I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 701: My heart is clear (10,000 words)

Bai Linglong's test was clear to Harvey's eyes, including where her consciousness was going at this time.

Harvey saw that Bai Linglong was born in a white palace, and the surrounding environment could be seen at a glance as the Bai family in the imperial capital of the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

Bai Linglong was born to a beautiful woman with a white cat tail and a snow-white body.

Normally, babies cry when they are born, but Bai Linglong suddenly seemed a little confused when faced with the situation in front of her, and her round eyes were full of confusion.

"Why doesn't this child cry?"

"According to the examination, there is no genetic disease."

"Why don't you cry anymore?"

The woman who delivered the baby carefully picked her up and was a little anxious when she saw that Bai Linglong was not crying.

After these words were spoken, Bai Linglong realized what was happening and started to cry out.

Harvey also discovered that Bai Linglong's reincarnation place was born in the Bai family of the five main lines of the imperial capital of Saint Nicholas Civilization, and it didn't look like a branch line but a main line.

And it seems that Bai Linglong was reincarnated with memories, but I don't know how many memories Bai Linglong brought with her.

In reality, time passes exactly the same, but in Bai Linglong's reincarnation, time passes very quickly.

When Bai Linglong was one year old, she still didn't speak much. She was just like a normal baby, asking for food when she woke up, sleeping when she felt sleepy, and seemed to be observing her surroundings.

He spends most of his time sleeping and quickly grows from an infant to one year old.

Harvey's feeling was strange, like he was looking at a person's life accelerated.

He knew that this reincarnation should be at a flow rate that directly controlled a certain time.

I just don’t know whether this should be called consciousness space or dream space.

Harvey had never encountered such a thing before, so he continued to wait and see.

Bai Linglong seemed to have a very happy childhood, basically growing up with her mother.

Teach her how to walk, pronounce and read, and she will have plenty of time to play around every day.

Soon, under the care of her newborn mother, Bai Linglong grew into a five-year-old delicate-looking little Loli, with a pair of pure, flawless big watery eyes that looked extremely cute.

But even at the age of five, Bai Linglong didn't show any difference from ordinary people.

Harvey knew from Bai Linglong's eyes that Bai Linglong must have many memories from her previous life.

Because Bai Linglong likes to study almanacs when she has nothing to do. Of course, the purpose of doing this cannot be because the child is interested in the year.

It's about confirming when exactly your current era is.

Harvey had observed Bai Linglong before and knew that she knew many things about the Saint Nicholas civilization by heart.

With Bai Linglong's knowledge, there is no need to learn these things, it just depends on whether she is willing to show them.

However, Bai Linglong's character still seems to be very cautious, disguising herself as a normal child.

"Grandpa Taizu has not left the main line. What is going on?"

When Bai Linglong was alone, she looked at the calendar and saw the year she was born.

It is the eighth day of the new month in the year 21,217 of the Saint Nicholas calendar.

This moment of birth was undoubtedly the same day as her previous life.

It's just that she should have been born in a branch of the Bai family in a small town outside the imperial capital of Saint Nicholas Civilization.

It should not be a direct lineage of the five major bloodlines born in the imperial capital.

She had indeed imagined that if she could be born in the direct line of the Bai family, her life would no longer be like that.

I also thought about what if Grandpa Taizu had not made that decision.

Will their life not be so difficult, and they can only remember the glory of their ancestors in a difficult life?

But Bai Ling understands that these are always just unrealistic fantasies, and history has created things that cannot be changed.

But now Bai Linglong finds that after her rebirth, the trajectory of history has changed.

Her great-grandfather should have separated from the direct line three thousand years ago, and the unchangeable history has been reversed.

So she was born in the direct line of the Bai family in the imperial capital.

In addition to the change in her starting point, all the historical events that have occurred in the Saint Nicholas Civilization in recent years correspond to the above.

The most representative one this year is.

Jin Jialuo, the twenty-eighth generation head of the Jin family, controlled the space on the battleship and completely controlled twenty times the speed of sound. He single-handedly defeated a well-equipped interstellar fleet and destroyed 300 fighter planes, showing his unparalleled majesty. .

Known as the strongest person in the history of the Jin family, he shines brightly.

