I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 116 Not famous enough?

Half a year later, Harvey has evolved to 504 levels, and his hearing is astonishing.

As long as you are willing to listen, no matter what happens within a fifty-mile radius, you can't escape his ears.

Naturally, I also heard Sonia’s conversation where she was asking people to ask for the contact information of those big shots.

However, Harvey acknowledges the concept that everyone has a different style and handles things differently.

Although Sonia didn't receive a response immediately, it was just the beginning, so Harvey didn't care.

Moreover, Sonia's work efficiency has always made him feel quite satisfied, and there should be no problems this time.

Immediately, Harvey went directly to Tony's villa.

Because Tony completed the research on the gravity device and knew the sales channels, he didn't have to worry about it himself, so he gave himself a few days off.

"It's rare. It's not me who comes to visit you, but you who come to visit me."

"To celebrate the success of the research, I would like to hold a celebration banquet tomorrow for the members of the Void Cult to celebrate."

"Want to have a drink together now?"

Tony was surfing while drinking, and when he felt a slight vibration in the air behind him, he knew who was coming. He looked back at Harvey and said with a smile.

He now has a clear understanding of the universe and knows that following his invention will soon bring him a lot of wealth.

Although this research cost Harvey more than 800 million in development funds, Tony was not panicked at all.

A mere 800 million is nothing. If it were at Blue Star, he could have spent even 18 billion.

Although he first entered the universe and had little money in his pocket, once his gravity device started to be sold, he would be able to pay it off in less than a year, and subsequently bring a steady stream of wealth to himself and the Void God Cult.

"Okay, let's have a drink."

Harvey saw Tony's happy look, nodded, and came to sit on the sofa next to Tony.

"Why do you look like you're not in a good mood?"

Tony said with a strange look on his face when he saw that Harvey actually came to him for a drink.

Now Harvey was wearing a suit of armor and a golden mask, although he couldn't see Harvey's current face.

However, the two of them have known each other for a while, and they know each other's personalities well, and can understand each other's thoughts without using many words.

So even if you can't see Harvey's expression, you can still tell that Harvey's behavior is a little abnormal.

He asked this because he knew that Harvey himself was not that passionate about wine. After all, the alcohol after drinking could not affect Harvey at all.

Naturally Harvey is preferring a variety of delicious drinks and beverages that taste better.

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood. I just feel like my reputation isn't loud enough."

Harvey paused after hearing this and then spoke.

"Please, your reputation is already famous throughout the galaxy, how much more famous do you want to be?"

"You don't know how shocked I was when I first surfed the Internet and looked up information about you,"

When Tony heard this, he clapped his hands and spread them out, and said loudly.

There are rumors about the name Kassadin in the universe. He is the first level three bounty hunter in history. Some people regard Kassadin as a god, a monster or even a disaster.

However, the one with the widest spread and highest recognition in the universe is Kassadin, the God of the Void.

It can be said that no matter what kind of rumors they are, they all describe the power of Kassadin.

If one day he can achieve what Harvey is now, Tony will feel that he is strong enough.

By the way, Tony also looked up news about the God King Odin and the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

Harvey didn't lie to him. Those two were famous top figures even in the universe. Their reputations were so famous in the galaxy that all kinds of monsters did not dare to go to Blue Star to cause trouble.

But Tony quickly realized that since Harvey suddenly felt like this, there must be a reason.

"What happened?"

So Tony stood up and poured a glass of wine for Harvey, then asked curiously.

"It's about sales channels. I just ask Sonia to report my name directly."

"She didn't tell me my name, but just communicated with people in a low voice."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"So that's what happened. No doubt, your reputation is already loud enough."

"But it's normal for everyone to think and behave differently."

"You should know Miss Sonia's ability to do things better than I do."

"Every assigned task is completed beautifully."

"Your reputation is great, but my reputation is not."

"My invention has just been invented. I have not built a production line and have not promoted it."

"If you want it in a short time, sign a big deal and start making money immediately."

"If you still think that the output of the goods will not be sold, so that the goods are hoarded and a lot of money is wasted, why don't you lower your attitude and talk to others?"

“Only when the supply and demand sides are determined can we ensure the good operation of funds and make big money.”

"And this is the only first time that I have to talk to someone in a low voice."

"After a big deal is successful, my reputation will naturally grow."

"Including the current gravity device, as well as the subsequent inventions I made, people will naturally take the initiative to contact me, and there is no need to talk to others in a low voice."

Tony said speechlessly after hearing Harvey's words.

Most of the time, he and Sonia talked directly through the cosmic communicator, and they usually only communicated without sudden contact in the middle of the night.

During the day, from 6 am to 12 pm, Sonia received almost a dozen calls within seconds.

Then he needs something. Sonia would get it for him as soon as possible without any complaints.

It made Tony even doubt what kind of life Sonia had lived before.

His ability and efficiency in doing things were even better than Pepper's, so he also knew that Harvey had indeed chosen Sonia as his housekeeper because of her ability.


When Harvey heard Tony's words, he was thoughtful and no longer confused.

"As long as you can figure it out."

"Miss Sonia didn't report your name now because she thinks this is just a small matter and there is a way to solve it directly without bringing up your name."

Tony saw that Harvey had figured it out, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said.

Harvey is too powerful, so the option of talking down to others may not be in the dictionary.

But for most people who are looking for money, they are the one who needs the other party to buy, so they naturally have to find ways to complete various things that need to be done.

When your reputation is established and others beg to buy from you, you are no longer begging for others but others are begging for yourself.

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