I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 434 The Incarnation of the Treasure House of Knowledge

"Aren't you just sitting idle in the Temple of Records every day, just making records when people come and no one comes to play with them?"

Kyle's eyes widened when he heard a series of things Sarah said he needed to learn.

It can be said that everyone on the island knows how busy Sarah is at work.

"It's just because I'm too busy, so besides eating, drinking and sleeping, I need to find something to do."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be too boring?"

Sarah nodded upon hearing this.

As a celebrity hotelier, working twelve hours a day is already very easy for her.

And during these twelve hours of work, she could still go out for a walk.

Don't find something to do for yourself to pass the time.

Thor and Loki understood after hearing this. Sarah, like Miss Sonia, is the type who quietly improves her strength and doesn't like to hide it in public.

Not when we talked about how to practice today and asked, they didn't know that Sarah, who seemed to have no fighting ability, had silently grown to where she is now.

The blessed evolution of the Void God Religion can steadily improve the strength. If there is a master to teach, the strength improvement will be more obvious.

And Sarah’s master is obviously Miss Sonia.

Sonia's strength has already been revealed to the tip of the iceberg in the Land of Nothingness.

From dozens of kilometers away, the impact of a casual palm can split mountains and crack the ground. No one knows the true extent of his strength.

As Miss Sonia's apprentice, Sarah's strength will definitely improve rapidly.

"About the techniques for using the power of the void, what specifically did Miss Sonia teach you?"

Kyle was more concerned about what Sarah said about the use of the Void Power technique.

"Senior Sonia said that I have evolved too few times now and will teach me more complex void magic in the future. Now let me practice more."

"So I have learned some of the void magic mastered by other members of the Void Cult."

"This move is Master Lix's void transformation technique."

"You can change your body shape and appearance at will, and at the same time strengthen or weaken your physical strength, making you more suitable for facing various battles and enemies.

"There is also the ability to directly transform the power of the void into the flames of the void. Sir Alex also taught me."

"This move is Miss Claudia's Void Freezing Technique. I don't have Miss Claudia's super power, so if I use it with all my strength, I can only directly freeze everything within a hundred meters, and it consumes a lot of money."

"But it will become more powerful in the future."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

As she spoke, Sarah's appearance began to change, and her height also transformed into a cute little girl with red hair.

A ball of void power appeared on Sarah's left hand and turned into silver frost in an instant. A ball of void power appeared on Sarah's right hand and began to boil and burn.

There is ice in the left hand and flames in the right. Together with Sarah's childish and cute appearance, she looks very cute.


When Renoli, Predictor, Kyle, Thor, and Loki saw this scene, they looked at each other, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

They were really blind. A treasure that symbolized mountains of gold and silver was right in front of them, but they had never discovered it before.

It never occurred to me to ask Sarah about the direction of evolution.

Perhaps due to preconceptions, Sarah had never fought and had no thoughts of fighting, so they always thought that Sarah was weak.

There is nothing worth learning for them.

But as the public record-keeper of Void Island, Sarah is deeply loved by other members of Void Island.

In particular, Alex's treatment of Sarah was even more outrageous.

Regarding the Void Transformation Technique, Kyle also had some experience with Lacey, but currently Kyle has no idea of ​​​​evolving his body shape, so he has not asked Alex for advice yet, but Sarah has already mastered it.

"Miss Sarah, not to mention what you have mastered now, how much void magic do you know?"

Thor looked at Sarah and asked seriously.

"There are probably a hundred kinds known so far."

"Many of them need to evolve in special directions for a certain number of times before they can be used to their fullest effect in conjunction with void magic. There are many restrictions."

“So there’s not a lot that can be mastered.”

“Following Senior Sonia’s instructions, these have been recorded in detail.

"So Senior Sonia now has a better understanding of the strength of the members in Void Island."

A cute smile appeared on Sarah's young face.

"The treasure trove of knowledge about void magic is actually beside me."

Loki said with a look of disbelief upon hearing this.

"Miss Sarah, can we take a look at the record you wrote?"

Sol was also a little moved when he heard this.

"No, Senior Sonia said that understanding these is to prepare for the advanced guidance of void magic in the future."

"Members of the Void Cult can know which evolutionary path to choose, and then find a mentor who is similar to their own evolutionary path for advanced guidance."