If she remembers it well, in forty years' time, Jin Rakshasa, the proud son of heaven who has inherited Jin Jia Luo's glory and courage, will be born.

She had not had much contact with the Golden Rakshasa in her previous life, but she had heard of its bravery in the news and word of mouth.

He was a true pride of heaven, brave and courageous with astonishing talent. His strength was arrogant at a young age.

Bai Linglong tried hard to recall the cause of death in her previous life.

She only has the memory of her previous life when she was over 70 years old, and she has never left the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

She only remembered that when she was in her seventies, she finally plucked up the courage to leave the Saint Nicholas Civilization and visit other civilizations.

Captured by the predator army of the universe, he committed suicide because he knew of the many dangers he might face.

"Is leaving the Saint Nicholas Civilization a wrong choice?"

Bai Linglong felt the palpitations still lingering in her heart, looked at her slightly trembling hands, and murmured.

It was because she followed the ideals of her previous life and wanted to imitate the outstanding women in the direct line of the Bai family that she left the Saint Nicholas Civilization before she was close to a hundred years old and went to explore other civilizations, so she encountered bad luck.

Bai Linglong was filled with confusion at this time.

"Xiao Qi, don't stay in the room all the time. Go out and play more."

At this time, Bai Linglong's mother's voice came in from outside.

The five major veins of the imperial capital were named according to the time of their birth before they had undergone the most advanced biological transformation and passed the test.

Only by passing the trial can you get the real name.

Bai Linglong is undoubtedly the seventeenth born of her generation.


When Bai Linglong heard the voice, she suppressed her confusion and responded, jumped down from the chair and ran out.

Harvey saw Bai Linglong's confusion and was thoughtful.

At present, Bai Linglong seems to have no memory related to the Void Cult.

However, it still has many memories of the history of Saint Nicholas civilization.

With this kind of memory and the starting point that he dreamed of in his previous life, Bai Linglong can already live a completely different life.

It's just that Harvey doesn't know the will in the Commandment Monument and how Bai Linglong's test is judged.

So Harvey continued to wait and see.

Time passed very quickly, and Bai Linglong gradually accepted herself in this life from the initial disbelief and confusion.

Soon Bai Linglong also turned ten.

Bai Linglong seemed to be worried this year and felt a little uneasy.

Bai Linglong and other women of the same age directly related to the Bai family came to a palace together.

A woman with beautiful appearance and noble temperament looked at these new generations of the Bai family, opened her lips and made a sound.

"You have reached the age of ten, and the next time will be when you accept the test."

"As long as you pass the trial, you will be able to gain strength far beyond your current level, be qualified to obtain your true bestowed name, and will be able to have a glimpse into the world of magic."

"The trial will begin in three days. Please go back and inform your parents first, and then get ready."

As the woman spoke.

There were hundreds of children in the palace, and all of them screamed with joy.

The woman who made the announcement saw that each of these children looked happy and excited, with some unbearable eyes.

But this is the inheritance rule of the direct line of the Bai family. Only by passing the trial can one start a real life.

All direct members of the Bai family will also regard passing the trial as a supreme honor.

The woman noticed that among the many children, there was an outlier. Instead of cheering, she left the palace without saying anything.

This made the woman click on a projection, check the face and list, and found the child named Bai Qiqi.

However, she only looked at it a little too much and didn't pay too much attention.

Many children went back and happily told their parents that they were qualified to participate in the trial.

After Bai Linglong returned, she also said so, but she didn't show how happy she was.

Because Bai Linglong had heard about the cruelty within the five major branches of the imperial capital in her previous life, the trial was an extremely painful process.

She was about to face this trial, and she didn't know whether she would be able to pass it or whether she would go crazy because of it.

Whether she can stand out among her contemporaries after passing the test, Bai Linglong couldn't be completely happy.

In the past, it was Bai Linglong's current mother who took Bai Linglong away.

However, in the past few days, Bai Linglong took the initiative to stick to her mother and let her tell her stories, which completely demonstrated a young child's dependence on her mother.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Bai Linglong followed the order and came to a white building like many other children.

There are many rooms in the white building.

Each of them entered the room under the guidance of the guide.

