The meeting is over.

Chu Nan deliberately kept Ye Wanxing.

"Chairman, their positions have been drafted." Ye Wanxing came over.

Chu Nan nodded, took the list and looked at it, his expression slightly complicated.

"Prepare a job for the young lady." Chu Nan thought of the young lady.

Ye Wanxing looked serious.

She hesitated for a long time: "Chairman... Chairman, you... you mean... say..."

Chu Nan couldn't listen any more, and interrupted her without hesitation: "The young lady wants to work here, I can't give her face."

As he said, the scene just now appeared in Chu Nan's mind.

The young lady is sometimes quite cute.

I did go too far just now, but it turned out to be intentional, hoping that the young lady would leave.

"Okay, okay." Ye Wanxing obviously hasn't come back to her senses yet.

Why did the young lady parachute into a small company that is about to go bankrupt?

Ye Wanxing slowly realized something was wrong. She secretly glanced at Chu Nan. Could it be that the young lady was doing this for...

She didn't dare to think about it anymore. Pain welled up in her heart, and irritability was about to sweep over her.

No, no, no, she shook her head vigorously again.

The young lady had high standards, it was absolutely impossible. Maybe there was some agreement between her and Chu Nan.

"What's wrong with you? I see you look bad. Do you need to ask for leave?" Before Ye Wanxing could speak, Chu Nan glanced at her lightly. Her face was a little pale.

Could it be that he had been squeezing her too much recently?

He didn't want to be criticized by all kinds of people.

In this case, let Ye Wanxing go back to rest.

Chu Nan's eyes could not hide the sadness: "I will handle all the company's affairs. You don't have to worry too much. Your health is the most important."

Ye Wanxing shook her head and wanted to deny it excitedly.

She was just thinking about it.

But before she could speak, she was interrupted by Chu Nan.

Chu Nan didn't want to go home and rest by himself, pretending to cry while saying so, she was stunned.

She couldn't argue with Chu Nan, so she could only answer awkwardly.

She made up her mind to work hard again, but she didn't expect to come to the company for an hour at the end.

Ye Wanxing felt wronged instantly, and drove carefully while scolding Chu Nan in her heart.

Even if she knew that Chu Nan was worried about her, she couldn't forgive him.

Chu Nan didn't know, and thought seriously about the position of the eldest lady.

He also asked the eldest lady about it, and finally made up his mind to arrange her to the development department.

The work of the development department was piled up early, and the eldest lady started to complain as soon as she entered, scolding Chu Nan while busy, feeling depressed.

Chu Nan was busy dealing with the investors' affairs.

Before he was busy for long, the phone rang.

It was a strange phone.

Chu Nan hesitated for a while before answering the call, and then Long Muyu's voice came: "Is that Brother Chu Nan? I'm Long Muyu."

There was an unconcealable cry in his voice.

"What's wrong?" Chu Nan stopped what he was doing.

For some reason, he felt uneasy at this moment, as if something terrible had happened.

"Brother Chu Nan, it's not good, my aunt has fainted, I'm at the A City Central Hospital, come quickly." Long Muyu shouted anxiously, and coughed a few times because he was too excited.

Chu Nan couldn't hear anything anymore, his mind was blank, and he got up quickly after listening, daring to ignore his work and ran out of the office immediately.

When Chu Nan was fully awake, he had already rushed to the hospital.

He asked hurriedly for a long time before finding the door of the operating room, and his heart was always tense.

"Brother Chu Nan, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you." Long Muyu found Chu Nan and greeted him weakly.

Chu Nan hummed, and immediately said anxiously: "Sorry to keep you waiting, how is my mother?"

It's all my fault. I was so busy with work that I almost forgot about my mother.

He seemed to think of something, turned and glanced at the nanny: "Didn't I ask you to take good care of my mother? Why did she faint and go to the hospital?"

The nanny was so scared that her body trembled. She wanted to explain but couldn't open her mouth, like a lump in her throat.

Long Muyu hurriedly stopped in front of the nanny, and her eyes gradually emerged with determination: "Brother Chu Nan, don't worry, it's not my aunt's fault. My aunt's daughter is not in good condition recently, so my aunt asked her to go back and take a few days off."

No one expected this result.

Luckily, I sent a WeChat message to my aunt last night, and when I learned that the nanny was not there, I thought about going to talk to her.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the scene of my aunt fainting.

She was so scared that she trembled and took out her mobile phone to call 120.

When she arrived at the hospital, she remembered to call Chu Nan.

"Sir, I'm sorry." The nanny finally calmed down a little and apologized seriously.

If she hadn't asked for leave, the old lady wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

Chu Nan was not a rude person, so he shook his head and stopped blaming the nanny.

He had neglected to take care of Chu's mother recently, and his mistake was the biggest one.

"Thank you for sending my mother to the hospital." Chu Nan then bowed deeply to Long Muyu.

Without Long Muyu, the situation might have been really critical, and he would definitely have collapsed.

He wanted to continue, but the door of the operating room was opened.

"Where are the relatives?" A male doctor in a white coat came out with a serious face.

Chu Nan then stood in front of the doctor quickly.

"Doctor, how is my mother?" He tried to calm himself down.

The doctor's expression eased a little.

"Fortunately, she was brought in in time and is out of danger." The doctor spoke after a while.

Chu Nan's tense heartstrings finally let go, and he was even more grateful to Long Muyu.

"But the patient is not in a particularly good condition and is weak. I suggest that he stay in the hospital for half a month." The doctor said again.

Chu Nan didn't know how to speak with all kinds of emotions in his heart.

In fact, he had been prepared.

His mother was getting older and older, and she might not live much longer.

Because of this, his mother urged him to find a wife immediately from time to time.

She wanted to hold her grandson as soon as possible.

"I know, thank you doctor." Chu Nan nodded vigorously.

Now he should consider finding a marriage partner as soon as possible.

Chu Nan seemed to think of something, and soon looked at Long Muyu next to him.

His mother liked Long Muyu very much and wished they could get married immediately.

But he didn't have any other feelings except that Long Muyu was gentle and polite.

He really couldn't choose a woman he didn't like against his will.

"Brother Chu Nan, don't worry, I will help you take care of your aunt next time." Long Muyu thought Chu Nan was worried about this problem.

Anyway, I have nothing to do recently, so I can help.

The most important thing is that she has always dreamed of marrying Chu Nan.

I will definitely keep working hard.

"Don't bother you too much, I will hire a nanny." Chu Nan refused without hesitation, with apologies in his eyes.

They are not related, and it is not a good thing to keep asking for things.

If my mother threatens me to marry her with this, I will be in trouble.

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