I Fix The System Law

Chapter 803: Western Wilderness King

Leng Shiqi made this sentence so lightly, and both Mo Linhui and the officials were taken aback.

The commander of the Dark Thunder Guard and the kingship are both great benefits. Whether to master the world's intelligence or to be a prince in control of one party, different people may have different choices.

But to make this decision, it must be well thought out.

But Leng Shiqi replied too quickly.

Leng Shiqi looked around, glancing over the expressions of these people, and he smiled: "My ministers, you probably don't want to see me sitting in the position of the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard."


The officials were a little bit astonished at once, because Leng Shiqi's words came to their hearts.

Today, including the previous award, they are all vehemently opposed to Leng Shiqi.

In the future, once he becomes the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, he will hold their pigtails in his hands. All of you here, who dare to say that he is innocent, even if there is only a small amount of uncleanness, can be brought up to say something.

It's no secret that Leng Shiqi is a person who must pay for it.

"In addition to this, I also know what you are worried about. It is nothing more than fear that my merits will be overwhelming. If this is the case, let me leave the imperial capital and give you complete peace of mind."

"Manager Liu is righteous!" Mo Linhui suddenly shouted.

These few people made everyone feel a little guilty in their hearts. Looking at others, in order to eliminate the unnecessary threat, they gave up the position of the leader of the Dark Thunder Guard. This alone is enough to make people admire.

But some people find it a little weird.

Based on their understanding of Leng Shiqi, he is not a master who will suffer easily.

Sure enough, Leng Shiqi turned his face to Long Chair and said, "But I also have one condition."

The soul clone stretched out his hand and said, "Ai Qing, but it doesn't matter."

"I want to choose a fief myself."

Others immediately thought about it. The Leiyan Dynasty had 36 prefectures and counties, and it was naturally quite different. Some states and counties have thin spirits and hard work among the people, while others are extremely rich and can be called paradise.

The gap is still very large.

In the past, neither the prince of the king nor the prince of foreign surnames had the right to choose the fief voluntarily. It was a decision made after many considerations.

However, Leng Shiqi gave up the position of the Dark Thunder Guard and was willing to go to the fief. It seemed that it was reasonable for him to choose a certain state and county by himself.

The soul clone looked around and found that no one wanted to stand up against it. He said, "Of course you can, get a map."

Soon, the two eunuchs unfolded the map of the Leiyan Dynasty in the main hall, which clearly outlined the 36 states and counties, with some labels.

Everyone is watching the map, and the richest places in it are Donglin County and Pinghui County.

These states and counties are adjacent to the sea, with innumerable scarce resources, and there is no threat from other dynasties. Only those overseas forces are very weak and can't threaten the Leiyan Dynasty at all. It is simply a place to pick up money.

Besides, the nine eastern counties under Leng Shiqi's current supervision also include these places, so everyone thought he would choose here.

Leng Shiqi stood still for a while, pointed his finger at a place on the side of the map and said, "Your Majesty, the minister wants this place."

Everyone immediately looked over, and then their faces all changed!

The place that Leng Shiqi chose turned out to be Xihuang County!

Although Xihuang County carries the word "wild", it is definitely not a barren land. On the contrary, there is the western border of the Leiyan Dynasty, connecting the six countries of the Western Regions, and trading has been going on for many years. If the richness is concerned, it is only on the front line of the eastern county.

The ministers would be shocked because they felt that Leng Shiqi would not consider this place at all!

In other words, the Leiyan Dynasty would never regard Xihuang County as a fief of Leng Shiqi.

There is only one reason, here, it is the border!

How can it be handed over to a prince with a foreign surname on the border?

Before, everyone was willing to accept Leng Shiqifeng King, because he thought that he could not set off any storms in the fief, but if he raises a heavy army in Xihuang County, he will collude with the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions and even the Starfall Dynasty, and then open the border defense gate. If so, then the Leiyan Dynasty will be caught off guard!

Xihuang County, absolutely can't give it to him!

In a blink of an eye, a minister came out and said: "General Liu, you can be appointed as king, and you can choose the fief. You can choose any state and county except the three borders of west, south, and north. I think your majesty also meant this."

"Yes, Mr. Liu should change the place."

"It's not that I'm waiting or not to believe in Director Liu. You must be more cautious in this border area."

The ministers began to persuade Leng Shiqi, and Mo Linhui waited until the end to speak, "Can Manager Liu tell us why we chose Xihuang County."

"It started in Xihuang County, that's all." Leng Shiqi only said these words and he didn't want to explain more.

This is a reason not counted as a reason, UU read www.uukanshu. Com is definitely unable to convince the ministers.

Everyone thought that Mo Linhui would refute. Who thought he would say: "That's it, it seems that General Liu is a sweetheart.

Your Majesty, the old minister thought that Xihuang County could be handed over to Director Liu. "


There was an exclamation in the hall. It is impossible for Mo Xiangguo to know the importance of the border. Then why would he still support Leng Shiqi?

Could it be that he has been bought by Leng Shiqi!

Most of the people thought so, but thought that Mo Xiangguo was the veteran of the three dynasties. Although he couldn't be said to be spotless, he had never done anything to appear out of the cabinet.

This is not like his style.

Mo Linhui continued: "I know your worries, but don't forget that there is a Qing Lei Army in Xihuang County, so I don't dare to commit the crime.

Moreover, with the addition of Director Liu, Xihuang County can be assured of worry-free. "

The ministers' eyes lit up when they heard these words, because Mo Linhui mentioned Qing Lei Jun!

This is the elite army of the Lei Yan Dynasty guarding the border, a bit stronger than the Chi Lei Army!

Even if Leng Shiqi arrived in Xihuang County, he still had to be crushed by Qing Lei Jun. On the other hand, if Leng Shiqi chooses other prefectures and counties, he will almost become the emperor of the earth in the fief. In Xihuang County, if Qing Lei Army suppressed it, he could only be a Happy Lord at best!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Leng Shiqi went to Xihuang County as well.

At the moment, no one in the main hall objected anymore, and the soul clone waved a big hand while the iron was hot: "Since there are no objections, I have decided to grant the title of Prince Liu Xingzhi to Xihuang County!"

"Thank your Majesty Longen." Leng Shiqi made a decent salute.

Mo Linhui turned his head to clasp his fist and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Liu, no, it's time to call the Western Wilderness King now."

All the ministers said at the same time: "Congratulations to the Western Wilderness King!"

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