Bai Linglong's memory of biological modification in her previous life is not too deep.

Because what she does is painless, she only needs to sleep and wake up to complete the biological transformation.

Then she has super physical fitness and many abilities of feline creatures.


"No matter how painful it is, always think of your mother."

"Only when you can bear it can you go see your mother."

"Only by enduring it can you become as good as your mother."

Before leaving, the guide gave some guidance to Bai Linglong.

The beauty of childhood is to enable them to retain their desire for life and attachment to this world while going through trials.

Bai Linglong nodded when she heard this, and then she walked into the room.

There were three people in white clothes and tightly wrapped people waiting for her in the room.

One of these three people was a little surprised to see it was Bai Qiqi.

"We'll do whatever we can."

"My son, we all hope that you can pass the trial successfully."

"So come on over."

However, she did not show any abnormality and spoke in a female voice.

The most advanced biological transformation of men in all major lines of the imperial capital is dominated by men, and the natural transformation of women is also done by women.

Bai Linglong nodded, walked over, lay on the bed, and started the trial.

Under the control of the three people, the instrument began to operate and injected the genetic medicine into Bai Linglong.

The most advanced biological modification of the five major veins of the Imperial City is a complex process, which will first modify the self-healing ability and improve the endurance of the physical body.

When the body changes, many times it brings a lot of pain.

If you use painless methods, you can ignore it, but the most advanced biological transformation of the five major veins of the imperial capital cannot be done that way.

Bai Linglong started her trial, and the other rooms started crying.

With the injection of genetic agents and the injection of neutralizing genes, the process is very fast.

Bai Linglong had mastered powerful power in her previous life, so she had a more obvious feeling of the power growing in her body.

Soon Bai Linglong felt a pain that penetrated his bones and soul.

Even though she was mentally prepared, Bai Linglong clenched her hands, her body still trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes couldn't stop crying.

She had heard in her previous life that the trials of the five major veins of the Imperial City were not something ordinary people could bear.

But when she really felt it, she realized how terrifying it was.

Bai Linglong soon couldn't help but let out a wail, and the childish cry full of pain resounded throughout the room.

Children in other rooms were already crying to stop, and many were calling for their mothers.

But once the trial starts, it won't stop.

Harvey was speechless when he saw this scene.

No wonder those two guys, Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan, have such terrifying willpower and have endured this kind of pain at a young age.

And it passed, even if the willpower is not firm, but if it fails, the will will collapse, and you will go crazy.

Every civilization that wants to gain a foothold in the universe has its dark places.

Bai Linglong relied on her mother's roller blind and her longing for her previous life. After an hour of biological transformation, she finally survived.

"It's unbelievable that this kid never once yelled to stop."

"Perhaps she already knows the root of the trial."

"Isn't it forbidden by the rules? That would arouse their fear."

"The rule is that you can't talk about it, but there is no chance of overhearing it."

The three people who carried out biomodification for Bai Linglong were a little surprised at how Bai Linglong passed the test after injecting her with the final treatment potion.

They are all people who have gone through trials, so they know when their younger selves face trials.

Like other children, they cried out helplessly and prayed to the person who helped them in the trial to stop.

Because even adults with mature minds may not be able to bear this kind of pain.

He would choose to conduct trials at a young age, and it was only after repeated tests that he found the age group with the highest success rate. .

Only young children do not have many distracting thoughts in their hearts, and some only have a simple obsession with life.

And as children grow up, they will gradually forget some memories of their youth, which is conducive to the removal of shadows.

However, if you conduct a trial after your mind has matured, the success rate will not only be lower by five percentage points.

And even after passing, it is easy to become mentally abnormal and disrupt the order of Saint Nicholas civilization.

All this is because the biological transformation of Saint Nicholas civilization has entered a technical barrier, and it can only do its best to cultivate the best warriors.

Bai Linglong felt that the pain in her body was dissipating rapidly, but the pain that remained in her consciousness made her feel like her mind was still trembling.

"Congratulations, you passed the test."

"It's amazing. You actually passed the test that even adults can't bear. You did a great job."

"You can go to your father now and seek your true name."

"As long as you get the name, you can become as good as your mother or even surpass your mother in the future."

The three tightly wrapped women in white in the room praised Bai Linglong.


