The next day, Chu Nan opened his eyes in the sunshine, and his vision was full of unfamiliar scenes.

His thoughts slowly cleared up, Chu Nan yawned, and continued to sleep in.

He got up after a full sleep.

He picked up his phone and took a look, and found that Xu Ming applied to add him as a WeChat friend.

Chu Nan agreed, and then seemed to think of something and sent a message to Xu Ming.

Chu Nan: Mr. Xu, can you just find someone from the company to be my assistant?

I have been busy with a lot of things recently, and Chu Nan has no other choice.

Xu Ming: Mr. Chu, I will ask my assistant to find you right away.

After the chat, Chu Nan got up and a waiter came to deliver the meal.

The breakfast was very rich, and the table was almost full. He stared at the breakfast blankly, doubting that he could not finish it all.

Wouldn't that be a waste?

After all, he had been poor and suffered before, and Chu Nan did not want to waste anything.

If Chu's mother was around, she would definitely scold him.

He forced himself to finish his breakfast, and soon there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door slowly and found that the person who came was actually a beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman was wearing a business suit and had a serious expression. She should be the assistant prepared by Xu Ming. She calmly made a gesture of invitation.

"Mr. Chu, I will be your assistant in the future. You can tell me anything you want." The beautiful woman's expression was always tense and serious.

Chu Nan was always casual. He lay on the sofa and played with his fingers casually: "You don't have to be so tense. I'm not a bad person. You can treat this place as your home and do whatever you want."

It's crazy to stay in such a small room alone. It's good to have someone come.

Chu Nan's face was full of smiles.

Why did the beautiful woman's eyes show surprise when she thought Chu Nan would say that?

All the rich kids I have seen are arrogant and domineering.

But Chu Nan is completely different, and he is gentle and polite in his bones.

"I am an assistant, and I will walk standing." The beauty was not very willing.

The two were alone in the room, and she was worried about what would happen.

"What's your name?" Chu Nan asked the beauty in a friendly way.

The beauty answered nervously: "Wen Wan."

"It sounds nice." Chu Nan praised from the bottom of his heart and stood up slowly.

But her personality is too serious, and she doesn't look gentle at all.

It's a pity.

"It's about time, Mr. Chen should have told you where to go with me." Chu Nan changed his expression to a serious one in an instant.

There should be a tough battle to fight.

It's not that I haven't tried to buy shares, but now that Bai's momentum is excessive, shareholders have no intention of selling shares at all.

There is really no other way. Let's go and get cooperation with Baishi Company. As for the acquisition of Bai's, it will be successful in the future.

"Yes." Wen Wan nodded with a smile, and her expression gradually became serious.

But she was not very willing to believe Chu Nan.

He is a rich young man, and he should just talk casually.

Chu Nan guessed Wen Wan's thoughts, but he was not angry, and took her out of Tiansheng Hotel.


Ye Wanxing greeted Bai's last night, and Chu Nan entered the company unimpeded.


There was no one inside, and Chu Nan sat down leisurely after entering.

Wen Wan stood behind Chu Nan, and her expression was not ordinary serious.

They waited for a while, and Chairman Bai finally came late.

"President Bai." Chu Nan stood up and called.

President Bai nodded, looked at Chu Nan carefully from head to toe, and said after a while: "Are you President Chu? You started management at such a young age, I admire you very much."

"I heard that President Bai built the company from scratch. I admire President Bai more than I admire him." Chu Nan did not retreat at all.

He had already guessed that something like this would happen, and his mouth curled slightly.

President Bai laughed and was quite satisfied.

"I wonder what President Chu wants to do here today?" President Bai sat down and quickly looked at Chu Nan, with some expectation in his heart.

For some reason, he felt that it was a good thing.

Chu Nan sat down with President Bai, turned around and winked at Wen Wan.

Wen Wan expressed her understanding, and then said everything Chu Nan told her.

After listening, President Bai's expression became more and more complicated, and he did not answer for a long time.

"Boss Chu, although I really want to cooperate with you, there is still a difference between our company and XC Group. I think you should find someone else." For the sake of the company, Boss Bai did not hesitate to reject Chu Nan.

They are not fighting now, and there is no need to rush directly.

Chu Nan hummed, moved closer, and finally said: "Boss Bai, I know what you are afraid of. But if you keep running away, the next one to be hurt by XC Group will be your company."

He did not have the right to know everything, so he could only take a gamble.

"Boss Chu, what do you think you can do to help me?" After hesitating for a moment, Boss Bai stood up and put his hands behind him.

Young people like Chu Nan have only a little money at most.

Cooperation has only disadvantages and no advantages.

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can solve all the financial problems for you." Chu Nan patted his chest and assured Boss Bai.

The company's problems can be solved with money, Chu Nan is not worried.

Boss Bai laughed, his eyes full of disdain, "How much money do you have? Are you really going to help me? It's not that I don't want to believe you, but the situation is more serious than you think, and sufficient funds are required."

Guessing that Chu Nan would not die, he continued to add, "Chun Nan, you are a businessman and you should know that feelings can't solve any problems."

People who value feelings should not make money.

"Boss Bai, I heard about you. It seems that the company is buying a piece of land recently, but the company doesn't have much money available."

Chu Nan just turned on his phone and saw the message Ye Wanxing sent to him, and said it together.

I have to say that Ye Wanxing is really useful in this regard.

"That's right, XC Group also wants that piece of land, and the company is still competing for it." When mentioning this matter, Boss Bai gnashed his teeth in anger.

The final outcome is definitely that the highest bidder wins, but I am really worried.

What if XC Group plays some tricks, what should we do?

"Boss Bai, although I am not particularly rich, I can definitely afford one thousand or two thousand." Chu Nan said nonchalantly after taking a sip of tea.

It's just a little bit of money, I don't care at all.

One thousand or two thousand?

Boss Bai was stunned.

The company can't make that much money in a year, why would Chu Nan say it so casually?

"Boss Chu, you..." Boss Bai was so surprised that he couldn't say anything.

After thinking seriously for a while, he felt that it was necessary to cooperate with Chu Nan.

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