I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 464 My words are absolute

Three days of Tony's banquet flew by in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the time has come to July 2015.

After Tony held the banquet, Lacey, Kyle, Renoli, Predictor, Sarah, and Lalatina also came to see Tony and Banner off.

Because they knew that if the Void Divine Religion hadn’t issued a call.

Tony may not live on Void Island permanently for a while.

"If you encounter any trouble, feel free to tell us."

Renolly patted Tony on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"We are still training now. Next year we will go to Blue Star to see you."

The prophet directly stated the time he planned to go to Blue Star.

Five months had passed since they occupied the Land of Nothingness. To be on the safe side, he and Kyle were still cultivating their minds to avoid anything going wrong.

"Don't just focus on developing technology in your hometown and neglect your own progress."

"Your kid has great potential."

Kyle put his arm around Banner's shoulders and said with a smile.

"The one who's really bothered is Tony, I'm just helping appropriately."

Banner said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Mr. Tony, trying to integrate the races into a community with a shared future is doomed to be full of thorns."

"I hope you can overcome all obstacles and achieve your ideals as soon as possible."

"I will be waiting for your return on Void Island."

Sarah looked at Tony and also sent her blessing.

She would not leave Void Island unless there was anything special.

So others can go to Blue Star to have fun, but Sarah cannot.

"Mr. Tony, I will help you take care of everything."

"The matters on Void Island will not bring you any trouble, so please try your best."

Lalatina looked at Tony and said respectfully.

"What you two say makes people like to listen, but I also want to achieve my ideals as soon as possible."

Tony heard Sarah mix Latina's with a relieved smile on his face.

Recruiting Lalatina was truly his wisest decision. He could just study all the other trivial matters and Miss Lalatina would solve them.

"See you later Blue Star."

Thor and Loki said with a smile as they watched Tony and Banner prepare to leave.

They won't be able to stay here much longer, because they also have responsibilities to shoulder.

Although their father and queen are still alive, they are too embarrassed to bother their father and queen with ordinary matters. It is definitely best to solve them themselves if they can solve them themselves.

Therefore, the two of them also tried their best to further improve their strength.

"Well, see you later, Blue Star."

Tony and Banner also nodded, boarded the space battleship, and began the return journey.

"Tony and Banner are gone."

Kyle said after seeing Tony's battleship take off and disappear quickly.

"You just left. If you didn't know, you would have thought you were dead."

“It would be great to travel to Blue Star next year.”

Lacey saw Kyle's reluctant look and said angrily.

"I just feel that it's not that lively anymore."

Kyle said with an innocent face after hearing this.

"For ordinary people, separation may last a lifetime."

“But it’s not a problem for us to be apart for a few years or even tens or hundreds of years.

"So just relax and trust Tony."

Renault smiled upon hearing this.


In a villa on the top of a mountain.

"Mr. Kassadin, don't you go to Blue Star to relax?"

Sonia also knew that Mr. Tony was going back to his hometown for construction today, so she looked at Mr. Kassadin and asked.

Although she would rather see Mr. Kassadin always in her sight.

However, as usual, Mr. Kassadin would visit Blue Star from time to time.

Kassadin comes from the void, but Mr. Kassadin seems to have a special affection for Blue Star, and he will often pay attention to some things on Blue Star.

It can be said that several people from the Nine Realms Blue Star have received extra care from Mr. Kassadin.

"Nothing special has happened to Blue Star recently, so there is no rush."

Harvey heard Sonia's inquiry and said calmly.

It's July 2015.

It won't be too long before Stephen Strange becomes Doctor Strange.

Then Stephen Strange will have to be brought in.

Not only would the Time Gem indirectly fall into the hands of the Void Cult, the magic collected by Kama Taj could also be used by the Void Cult.

It can give the Void God Religion a new and highly growthable evolutionary path.

Harvey also has to wait and see some of Star-Lord's situation.

Now is the period when Star-Lord has just awakened his power, and it is also the period when Star-Lord's personality is most likely to change.

Because when people gain powerful power, they will first find ways to control it, then start to observe the surrounding environment, and then find that their abilities are really strong enough, then their character will naturally change.

"While Mr. God King Odin is still alive, no one should dare to touch Blue Star, right?"

"Is there anything special going on?"

Sonia was a little surprised when she heard Mr. Kassadin's words.

"It's not about the invasion of foreign enemies, it's about the birth of a new supreme mage."

"That guy is a talent, we have to find a way to bring him in."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"A new Supreme Mage is about to be born?"

"What about the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme?"

When Sonia heard the name Supreme Mage, she naturally knew who Mr. Kassadin was talking about.

Because she had special knowledge of Blue Star's intelligence, there were two peak experts guarding Blue Star.

One is Odin, the King of the Gods of Asgard, and the other is the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme who controls the Time Stone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Blue Star's civilization looks backward, but in fact it is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

If they were not informed and bumped into each other, provoking these two peak experts, it would be self-destruction.

"When a new Supreme Mage is born, the old one will naturally die."

Harvey said casually after hearing this.


"But according to my investigation, isn't the lifespan of the Supreme Mage Ancient One far longer than that of ordinary people?"

"It has lived for at least a thousand years now."

"How did she die?"

Sonia had a look of surprise on her face when she heard this.

"You are right. As long as she doesn't want to die, she has many ways to keep herself alive."

"It's not a problem to live for thousands or tens of thousands of years."

Harvey heard what Sonia said.

"Then why did the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, die?"

Sonia asked extremely confused.

"Because the Supreme Mage Ancient One himself is a human being."

"In the thousands of years she has protected Blue Star, she has witnessed countless life and death, partings and the darkness of the world."

"At first, she may have wanted to protect the world because of her own abilities, but it would be very tiring for people to always live for others."