When Bai Linglong heard these words of comfort to the child, she naturally didn't feel very useful, but she still said thank you.

Then Bai Linglong got off the bed and walked out of the room slowly.

Bai Linglong was not the only one who left the room at the same time, but only two-thirds of the more than a hundred people who originally came together came out.

As for those who have not come out, Bai Linglong naturally knows very well what has become of them.

No one in the Bai family wishes this.

More than 70 people out of more than 100 people came forward, with a success rate of close to 70%. This success rate is undoubtedly very high.

After undergoing the most advanced biological transformation, you can gain the power and potential to grow into a planet-level powerhouse. It is necessary to pay some price in order to seek power.

But now Bai Linglong can more or less understand why her great-grandfather chose to break away from the Bai family lineage.

Even Grandpa Taizu's choice was criticized by many people in their lineage.

Because of that choice, the starting point of birth for these descendants is not as good as that of the Bai family, and they have no privileges or higher room for growth, let alone control the power.

Occasionally, they would be ridiculed, mocking the decline of their family.

People who meet the five major branches of the imperial capital need to be respectfully called "sir" like ordinary people.

Grandpa Taizu's actions undoubtedly cost them a lot, but they also gained something.

That is to fully ensure that the descendants of their lineage can grow up safely.

“Life does not necessarily require climbing to the top, as long as you live in the ordinary and live the extraordinary, that is enough.”

At this time, Bai Linglong thought of the words on the last page of the book left by Grandpa Taizu, and murmured with enlightenment.

In the past, she thought she understood the meaning of this sentence, so she chose the way she wanted to live.

But she didn't understand at all what her grandfather's thoughts were when he wrote this last summary.

In other civilizations where people have great power or come from a royal family, it may be said that they are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Wealth, power, and strength are all at their fingertips.

But in the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas, who was born in the imperial capital, if you want to hold the golden spoon in your mouth, you must first survive.

She survived this trial, but there is no guarantee that her next generation will be able to survive it in the future.

After transforming three people for Bai Linglong, I felt a little surprised when I saw what Bai Qiqi said. This kind of understanding is not something that a child can understand.

When Harvey saw Bai Linglong's enlightened look, he also realized the horror of this test of reincarnation.

The essence of the test of the Commandment Monument is faith, belief, and conduct, so no matter what the test is, it will unfold around these three senses of direction.

The test of the Commandment Monument can allow Harvey and the will of the Commandment Monument to see a person's true nature, and it can also help a person grow.

This can ensure to the greatest extent that those who have passed the test will have no problems with their character, beliefs, and beliefs.

Of course, this is not absolute, because people's hearts are unpredictable, not to mention that as the power they control becomes stronger and stronger, people's desires will also expand, but it is enough to maximize the probability.

Harvey continued to watch.

Bai Linglong did not go to her father immediately when she returned, but informed her mother first.

Bai Linglong's mother hugged her very gently, as if she was holding her most cherished treasure.

Later, when Bai Linglong asked for a name, she asked if she could choose a name herself. The response she received was that it could be discussed but could not be determined directly.

But this was enough, and Bai Linglong retained her current name.

And as Bai Linglong underwent the most advanced biological transformation, Bai Linglong also began to truly stand out.

She herself has a lot of experience and rich knowledge in body manipulation from her previous life.

Although her physical ability is not up to par, with experience, Bai Linglong can better grasp the power she obtained through biological modification.

And knowledge also allows her to skip many learning processes and devote more to learning combat and magic, attracting countless surprises.

Bai Linglong's dazzling performance makes her undoubtedly the best among her generation.

Bai Linglong also grew graceful as she grew older. A golden and white cat tail swayed slightly from time to time, looking extremely elegant.

However, Bai Linglong still failed to win the championship in the 30-year-old heroic battle, and unfortunately resigned in the quarterfinals.

In the arena battle held within the Bai family, she was still the champion.

This was an honor that should have made her happy, but Bai Linglong didn't feel very happy about it.

Because as she grows older, she feels that her past life memories have gradually become blurred.

Moreover, she had heard in her previous life that the five major branches of the imperial capital were very strict with their children.

