Feng Ruoxue got angrier and angrier as she thought about it, staring at Chu Nan furiously.

"Troublemaker." She said coldly, folding her hands and sulking.

She also often offends people, but she is as naked as Chu Nan.

She said as she thought, Chu Nan was obviously a little stunned after hearing this, 놊dare to believe it.

Well, she had already asked herself to beautify herself and knew exactly what she looked like.

"Miss 꺶, the party is over. I can go home." The party had been going on for almost four hours, and Chu Nan was already exhausted and sweating profusely.

If you continue to accompany Miss 꺶 like this, you may die here.

"Why are you so anxious to leave? You are obviously my bodyguard." After hearing Chu Nan's words, Miss 꺶 was instantly filled with anger.

He's just a little bodyguard, but he actually dares to decide his own rest time.

I really know my identity.

"Although I am temporarily, I am not a real bodyguard. If Miss 꺶 really wants a bodyguard, I can immediately go find one for Miss 꺶Shi."

Chu Nan tried his best to speak tactfully, because he wanted Miss 꺶 to be angry.

Otherwise, he would not be able to bear Ye Wanxing's scolding again.

"Forget it, go back." Ye Wanxing did not embarrass Chu Nan.

It seems that I did a little too much today, so I'd better torture it tomorrow.

When Chu Nan heard this, he turned around and ran away, fearing that the young lady would regret it.

When Miss 꺶 came over, Chu Nan's figure had completely disappeared.

Miss 꺶 stood there stunned, she had not yet fully recovered.

She glanced at the servant behind her early: "I'm so annoying, why does he run so fast? It's my pride."

If Chu Nan had left, she would have been so angry that she would have cursed him.

"Miss, you have always been gentle and kind, and the most lovable." The servant has always had a particularly strong filter for Feng Ruoxue.

They have lived together since childhood, and she knows Feng Ruoxue very well.

"You better understand." Feng Ruoxue felt better after being coaxed.

Then she specially sent a WeChat message to scold Chu Nan before leaving happily.

As soon as Chu Nan got off the bus, he received dozens of WeChat messages and shook his head helplessly.

He also understood very well why Feng Ruoxue had so much to say.

If it were me, my mouth would have been dry, so I knew what to do.

Chu Nan had just rested for a while when he received a call from Ye Wanxing.

The content is very simple. It basically means that someone is investigating myself.

If the guess is correct, that person should be today's dandy brother.

Chu Nan briefly talked about it for a while, but as expected, Feng Ruoxue scolded him again.

"My chairman, why do you always offend others? How long have you been back? Oh, yes, you have only had a few days off."

Ye Wanxing was so angry that her mind went blank and she knew how to scold him.

"I must have thought that if they insist on finding trouble with me, what can I do?" Chu Nan didn't feel that everything was his fault.

He has always been well-behaved and sensible, so what might happen to him?

"He probably wants to deal with me. If that's the case, then release all the information." Chu Nan, I am not afraid that something will happen.

Just when he wanted to acquire the company, the playboy gave himself a shot.

Let's start with him. He is almost ready.

"I understand." Ye Wanxing did not dare to reject Chu Nan easily.

The most he could do was curse a few times, and the company's decision-making power rested with the chairman.

"May I ask, what company does their family run?" Chu Nan didn't particularly want to repeat the company category, and specifically asked Ye Wanxing.

"It seems to be real estate." Ye Wanxing recalled it carefully.

"Then if I need it, I can just bankrupt their company."

Chu Nan waved his hand, his eyes filled with coldness.

Then Chu Nan hung up the phone.

For the next period of time, he was busy being Feng Ruoxue's bodyguard.

I thought Feng Ruoxue would get tired of it soon, but she knew why, and she became more and more enthusiastic.

However, his time has been significantly reduced, and he sometimes goes to the company to work.

This morning he was called out by Feng Ruoxue again.

There was a beautiful woman standing next to Feng Ruoxue. The two should be good friends.

"Hello, handsome guy. Nice to meet you. My name is He Yiyi." The beauty had a bright smile on her face and waved with a smile.

Chu Nan briefly introduced himself and did not continue talking.

I feel like it's better to pretend to be dead.

It was really noisy for him to think about facing two women.

"Baby, I remember you will change bodyguards in the next day. It seems to have been almost half a month this time. What's the situation?" He Yiyi gently touched Feng Ruoxue's arm, her eyes full of gossip. look.

There must be something wrong, Chu Nan looks quite ordinary.

꺶Probably just that he looks a little more handsome, but has no other advantages.

"It's nothing, but he offends me more, so I want to torture him severely." Feng Ruoxue stabilized her emotions.

To be honest, she couldn't explain clearly what it felt like?

"I just believe your nonsense." He Yiyi sighed helplessly.

Something must have happened, but Feng Ruoxue was willing to talk about it.

Today she tried her best and finally got Feng Ruoxue to call him.

놊Okay, I must feel something satisfying about 놊 today.

"Beauty, if you keep looking at me, I will be embarrassed." Chu Nan said helplessly, with an impulse to run away immediately.

He Yiyi was willing, "I remember you are just an ordinary bodyguard, what qualifications do you have to say such things to me, I just want to chop you."

Chu Nan:...

The two are indeed good friends, their personalities are so similar.

If possible, I really want to give a thumbs up now.

Later, Chu Nan was always on guard against He Yiyi, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

He Yiyi said something inexplicable, and he felt that he understood.

What's the situation?

They are obviously familiar with each other.

He Yiyi finally gave up because she didn't ask what she wanted to ask.

"Why are you two so hard-mouthed? I'm so disappointed." He Yiyi held her chin with her hand and started to complain.

There was no way, the situation was really beyond imagination.

"Beauty, you misunderstood. I have nothing to do with Miss 꺶. I am just a bodyguard." Chu Nan tried to be calm.

As if he had found an opportunity, Chu Nan then looked at Miss 꺶: "I don't know when Miss 꺶 will let me get rid of the identity of bodyguard."

Recently, there are more and more jobs, and he doesn't have time to be a bodyguard all the time.

Sooner or later, he will get tired of it. He hopes that Miss 꺶 can understand him.

Miss 꺶's face turned black and she was not willing to answer Chu Nan at all.

Chu Nan finally went home with regret.

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