"If you want to find joy in the long years, you can't live for other people all the time."

"It's about living for yourself and constantly looking for what you really want to do, so that you can maintain hope in life."

"So the Supreme Mage Gu Yi has long been tired of the responsibilities on his body and wants to retire by dying."

"It's just that during the thousands of years she has been in power, no one has emerged who can take over the important role of the Supreme Mage."

"So she has been unable to pass the test in her heart and has to continue living."

Harvey heard Sonia's question and slowly explained.

The Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, was able to live longer, but the way he did so was by coming into contact with dark magic, which the magic world was ashamed of.

Harvey didn't know if Ancient One had revealed that he had lived for thousands of years in the past.

But it doesn't matter even if it is exposed, because human lifespan is short, so secrets can be concealed.

Gu Yi also knew that he could not talk to others about what he had done.

But she has never been able to make up her mind to give up the job directly, so she has been putting it off until now.

But wait for the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange to appear.

Finally, Gu Yi had someone to blame, or an excuse to escape from this boring life of always living for others.

So after passing the responsibility to Stephen Strange as planned, Ancient One simply gave up the responsibility.

"Because we are human, we will die if we cannot find a successor?"

"But the Supreme Mage Ancient One's strength is also at the pinnacle of the universe."

"Mr. Odin, who is also the pinnacle of the universe, has lived for so many years. Why doesn't he have this idea?"

Although Sonia understood a lot after hearing this, she was still a little confused.

"Odin is different from the Ancient One. Odin was born as a god with a long life and possesses powerful power."

"I have established Asgard, and my lover is always there to rely on, so I won't feel lonely."

"The Supreme Mage was a human being throughout his life. Although he became the Supreme Mage through his own efforts and established his power."

"She has never stepped out of the human circle. Everything she has come into contact with is everything she is a human being. She has come into contact with everything in the universe but has not accepted everything in the universe."

"So it's not that there's no one in the universe who can understand her, it's just that she didn't look for it."

"Of course she doesn't allow me to dictate her life."

"Also, I said that Ancient One will die, but her body will die, but her soul will not really die and will still be active in the soul realm."

"She will just get rid of the shackles of reality and enter the realm of the soul to truly enjoy a life for herself."

Harvey said calmly when he heard Sonia using Odin as an example.

To put it simply, Gu Yi has lived for thousands of years, protected Blue Star for so many years, and been lonely for so many years. His heart is already tired.

I no longer want to live for Blue Star, I want to live for myself from now on.

Harvey saw no problem with this.

Because people are born with no obligation to live for others, everything they do depends on their own heart.

"You can only enjoy it if you enter the soul realm?"

“Wouldn’t it be better to enjoy it in the realm of reality?”

Sonia has also completely understood why Gu Yi died. It was not because he was killed by a powerful enemy but because he wanted to die.

But she still couldn't understand Gu Yi's mentality.

She didn't know what the soul realm was like, but she felt that there were more interesting things in reality.

"I don't know about that. I can only say that everyone is different."

"No matter what she thinks, just live your life well."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"That's right."

When Sonia heard this, she stopped worrying about what Gu Yi was thinking.

She developed the Void Cult not only for Mr. Kassadin, but also for herself.

Because she really enjoys seeing the power grow step by step under her own construction.

Maybe she will get bored in the future, but at that moment she can choose to retire at any time.

Mr. Kassadin will definitely not stop her. This is the freedom of joining the Void Cult.


The next day, Tony and Banner also returned to Blue Star.

This time Tony came back directly and brought back a lot of materials for making a cosmic communicator.

It is impossible to buy it directly from the universe. Although the price of a universe communicator that is not the latest model is not expensive, it still costs about 10,000 universe coins.

As long as the cosmic communicator does not suffer any major blow, the cosmic communicator will not be broken.

So for people from all civilizations in the universe, they can buy it casually as long as they work hard for a few months.

After buying it, it can be used for more than ten or twenty years without saying that it will be used once and for all.

But for Blue Star, who has not yet entered the interstellar era and does not have the ability to earn cosmic coins.

Not to mention ten thousand cosmic coins, even one cosmic coin can stump Blue Star.

Tony will get richer and richer in the future, but all the purchases will cost at least 10 trillion.

Therefore, we must use our own materials to produce it, and then gradually expand the scale and it will take some years before it can be popularized by all the people.

But before that, Tony returned to Stark Manor on Blue Star.

Pepper was still working at Stark Industries at this time.

Tony didn't care and asked Jarvis to help him contact Helen Zhao.

And Helen Zhao was taking a break while drinking afternoon tea while checking her own data.

He also suddenly discovered that his computer had been hacked, and the image of a young and handsome brown-haired man appeared directly in front of Helen Zhao.

"……Who are you."

Zhao Hailun didn't know who this man was, but since he could directly invade his computer, the hacking skills must not be simple.

"Hello, Miss Zhao Hailun, a genius scientist in genetics."

"I'm Tony Stark or you can call me Iron Man."

"I'll get right to the point, I need you to work for me."

After seeing Helen Zhao, Tony said with a smile on his face.

"Iron Man Tony Stark?"

"You are nothing like Tony Stark."

"And you think that if you need me to work for you, I will definitely do it?"

"Even if I agree, the higher-ups behind me won't agree."

Helen Zhao heard Tony's words, looked at the man in the image and said unceremoniously.

"My words are absolute."

"I said I need you to work for me, then you have to work for me."

"It makes no difference to me whether someone higher up behind you is going to get in the way."

"What I want to do next is lead mankind to the interstellar age."

"Your medical technology is useful to humans."

"I have already sent someone to pick you up. As for other obstacles, you don't need to worry about it."

Tony said proudly upon hearing this.

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