After truly feeling it, Bai Linglong found that she still underestimated this strictness.

All her food, clothing, housing and transportation are arranged, but at the same time, all her actions are also under the control of the Bai family.

At the same time, she also needs to attend some necessary banquets within the Great Line, and get to know and communicate with outstanding men in the Great Line.

According to the rules, if she is the most dazzling one, she will continue to be one hundred years old.

Her husband will be the same best man.

This made Bai Linglong ask herself more than once, is this kind of life really what she wants?

Even if Bai Linglong had an answer in her mind, she still couldn't make up her mind.

Because her status as a direct line of the Bai family has given her too many things, the luxury, power, glory, etc. that she had demanded in her previous life were all shrouded in her.

Bai Linglong couldn't help but feel that it would be good to continue like this.

In this way, Bai Linglong soon ushered in the fifty-eighth year after her rebirth.

As she grows older, Bai Linglong has forgotten many memories of her past life.

Looking at this kind of trial, Harvey couldn't help but sigh at the horror of the trial. He really didn't know how to pass the trial.

Although fifty-eight years have passed in Bai Linglong's world, only fifty-eight minutes have passed in the real world.

Bai Linglong's body was like a puppet, motionless when touching the Commandment Monument.

However, in the year when Bai Linglong turned fifty-eight, Bai Linglong went to the Heroes Battle as usual to watch the battle.

She had forgotten why she paid so much attention to the battle between heroes.

According to convention, women like them don't need to pay so much attention to such things.

It would be enough to hear about some of the things that happened in the battle of heroes and who won the crown afterwards.

However, whenever a battle of heroes is held for a period of time, Bai Linglong always feels that she should come.

And in this battle of heroes.

Two familiar yet unfamiliar figures and names, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, appeared in front of Bai Linglong, awakening some of her forgotten memories.

"Champions and quarter-finals, the most dazzling combination of San Nicolás in the future."

Bai Linglong was clinging gracefully to the soft sofa in the luxurious viewing room, but when she saw the two people fighting in the battlefield, she immediately stood up and murmured in disbelief.

The excellence of these two people not only enveloped their contemporaries, but even enveloped all the younger generations within a hundred years. No one can surpass these two people.

In terms of talent, knowledge, courage, and responsibility, these two people can be called the favored sons of heaven who are famous in the history of Saint Nicholas civilization.

She felt that in the future, under the leadership of these two people, the Saint Nicholas civilization would definitely become stronger.

"Miss Bai Linglong, who are you talking about as the champion and the top eight?"

The servant responsible for taking care of Bai Linglong at this time was a little confused after hearing these words.

It's just that Bai Linglong didn't respond to this, but actually revived countless memories of past lives.

It's not that she has never been in contact with these two people. She accidentally came into contact with these two important figures in her previous life.

She was also lucky enough to stay in Jinfeng Tower and see the golden tree, the real treasure of the Jin family.

Even in her lifetime, she had not been able to have the honor to live in and see this treasure of the Jin family.

Bai Linglong couldn't remember the specific reason why she was lucky enough to experience and see all kinds of things.

But her previous life was not as bad as she thought.

Although she cannot climb the peak, she is not ordinary either. Instead, she lives a very happy life, at least happier than she is now, because she was free in her previous life.

Being born in the direct lineage of the Bai family means you have to endure pain and burdens that ordinary people cannot bear.

Although she has endured it now and can follow the general arrangements as she grows older, this is by no means the life she originally desired.

She has enjoyed wealth and respect over the years, but she has also paid a lot of price.

If she had no previous life, she might accept and obey everything in the present.

But she was originally born in a separate family of the Bai family and grew up with an education that was somewhat different from the Bai family.

Everything she knew about the Bai family was just a dream in the past.

Dreams are sometimes beautiful when they happen to be just a dream.

Now she lacks the most important thing, which is the yearning and pursuit of the future.

In her previous life, she thought about many things because she had to run for life and couldn't get many things.

But this life almost made me useless.

Bai Linglong's brain was running rapidly, thinking about how to break through the current predicament.

A divine voice appeared in Bai Linglong's mind.

"This life will be yours in the past life, but it's good that you still chose the previous life."

