XC Group.

Chen Feng had a bad look on his face and was surrounded by densely packed senior executives of the entire company.

"There is a problem in the company, but you are so dumb that you can't say anything?" After a long silence, Chen Feng slammed the table and became furious.

What's the point of raising them yourself? It will only cause them more trouble.

The disciplinary committee found the right moment and said: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Bai has been robbing the company's resources recently. No matter what, he has to fight for it. We must give Mr. Bai a look."

Obviously they have always been harmonious, but 놊 knows what is going on with 놆 recently.

"That's all. Now the Lin family has started to deal with us." Chen Feng said coldly, still understanding the situation very well.

He has never offended them, so what does this mean?

Halfway through the thought, his eyes moved back and forth, "Have you ever felt sorry for them?"

In addition, he also thought about other possibilities and frowned.

The senior officials shook their heads.

"I advise you to admit now that they will come here today. If you want me to notice that I am satisfied, then there is no need for you to stay in the company."

Chen Feng didn't realize what he was doing at all, and looked angry.

They lowered their heads and answered.

The meeting was dismissed quickly, and Chen Feng stayed in the office waiting for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuanshan arrived late.

Chen Feng didn't dare to be angry and greeted Lin Yuan warmly, "Mr. Lin, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you."

"The company has been busy recently. I know Mr. Chen wants to see me for something." Because of Chu Nan, Lin Yuan didn't have a good impression of Chen Feng at all.

If he dares to hurt his brother, he will definitely let him go easily.

"Mr. Lin, you also know that we have always had a cooperative relationship, why should we suddenly terminate the cooperation." Chen Feng also raised the topic.

He specially asked people to investigate Lin Yuan, and he liked others to play tricks.

It's best to go straight.

"There's no special reason, it's just because your company feels good." Ning Yuan didn't even look at Chen Feng, and his tone was casual and casual.

He played with his fingers casually, not taking Chen Feng seriously.

Only if Chu Nannan allows him to come, will he come here as a favor.

놊It's just a job to stay in various companies, it's simply not as good as your own company.

"Mr. Lin, are you just afraid that I will do something?" Chen Feng finally had anger in his eyes, and he tried his best to resist the urge to do something.

He just felt like the world was about to collapse.

If Lin Yuan really wants to deal with his company, then he can definitely change it.

"Then we'll see. I hope you can really bankrupt my company." Lin Yuan didn't care at all and even picked his ears.

Their family has a history of hundreds of years, so it is really embarrassing to be defeated so easily by a shabby mid-level company.

Absolutely 놊can 땣.

"Mr. Chen, that's all I can tell you. The next time we meet will be when your company goes bankrupt. I'm still waiting to see the joke."

Cemetery laughed loudly and began to look forward to it.

He wanted to do it himself, but Chu Nan had already expressed that he had no way to do it.

Forget it, I'm still waiting for Chu Nan to bankrupt XC Group.

"Mr. Lin, why are you the first to attack our company? What's the reason?" Chen Feng was willing to believe the excuse he just made.

They were working together half a month ago, so how could Lin Yuan be so happy to see him.

"There are some reasons, but you are not qualified to know now. I will tell you later." Lin Yuan finally mentioned Chen Feng a little.

Anyway, he guessed Chu Nan anyway, and he was worried about it.

It would be really good if Chu Nan came to trouble him later.

Not wanting to stay any longer, Lin Yuan said a few harsh words and left.

After get off work, the disciplinary committee member wandered around with a headache, feeling good.

The company is about to go bankrupt and he is now anxious to find another company.

"I thought Mr. Chen was so powerful, but I didn't expect that he could only persist for such a period of time." The disciplinary committee member became angry when this matter was mentioned.

After all, it can be considered one of the top 1,000 in the country, but when it encounters problems, it has no power to fight back.

Sure enough, I was too casual in choosing a company at that time.

"What company is worthy of me?" the disciplinary committee member thought seriously.

At first, no other company offered him an olive branch, but Chen Feng gave him too many preferential treatment, so he made the choice without hesitation.

Since the preferential treatment will disappear, there is no point in staying.

The disciplinary committee member was still thinking when suddenly several gangsters stood in front of him.

"Who are you?" The disciplinary committee member stepped back anxiously.

The gangster took a look at the photo on his phone, and then smiled after confirming it, "I've been looking for you for a long time, and finally found you."

In order to complete the task of Chu Nanjiao, he can spend a lot of time.

"Hurry up and do it." The disciplinary committee member coldly ordered the younger brother behind him.

The younger brothers nodded like garlic sprouts, and then they were caught by the disciplinary committee members.

"Hurry up and let go, I will call the police to arrest you." The disciplinary committee member finally felt scared and kept struggling.

Understanding that his threat was just a bluff, the gangster smiled brightly and said, "Don't worry, I will let you go after I finish what I have to do."

Chu Nanke made a special effort to discredit the Disciplinary Committee for the time being.

"Who sent you here? Why do you treat me like this?" Too confused, the disciplinary committee member couldn't help asking two questions.

He has always been harmonious with others, and he would never leave any enemies.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Nan's face suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Where is Chu Nan? Where is he? I want to kill him?" He began to doubt the voice, getting more and more angry, almost gritting his teeth.

He obviously didn't do anything, why did Chu Nan ask someone to hurt him.

The gangster leader was about to refute, but suddenly received a call from Chu Nan.

His expression instantly became obedient, and he walked to the side to answer the phone, "Brother, if you have anything to tell me, leave it all to me."

Chu Nan was generous and good-tempered, and he was immediately impressed by Chu Nan.

No matter what Chu Nan asked him to do, he would accept it without hesitation.

"For the time being, we need to ruin his reputation. You lock him up first and let him out after I call you." Chu Nan immediately got to the point.

The gangster leader expressed his understanding.

"Brother, are you willing to accept me as your younger brother? I am willing to serve you forever." The gangster leader did not miss any time to ask Chu Nan.

If he really missed it, no matter how hard he tried in the future, it would be useless.

He wanted to continue talking, but Chu Nan hung up mercilessly.

After feeling wronged for a while, the gangster leader's expression instantly returned to indifference: "Tie him up and take him directly to my house."

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