game to almost escape.

He also knew that if he escaped, he would definitely receive a severe punishment from King Gus, but Gu San's strength was too strong, and he didn't have any confidence to fight.

If you don't escape, you may die!

How to choose between punishment and death?

Deya quickly chose and escaped!

"You all go up and surround her!" Deya panicked when he ordered a dozen spiritual practitioners around him. Even if these people are unhelpful, they can hold back for a while. Taking this opportunity, he ignores his identity and ignores the Tianzhu army directly. Fleeing!

Gary was the first to see this scene, he immediately scolded: "Daya, you dare to escape on the battlefield, this is a capital crime!"

"Courageous!" Percy was also itching with hatred.

Both of them were beaten by the Sword Demon and the Beast Demon and were unable to fight back. They were originally pinned by Deya to quickly strike out Princess Kahlo, but now Deya has run away first!

This time they sent troops to encircle Princess Kahlo. Deya is the leader, and the leader ran away. What are they doing here?

So Gary and Percy both moved their minds. It was Deya who fled first, and even if they were convicted, they could push all their sins to Deya.

Now if you want to leave, you can leave at any time, if you continue to fight, then you are not sure!

The two exchanged their eyes secretly and made a decision in their hearts.

Don't go now, when will you stay!

Then the two suddenly broke out and forced the Sword Demon and Beast Demon back, and then quickly left the battlefield.

With the escape of these three people, the remaining Tianzhu army was completely confused.

Their commander fled, and the two most powerful celestial beings also escaped. Then wouldn't they only have to be slaughtered!

They were abandoned!

Yushu can slaughter dozens of people with a single blow, which is no different from the devil in the eyes of the Tianzhu army.

At this time, Princess Kahlo led a group of spiritual practitioners to kill, and the total number of spiritual practitioners here was less than two thousand, but the remaining nine thousand Tianzhu troops were desperate.

When even many people lost their helmets and armor and became deserters!

The so-called defeat was like a mountain, and the Tianzhu army was panicked and turned into a mass of scattered sand.


"Ghosts, they are ghosts."

"You are soldiers, and you have to die on the battlefield. It is a shame to desert." There were also people hoarse and unwilling to escape.

"Don't block me, get out." However, the person was pushed away directly.

The Tianzhu Army has fallen into chaos, it can be said that it is simply defeated!

Princess Kahlo frowned when she saw this kind of Tianzhu army. Although she was surprised, the number of Tianzhu army was here. Moreover, they were all wearing armor and well-equipped. This alone was not comparable to the miscellaneous soldiers under Princess Kahlo.

In addition, even though the Gusan people are superb, they are like a tiger into a flock, but their violent offense will not last long.

As long as the Tianzhu Army stabilizes its position and puts out an army formation, as long as Leng Shiqi does not expose other cards, the Tianzhu Army still has the hope of winning.

But now with the escape of the Deya trio, the Tianzhu army has become like this.

To be honest, this disappointed Princess Kahlo a bit!

The Tianzhu Army, one of the elite troops of her Zhulu country, is so unbearable!

She secretly made up her mind that when she became the king, she would take care of it.

However, what Princess Kahlo needs to do at this moment is to end the battle as soon as possible, because any one of the two sides is a citizen of Zhulu Country, her citizen!

Princess Kahlo summoned her spiritual power and shouted: "Listen all, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com We are all citizens of Zhulu country. There is no need to fight for life and death. Now Deya has abandoned you, as long as you surrender and submit to me. Save your life!"

The people behind her shouted in unison: "Those who descend will not kill!"

"The one who descends will not kill!"

"The one who descends will not kill!"

Many people in the Tianzhu Army were immediately moved. If there is any hope of living, who will die?

But some people are still hesitating, if they are deserters, it is a big deal to hide, but if they become rebels, they will be chased by Zhu Luguo for a lifetime.

In case Princess Kahlo fails in the end, they are still dead words!

Just when they hesitated, an insignificant spiritual power quietly invaded their hearts, and in their eyes Princess Kahlo was an inviolable god.

Everyone is bowing down to her knees!

"I am willing to surrender."

"Meet Princess Kahlo."

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