She didn't know where this divine voice came from, but it resounded directly in her mind, which made Bai Linglong stunned for a moment.

But just as she was dazed, many memories came back to life in her mind.

"Thank you to the great God of the Void, Lord Kassadin."

Bai Linglong's eyes kept trembling, then she clasped her hands together and chanted devoutly.

As Bai Linglong said these words, the world around her began to collapse, and everything was just a dream.

Bai Linglong returned to the boundless void again, staring at the vast figure in the distance.

"In more than fifty years, you have forgotten too much, causing you to be stuck in the quagmire, sinking in it, and drifting with the tide."

"If you sink into it, I will give you another new life."

"Let you live your whole life in it."

"But the habits you had when you were young turned into instincts to guide you and awaken your true beliefs, which is good."

"The first test passed."

"You have obtained the qualification to receive the blessing of the void."

"Do you want to continue with the second test?"

The voice of the distracted will in the Commandment Monument resounded through the void. After praising Bai Linglong, he immediately asked Bai Linglong if she was ready.

If Bai Linglong has been immersed in it for thousands of years, and finally finds out that everything is just a dream, her will may collapse.

From now on, it is impossible to tell which one is the real self from reality and illusion. This kind of test is obviously risky.

However, those who can detect the Commandment Monument have an opportunity that ordinary people cannot have access to.

"Sir Kassadin, can I choose to postpone the test?"

"I just passed the first test. If I experience it again, even if I finally wake up, I may not know which one is me."

Due to the accumulation of reincarnations, Bai Linglong's temperament, conversation, and thoughts have changed. After various considerations, she asked piously.

"You only get one chance."

The shadow of Kassadin in the Commandment Monument responded.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin for your advice, then I choose to give up."

After Bai Linglong heard and thought about it, she also made a choice.

Failure to pass will result in death, and even passing may result in a breakdown of will and the inability to distinguish between reality and illusion.

If it were to experience an alternative life, the consequences would be too great.

Even after truly passing the test, she might have received more than just the blessing of the void.

It is the power of the Dark Star of the Void that is more powerful than the Blessing of the Void, but even though the power of the Dark Star of the Void is good, one must have a life to enjoy it.

"Are you sure? I think you are smart enough to have noticed it."

"If you pass the second test, you will be able to obtain stronger blessings and power."

Facing the choice made by Bai Linglong, the distracted will in the commandment monument paused and confirmed Bai Linglong's choice again.

“You don’t have to climb to a higher peak in life to call it life, right?”

Bai Linglong heard these words and said with a smile on her face.

A person may have made a decision the first time, but when asked again, it is easy to be shaken.

However, as long as Bai Linglong has made a choice, she will not waver now.

Although her rebirth was nothing but a dream, they were all turned into deep memories imprinted in her mind.

Whether it's the joy of childhood or the pain caused by undergoing biological modification, or the things learned and the confusion of never being able to determine what is in my heart.

These have all turned into her gains, and she has learned how to face real choices.

“When faced with temptation, knowing how to refuse and give up, and knowing how to advance and retreat is the foundation of being a human being.”

"I already understand your beliefs, beliefs, and behavior."

"Congratulations on passing the second level of [Transparent Heart] test."

"The power of the void will lead you to an unprecedented life, but don't forget the trials and choices of the past."

Harvey was distracted and praised Bai Linglong's rejection and congratulated her.

The trial started after Bai Linglong passed the first test.

There are many situations in this level.

If Bai Linglong chooses to continue at the first time, then he will use other tests to test Bai Linglong's various appearances when facing temptation, and then judge whether her true heart is clear.

If Bai Linglong chose to continue the first time, but then chose to refuse after being questioned, she would have failed in such a long time.

He will only give Bai Linglong the blessing of the void.

But if Bai Linglong chooses to refuse at the first time, she will not pass directly. Instead, she needs to still choose to refuse after being asked again before she can pass directly. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a failure.

The will in the Commandment Monument is transformed by Harvey's belief, so he, like Harvey himself, knows very well that while the power of the void can bring great power, it also contains dangers.

If you are unable to resist the temptation, you may sink at any time after receiving the blessing of the void.

As the first tester, Bai Linglong has opportunities that other subsequent testers cannot have.

