"Oh, Tiantian is your good wife, she is not allowed to cry." Afterwards, he was happy for Feng Ruoxue, and accidentally saw Feng Ruoxue's tears. He immediately took out a handkerchief from his bag and wiped her tears.

"Yeah." Feng Ruoxue enjoyed Jiao Xinmei wiping her tears, and responded softly.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to make a proposal ceremony so grand."

Chu Nan's good buddy Tiantian was also invited to this island, but because they each had their own things, they did not come in advance, and they also came to this island on Tiantian.

Seeing that Chu Nan made such a grand ceremony for proposing marriage, they were shocked in their hearts.

Although it is not a big deal for them to buy such an island with their status?

But they couldn't buy the island and spend so much time decorating it just to propose to Feng Ruoxue.

They still admired Chu Nan, and admired his feelings for Feng Ruoxue, which were so pure. They knew that some people, after having money, would not have a single feeling in the face of worldly temptations, and usually they would focus on interests.

Good men like Chu Nan can be said to be very popular in their circle.

Chu Nan responded politely to his friends' teasing, wishing them to find their true love for life.

This proposal dinner specially held for Feng Ruoxue ended in a lively manner.

The next day, Chu Nan's relatives and friends came to say goodbye to Chu Nan.

"Don't you want to play for a few more days?" Chu Nan persuaded his relatives and friends who wanted to leave.

Chu Nan could still guess what Chu Chen and his friends were thinking. They thought that they had been here for a week and Chu Nan might have spent a lot of money. They also had other work to do at home. If they left for too long, their jobs might be taken by others.

But Chu Nan thought that this was not a big deal. After all, Chu Nan had a lot of money now. If he didn't care about such a small thing.

If relatives and friends wanted to leave because of the money issue, Chu Nan didn't need to do it.

He thought that for these relatives who usually stayed in the countryside, this opportunity to travel abroad should be very rare for them, so Chu Nan wanted them to stay for a while.

Although Chu Nan thought so in his heart, he would not force them. After all, everyone had their own definition of things in their hearts.

So after Chu Chen and others said again and again and wanted to leave, Chu Nan asked others again.

After learning that they were going back together, he called a private plane and sent them all back to China.

This private plane was different from the one Chu Nan took when he was alone. The private plane Chu Nan took could only take a dozen people. Now, in order to bring all the relatives here at once, he bought another super-large private plane.

The treatment of private planes is a little different from that of ordinary planes. After all, the people working on them are all Chu Nan’s employees. They respect the guests who take the plane very much, making them feel like VIPs.

Watching the private plane send off all the relatives and friends, including Chu’s mother and Feng Ruoxue’s parents, they also left with them.

Chu Nan turned around and looked at Feng Ruoxue. The two of them did not leave with the others. On the way here, the two discussed and decided to have a good time nearby.

There are many places to play here. Chu Nan has already arranged some places to play on his island. Various amusement facilities can be played, and the playability is very high.

The two of them can spend a week just playing on the island. In addition, the country of Dun is next door. If the two of them plan to have a good time, they may not be able to play all these projects in a month.

However, the two of them did not plan to visit all the places to play around at once, but planned to play for a week first, and then come back when they have the opportunity next time, so that they can have a fresh experience every time they come.

Chu Nan set up an area near the beach in the form of an amusement park. There are exciting amusement facilities such as Ferris wheels and bungee jumping, and of course some cute games such as riding wooden horses.

The only difference between this place and the amusement park is that it has a very nice beach and a piece of sea.

So Chu Nan did not completely copy the model of the amusement park, but combined the beach and the sea to set up an area where people can play happily.

"Do you plan to open this place to other people in the future?" Feng Ruoxue and Chu Nan had a great time on the island for a week, and they were very happy. But he thought that this island belonged to Chu Nan alone. No matter how fun it was, if no one came, wouldn't these facilities be abandoned?

Thinking that such a fun place would be abandoned, Feng Ruoxue felt it was a pity from the bottom of her heart.

Feng Ruoxue's regretful emotion was directly passed on to Chu Nan. Knowing that Feng Ruoxue did not want to abandon this amusement park, Chu Nan expressed his willingness to open this amusement park, and anyone who wanted to come here to play could pay a certain ticket price to enter.

Originally, these amusement facilities need to be maintained. It is quite cost-effective to let other people come to play and earn a sum of money for maintenance.

"That's good. I was afraid that you would just leave it there when you are rich now. That would be a waste."

Luckily, you don't know what I originally thought.

Chu Nan originally thought that this island belonged to him alone. He didn't want other people to come up, except for his relatives and friends. If they wanted to come and play, he would naturally open it to them, but other people didn't think about it. Now that he knew Feng Ruoxue's idea, he agreed to open the island.

However, even if he opened the island according to Feng Ruoxue's idea, he only planned to open the beach part of the island, and did not plan to open the other side of the island.

Although the castle on the other side of the island would definitely attract people, Chu Nan felt that it was already a private area and was not suitable for other people to visit.

"Then let's go back!" The process of playing makes people feel very happy, but also a little tired. Feng Ruoxue nestles in Chu Nan's arms, thinking that the agreed time has come. The two have already had a great time here for a week, and it is time to return to normal life.

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