"And learning too much void magic may lead to failure in learning."

Sarah shook her head when she heard this and said.

After learning that Mr. Alex had mastered the new void magic, Sarah went to ask Senior Sonia, and was instructed to ask as many questions as possible.

It would be best to know who created the new void magic, how to learn to master it, and then keep records.

Senior Sonia is devoted to the development of the Void God Religion and has many considerations for the future of the Void God Religion. Sarah will of course cooperate when she receives the instructions.

“Specialization is really the beginning of an evolutionary path.”

"It seems we have to find a way to become one of the mentors."

After listening to Sarah's words, Thor also understood why they were not allowed to look directly. After all, these were the special skills of other members of the Void Cult.

Each has its own uniqueness. If you learn them all, it is not impossible, but it will waste a lot of time and energy. As a result, you may not be able to specialize in one evolutionary path in the future.

"I'm looking forward to the void magic you created, Mr. Sol."

"Because there is no void magic related to thunder yet."

Sarah smiled and nodded when she heard this, and said.

While talking, Sarah's figure also changed from a little girl back to a sexy and attractive appearance with a curvy figure.

"Miss Sarah, what is your main evolutionary direction?"

Loki looked at Sarah's mastery of the power of the void. Although he had already made a guess, he still asked.

"After the physical body has evolved a certain number of times, it will mainly evolve the power of the void."

"Because Sonia-senpai asked me to study this path."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

It is also because the power of the void that she mainly evolved has now evolved more than a hundred times, so she quickly mastered what Lord Alex and Miss Claudia taught her.

"Then it seems that Miss Sonia is also good at void magic?"

Thor was thoughtful when he heard Sarah's words.

"Not necessarily. Although the power of the void may be what Miss Sonia is good at, her physical body is not weak. At least in my opinion, it is at least ten times stronger than mine."

Loki heard this and spoke.

He could still clearly see the terrifying cracks in the land of nothingness, and a palm from thirty kilometers away could have such power.

And he hasn't felt the breath of the power of the void yet. Who knows how strong Sonia's physical body is.

After all, no one knows how many times Sonia has evolved.

"Miss Sarah, it seems that I will need to consult with you more often in the future."

Kyle, Rennoli and the Predictor now also realized the problem, and Kyle looked at Sarah and said directly.

Although their strength is at the top of the Void Cult.

However, as the recorder of the Void Cult, Sarah is deeply loved as one of the mascots of many Void Cults.

Other members of the Void Cult were completely unguarded against Sarah. As long as Sarah asked for advice, the others would usually chat.

So much so that Sarah has collected a lot of things that they don't know, and will learn more in the future. After all, she has to prepare for the advanced stage of void magic.

This was something that Miss Sonia did not give a direct order. When the time came, Miss Sonia directly called on the members of the Void Cult to make a record.

By then, Sarah will only have more information and intelligence in her hands.

"Master Kyle, you are much stronger than me. I just want your guidance."

Sarah said with great respect after hearing this, not feeling proud because she had more information and knowledge.

Because these people who created void magic are all her predecessors.

She personally wanted to create void magic related to her clone who shared her five senses.

It’s just that I don’t have much clue yet, and I still need to learn more knowledge.

"Can you reveal more about Miss Sonia's side?"

"We are not trying to find out about Sonia's secrets, but some of the knowledge she taught you."

The Predictor asked, looking at Sarah.

After all, Miss Sonia is someone who is directly connected to Master Kassadin, and the knowledge she has gained about the void is definitely different from ordinary people.

"I will give you an answer after I go back and ask Senior Sonia at night."

Sarah did not agree immediately after hearing this, but decided to ask Senior Sonia for her opinion.

"Did Miss Sonia tell you not to tell others these things?"

Loki asked looking at Sarah seductively.

"That's not true, but these things feel quite important, so it's better to ask for advice."

Sarah didn’t take it at all when she heard this and said with a smile.

Both of them wanted to know more news from Sarah.

But who is Sarah? Although she is not very old, she is very capable of dealing with people.

So she gritted her teeth and refused to let go, not because she was unwilling but because she wanted to see what Senior Sonia’s opinion was. ,

A group of people were having a lively chat while eating.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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