Now that Bai Linglong has passed, she will naturally be given some power.

And with the will distracted these congratulations were spoken.

Harvey in the mountaintop villa also received a reminder from the system.

Bai Linglong passed the test of the Commandment Monument and asked the great Lord of the Void to respond.

Harvey also saw all this, so he agreed without hesitation.

Everything tested by the Commandment Monument itself was something Harvey would have considered before.

And Bai Linglong has passed these tests and is pious enough to the void, so naturally there is no need to hesitate.

Bai Linglong's consciousness broke away from the Commandment Monument.

At the same time, the Commandment Monument of the Void Temple began to glow, shooting a beam of light directly, covering Bai Linglong.

It gave Bai Linglong more power of the Dark Star of the Void, and transformed Bai Linglong's life essence.

The total amount of power of the Void Dark Star cannot be directly evolved, and can only rely on Harvey's gift.

The distracted will of the Void Temple also represents Harvey.

It's just one based on personal changing moods at any time, and one based on true beliefs.

But no matter what the basis is, it is essentially from the same perspective of looking at those who seek blessings.

"Did Miss Bai Linglong pass the test?"

Sonia saw the strange movement in the Void Temple, looked at Mr. Kassadin who seemed to be in a good mood, and said.

"Well, not only did I pass, but I performed extremely well."

Harvey heard a smile on his face.

"It seems that the test in the Commandment Monument should be interesting."

Sonia already understood when she saw Mr. Kassadin's high praise.

"It's interesting, but it's also very risky and definitely not something that ordinary people can pass."

Harvey was also interested in the method of sending people to reincarnate consciousness, but he also had to admit that this test brought high risks.

Bai Linglong lived in another life for decades and was close to forgetting the memory of her original body.

But there was something instinctive, which made Bai Linglong seize the opportunity to awaken her memory.

Maybe he in the Commandment Monument also knows this problem, so the people who can detect the Commandment Monument are people with super biological instincts and extremely keen sense of smell.

Otherwise, even many compatriots of the Void Divine Religion would not be able to detect it directly.

"Well, Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Kuro Luo San are definitely ordinary people."

Sonia felt the same when she heard this.

Bai Linglong received the blessing of Void and joined the Void Cult, so there is no need to worry about whether Bai Linglong will reveal some secrets of the Void Cult in the future.

As for whether Bai Linglong is permanently stationed on Void Island, this is not important at all to Sonia.

Anyway, Bai Linglong is already a member of the Void God Sect, so the headquarters of the Void God Sect will be Bai Linglong's new hometown.

In the future, when I get tired from my experience abroad, I will naturally return to my hometown.

"Mr. Cassadine, I saw that Miss Bai Linglong touched the Commandment Monument for fifty-eight and a half minutes. What exactly was she tested?"

Sonia glanced at the statistical time at this time and asked.

“A minute makes a year.”

"So she has lived fifty-eight years in the Commandment Monument."

"As for the content of the test."

"You can understand it as erasing a lot of existing memories and going to experience the world trajectory that you have never dreamed of before."

"In addition to some changes in the trajectory of the world, many historical events, developments and trajectories that we have learned about in this life will all appear in that world."

"So it can make people easily lead a cheating life."

Harvey gave a rough explanation after hearing this.

"It sounds like the tests given to you in the Commandment Monument are tests that can easily make people sink and break their will."

When Sonia heard about this test, she was also a little amazed at Mr. Kassadin's methods.

Mr. Kassadin said it casually, and it sounds like it would be easy to achieve this method, but being able to do this represents an extremely terrifying ability.

"Yes, this is a test that makes people easily sink."

"So she was able to pass, and I can only compliment her by saying she did well."

"The Commandment Monument is not suitable for large-scale testing."

"I'll see how I can modify its rules to keep it as it is. In the future, some people who are lucky enough to perceive something very special can participate in this special test."

Harvey nodded when he heard this and said.

The will distraction of the Commandment Monument is a good thing, and those who pass the test are excellent people.

But this kind of thing must not be allowed to be used to test others casually.

Otherwise, in the future, the speed at which the Void God Cult adds new compatriots will be many times slower than it is now, and once someone is killed, the Void God Cult will be given a bad reputation.

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